페이지 이미지






(Name of sanitary district.)

County of....................................... ..........................for the year ending October 1st, 1899.

2. Names and addresses of the members and officers:

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[a] Total number of births during year ending June 30, 1899...
[b] Total number of deaths during year ending June 30, 1899........
[c] Number of deaths under one year......

4. Communicable diseases:

[a] Have all cases of communicable diseases been reported to your board by physicians as required by chapter 260 of the laws of 1895 ?....... [b] Has a record been kept by the secretary of your board of all cases of communicable diseases as required by section 2 of chapter 260 of laws of 1895 ? .

[c] Has a weekly statement of all reports of communicable diseases been regularly transmitted to the State Board of Health as provided for in the act above referred to ?.............

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5. Water-supply: [a] Source.........................

[b] Sources of pollution.............

[c] Average daily quantity used during the year.....

[d] Number of dwellings connected.

[e] Have any extensions been made ?...........

6. Pollution of streams: [a] Names of rivers, brooks or streams in the district from which water is taken for public supply........................................

[b] Are any rivers, brooks or streams polluted by:

[1] Cinders or other solid refuse dumped therein or deposited upon the banks?.........

[2] Gas works?..........

[3] Chemical works?.

[4] Breweries ?...........

[5] Creameries?...

[6] Wool or silk works?..............

[7] Dye works?..............

[8] Paper mills ?............................

[9] Laundries?........

[10] Manure yards?..........

[11] Slaughter-houses ?......

[12] Sewers and drains ?..............

7. Sewerage: [a] Total length of sewers

[b] Number of premises connected with the sewers.......
[c] Number of premises connected with the sewers during
the year ending October 1st, 1899.........

[d] Has there been any extension of the sewers during the

[e] Where do sewers discharge?.

8. Garbage, rubbish, offal and ashes: Is the collection, removal and disposal of this refuse satisfactory ?.....

9. Slaughter-houses: Any nuisances caused by these establishments?...... 10. Offensive trades:

[a] Are any nuisances caused by offensive trades or manufactories? 11. Nuisances: [a] Number investigated during the year.....

[b] Number abated.................

[c] Number of prosecutions for failure to abate nuisances.

12. Food inspection :

[a] Is the act of March 31, 1887, relating to the sale of impure foods

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[b] Is the act of April 23, 1897, and the supplement of April 21, 1898, regulating the sale of milk, enforced ?.........................

[c] Is a record kept of all persons engaged in the sale of milk ?.......... [d] Is a milk inspector employed ?..............................................

[e] Was the spread of disease traced in any case to the sale of contami

nated milk ?.................

[f] Have any instances of food adulteration come to your knowledge?

[g] Please communicate fully the facts concerning any cases of disease caused by polluted water, defective ventilation, over-crowding, or other forms of poisoning....

13. Dairies and milk depots: Is there a regular inspection of dairy premises and milk depots in your district? Are records kept of such inspections, and do the records show [a] the character of the water-supply, [b] the methods employed in washing the cans and utensils, and in the [c] collection, [d] cooling, [e] transportation and [f] delivery of the milk?..............

14. Diseases of animals:

[a] Have any cases of diseases of animals occurred ?.............

[b] Has any relation between such diseases and diseases in human beings been observed ?...............

15. Ice Is the cutting and the sale of ice controlled under the provisions of the act of March 18, 1885, and the supplement approved March 8, 1888 ?...........

16. Vaccination:

[a] Is vaccination generally practiced in your district?.........

[b] Has gratuitous vaccination been offered to the public by your board during the past year?...............................

17. Isolation hospital: Has your board provided satisfactory facilities for isolating cases of infectious diseases ?......................

18. Suits at law: Has any law suit been brought by your board for the enforcement of health laws or ordinances? If so, please report so much of the case or cases as may be useful for the guidance of other boards..............................

19. House-to-house inspections:

[a] Does your board conduct house-to-house inspections at stated

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[b] Is any record kept of sanitary inspections ?......................................

20. New constructions: Has any hospital, disinfecting plant, garbage furnace or other sanitary institution or apparatus been established?

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21. Amount appropriated for uses of board of health.......

22. Meetings: How many meetings have been held by the board during the


Signature, official title and

P. O. address of the person

filling out this report.



MEMBERS AND OFFICERS-Elmer C. Bales, Daniel Walters, Jr., Japhet Adams, J. Alton Michell,' Jos. S. Smith, Harry Foules, Geo. B. Lutts; T. W. Madden, Inspector.

*Births for the year ending June 30th, 1899, 14; deaths, 15. Deaths under 1 year, 2. Two meetings were held by the board during the year. One nuisance was investigated and abated.


MEMBERS AND OFFICERS-Alfred W. Bailey, M.D., Thos. D. McDevitt, Elwood S. Johnson, Wm. F. Clark, Arthur H. Stiles, Wm. F. Koeneke, F. Brode, H. C. Beck, J. R. Boilett, Alfred T. Glenn.


Births, 370; total deaths, 431; under 1 year, 106. diseases were reported as follows: Diphtheria, 13; scarlet fever, 6; typhoid fever, 26. There are 3,956 connection of houses and hotels. with the public water supply. There are 30 miles of sewers and 4,900 connections. During the year 260 permits for new connections were given. Nuisances investigated, 500, and abatement secured in each instance. Several suits at law have been brought for non-compliance with ordinances. Appropriation, $5,700. Meetings held, 104.


MEMBERS AND OFFICERS-Alfred Pennock, Buena; Gec. Deape, Folsom; Edmund Smith, Richland; Alfred Chalmers, Vineland; Douglas Reed, Secretary, Buena.

Births reported, 35; total deaths, 16. Under 1 year, 3. Two meetings were held by the board.

*The births and deaths reported from local health officers do not in all cases correspond with the facts contained in the tables published by the Bureau of Vital Statistics, because in some instances the returns are sent by the physician or midwife to a registrar in some adjoining district.

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