in January the state board of health shall appoint one member of each of said committees, who shall have been nominated for such office as aforesaid, to serve five years; and said board shall in the same manner fill any vacancy occurring in any of said committees. Said committees shall be known as the Connecticut Medical Examining Board, the Connecticut Homeopathic Medical Examining Board, and the Connecticut Eclectic Medical Examining Board. Papers recorded. SEC. 4. Section 4718 of the general statutes as amended Examinations. by chapter 71 of the public acts of 1903 is hereby amended to Lists of colleges. read as follows: The said examining committees shall hold examinations on the second Tuesdays of March, July, and November of each year, at such places as they may designate, and at such other times and places as they shall determine. Applicants for certificates to practice medicine or surgery shall be examined in anatomy, physiology, medical chemistry, obstetrics, hygiene, surgery, pathology, diagnosis, therapeutics, practice, and materia medica. Each committee shall frame its own questions and conduct its examinations in writing, and both questions and answers shall be filed with and preserved for at least six years by the state board of health. Each of said committees shall make such rules and regulations for conducting said examinations and the furtherance of the spirit of this act as, from time to time, it shall deem necessary. Every applicant for examination under the provisions of this act shall be examined by the committee representing the same school of practice in which the applicant was graduated; but before taking such examination he shall pay to the committee the sum of fifteen dollars; provided, that the fee for examination in midwifery alone shall be ten dollars. An applicant rejected by an examining committee may be re-examined by the committee before whom he appeared, at any subsequent meeting of said committee. Upon the receipt of any duplicate statements as in section 4715 provided, the state board of health shall transmit one of said duplicate statements, together with a duplicate of the certificate of registration in each case, to the town clerk of the town wherein the person so filing said statement resides; and in case such person does not reside in the state of Connecticut, the state board of health shall transmit said statement and certificate to the town clerk of the town in this state nearest to the place of residence of such person; and said town clerk shall record the same in a book to be provided for, that purpose by the state board of health, and shall then return the same to the person who filed the same with the board of health; and said town clerk shall receive for such recording a fee of twenty-five cents, to be paid by the state board of health out of the amount so paid to it as aforesaid. The secretary of each of said medical societies shall file annually with the secretary of the Attachment of liquor license. [House Bill No. 517.] CHAPTER 83. An Act amending an Act concerning Attachment of Liquor Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Section 2734 of the general statutes as amended by chapter 106 of the public acts of 1905 is hereby amended to read as follows: The license, and all right and interest therein, of any person licensed by the county commissioners to sell intoxicating liquors may be attached and taken on execution; such attachment shall be made by leaving a true and attested copy of the process and accompanying complaint with the proper indorsements thereon of an officer serving the same, as in other civil cases, with the defendant, or at his usual place of abode if within this state, and a like true and attested copy shall be left at or forwarded by registered mail to the office of the county commissioners who granted such license. Such attached license shall be holden to respond to execution for the same period of time as in attachments of personal property, and the lien of said attachment shall continue after execution has issued without removal of such certificate of license from the premises in which the same is exhibited, until the time when said license is sold by virtue of such execution. Said license shall, for the unexpired term for which it was granted, be equally valid in the hands of the purchaser thereof as in the hands of the original licensee; provided, that before such purchaser may avail himself of the benefit of such license he shall comply with all the requirements of law relative to the procuring of an original license, for the sale of intoxicating liquors, from county commissioners. Approved, May 21, 1907. [Substitute for House Bill No. 366.] CHAPTER 84. An Act concerning the Taking by the State of Land and Water for State Institutions. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: land for use of SECTION 1. The state may take any land which the trus- State may take tees or directors of any state institution may deem necessary for state institution. , any addition to the site of such institution, and also may take water from any river, brook, spring or springs, pond, or lake for the purpose of providing such supply of water as the convenience and necessity of such institution may require. SEC. 2. If the trustees or directors of any such institution cannot agree with the owner of any real estate, easement, water, or water rights so proposed to be taken as to the amount to be paid therefor, they may apply, in the name of the state, to the superior court in the county where the property is situated, or, if said court is not in session, to either judge thereof, praying that such compensation may be determined. Such application shall be accompanied by a summons served upon said owner as in other civil process before said superior court; and upon. such application said court or judge shall appoint a committee of three disinterested persons who, after being sworn and giving reasonable notice to the parties, shall view the property in question, ascertain its value, assess just damages to the owner or parties interested in the premises or property so proposed to be taken, and report their doings to said court or judge; and such report may be rejected for any irregular or improper conduct by said committee in the performance of its duties. If the report be rejected the court or judge shall appoint another committee, which shall proceed in the same manner in which said first committee was required to proceed. Proceedings to condemn land. ceptance of SEC. 3. The acceptance of the report of such a committee Effect of acshall have the effect of a judgment in favor of the owner of the report. property against the state for the amount of the assessment made by the committee; and such court or judge may make any order necessary for the protection of the rights of all persons interested in the property; but said property shall not be used or inclosed by the state until the amount of said judgment shall be paid to the party to whom it is due, or deposited for his use with the treasurer of the county in which the property is situated, and upon such payment or deposit said property shall become the property of the state. The expenses and costs of such hearing before the court or judge aforesaid shall be audited, allowed, and paid by said trustees or directors. Approved, May 21, 1907. Investments by savings depart and trust panies. com [Substitute for House Bill No. 326.] CHAPTER 85. An act concerning Deposits for Savings in Corporations other than Savings Banks. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in SECTION 1. All banks and trust companies maintaining a ments of banks savings department, or soliciting or receiving deposits as savings, shall invest all such deposits hereafter so received according to the requirements of the statute laws of this state concerning the investment of deposits in savings banks; and said investments shall be for the exclusive protection of the depositors in said savings department and shall not be liable for or used to pay any other obligation or liability of said bank or trust company until after the payment of all of the deposits in said savings department. Returns. Tax. Change of investments. Reserve fund. Limitation of this act. SEC. 2. Said banks and trust companies shall pay to the state on all savings deposits the same tax which is required to be paid by savings banks by section 2422 of the general statutes as amended by chapter 189 of the public acts of 1903, on the savings deposits held by them, and such savings deposits shall be exempt from all other taxation; and said banks and trust companies shall also transmit to the bank commissioners, on or before the first day of October in each year, and oftener if required by said commissioners, a sworn statement of the amount of such deposits and the securities in which they are invested, together with such other information as may be required to be given to said commissioners in the annual statements of banks and trust companies. SEC. 3. All savings deposits which are not now invested. in accordance with the provisions of section one of this act shall be so invested, at least one-fifth part each year, and all such deposits shall be so invested before October 1, 1912. SEC. 4. The reserve fund required by section 3400 of the general statutes in the case of state banks and trust companies shall not apply to the deposits mentioned in section one of this act. SEC. 5. This act shall in no way limit the right of any trust company to receive deposits and invest its funds upon such terms and conditions as are provided for in its charter, except as to deposits in its savings department as provided by this act. Approved, May 22, 1907. [Substitute for House Bill No. 126.] CHAPTER 86. An Act amending an Act concerning Private Banks. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in restricted. SECTION 1. Section one of chapter 209 of the public acts Private banking of 1905 is hereby amended to read as follows: No person or persons, association, or body corporate, except banks, trust companies, and building and loan associations incorporated under the laws of the United States or of this state, shall advertise or put forth a sign having thereon any of the following words: "bank," trust,' or "savings," or any artificial or corporate name, or other words indicating that such person, persons, association, or body corporate is a bank, trust company, savings bank, or building and loan association, or shall in any way solicit or receive deposits as a savings bank. Every person, association, or body corporate violating the provisions of this act shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars. This act shall not prevent such firms or individuals, doing business as private bankers under their own name or names, as have deposited with the state treasurer a bond of ten thousand dollars, or, at the option of such firms or individuals, securities of the value of not less than said amount, to the acceptance of said treasurer, conditioned for the protection of their customers, from styling themselves bankers in the conduct of their said business. Restrictions on or forwarding. SEC. 2. All corporations, partnerships, or individuals re receiving money ceiving money for safe-keeping or forwarding shall report to for safe-keeping the bank commissioners that they are engaged in such business and shall file with the state treasurer a bond or securities as provided by section one of this act. Approved, May 22, 1907. [House Bill, Substitute for House Joint Resolution No. 53.] CHAPTER 87. An Act concerning Commissioned Officers at Fitch's Home for the Soldiers. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in of Fitch's Home SECTION 1. The officers of Fitch's Home for the Soldiers Rank of officers shall consist of a superintendent with the rank of colonel, an for the Soldiers. |