SPECIFIC APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE TWO YEARS ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 1909. [Senate Bill No. 217.] [SPECIAL LAWS No. 96.] An Act making Appropriations for the Executive Departments for the Two Years ending September 30, 1909. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: The following sums are hereby appropriated to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in full compensation for the objects hereinafter specified for the two fiscal years ending September 30, 1909: For salary of the governor, eight thousand dollars; for salary of the lieutenant-governor, one thousand dollars; for salary of the executive secretary, twenty-four hundred dollars; for salary of the executive clerk, thirty-six hundred dollars; for inaugural ceremonies, five hundred dollars; for office and incidental expenses, three thousand dollars; for extraordinary expenses of the gov ernor, to be used at his discretion on state occasions, five thousand dollars; for salary of the secretary, three thousand dollars; for salary of the deputy secretary, five thousand dollars; for salary of the chief clerk to the secretary, thirty-six hundred dollars; for salary of the assistant clerk to the secretary, thirtytwo hundred dollars; for per diem clerical services in the secretary's office, six thousand dollars; for incidental expenses in the secretary's office, thirty-two hundred dollars; for compilation of state register, two hundred dollars; for preservation of old records, twelve hundred dollars; for salary of the treasurer, three thousand dollars; for salary of the deputy treasurer, five thousand dollars; for salary of chief clerk to the treasurer, thirty-six hundred dollars; for salary of the assistant clerk to the treasurer, twenty-eight hundred dollars; for per diem clerical services in the treasurer's office, two thousand dollars; for office and incidental expenses of the treasurer, fifteen hundred dollars; for salary of the comptroller, three thousand dollars; for salary of the deputy comptroller, five thousand dollars; for salary of the chief clerk to the comptroller, thirty-six hundred dollars; for per diem clerical services in the office of the comptroller, three thousand three hundred and sixty dollars; for office and incidental expenses of the comptroller, two thousand dollars; for legal expenses of the comptroller, two hundred dollars; for attorney-general's salary, eight thousand dollars; for expenses of the attorney-general, fifteen hundred dollars; for office expenses of the attorney-general, two thousand dol lars; for the attorney-general, for assistance, twenty-five hundred dollars; for board of equalization, for stationery, printing, and other expenses, two hundred dollars; for board of control, for expenses, fifty dollars. Approved, April 2, 1907. [Senate Bill No. 223.] [SPECIAL LAWS No. 113.] An Act making Appropriations for Expenses of the Superior Court for Fairfield and Windham Counties for the Two Years ending September 30, 1909. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: The following sums are hereby appropriated to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in full compensation for the objects hereinafter specified for the two fiscal years ending September 30, 1909: For salaries of the clerk and assistant clerks of the superior court, Fairfield county, eighteen thousand dollars; for clerk of the superior court, Fairfield county, for sheriff's attendance and other expenses, forty thousand dollars; for balance of jury debenture, civil and criminal courts, ten thousand dollars; for bills of costs in criminal cases, fifty thousand dollars: For salaries of the clerk and assistant clerks of the superior court, Windham county, six thousand dollars; for clerk of the superior court, Windham county, for sheriff's attendance and other expenses, six thousand dollars; for balance of jury debenture, civil and criminal courts, three thousand dollars; for bills of costs in criminal cases, nine thousand five hundred dollars. Approved, April 11, 1907. [Senate Bill No. 222.] [SPECIAL LAWS No. 114.] An Act making Appropriations for Expenses of the Superior Court for New London, Litchfield, and Middlesex Counties for the Two Years ending September 30, 1909. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: The following sums are hereby appropriated to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in full compensation for the objects hereinafter specified for the two fiscal years ending September 30, 1909: For salaries of the clerk and assistant clerks of the superior court, New London county, nine thousand dollars; for clerk of the superior court, New London county, for sheriff's attendance and other expenses, fifteen thousand dollars; for balance of jury debenture, civil and criminal courts, seven thousand five hundred dollars; for bills of costs in criminal cases, twenty-five thousand dollars: For salaries of the clerk and assistant clerks of the superior court, Litchfield county, six thousand dollars; for clerical assistance, six hundred dollars; for clerk of the superior court, Litchfield county, for sheriff's attendance and other expenses, twelve thousand dollars; for balance of jury debenture, civil and criminal courts, five thousand dollars; for bills of costs in criminal cases, eleven thousand dollars: For salaries of the clerk and assistant clerks of the superior court, Middlesex county, six thousand dollars; for clerk of the superior court, Middlesex county, for sheriff's attendance and other expenses, ten thousand dollars; for balance of jury debenture, civil and criminal courts, four thousand dollars; for bills of costs in criminal cases, ten thousand dollars. Approved, April 17, 1907. [Senate Bill No. 220.] [SPECIAL LAWS No. 119.] An Act making Appropriations for Expenses of the Superior Court for Hartford County for the Two Years ending September 30, 1909. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: The following sums are hereby appropriated to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in full compensation for the objects hereinafter specified for the two fiscal years ending September 30, 1909: For salaries of the clerks and assistant clerks of the supreme court of errors and of the superior court, Hartford county, fourteen thousand dollars; for clerical assistance, three thousand dollars; for clerk of the superior court, Hartford county, for sheriff's attendance and other expenses, thirty-four thousand dollars; for balance of jury debenture, civil and criminal courts, ten thousand five hundred dollars; for bills of costs in criminal cases, thirty thousand dollars. Approved, April 17, 1907. [Senate Bill No. 221.] [SPECIAL LAWS No. 120.] An Act making Appropriations for Expenses of the Superior Court for New Haven County for the Two Years ending September 30, 1909. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: The following sums are hereby appropriated to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in full compensation for the objects hereinafter specified for the two fiscal years ending September 30, 1909: For salaries of the clerk and assistant clerks of the superior court, New Haven county, twenty-six thousand two hundred dollars; for clerical assistance at Waterbury, two thousand dollars; for sheriff's attendance and other expenses, fifty-five thousand dollars; for balance of jury debenture, civil and criminal courts, seventeen thousand five hundred dollars; for bills of costs in criminal cases, forty-four thousand dollars; for assistant clerk of superior court at Waterbury, for sheriff's attendance and other expenses, fifteen thousand five hundred dollars; for balance of jury debenture, eight thousand five hundred dollars; for bills of costs in criminal cases, fourteen thousand five hundred dollars. Approved, April 17, 1907. [House Bill No. 748.] [SPECIAL LAWS. No. 162.] An Act making an Appropriation for the State Library for the Two Years ending September 30, 1909. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: The following sums are hereby appropriated to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in full compensation for the objects hereinafter specified: For salary of state librarian, five thousand dollars; for purchase of books for the state library, six thousand dollars; for incidental expenses of the state library, three thousand dollars; for preserv ing and indexing records, three thousand dollars; for cataloguers and assistants, seventy-five hundred dollars; for the purchase of new books for the state library, one thousand dollars; for the purchase of special reports, fifteen hundred dollars; for the binding of books, five hundred dollars. Approved, May 1, 1907. [House Bill No. 751.1. [SPECIAL LAWS No. 165.] An Act making Appropriations for Military Purposes for the Two Years ending September 30, 1909. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Assembly convened: The following sums are hereby appropriated to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, in full compensation for the objects hereinafter specified for the two fiscal years ending September 30, 1909: For the salary of the adjutant-general, six thousand dollars; for the salary of the assistant adjutant-general, thirty-six hundred dollars; for three clerks in the adjutant-general's office, eighty-four hundred dollars; for office expenses, extra clerical services, traveling, and other expenses connected with the adjutant-general's department, eight thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars; for the salary of the surgeon-general, one thousand dollars; for expenses of the surgeon-general's office, one hundred dollars; for medical stores, six hundred dollars; for quartermastergeneral's department, for salaries, six thousand four hundred dollars; for care of public property, eleven thousand dollars; for uniform compensation, seventeen thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; for officers' compensation, five thousand dollars; for care of arms, two hundred and seventy dollars; for freight and express charges, fifteen hundred dollars; for rifle ranges, four thousand dollars; for Connecticut national guard, twenty thousand dollars; for expenses at Niantic camp ground, four thousand dollars; for care of state armories, thirty-five thousand dollars; for armory rents, twenty-two thousand two hundred and thirty-six dollars; for ammunition, six thousand dollars; for transportation, thirteen thousand dollars; for uniform repairs, two thousand dollars; for arsenal repairs, one thousand dollars; for office expenses, three thousand dollars; for new uniforms, eight thousand dollars; for naval militia, five thousand dollars; for lighting company rooms, two thousand dollars; for steel lockers for armories, seven thousand dollars; for gold medal cots, fifty-five hundred dollars; for contingent expenses, twenty-five hundred dollars; for pay of Connecticut national guard and governor's staff, encampments of 1908 and 1909, and May parades of 1908 and 1909, eightynine thousand four hundred and twenty-four dollars; for subsistence for encampments of 1908 and 1909, and for May parades of 1908 and 1909, fourteen thousand dollars; for expenses of military enrolment and of military officers and |