London, which library shall be under the exclusive control of a board consisting of the county commissioners for New London county and three members of the New London Bar Association. living in New London, the latter to be appointed annually by said New London Bar Association; provided, however, that when said New London county shall provide a room for said library at New London said library shall become the property of the New London County Law Library Association and be under its control, and said payment to the New London Bar Association shall cease, and said sum of five hundred dollars shall thereafter be paid anually on the first day of January to said New London County Law Library Association for the maintenance, care, and enlargement of said library at New London. Such payment shall be in addition to the amount to be paid to the New London County Law Library Association as herein before provided," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: The treasurer of the county of New Haven shall annually, on the first day of January, pay to the New Haven County Law Library Association the sum of two thousand dollars to maintain and enlarge the bar library in the courthouse in New Haven. The treasurer of the county of New Haven shall annually, on the first day of May, pay to the county commissioners the sum of one thousand dollars to maintain and enlarge the bar library in the courthouse in Waterbury. Said Waterbury bar library shall be under the exclusive control of a board consisting of the county commissioners for New Haven county and one member of the bar living in Waterbury, the latter to be appointed annually on the first Tuesday of April by the judge of the district court of Waterbury; and said board may make such rules and regulations respecting said library as they may deem proper. Said payments shall be in lieu of all other sums required by law to be paid to said association, or for support of bar libraries, by New Haven county. The county commissioners of New London county shall, upon request of the New London County Law Library Association, provide for the use of the county law library suitable rooms in the courthouse at Norwich and furnish said rooms with suitable bookcases and other library furniture. The treasurer of New London county shall annually, on the first day of January, pay to said county law library association the sum of five hundred dollars in lieu of all other sums required by law to be paid said association by the county of New London. Such sum so paid shall be applied to maintain, care for, and enlarge such library. The treasurer of New London county shall annually, on the first day of January, pay to the New London Bar Association the sum of five hundred dollars, said sum to be used for the sole purpose of providing law books for the use of the county of New London at New London, which library shall be under the exclusive control of a board consisting of the county commissioners for New London county and three members of the New London Bar Association living in New London, the latter to be appointed annually by said New London Bar Association; provided, however, that when said New London county shall provide a room for said library at New London said library shall become the property of the New London County Law Library Association and be under its control, and said payment to the New London Bar Association shall cease, and said sum of five hundred dollars shall thereafter be paid annually on the first day of January to said New London County Law Library Association for the maintenance, care, and enlargement of said library at New London. Such payment shall be in addition to the amount to be paid to the New London County Law Library Association as hereinbefore provided. Approved, July 31, 1907. State payment for drawbridge railway. [Senate Bill No. 4.] CHAPTER 244. An Act amending an Act concerning State Payment for Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in Section 2094 of the general statutes is hereby amended by crossed by street striking out in the fifth line the words "five hundred dollars " and inserting in lieu thereof the words "seven hundred and fifty dollars," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: Every town or city owning, operating, and maintaining a drawbridge over and across which any street railway operates its cars, shall, upon the presentation to the comptroller of a certificate to that effect, signed by the selectmen of such town or the mayor of such city, receive from the state annually the sum of seven hundred and fifty dollars for each and every such drawbridge. Approved, July 31, 1907. 1907.] ORGANIZATION OF TELEPHONE COMPANIES. 855 [Substitute for House Bill No. 597.] CHAPTER 245. An Act concerning the Organization of Telephone Companies. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in pany may organ stock law. SECTION 1. Any three or more persons may associate them- Telephone comselves to form a joint stock corporation to do a telephone ex-ize under joint change business, and to build, maintain, and operate a telephone system, and may organize for that purpose under the provisions of chapter 194 of the public acts of 1903 as modified hereby, and any company organized under the provisions of this act shall have all the rights conferred and be subject to all the restrictions and obligations imposed by chapter 219 of the general statutes. SEC. 2. Any part of any act prohibiting the organization Repeal. of joint stock corporations to do a telephone exchange business under the laws of this state, or requiring a special charter therefor, in so far as the same is inconsistent with the provisions of this act, is hereby repealed. Approved, July 31, 1907. [House Bill No. 795.] CHAPTER 246. An Act amending an Act concerning Increase of Capital Stock Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in capital stock. Section forty-seven of chapter 194 of the public acts of 1903 Increase of is hereby amended by inserting after the word "authorized" in the eleventh line thereof the following: " or provided, that, at a meeting of its stockholders held for that purpose, a written or printed notice of which stating the day, hour, place, and purpose thereof shall have been given by the president or secretary to each stockholder by leaving such notice with him or at his residence or usual place of business or by mailing such notice to him at his last known post office address at least thirty days before such meeting, such increase shall have been authorized by a vote of at least two-thirds of each class of stock represented at such meeting," so that said section as amended shall read as follows: Every specially chartered corporation having power by law to increase its capital stock may from time to time so increase it by issuing additional shares of the same par value, under such limitations as to the amount issued and of every other nature whatsoever as may exist either in its charter or in any statute affecting it; provided, that, at a meeting of its stockholders warned and held for that purpose, such increase shall have been authorized by a vote of at least two-thirds of each class of stock issued and outstanding at the time of said vote, which vote shall state the amount of the increase so authorized; or provided, that, at a meeting of its stockholders held for that purpose, a written or printed notice of which stating the day, hour, place, and purpose thereof shall have been given by the president or secretary to each stockholder by leaving such notice with him or at his residence or usual place of business or by mailing such notice to him at his last known post office address at least thirty days before such meeting, such increase shall have been authorized by a vote of at least two-thirds of each class of stock represented at such meeting. Before any such corporation shall issue any shares of such increased capital stock so voted, a majority of the directors shall make, sign, and swear to and file in the office of the secretary of the state a certificate setting forth the number of shares so voted and the par value thereof. The secretary shall examine the same, and if he shall find that it conforms to law and that all taxes have been paid in accordance with the provisions of section 57, shall endorse thereon the word " Approved," with his name and official title, and shall thereupon record such certificate in a book kept by him for that purpose. Approved, August 1, 1907. Taxation of municipal property used for [Substitute for House Bill No. 624.] CHAPTER 247. An Act concerning the Taxation of Property Used by Munici- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in The valuation of land used and occupied by any municipality sewage disposal, for the purpose of sewage disposal, which land is located in any other town than that in which such municipality is situated, shall be made and set in the list for the town in which such land is located at what would be its fair valuation for agricultural purposes. Approved, August 1, 1907. 1907.] HEATING AND LIGHTING PASSENGER CARS. [Substitute for House Bill No. 331.] CHAPTER 248. An Act amending an Act concerning Heating and Lighting Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in 857 Order for heating Section 3890 of the general statutes is hereby amended to and lighting cars. read as follows: The commissioners may make all orders which shall seem to them to be required by public safety, relating to heating and lighting passenger cars. Approved, August 1, 1907. [Substitute for House Bill No. 191.] CHAPTER 249. An Act amending an Act concerning the Practice of Dentistry. ap SECTION 1. The five dental commissioners heretofore pointed by the governor for the term of two years from July 1, 1907, shall hold office, instead of for said term of two years, for the following terms from July 1, 1907, respectively, A. B. Johnson of New Britain for one year, D. Everett Taylor of Windham for two years, Howard G. Provost of Winchester for three years, Edward Prentis of New London for four years, and Fred W. Brown of New Haven for five years. Terms of dental commissioners. dental commis SEC. 2. Section one of chapter 134 of the public acts of Appointment of 1905 is hereby amended to read as follows: Chapter 277 of the sioners. general statutes is hereby amended to read as follows: On or before the first day of July, 1908, and annually thereafter, the governor shall appoint one dental commissioner who shall hold office for five years from the first day of July succeeding his appointment and until his successor shall have been appointed and qualified. All vacancies occurring in the office of dental commissioner by reason of death, resignation, or other cause shall be filled by the governor. and duties of meetings. SEC. 3. Section two of said chapter is hereby amended to Qualifications read as follows: No person shall be appointed a dental com- commissioners; missioner who shall not have been, for at least ten years next previous to such appointment, a practitioner in dentistry in this state, and in good standing in his profession. Said commissioners shall appoint one of their number to be their official recorder, |