페이지 이미지

T. Mno how.


-n (loq.)-She wont work, sir. Can't get her to go over 30,

n.-Well-er-give her oil, and shut off three more furnaces,and-a-oil the wiper-and-slack off a blade of the propeller,-andscour those dash-pots-and shut the throttle-and-yes, set the clock back.


Engineers ordered to report for duty on board the Pensacola.

[graphic][subsumed][merged small]


"And now," said my friend, as we rose from the gun-carriage, "I think your curiosity is sufficiently gratified in reference to the Dengine with the cut-off. You have seen that it is a tremendous and unparalleled affair, and you cannot doubt that its inventor is a tremendous and unparalleled man. How, then, can you censure me for my devotion to science? In such a cause, who would not gladly peril life and limb? I have lost three fingers, as you see, and one eye; and Jenkins has lost an arm. Nor have our compatriots in the great work escaped similar honors of martyrdom. Thus the cause of dashpots is prospered; and thus, at a continued and most noble sacrifice of oil, time, and human life, Uncle Samuel enjoys and pays for the delicious D- -n Whistle. And now, as remarked by Hamlet, when about to assault his respectable uncle, 'Let us go in together!"

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