

[Substitute for Senate Bill No. 50.]


An Act concerning the Election of Members of Town School
Committees and School Visitors.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:


town school com

ed, how elected.

SECTION 1. Whenever any town shall have voted, in the When number of manner provided by law, to change the number of members of mittee is changits town school committee or board of school visitors from six to three, no members of such committee or such board shall be elected at the first annual town meeting after the adjournment of the meeting at which the number was so fixed at three. At the second annual town meeting one member of such committee or such board shall be elected to serve one year, and at the third annual town meeting three members thereof shall be elected. Whenever any town shall have voted to change the number of said school officers from nine to three, or from twelve to three, no members of such committee or such board shall be elected at the first and second annual town meetings after the number has been so determined, and at the third annual town meeting three members thereof shall be elected.

reduced by


SEC. 2. Whenever a town shall have so voted to reduce When number is the number of members of its town school committee or board of resignation, how school visitors to three, and by resignation the number shall, before the next annual town meeting after the adjournment of the meeting at which the number was fixed at three, be reduced to three, the terms of office of the remaining members shall terminate at said annual town meeting, and the town. shall thereupon elect, at said meeting, three members of such committee or such board.

SEC. 3. The provisions of section two of chapter 97 of the public acts of 1905 which relate to the election and term of office of a town school committee of three members shall apply in like manner to the election and term of office of the officers provided for by this act.

Approved, April 17, 1907.

Election and term of office.

Towns may vote to furnish free

supplies, when.

[Substitute for Senate Bill No. 169.]


An Act amending an Act concerning Text-Books and Supplies.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

Section 2135 of the general statutes is hereby amended by text-books and adding at the end thereof the following: "Whenever twenty legal voters shall so petition, the vote to determine whether the said school officers shall purchase text-books and supplies as hereinbefore provided shall be by ballot, and every ballot cast shall be inclosed in the official envelope provided for ballots for town officers. Those electors who are in favor of directing the said school officers to so purchase text-books and supplies shall deposit a ballot with the words 'Free text-books Yes' written or printed thereon, and those who are opposed shall deposit a ballot with the words Free text-books No' written or printed thereon. The ballots cast shall be examined, sorted, and recorded, and the result declared, in the manner provided by law, and if the majority of the ballots so given in bear the words Free text-books Yes,' said school officers shall purchase such text-books and supplies as hereinbefore provided," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: Any town at its annual meeting may direct the school visitors, town school committee, or board of education to purchase, at the expense of said town, the text-books and other school supplies used in the public schools of said town, and said textbooks and supplies shall be loaned to the pupils of said public schools free of charge, subject to such rules and regulations as the school visitors, town school committee, or board of education may prescribe. Whenever twenty legal voters shall so petition, the vote to determine whether the said school officers shall purchase text-books and supplies as hereinbefore provided shall be by ballot, and every ballot cast shall be inclosed in the official envelope provided for ballots for town officers. Those electors who are in favor of directing said school officers to so purchase text-books and supplies shall deposit a ballot with the words "Free text-books Yes" written or printed thereon, and those who are opposed shall deposit a ballot with the words "Free text-books No " written or printed thereon. The ballots cast shall be examined, sorted, and recorded, and the result declared in the manner provided by law, and if the majority of the ballots so given in bear the words "Free textbooks Yes," said school officers shall purchase such text-books and supplies as hereinbefore provided.

Approved, April 17, 1907.

[Substitute for Senate Bill No. 152.]


An Act amending an Act concerning Notice to Quit.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

hearing before

Section 1078 of the general statutes is hereby amended to Notice to quit; read as follows: When a lease of any land or building or of justice. any apartment in any building, whether in writing or by parol, shall terminate by lapse of time, or by reason of any express stipulation thereof, or under the provisions of section 4044, and the owner or lessor, or his legal representatives, shall desire to obtain possession of the same at the termination of the lease, or at any subsequent time, he or they shall give notice to the lessee to quit possession of said land, building, or apartment, at least ten days before the termination of the lease, or before the time specified in the notice for the lessee to quit possession, except when such lease is terminated by reason of nonpayment of rent, in which case said notice shall be given at least five days before the time specified in the notice for the lessee to quit possession; which notice shall be in writing, substantially in the following form:

A. B.

I (or We) hereby give you notice that you are to quit possession of the (land, building, or apartment, as the case may be), now occupied by you, on or before the (here insert the day, place, and date). Duplicate copies of such notice shall be made, one of which shall be delivered to the lessee, or left at his place of residence, by a proper officer or indifferent person. If, at the expiration of the ten days or the five days, as the case may be, the lessee shall neglect or refuse to quit possession of the premises, any justice of the peace or commissioner of the superior court residing in the town in which said premises are situated may, on complaint of the lessor or owner, and on his giving bond to prosecute to effect, issue a summons to the lessee, which shall be served at least six days inclusive before the time of trial, to appear before a justice of the peace in said town, to answer to said complaint; provided, that when there is no justice of the peace in the town in which the premises are situated before whom the same can lawfully be tried, the complaint may in like manner be brought and tried before a justice of the peace of an adjoining town in the same county in which the premises are situated, and in such case may be tried before a jury from said adjoining town, when a jury shall be demanded by either party.

Approved, April 17, 1907.

Society may. transfer property to corporation.

Fires on woodland when prohibited.

[Substitute for House Bill No. 35.]


An Act concerning Transfer of Property by Ecclesiastical
Societies to Church Corporations.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

Section 3963 of the general statutes is hereby amended by striking out in the third line thereof the word "four-fifths" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "two-thirds," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: When any church of Christ has been duly incorporated under the laws of this state, any ecclesiastical society connected with such church may, by a two-thirds vote of its members present and voting at a meeting duly warned and held for that purpose, transfer and convey to such church all the property and estate of such society, and all trust funds held by it, to be held by such church corporation under and upon the same uses and trusts upon which the same had previously been held by such society. The committee of any society passing such a vote shall make any and all conveyances necessary to complete such transfer; but before the same shall be effectual, a certificate of the fact of such transfer shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state by the clerk of such society. The corporation accepting such transfer shall thereupon become primarily liable for all the then existing debts and obligations of the transferring society, and such debts and obligations shall be a first lien upon the property so transferred, except such of it as has been held in


Approved, April 17, 1907.

[House Bill No. 650.]


An Act amending an Act concerning Fires on Woodland.

Be it enacted by the Senate and IIouse of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

Section 1221 of the general statutes is hereby amended by striking out in the third line thereof the word "six" and inserting in lieu thereof the word "twenty," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: No person shall kindle, nor authorize another to kindle, a fire in his woodland, unless all combustible materials for the space of twenty feet surrounding

the place where said fire is kindled have been removed, nor shall any such fire be left until extinguished or safely covered. Approved, April 17, 1907.

[Substitute for House Bill No. 468.]


An Act concerning Fishing in Norwalk Harbor.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in

General Assembly convened:

Norwalk harbor

SECTION 1. No person shall draw a seine with a mesh Fishing in less than one and one-half inches square in the water known as restricted. Norwalk harbor or in any waters adjacent to said harbor northerly of a line drawn from Sprite island to a point opposite the mouth of Five Mile river, and no person shall take or attempt to take any smelt in said waters, except with a hook and line attached to a fishing rod held in the hand.

SEC. 2. Every person who violates any of the provisions Penalty. of this act shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars, or by imprisonment of not more than thirty days, or both.

Approved, April 17, 1907.

[Substitute for House Bill No. 66.]


An Act concerning the Hunting or Killing of Gray Squirrels in the Village of New Preston.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

squirrel pro

SECTION 1. No person shall, at any time, hunt, kill, or Hunting of gray attempt to kill any gray squirrel within that portion of the hibited. town of Washington which is within a radius of three-quarters

of a mile from the highway bridge crossing the East Aspetuck river in the village of New Preston.

SEC. 2. Every person who shall violate the provisions of Penalty. this act shall be fined not more than ten dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both.

Approved, April 17, 1907.

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