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embellish the front parlor, but he had learned nothing real, nothing vital. Left to his own resources, he could not even repeat the feat.

A revolution has been worked within the past two or three years, the credit of which belongs to Miss Josephine Locke and her intelligent, enthusiastic assistants, Miss Jameson, Mrs. Miller, and others. Drawing is no longer an isolated study, but one that goes hand in hand with every other, helping and illuminating all.

"The Chicago course of study in drawing is unlike any other in the country," says Miss. Locke; "it is not to be found formulated in any text-book, but it is being worked out through daily experience with the children. Here is the creed we are seeking to impress upon the teachers: The child is greater than his work; let the child be seen through his work. First have rapid drawing, making several sketches in one exercise. Fix the work, not by repetition, but by studying the thing in a fresh way-in its opposites. Present side by side with the study of the blocks their application. Study everything in its use, in its function. Let the work be crude, but keep it thoroughly honest. Work for the thought before the expression. Forget lines, never think lines, think the form; think the picture; try how large an image or idea the child can carry and encourage him to carry the largest possible."

The blocks alluded to are the ordinary geometrical solids, cube, cylinder, cone, prism, etc., used everywhere, but nowhere else to such profit. The children draw their outlines and shades; they cut paper models of them; a disk and a triangular piece, for example, form a cone; two hexagonal bases and an oblong creased into the proper number of sides, form a prism. Then they use them. as building blocks. It is play for the small children to make bridges, bird-houses gateways, and the like, while the older ones form churches, temples, or the historic architecture they have been told of. Perfectly recognizable models are built of say, the old Egyptian temples, the Taj Mahal or the Parthenon. Could a more practical or a more pleasurable way be devised of fixing the form and construction of the world's great monuments upon these young minds? After building them, the children draw their churches and temples, adding such imaginative graces to the bare blocks, as windows, doors, hieroglyphics-they arevery strong on Egyptian hieroglyphics-setting them among trees, making birds fly about them, or a roadway lead up to them. For the development of the imagination is a strong point in Miss Locke's meth


ods. "We have accustomed ourselves to thinking of drawing," she says, "as only one more means of expression, but it is more. is in itself a thought study because its practice generates in the mind an activity, a quality of feeling, a synthetic grasp of ideas not to be attained through the most faithful devotion to literature and mathematics or even through a citical external study of pictures and statues, an internal sympathy is acquired that to be appreciated must be experienced. Of course I do not use the term drawing in the old sense of making lines, drawing geometric figures and reciting definitions. No one deprecates more than I do the teaching of drawing for drawing's sake. The expert lightning calculator and the ornamental writing master are too recent members of the social order for us to quite escape their baleful influence."

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Paper cutting is not confined to the construction of geometric solids. The most remarkable part of the work on the walls of the Art Institute consists of cut paper pictures of everything imaginable. In the neighborhood of one school nearly every family keeps geese. The children were told to notice these geese carefully, and cut pictures of them when they came to school. The result was a flock of geese in a silhouette which probably no older person in the room could have equaled. Another time a new trolley-car line was laid, and being interested in trolleys the children cut them with remarkable correctness; a visit to the circus, a day in the woods, or a Decoration day parade are some of their experiences which. they have told in this way.

Their lessons in history or literature are charmingly illustrated. Washington's little hatchet, the raids of the Vikings, the difficulties of early settlers, Hiawatha and Pau-pukkeewis, Pandora's box, etc. Of course these illustrations are frequently naive; Pandora is a little girl in a pinafore, the hieroglyphics on Egyptian temples are out of proportion to. the size of the building. More frequently they astonish a trained artist by their intuitive spirit and correctness. The younger children use cut papers. The older ones draw with pen or pencil.

In all grades there is a great deal of drawing done, considering the brief time allotted to it-three half hours a week No flat copies are used, but groups of objects, chairs, tables, vases, books, etc., potted plants, vegetables, flowers; sometimes the pupils pose for each other. In accordance with Miss Locke's ideas, the sketches are rapidly made, and the shadows broadly handled.

It may be said in a general way that such

are the principles of the Ecole des Beaux Arts of Paris, for example, and almost necessarily the teachers are themselves graduates of an Art school. Where the system rightly differs from that of an art school is in its close association with its studies. Thus the drawing of trees, fruits, flowers, figures, connects with the study of nature; the use of the geometric solids is indissolubly joined with construction, architecture, and mechanics; illustration illuminates history, geography, and literature.

There is a psychological side involved to which space fails to do justice. Possibly enough has been said to show how this kind of drawing strengthens the memory, sharpens the observation, arouses the imagination. It might also be shown how easy and simple and natural it is when taught as a simple natural development. It is interesting to know that the drawing teachers alone are met with applause when they enter a school room.

"Art," once said William Morris, "is the expression of a man's pleasure in his work." That is the kind of art these children are learning, and they will not have to unlearn it should they in after life turn to painting or sculpture or architecture.-The Standard.


It is not our purpose to discuss the necessity nor the value of rhetorical exercises, but to assume that the occasions of Thanksgiving and Christmas serve as opportunities to bring in some rhetorical work, especially in smaller schools and the lower grades of larger systems. We do not wish to discuss the advantages or disadvantages of this work, but rather to voice a vigorous plea for two classes of children the very bright and the very backward; both alike need our care and thot in this matter.

I take it that not many believe in using school-time, forces or energies for exhibition or for pure entertainment. If no purpose is in mind other than to tickle and please a few fond and doting parents, then these occasional programs are better omitted. That much good may come of them, if they are judiciously managed, will appear equally plain. Granted, I trust, that we seek only the education, the development of the children, then how shall we secure the greatest good to those who need it most?

First, for those bright, showy little people -those who have spoken so many times in your church, school and social affairs. Please do not give them a place on every program. Pass them by at least once in a while. They

are becoming very self-conscious. That exquisitely frilled dress; that hair so carefully combed and curled; those petite gaiters. Not one thing is lost on the proud little aristocrat. See her flaunt her diminutive skirts as she makes her entrance. See the conscious air of superiority she wears. She doesn't need "bringing out" at your pending exercises. The greatest tact will be necessary to handle both parent and child. Frequently more difficulty will be found in dealing with the parent than with the child. Neither must be offended. Neither will have a conception of the true state of affairs. If this class of pupils need anything, and they do, it is to learn to appreciate the rights of, and the merits in others. They need a little training in selfcontrol; they need to learn to be more democratic. This will tend to make them sweeter,. prettier, happier, more lovable.

Secondly, I plead more earnestly for the children of modest attainments. For the children from poor homes and of unsympathetic parentage, For the children with poor clothes, and for the brow-beaten, humbled, discouraged, poorly treated children. Their first appearance will not meet the smiles of an audience. Give that no consideration; they will hardly appear to do credit to themselves or their teacher, but they will really do credit to both. There is little for some of them to be proud of. No reason to be proud of old shoes, of faded and patched clothes. Show them that there are ways in which they may shine even as brightly as their more fortunate playmates. It is no particular credit to the teacher nor to the school that a little boy from a home of refinement and culture and care does well. It is of the greatest credit that the child of darkness and sin, of poverty and vice, shall have reason to be proud of his ability. Don't give them too much to do the first time. Perhaps nothing more than to help in the preparation for the day, or at most only a trifling part— one stanza, a quotation or singing in a chorus, joining in an exercise or game. Who can estimate the manhood and womanhood instilled into a human heart by such a course even in such a matter as a special day program? And when your school days are o'er, and you have time to look over the results, perhaps the successful preacher or teacher, legal or medical practitioner, or the solid man of business, will owe his start in life to the fact that the wise teacher gave him a chance and permitted him to discover himself by showing him his opportunity, and thus made the boy a man. Give

all the children an opportunity.-Child-Study Monthly.


In no country is education more highly esteemed than in China. The child of the workingman, as a rule, cannot hope to get more than a mere smattering. But scattered through the country are numberless families, the members of which, for generation after generation, are always students and from whom, as a rule, the officials come. They have no knowledge of any business or trade. They correspond very closely to what are, or used to be, called gentlemen in England, and preserve their position with great tenacity, even when hard pressed by poverty.

Rich parvenus, as a matter of course, engage tutors for their children; and in the humblest ranks of life occasionally parents will stint themselves to give an opportunity to some son who has shown a marked intelligence at the village school. But neither of these classes compete on an equality with those to whom learning is an hereditary profession. The cultivation and intellectual discipline prevailing in such families give their members a marked advantage over those who get no help of any kind at home, and who must therefore depend entirely on what they learn from their paid teachers.

The orthodox scheme of education is entirely concerned with the ancient literature of China. The original works which occupy the student's attention were for the most part written before the literature of either Greece or Rome had reached its prime. But there are commentators belonging to later periods who must also be perused with diligence. China has not seen an influx of new races, such as have overrun Europe, since the days of our classical authors; but still, from mere lapse of time, the language of the country has greatly changed, and the child beginning his studies can not without explanation understand a single sentence, even if he has learned to read the words of the lesson which he has before him. The student makes himself acquainted as thoroughly as possible with these classical works. The more he can quote of them the better, but he must master the matter contained in them as well.

He must get to know the different readings and different interpretations of disputed passages, and, finally, he practices himself in prose and verse composition. In prose he carefully preserves the ancient phraseology, never admitting modern words, though there are certain technicalities of style which will prevent his productions from being an exact imitation of the ancient literature. His verses must be

in close imitation of the old-time poets. They must follow elaborate rules as to rhythm, and the words must rhyme according to the classical sounds, which are very different from those of to-day.-The Nineteenth Century.


Winslow records the case of a man who remembered the day of burial of every person who had died in the parish for thirty-five years, and who could repeat with perfect accuracy the names and ages of the deceased and of the mourners at the funeral. He was a profound idiot, and could not reply intelligibly to a single question beyond this, nor be trusted even to feed himself.

Morel cites the instance of an idiot who was unable to count twenty, yet could name all the saints of the calendar and the days of their respective fetes.

In some of the books on these defectives is mentioned an idiot with a wonderful memory for English history. When supplied with the slightest cue, he recounted in measured tones whole passages of it.

Falret noted an imbecile who could give immediately the days of birth and death and the principal events in the life of any celebrated personage mentioned to him.

Such instances of elaboration of special memories where all other faculties are in abeyance might be multiplied. The cases above mentioned were, no doubt all of them, examples of extraordinary development of the auditory tracts and centers. There are other cases in which the visual memories are disproportionately developed, as in idiots with unusual memory for places or faces. These patients, too, are congenital defectives.-Popular Science Monthly.


It is a great mistake to be too ambitious in preparations for a school festival. Good recitations, dialogues and readings are satisfactory for most occasions. Essays and original orations ought not to be presented in grades below the high school, and even in the high school there is more occasion for recitations than for original productions. Perhaps in the last years of the course some original pieces may be given in public to stimulate care and thoughtfulness in composition; but it is certainly an error to make such work a burden, or to assume that interesting and profitable public exercises cannot be given without it. The disciplinary results of school festivals, such

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It doesn't cost money, as many suppose,
To have a good time on the earth:

The best of its pleasures are free unto those
Who know how to value their worth.

The sweetest music the birds to us sing,
The loveliest flowers grow wild,

The finest of drinks gushes out of the spring
All free to man, woman and child.

No money can purchase, no artist can paint
Such pictures as nature supplies
Forever, all over, to sinner and saint

Who use to advantage their eyes.

Kind words and glad looks and smiles cheery and brave Cost nothing-no, nothing at all.

And yet all the wealth Monte Cristo could save

Can make no such pleasures befall.

To bask in the sunshine, to breathe the pure air,
Honest toil the enjoyment of health,

Sweet slumber refreshing these pleasures we see
Without any portion of wealth.

Communion with friends that are tried, true and strong,
To love and be loved for love's sake-

In fact all that makes life happy and long.
Are free to whoever will take.

It doesn't cost money to have a good time,
And that is the reason, alas!

Why many who might have enjoyment sublime
Their lives in such misery pass.

It doesn't cost money to have a good time;
The world's best enjoyments are free;
But those who find pleasure in folly and crime
Will not with these true words agree.

-W. C. Dodge.


If the things of earth must pass
Like the dews upon the grass,
Like the mists that break and run
At the forward sweep of the sun,
I shall be satisfied

If only the dreams abide.

Nay; I would not be shorn

Of gold from the mines of morn;

I would not be bereft

Of the last blue flower in the cleft,
Of the have that haunts the hills.
Of the moon that the midnight fills.
Still would I know the grace

On love's uplifted face,

And the slow, sweet joy-dawn there Under the dusk of her hair.

I pray thee, spare me, Fate,
The woeful, wearying weight
Of a heart that feels no pain
At the sob of the autumn rain,

And takes no breath of glee

From the organ-surge of the sea

Of a mind where memory broods

Over songless solitudes:

I shall be satisfied

If only the dreams abide.

-Clinton Scollard, in the October Century.


If teachers mean by examination To show the scholar's information Why do they carefully seek out Such difficult things to ask about?

These are the questions, as a rule, The teachers ask us in our school: "What's the time in the Congo State When Persian clocks are striking eight?" "Halve the square of seventy-three, And what will a tenth of sixteen be?" What was the reason Charlemagne Sent his great-grandaunt to Spain?" "Explain what came of the Gothic war, And what the Turks were fighting for When Venice conquered Charles Martel And ancient Constantinople fell.'' "Name the products of Peru,

And all the rulers of Timbuctoo." "Point out the errors in the words, 'Green cheese ain't not made of curds;' 'Him was not the friend of he;' 'He hadn't ought to written me.'

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Do you s'pose little flies, with their thousands of eyes,
When their mamma is busy with tea,
Ever climb on the chairs and get in her way
And cry, "Lemme see, lem-me see!''

Do you s'pose little fish when their mammas wish
To take a short nap-just a wink-

Ever pound on the door with their soft little fins,
And whimper, "P'ease gimme a d'nk!"'

Do you s'pose little quails as they creep through the rails
And into the weeds where they stay,

Ever ask mamma dear, when head aches so hard
"But why can't I whistle to-day?"

Do you s'pose little bees, as they hum in the trees
And find where the honey-sweets lurk,
Ever ask of their papa who's busy near by,

"I know-but what for must I work?''

Do you s'pose, do you s'pose that any one knows
Of a small boy who might think awhile
Of all this and more? You do? So I thought-
And now let us see if he'll smile!



Considerable interest is manifested, by mothers and teachers, in the study of temperaments, a section of the Milwaukee "Child Study Society" being given to it. The leader or chairman of this section having devoted some time to the study of temperament, believes it to be the keynote of the guiding action of life. This belief is strengthened by the fact that Comenius wrote in his Didactica Magna of a "sixfold treatment of children, corresponding to the differences of natural gifts." He says, "Firstly, there are men of keen perceptions, who are desirous of learning, formable and above all others, excellently fitted for the pursuance of studies requiring only that wisdom be offered for nourishment. This class should not be allowed to advance too rapidly and weaken before their time. Secondly, others are keen of perception, but slow, though willing to advance. Thirdly, there are those who are keen of perception and desirous of learning but who are stubborn and inflexible.

People of this sort are usually hated at school and teachers generally give them up, yet these very people sometimes become great, if properly treated. Fourthly, there are obedient people, who are, while desirous of learning, slow and clumsy in the acquisition of knowledge. These can follow and in order to keep them the teacher must adapt methods to their weaknesses, so as not too heavily burden them, but kindly, patiently aid, raise, encourage and cheer them on their way. This class of people arrive later at the goal but last


Fifthly, there are dull people who are perverse and vicious. With these, the teacher must strive hopefully." This classification does not meet the demand of modern times, but we are no less indebted to Comenius for directing our attention to these diflerences of individualities in children. With Comenius's suggestions as a basis, a close study of physical and mental characteristics enables the teacher to determine with a good degree of certainty the temperament of the children. with whom he or she has to deal. Temperaments concern the home as well as the school and call for hearty co-operation of parents, especially the mothers, and teachers, and this co-operation is not new, as we are told that Pestalozzi "assigned from twelve to sixteen boys to each teacher and that each teacher met the parents in weekly conference."

There are four commonly accepted pure temperaments, viz.: Sanguine, bilious, nervous and lymphatic. The term nervous has two meanings: Ist, strong, vigorous; 2d, easily disturbed, weak, timid, often irritable. The first two, sanguine and bilious, represent the animal side, the nervous and lymphatic the spiritual side. No one person has a pure temperament but a mixture of two, often three and sometimes four. There is a type, also, known as the harmonious temperament. A person possessing it is at peace with himself and all the world; no friction or clashing in such a temperament. Taking the physical characteristics. of the different temperaments as a basis of examination, there will be found, probably, a sufficient number prominent, of any one or two temperaments to admit of an easy classification, while the mental expression may be somewhat changed by the child's environment, yet, the parent or teacher should not reach too hasty conclusions, because of the physical characteristics, but look beyond and examine the mental as well.

A careful and close study of temperaments will prove the key that may unlock many of the teacher's difficulties, when viewed, as related to habits, emotions, incentives, motives, etc. An understanding of what prompts boys and girls to do certain things will help a teacher to anticipate and remove many of the annoying causes of friction in the schoolroom.

A teacher should thoroughly understand her own temperament as well as that of her pupils. Nothing is more pitiable than to see a teacher with the nervous predominating in her own temperament, dealing with a like temperament, not understanding either.

How a knowledge of temperament is related to, and may be utilized in discipline deserves

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