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IN the following pages the Compiler has endeavoured to combine fulness of detail with the utmost simplicity of arrangement. This, he trusts, has been accomplished by the adoption of a strictly Alphabetical form of Enumeration-a system conferring all the acknowledged advantages of the "Classified Catalogue," while it is free from most of the difficulties inseparably connected therewith.

The CIRCULATING and REFERENCE DEPARTMENTS of the SOUTH SHIELDS PUBLIC FREE LIBRARY contain upwards of Eight Thousand Volumes, and embrace every Section of Literature, Science, and the Arts. To these the references here given exceed the number of Sixteen Thousand; each work appearing not only under the Author's name, but likewise all the words of the subject-title, under which it is at all probable it will be sought for by the Student or Reader. In the case of Collected Editions of Authors, Voluminous Works, and Serials, Condensed Tables of Contents have been catalogued, with the view of affording ample facility to all classes to avail themselves of the benefits which the establishment of a Public Library is eminently fitted to convey to the Community.

For the purpose of utilising to the fullest extent the limited space available in a Catalogue which is issued at a cost within the means of the humblest reader, two forms of Abbreviation have been employed; and to these special attention is requested, viz.-Dashes at the beginning of a line denote the repetition of an equal number of words from the preceding one, except in the case of Authors' names-with their respective Christian names (or initials)—these being severally represented by one Dash only. The Hyphen is used as a numerical abbreviation. For example, on p. 42, the work catalogued thus :-" Gibbon (E.) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. With Notes by Milman..............565–72" contains Eight Volumes, numbered from 565 to 572 inclusive. The issue of all such works is necessarily limited to one Volume at a time. The attention of the reader is also directed to the fact, that Authors' names prefixed by D', De, Du, La, Le, Van and Von, are catalogued under the Initial Letter of the prefix in question.

The Committee desire gratefully to acknowledge the munificent manner in which their efforts to establish a Library worthy of the Borough have been furthered by the following Donations :

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A number of valuable Books have been received from J. J. Stevenson, Esq., of London (who has also intimated his intention to present a second parcel, of the value of £100); Robert Ingham, Esq., Q.C., South Shields; Luke Mackey, Esq., South Shields; Andrew Reid, Esq., Newcastle; C. M. Palmer, Esq., Newcastle; Mrs Rodham, South Shields; E. W. Stibbs, Esq., London; George Lyall, Esq., F.G.S., South Shields; Mr. T. Dixon, Sunderland; and the "Liberation Society." For list of Books presented, see end of the Catalogue.

The Committee express the hope that the Library may be extensively used by all classes of the Community, so that the great object for which the "Free Libraries' Act" was inscribed upon the Constitution-Roll of the Country may be attained to a marked degree among the population for whose well-being the Institution has been established; and that from it may go forth an influence for good, which shall bear fruit in the moral elevation of her inhabitants, and be felt in all the future history of the Borough of South Shields.


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