[Substitute for House Bill No. 569.] CHAPTER 55. An Act amending an Act concerning the Remission of Fines and Costs in Criminal Cases. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: Remission of Section 1453 of the general statutes is hereby amended by fines and costs. inserting after the words "judge of " in the first line thereof the words "the superior court, a criminal court of common pleas, or the district court of Waterbury or of," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: Any judge of the superior court, a criminal court of common pleas, or the district court of Waterbury or of a city, town, or borough court may, in his discretion, remit fine or costs, either or both, if in his judgment such course will tend to the reformation of offenders or the furtherance of the ends of justice. Approved, May 1, 1907. [House Bill No. 750.] CHAPTER 56. An Act Validating the Assessment Lists of the Town of North Stonington. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in validated. SECTION 1. The assessment lists of the town of North Tax lists SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. Use of seine, net, or jigger prohibited. Taking of perch restricted. Penalty. Cemetery as care of cemetery. [Substitute for Senate Bill No. 39.] CHAPTER 57. An Act concerning Fishing in Bantam Lake. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in SECTION 1. No person shall take, assist in taking, or attempt to take from Bantam lake, in Litchfield county, any fish by the contrivance or device known as a jigger, and no person shall draw, set, or use any seine, pound, gill, or set net in said lake for bait or any purpose whatsoever, any other provisions of the general statutes to the contrary notwithstanding. SEC. 2. Perch less than six inches in length shall not be intentionally taken from the waters of said lake, or held in possession when taken, and, if taken, shall, without avoidable injury, be immediately returned to the waters whence taken. The possession by any person of perch less than six inches in length upon said lake, or the shores thereof, at any time, shall be deemed prima facie evidence of a violation of this section. SEC. 3. Every person who violates any of the provisions of this act shall be punished by a fine of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars, or by imprisonment of not more than thirty days, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Approved, May 1, 1907. [Substitute for House Bill No. 359.] CHAPTER 58. An Act concerning Cemetery Trust Funds. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in SECTION 1. Any cemetery association, duly organized as sociation may set provided by law, may, by vote of the directors of such associaaside fund for tion, create and set aside, from the surplus funds of such association, a sum not exceeding two hundred thousand dollars as a perpetual fund, the income from which shall be expended for the management, care, and maintenance of the cemetery owned or controlled by such association, and for no other purpose; and said fund may, in like manner, be increased from time to time; provided, that the amount of the principal of said fund shall at no time exceed two hundred thousand dollars. Management and investment of fund; annual report to probate court. SEC. 2. Said fund shall be under the control, management, and supervision of the directors of the association and shall be invested in accordance with the provisions of the 1907.] VALIDATING ACTS OF TOWN OFFICERS. statutes concerning the investment of trust funds; and said directors shall annually render a statement, under oath, of the investment and condition of said fund, to the probate court for the district within which the cemetery owned or controlled by the association is situated. Approved, May 1, 1907. [House Bill No. 391.] CHAPTER 59. An Act Validating Certain Acts of Town Officers of the Town of Easton. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in SECTION 1. All acts performed by the assessors, members Talidated SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. [House Bill No. 584.] CHAPTER 60. An Act amending an Act concerning Foreign Corporations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in 625 Charter or certi poration to be Section eighty-two of chapter 194 of the public acts of ficate of incor1903 is hereby amended to read as follows: Every foreign filed. corporation, except insurance and surety companies, building When deposit is made jointly, made to either depositor. and loan associations, and investment companies within the provisions of section forty-one of this act, shall, before transacting business in this state, file in the office of the secretary of the state a certified copy of its charter or certificate of incorporation, together with a statement, signed and sworn to by its president, treasurer, and a majority of its directors, showing the amount of its authorized capital stock and the amount thereof which has been paid in, and, if any part of such payment has been made otherwise than in cash, such statement shall set forth the particulars thereof. Approved, May 1, 1907. [House Bill No. 325.] CHAPTER 61. An Act concerning Payment of Joint Deposits by Savings Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in When a deposit has been or shall be made in any savings payment may be bank in the name of two persons and payable to either or to the survivor, such deposit, or any part thereof, or any interest or dividend thereon, may be paid to either of said persons, and the receipt of the person so paid shall be a valid and sufficient. release and discharge on account of the payment so made. Approved, May 1, 1907. Actual transfer on books of bank required, when. [House Bill No. 323.] CHAPTER 62. An Act concerning the Pledge of Deposits in Savings Banks. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Any deposit in a savings bank may be pledged by delivery of the pass-book evidencing such deposit to the pledgee, with an order for its transfer; but no such pledge shall be effective to secure such deposit against any person other than the pledgor, his executor or administrator, unless an actual transfer of said deposit shall have been made upon the books of the savings bank, or a copy of the order for such transfer shall have been filed with the savings bank holding such deposit. Approved, May 1, 1907. [House Bill No. 86.] CHAPTER 63. An Act amending an Act concerning Registrars of Voters. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in voters; election Section 1803 of the general statutes as amended by chapters Registrars of 20 and 98 of the public acts of 1903 and chapter 89 of the and terms of. public acts of 1905 is hereby amended by inserting the word "Woodstock" after the word "Thompson" in the sixteenth line of said section as amended, so that said section as amended shall read as follows: The town of Hartford, at its annual town meeting in the year 1904, and biennially thereafter, and the town of New Britain, at its annual town meeting in the year 1902, and biennially thereafter, and the town of Norwich, at its annual town meeting in the year 1903, and biennially thereafter, shall elect, by general ticket, registrars of voters, to hold office for two years from the first Monday of January succeeding their election. Every other town, unless otherwise by special act provided, at its annual town meeting shall, in like manner, elect registrars of voters, to hold office for one year from the first Monday of the succeeding January. The registrars shall reside in the towns for which they are elected. In towns divided into voting districts, except the towns of Hartford, New Haven, Waterbury, New London, Norwich,· Meriden, Middletown, New Britain, Stamford, Danbury, East Windsor, Enfield, Wallingford, Thompson, Woodstock, Berlin, and Windsor, two registrars of voters shall be elected for each district, and in each of the excepted towns, and in every town not divided into voting districts, two registrars of voters shall be elected for the town at large. No person shall vote for more than one registrar for each voting district, or, as the case may be, for the town at large; and the person having the highest number of votes and the person who has the next highest number of votes, for registrar, who does not belong to the same. political party as the first, shall be declared elected registrars of voters for the town or district, as the case may be. Approved, May 1, 1907. |