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Twenty Sermous on various Subjects, by the Rev. E. Tellet.

give a beneficial impulse to the study of Compar- | ative Philology in Great Britain." In Lieut, SELECT LIST OF RECENT PUBLICATIONS. Eastwick, who acquired a knowledge of the sacred language of the Parsees during his residence in Bombay, and whom we have before introduced to the reader as the translator of Schiller, [ante, p. 6291,] his lordship had a very useful coadjutor. English Synonymen Classified and Ex"Lieut. Eastwick devoted part of a furlough, ren-plained, with Practical Exercises, by G. F. dered necessary by failing health, to a residence in Germany, where he acquired the additional qualifications enabling him to take a share in the translation of the Vergleichende Grammatik. He has accordingly translated all those portions of the Comparative Grammar, the rendering of which was incompatible with the leisure of the Noble Lord with whom the design originated, who has borne a share in its execution, and who has taken a warm and liberal interest in its completion." To find any members of the aristocracy thus employed, is always pleasant; nor ought it to pass unnoticed, on the equitable principle— "Honor to whom it is due."-Athenæum.

Romancero Castellano, ò Colleccion de Antiguos Romances Populares de los Espanoles. Publicada por G. B. Depping. Nuva Edicion, con las Notas de Don Antonio Alcala-Galiano. DEPPING'S Collection of Spanish Ballads' is, we believe, the most complete which has been published. The present edition is convenient, neat, and well printed. The editor complains of the inaccuracy of Lockhart's translations with some justice; for the spirit of the English version belongs exclusively to the translator. The old Spanish historical ballads are for the most part prosaic and straightforward narratives, with no poetical attribute but that of very lax metre. more severe charge is directed against Mr. Lockhart's alleged ignorance of Spanish; and certainly it is strange, that in the well-known ballad, 'My Ear-rings, my Ear-rings,' he should have translated morena, Moorish, instead of black or dark. The following extract is from a contemporary ballad on the capture of Rome by the army of Charles V. The poet seems singularly balanced between loyalty to his king, and piety to his

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And so on, with a quiet and perhaps unintended humor. The same rhyme ena is used exclusively in the whole poem.

Dr. Abercrombie's Philosophy of the Moral Feeling, 7th edit.

Cleanings from Pious Authors. Sermons on the Evangelical Doctrines of the Church, by Rev. T. D. Cregg. Practical Sermons by Dignitaries, &c. of the Church.

Hindmarsh's Rhetorical Reader, 4th


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Peninsula of Sinai, and the Holy Land, |tures of language. But no one can qualify Vol. VII.-No. III.


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