Time within which act is operative extended. Order may be paid after death [Senate Bill No. 10.] CHAPTER 64. An Act amending an Act concerning State Aid for Towns with Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Chapter 161 of the public acts of 1903 is hereby amended [Substitute for Senate Bill No. 162.] CHAPTER 65. An Act concerning the Payment of Orders on Savings Bank Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Any savings bank may pay an order for a sum not exceedof drawer, when ing three hundred dollars drawn by a person who has funds on deposit to meet the same, notwithstanding the death of the drawer, if presentation is made within thirty days after the date of such order; and at any time if the corporation has not received actual notice of the death of the drawer. Approved, May 1, 1907. Commissioners to grant fran chises; trans fers; records [Substitute for House Bill No. 677.] CHAPTER 66. An Act amending an Act concerning Preservation of Public Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Section 3215 of the general statutes is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following: "Copies of the record and their pres- of original grants and copies of the record of transfer of all such grants shall be made by or under the direction of the clerk ervation. of shell-fisheries, which copies shall, when duly examined and attested by said clerk, have the same force and be of the same validity as the originals. After copies are so made and properly bound, the original books of record shall be placed in the vaults in the basement of the capitol. The treasurer shall pay to said clerk, upon the order of the comptroller, the legal fees for making such copies," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: Said commissioners shall also be empowered, in the name and behalf of the state, to grant by written instruments, for the purpose of planting and cultivating shell-fish, perpetual franchises in such undesignated grounds within said area as are not and for ten years have not been natural clam or oyster beds, whenever application in writing is made to them through their clerk by any person or persons who have resided in the state not less than one year next preceding the date of said application, or by any joint stock company or corporation organized under the laws of this state, all the stockholders of which are citizens of this state. The said application and the said grant shall be in manner and form as shall be approved by the chief justice of the supreme court of errors, and all such grants may be assigned to any person or persons who are or have been residents of the state for not less than one year next preceding such assignment, or to any joint stock company or corporation organized under the laws of this state, all the stockholders of which are citizens of this state, by a written assignment, in manner and form approved by said chief justice; and said commissioners shall keep books of record and record all such grants and assignments therein, and the same shall also be recorded in the town clerk's office in the town bounded on Long Island sound within the meridian boundary lines of which said grounds are located. No designation shall be invalid because made upon the application of a married woman or minor. Copies of the record of original grants and copies of the record of transfer of all such grants shall be made by or under the direction of the clerk of shell-fisheries, which copies shall, when duly examined and attested by said clerk, have the same force and be of the same validity as the originals. After copies are so made and properly bound, the original books of record shall be placed in the vaults in the basement of the capitol. The treasurer shall pay to said clerk, upon the order of the comptroller, the legal fees for making such copies. Approved, May 1, 1907. Penalty for maintaining opium joint. Person frequent ing, keeping, etc., be bound over for good be havior. [House Bill No. 393.] CHAPTER 67. An Act concerning Keeping, Frequenting, and Renting Houses for Opium Smoking. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in SECTION 1. Every person who shall keep or maintain a house which is, or is reputed to be, an opium joint or den for the purpose of opium smoking, or which is resorted to, or is reputed to be resorted to, by persons for the purpose of opium smoking, or who shall reside in or frequent any such house for such purpose, shall be fined not more than twenty dollars for the first offense, and shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both, for the second offense. SEC. 2. Every person frequenting, residing in, keeping, or opium joint may maintaining a house used for opium smoking may, by any judge of a city, borough, or town court, or justice of the peace, upon complaint of a proper informing officer, be required to become bound in a recognizance, with surety, to the town or city in which such house is situated, for his good behavior; and, if he shall neglect to become so bound and pay the costs of prosecution, shall be committed to the workhouse in the town, or jail of the county, where the offense was committed, not more than thirty days, and until such costs are paid, and he may appeal from the order of said judge or justice as in other criminal cases; and if he shall, within six months thereafter, be again convicted of the same offense, such recognizance shall be forfeited. Penalty for using or permitting use of building for opium smoking. SEC. 3. Every owner, mortgagee in possession, lessee, or person in charge, as agent or otherwise, of any room or tenement, who shall neglect to use all proper means to eject therefrom any person using or permitting the same to be used for opium smoking or for gaming in connection therewith, as soon as he lawfully can after he has knowledge of such use; or any such owner, mortgagee in possession, lessee, or person in charge, as agent or otherwise, who shall knowingly let any room or tenement to another for such purpose, or who shall knowingly permit the same or any part thereof, while under his control, to be used for such purpose, shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars or imprisoned not more than six months. Approved, May 1, 1907. [House Bill No. 757.] CHAPTER 68. An Act extending the Time for the Nomination of a Commissioner on Building and Loan Associations. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Time for nomina SECTION 1. The governor may nominate some person to tion extended to be a commissioner on building and loan associations in accord- June 1. ance with the provisions of section 4012 of the general statutes, on or before June 1, 1907, the provisions of section 83 of the general statutes to the contrary notwithstanding. SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage. [House Bill No. 752.] CHAPTER 69. An Act concerning Penalty for Causing Delinquency or Dependency of Children. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in ing delinquency suspension of Any parent, guardian, or other person who shall, by any Penalty for causact or neglect, cause, encourage, contribute to, or be responsible or dependency for such conduct or condition of any child under sixteen years sentence. of age as by statute is made cause for the commitment of such child to the Connecticut school for boys, the Connecticut Industrial School for Girls, or a county temporary home, shall be fined not more than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both. The court may impose conditions upon any person convicted under the provisions of this act, and so long as such person shall comply therewith to the satisfaction of the court the sentence imposed may be suspended. Approved, May 7, 1907. Time within which sale of game birds is prohibited, extended. [House Bill No. 243.] CHAPTER 70. An Act amending an Act concerning the Sale of Game. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Section 3135 of the general statutes as amended by chapter 52 of the public acts of 1903 is hereby amended by striking out in the second line of said section as amended the figures "1907" and inserting in lieu thereof the figures "1911," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: Every person who, prior to October first, 1911, shall sell, or have in his possession with intent to sell or exchange, any quail, woodcock, or any ruffed grouse called partridge, shall, for each of such birds sold or exchanged or kept for sale, be fined not more than fifty dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. Approved, May 7, 1907. Close season extended. [Substitute for House Bill No. 157.] CHAPTER 71. An Act amending an Act concerning the Close Season for Shore Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Section 3126 of the general statutes as amended by chapter 114 of the public acts of 1903 is hereby amended to read as follows: The close season for shore birds, plover, snipe, sandpipers, gallinules, mud-hens, Wilson's snipe, called English snipe, and bay snipe, shall be from January first to August thirty-first, both inclusive. No person shall kill more than fifty of said birds in any one day. The close season for rail shall be from January first to September eleventh, both inclusive. No person shall kill more than thirty-five rail in any one day. Approved, May 7, 1907. |