


a certificate signed and sworn to by him stating that said body has been disinfected or inclosed as herein provided. Any person who shall violate any provision of this section, or who shall knowingly sign a false certificate shall be fined not more than twenty-five dollars.

Approved, June 12, 1907.

[House Bill No. 85.]


An Act concerning the Appointment and Powers of Grievance

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:


grievance com

SECTION 1. At the first regular session or term of the Appointment of superior court held in each county after the month of July mittee. in each year, such court shall appoint three members of the bar of such county, engaged in practice, to be a grievance committee of such county, to remain in office until their successors shall in like manner be appointed, whose duty it shall be to inquire after, investigate, and present to such court, offenses not occurring in the actual presence of the court, involving the character, integrity, professional standing, and conduct of members of the bar residing or practicing in such county.

grievance com

SEC. 2. Any person may be compelled, by subpoena signed Witnesses before by competent authority, to appear before such grievance com- mittee. mittee to testify in relation to any matter deemed by said committee to be relevant to any inquiry or investigation by said committee, and also to produce before said committee, for examination, any books or papers which, in the judgment of said committee, may be relevant to such inquiry or investigation. Any such grievance committee, while engaged in the discharge of its duties, shall have the same power and authority over witnesses, and the same power and authority to commit for contempt, that justices of the peace have.

employ stenog

SEC. 3. Any such grievance committee, in the conduct of cCommittee may any such inquiry or investigation, may, in its discretion, em- rapher. ploy a competent stenographer to make a shorthand report of the testimony of any witness, and cause the same to be transcribed and furnished to the state's attorney for the county; and such committee may, in the conduct of any such inquiry or investigation, require the assistance of any officer, who shall be allowed such compensation as such committee shall deem reasonable.

Fees and expenses.

Town, borough or fire district

lic square.

SEC. 4. Every such grievance committee shall return to the clerk of the superior court for the county an account of all expenses incurred by it in the discharge of its duties, including fees of witnesses and officers, the reasonable charges of any person employed by it, and the personal expenses of the committee, or any member thereof, which account shall be submitted by such clerk to the state's attorney for such county, who shall examine such account and certify the same, if reasonable and just, or such items as are by him deemed reasonable and just, and the sums so certified shall be paid by the state on an order therefor by such clerk.

SEC. 5. This act shall take effect from its passage.
Approved, June 13, 1907.

[Senate Bill No. 117.]


An Act amending an Act concerning Public Squares and Com


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

SECTION 1. Section 1933 of the general statutes is hereby may lay out pub- amended to read as follows: Any town, borough, or fire district may lay out and improve any lands belonging to it, not located in any incorporated city, for a public square, common, or park, and may purchase any land within its limits for that purpose.

[blocks in formation]

Penalty for keep

SEC. 2. When any town, borough, or fire district shall vote to acquire any tract of land within its limits for the purpose of a public square, common, or park, and cannot obtain such land by agreement with the owner thereof, it may take the same for such purpose in the manner provided by sections 4109 and 4110 of the general statutes for the taking of land for a townhouse or hall; provided, however, that no land occupied for church or cemetery purposes shall be taken under the provisions of this act.

Approved, June 12, 1907.

[Substitute for House Bill No. 103.]


An Act amending an Act concerning Houses of Ill-Fame or
Disorderly Houses.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

Section 1316 of the general statutes is hereby amended by ing house of ill- inserting after the word "ill-fame" in the second line thereof


the word "or" and by inserting between the word "house" and the word "reputed" in the fourth line thereof the words "which is, or is," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: Every person who shall keep a house which is, or is reputed to be, a house of ill-fame, or which is resorted to, or is reputed to be resorted to, for the purposes of prostitution or lewdness, or a house which is, or is reputed to be, a house or place of assignation, or who shall reside in or frequent any such house for such purpose; or who shall keep or maintain a disorderly house, or a house where lewd, dissolute, or drunken persons resort, or a house where drinking, carousing, dancing, or fighting is permitted, to the disturbance of the neighbors, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than six months, or both.

Approved, June 13, 1907.

[Senate Bill No. 246.]


An Act concerning the Appointment of a Building and Loan

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in

General Assembly convened:

pointment ex

At the present session of the general assembly the time Time for apwithin which the governor may nominate and appoint a com- tended. missioner on building and loan associations, pursuant to the provisions of section 4012 of the general statutes, is hereby extended until June 15, 1907.

Approved, June 12, 1907.

[Substitute for Senate Bill No. 175.]


An Act amending an Act concerning the Operation of Railroads
by Electricity.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:


operated by elec

Section 3697 of the general statutes is hereby amended to Railroad may be read as follows: Any railroad company organized under the tricity. laws of this state may operate its railroad, or any part thereof, by electricity; provided, however, that no part of a railroad to be operated under the provisions of this act shall be opened for public travel unless the company operating the same shall

System of sig

nals not to be

have first obtained a certificate signed by the railroad commissioners that such railroad or part thereof is in a suitable and safe condition.

Approved, June 12, 1907.

[Senate Bill No. 241.]


An Act concerning Railroad Signals.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

No railroad company operating a railroad in this state shall changed without change the character of its system of signals, either as to color approval of rail- or otherwise, until the railroad commissioners, after notice and hearing had, shall have given their written approval of such change.

road commis


Approved, June 12, 1907.

[House Bill No. 767.]

Restrictions on fishing in Wethersfield cove and

Keeney's cove.



An Act concerning Fishing in Wethersfield Cove and Keeney's


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:



SECTION 1. Section 3174 of the general statutes amended by chapter 84 of the public acts of 1905 is hereby amended by striking out the words "four and one-half" in the twelfth line of said section as amended and inserting in lieu thereof the words "two and one-half" and by striking out the words October thirty-first" in the eighth line and inserting in lieu thereof the words "November thirtieth," so that the last sentence of said section as amended shall read as follows: No person shall take or destroy, by means of seines and nets,. any fish in Wethersfield cove, in Wethersfield, or in Keeney's cove, in Glastonbury and East Hartford, except between March fifteenth and June twentieth, both inclusive; provided, however, that any person may use a net with a mesh not less than two and one-half inches square for the purpose of taking German carp in said Wethersfield cove, between August first and November thirtieth, both inclusive.

SEC. 2. Chapter eight of the public acts of 1907 is hereby repealed.

Approved, June 12, 1907.

[Substitute for House Bill No. 88.]


An Act amending an Act concerning the District Court of


Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in
General Assembly convened:

and deputy

SECTION 1. Section 4819 of the general statutes as Salaries of judge amended by section one of chapter 180 of the public acts of judge. 1905 is hereby amended to read as follows: The judge of the district court of Waterbury shall receive a salary of three thousand dollars per annum. The deputy judge of the district court of Waterbury shall receive a salary of two thousand dollars per


SEC. 2. This act shall take effect from its passage.
Approved, June 12, 1907.

[Substitute for House Bill No. 547.]


An Act concerning the Terms of County Officers.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in

General Assembly convened:


SECTION 1. The term of office of any county commissioner Terms of county which expires on the first day of July, 1909, is hereby extended and county until the first day of October, 1909, and the term of office of treasurers. any county commissioner which expires on the first day of July, 1907, and the term of office of any county treasurer which expires on the first Monday in July, 1907, is hereby extended until the first day of October, 1907; and the term of office of all county commissioners appointed by the general assembly in 1907, or hereafter appointed, shall be for four years from the first day of October next following their appointment. The term of office of any county treasurer appointed in 1907, or thereafter, shall be for two years from the first day of October next following his appointment and until his successor is appointed and qualified.

SEC. 2. So much of sections 1742 and 1745 of the general Repeal. statutes as is inconsistent herewith is hereby repealed.

SEC. 3. This act shall take effect from its passage.
Approved, June 12, 1907.

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