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I have the honor to place in Your Majesty's hands another instalment of the Life of the Prince Consort-another, but still not, as I hoped it might have been, the last.

From the moment it became necessary to go into the history of Your Majesty's reign, in order to enable the world to form an estimate of what the Prince was in himself, and of what he did for England, the compass of my task ceased to be within my control. It could be regulated only by the importance of the events to be discussed, and by the amount of detailed explanation necessary to make them fully understood. I was in the position of one who, in climbing some great mountain, finds steep emerging upon steep before him, when he thinks he has neared, or even gained the summit. New incidents arose, unexpected fields of action disclosed themselves, which baffled my calculations, and compelled me to abandon my intention of concluding my work within the present volume.

I cannot regret this result, when I consider how much light the materials at my disposal have enabled me to throw, in the present volume, not merely upon the Prince's character, but also upon the history both of Your Majesty's reign and of Europe, during the years with which it deals. If the life


of Your Majesty during these years is also depicted there with some fulness of detail, this could not be avoided, as in all matters, public as well as private, it was inseparably interwoven with that of the Prince. The times were full of difficulty. But as difficulties arose, the Prince's powers seemed always to expand; and it has been my duty to show, what inestimable assistance his knowledge and sagacity rendered to Your Majesty in the fulfilment of those great duties of State, of which the world generally knows so little, but the grave anxieties of which this volume will enable it in some degree to appreciate. How much Your Majesty has lostand not Your Majesty only, but the nation also-in losing such a counsellor in times of public trial or peril, will henceforth be understood in a way it could not possibly have been, had I attempted to conclude the story of the Prince's Life within the present volume.

Two years alone remain to be treated of that life, so brilliant, so crowded, so animated by noble energy, yet dominated by such 'sublime repression of himself.' In the humble hope that I may be enabled within a few months to complete the record of those years,

I have the honour to remain,


Your Majesty's devoted

Subject and Servant,



13th March, 1879.

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