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Baker, Cameron, representing New York Testing Co., New York,

N. Y

Bonnet, Dr. F., advisor to president on special technical assignments,
American Viscose Corp., Marcus Hook, Pa..

Buck, George S., Jr., technical director of the National Cotton Coun-
cil of America, 1832 M Street NW., Washington, D. C...
Cheney, Roy, representing Underwear Institute, 2 Park Avenue,
New York, N. Y

Cruse, William T., representing the Society of the Plastics Industry,
67 West Forty-fourth Street, New York, N. Y.

Dorn, Charles W., director of Research Laboratory, J. C. Penney Co.

and chairman of the technical committee of the National Retail

Dry Goods Association, Kass Building, Washington, D. C.--

Freedman, Ephraim, director, Macy's bureau of standards, R. H.

Macy, Inc.; Retail Dry Goods Association, 71 West Thirty-fifth

Street, New York, N. Y.; New York State Council of Retail Mer-

chants; New Jersey Retail Merchants Association; and Retail Dry

Goods Association of New York..

Fickett, W. P., president, Textile Fabrics Association of New York

and president, National Association of Button Manufacturers, 40

Worth Street, New York 13, N. Y. (Accompanied by Frederic P.


Korzenik, Sidney S., exec tive director and counsel, National Knitted
Outerwear Association, 386 Fourth Avenue, New York, N. Y................

Kushel, Ely, attorney, representing the Textile Distributors Insti-

tute, 927 Fifteenth Street NW., Washington, D. C..

Miller, Henry, assistant general counsel, in charge of industry coop-

eration, Federal Trade Commission, Washington, D. C..

Morrison, Bess V., head, Textiles and Clothing Division, Bureau of

Human Nutrition and Home Economics, United States Depart-

ment of Agriculture, Washington, D. C____

[blocks in formation]

O'Brien, Matthew H., secretary, Rayon and Acetate Fiber Products
Group, 350 Fifth Avenue, New York, N. Y

Robins, Leonard, counsel, National Retail Dry Goods Association,
Kass Building, Washington, D. C.

Scott, Walter M., Assistant Chief, Bureau of Agricultural and Indus-
trial Chemistry, Department of Agriculture_

Reports from—

Department of Commerce, dated May 27, 1952_ _

Department of Commerce on S. 2918 amendment, dated June 24, 1952
Federal Trade Commission, dated May 23, 1952__

General Accounting Office, dated April 15, 1952.

Statements submitted by-

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