페이지 이미지

(6) What is the difference between the Int. of $2260, and the discount on the same, for 5 years, at 6 per cent. a year? Ans. $156.46.


RULE 20. Intransitive and neutre verbs may have the same case after them, as that which comes before them. As Mary is the girl who studies hard.

It was him who brought the news.-This sentence is improper:---for, him, is a pronoun in the objective form, after the neutre verb, was, and in apposition to it, which is the subject of the verb, in violation of the 20th rule;-therefore him should be he. Thus:-It was he who brought the news.

Well may you fear, it was him who calls you.

Search the scriptures, for they are them which testify of me. Be comforted, it is me that calls.

He resembles my friend and I took it to be he.

It could not be her for she was abroad.

OBS. When the past participle which implies naming, is used after the neutre verb, the same case may follow that preceded the verb. Thus:

He was named John. She was called Mary the pious. The publication was styled the song book for many years. She was christened Mary at St. Paul's.

The man was denied a vote.

The lords were refused a seat and denied a voice.

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prě-sep ́tiv

in-tes-tine in-tĕs'tin pre-sen-sion

in-trench-ment in-trensh'měnt pre-serv-er prē-zĕrv'ur

in-vec-tive in-věk❜tiv pre-ten-sion







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pre-ven-tive prē-věn ́tiv

li-sěn shus

[blocks in formation]

pro-fes-sion pro-fesh'shun

pro-fes-sor pro-fés sur

pro-gres-sion prō-gresh'shun

pro-gres-sive pro-gres'siv

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of-fen-sive öf-fen'siv pro-spec-tive op-pres-sion op-presh'shun pro-tec-tion op-pres-sor op-pressur pro-tec-tor pa-thet-ic pă-t'het'tik pru-den-tials per-cep-tion pĕr-sep'shun


prō-jěk'shun prō-jěk'tur prō-jěk ́tshūre prō-fēt tik


prō-těk'shun prō-těk'tür prô-den'shǎlz prô-nel lõ pu-trĕs'sense kwi ĕs'sĕnt

per-cep-tive pĕr-sep-tiv


per-fec-tion per-fek'shun


per-spec-tive per-spektiv

quin-tes-sence kwin-tes sense

per-verse-ness per-verse'něs re-bell-ion rē-běl'yun

per-ver-sion pĕr-ver'shun

pi-men-ta pē-men'tă

po-lem-ic pō-lem'mik



re-cep-tion re-sĕp'shun

re-demp-tion re-dem'shun

re-flec-tion rē-flěk'shun

pōr-ten'shun re-flec-tive rë-flěk'tiy


5. It matters not, christian, what your prospects now are', nor what condition now is`. In this world', your your heart may indeed sob' and bleed; and you may not find the man possessed of generosity to relieve', or humanity to pity`;-but in that pure world to which you pass', your felicity will be complete', and your allotment', unalterable. In that world', you will have the friendship and favour of the compassionate King of Heaven.

6. Look but a little beyond this mysterious and perplexing scene which veils your view of futurity,' and behold a bow stamped in the darkest clould that lowers in the face of heaven; see the sable nvelope brighten as you approach the confines of time! Does not yon blessed opening', which overlooks the black dominion of the grave', more than compensate you for all the trials which chequer your progress thither"?

7. Behold the long lost friend', who still lives in your memory`;--whose presence gave you more pleasure than all that life could afford', and whose absence has cost you more groans and tears than all that death could take away. He becons you to him! that where he is', you may be also. Here'

he tells you', reigns unmingled delight',-unpolluted joys',-exhaustless love, immortal, unbounded', and unmolested. friendship'.

8. All the sorrows', and imperfections of mortality', are to me as though they had never been`; and nothing lives here', but pure devotion. My heart', swelling with rapture', ceases to mourn';-my bosom', burning with gratitude', forgets to sigh`;-my eyes', beaming with celestial visions,' know not how to weep', and my head, bearing a crown of glory', adorned with palms of victory', has lost the power to ache`. 3 9. I am just as safe as infinite power; just as joyful as infinite fullness', and just as happy as infinite goodness', can possibly make me. My voice', no longer breathing the plaintive strains of disappointment and despair', is sweetly attuned to hymns of thanksgiving & praise', and mingles with the high host of heaven in the glorious anthem of redeeming love.



Barter is the exchange of one portion of proporty for another, on terms rendered equitable by apportioning their respective qualities and value.

RULE 1. Find the value of the property designd for exchange at the proposed price.

2. Say, as the price of an unit of the property received, is to the whole quantity received; so is the value of the property exchange, to the answer required. Thus:

(1) A has tea at $1.30 a lb. B has rice at 4 1-2 cts. a lb. how many lbs. of tea will purchase 2500 lbs of rice?

2500X.045 $112.500 value of the rice. Then,

as $1.30: 112.500 :: 1: 86 1-2 Ans. for, 112.500 X 11.30 86 plus 70×16÷1.30=8 oz. and a fraction over. (2) B. has 108 lbs of tea at $1.25 a lb, and A pays him in sugar for the whole at S 3-4 cents a ib; how much sugar does B get? Ans. 1542 lb.13 oz. (3) How much corn at 45 cts a bu. equals in value 357 bu. of wheat at 93 cts. a bu.? Ans. 737 3-4 bu.

NOTE 1. Barter is an important and useful rule, and well worth the attention of the scholar. Many of the common business transactions of life may be referred to it; hence, to become expert in its management, will secure advantages which the idle and ignorant must be contented to live without.

NOTE 2. There are a variety of ways to state questions in this rule, but the one given above is perhaps more concise than any other of a gen eral application.



RULE 21. The infinitive mood, or a part of a sentence, may be made the subject of a verb. As, to be idle, is sinful. To live piously, it is required of all men.

This sentence is faulty, because, the verb, to live piously, and the pronoun, it, cannot both be made the subject of the verb, is, hence, one is a redundancy, and should be expunged. Thus:To live piously, is required of all men.

To do unto all men as we like that all men should do unto us, it is the great moral rule of life.

The erroneous opinion which we form of the world, it gives birth to our troubles.

Religion, vital religion, the religion of the heart, they are a powertul aid in making war with the passions.

OBS. 1. When several members, joined by a copulative conjunction, expressed or implied, are made the subject, then the verb must agree with them in the plural number.

To be humble, to be charitable, to be of a pure mind, and to cultivate peace, is the best means of being useful and happy.

OBS. 2. When the parts in connexion form but one subject, implying singularity of idea, then the verb must follow in the singular number.

The possession of our limbs intire, our senses uninjured, and our understanding unimpaired, are blessings often overlooked by us, which to thousands would be the first wish.

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re-mem-brancerē-mem'brănse suc-cess-ful

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suk-sĕsh'shun suk-sés sur suf-fish'ĕnt

re-sem-blance re-zem'blănse sup-pres-sion sup-presh'shun

re-sent-ment re-zěnt'ment sur-ren-der
p-spect-ful rě-spekt fül sus-cep-tive
re-spec-tive re-spěk❜tiv sus-pen-sion
re-splen-dence re-splen'dense syn-thet-ic




rē-těn ́shun

tor-ment-or tòr-mĕn'tur

re-ten-tive ré'tén'tív

tran-scen-dence tran-sen'dense

re-trench-ment rẽ-trěnshment tan-scen-dent trăn-sěnděnt

re-veng-ful rē-věnj'fûl

re-ver-sion se-ces-sion

ré-věr shun

trans-gres-sion trans gresh'shun trans-gres-sor trans-gres'sur



trē-měn ́dus

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1. Lovely art thou', peace'! and lovely is thy voice in all the land'; lovely are thy children', and lovely their footsteps on the velvet carpet of the green valley`.

Wreaths of blue smoke', ascend through the trees, and point te location of the half hidden cottage. The eye of the husbandman' rests in content upon the well thatche hayricks', and the cornerib filled with plenty`:-and he laughs at the approach of winter.

2. Smiling hamlets decorate the country scene', and thriving towns pour their wealth into the bosom of the metropolis The lowing hind, stands cooling in the pool', and the bleating herd crops the tender grass in quiet`. The case

ment of the farm house', is covered with jessamine and honeysuckle', and the stately green house', exhales the perfume of summer climates`.

3. Little children clib the grassy mound of the rampart', and the creeping ivy holds together the half demolished buttress'. The old men sit in their doors and smoke the pipe in peace! the gossip leans upon her counter and relates the news', and girls and boys enjoy their pastime in strolling the streets'.

4. The house-wife's stores of bleached linen', white as snow', lie packed away with fragrant herbs', and the merchant's wares', are spread abroad to the eye of the buyer`. The labour of each', profits all`. The men of the north', drink the tea of China', and the daughters of the west', wear the web of Hindostan`.


The lame', the halt, and the blind', repose in hospitals'; the rich help the poor', and the poor aid and esteem the

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