페이지 이미지

(10) What is the com. Int. of $450, for 3 years at 7 per cent. per ann? Ans. $101.27. (11) B has 41 cwt. of iron at 30s. pr. cwt. for which A gives him £20 in cash, and the bal. in pork at 5d a lb. what is the quantity? Ans. 1992 lbs. (12) B sold his cloth at 11s. 6d and gained 15 per ct. what would have been his gain, had he sold it at 12?

Ans. 20 per cent. (13) Dholds B's note for £420 due 6 mo. hence, but he will pay £60 down to redeem a longer term; when must the ba'l. be paid? Ans. 7 mo. (14) B expends £480 lb. in 10 years, which is all his income; how much must he have at Int. at 6 per ct. a year to yield him this income? Ans. £1300. (15) What is the present worth of $100, 1-4 of which is due in 3 mo. and the bal. in 5 months? ·


Ans. $97.44.

RULE 27. All the parts of a sentence should correspond with each other, and a regular, dependent construction should be preserved throughout the sentence.

He is more beloved but not so much admired as his brother. This sentence is faulty, for the words more and so much have not the same construction, nor are they under the same regimen, more requires than after it as a corresponding compensive. Thus: He is more beloved than his brother, but not so much admired.

This dedication may serve for almost any book that has, is, or shall be published. Several alterations and additions have

been made to the work.

He is more hold and active, but not so wise and prudent as his companion.

The multitude rebuked them, because they should hold their peace.

The reward is his due, and it has already or will be here after given to him,

Sincerity is as valuable, and even more valuable than knowledge.

NOTE. This Rule is in part a recapitulation of all the foregoing rules. It appears also to be well calculated to ascertain the true grammatical construction of many modes of expression which no one of the other rules seems to reach," The pupil will do well to make it a subject of careful attention.


Reading Exercises.

Lesson 2. What is the vice depicted in this lesson? Who are the parties? Who Inkle? Whence did he sail and what was his pursuit? What his character? How came Inkle on shore? Whence did he flee? Whom did he find? What her character and conduct?

Lesson 6. Who was

How did he beguile her?

Yarico? How did she treat Inkle?
How make their escape?

To what Island did they go? What baseness did Inkle manifest? How did he regard Yarico? What become of the girl? Which

was the best character? Why?

Lesson 10. What the origin of religion? Her effects? Whither does she point the Christian? What are the advantages and allurements of the place? What of corruption? Happiness? What follows the scene of mortality?

Lesson 14. What of the condition and prospects in this life? To what subject? What of the next? What spirits the sufferer on? What of the long lost friend? What does he say? What of his own condition? What of his employinent?

NOTE. Such or similar questions should be proposed to the class immediately after reading each exercise. The subjects of pointing, emphasis, and the inflections of the voice;-with those of spelling particular and unusual words, their proper pronunciation and meaning, and the proper or improper construction of sentences, &c. In short what ever inay tend to engage the attention of the pupil profitably, and advance him in knowledge and virtue.


Lesson 3. What is commission? What brokerage? What insurance? What the rule? Example?

Lesson 11. What is discount? What the rule? 1st step? 2d step? Obs. 1st? Example? Obs. 2d? Example? Lesson 15. What is barter? Rule? 1st step? 2d step? Note 1st? Note 2d?

Lesson 27. What are loss and gain? Rule 1st step? 2d step? Obs. 1st? Example? Obs. 2d? Example?

Lesson 31. Obs. 3d? Rule? Example? Obs. 4th? Rule? Example?


Lesson 4. Rule 18th? Example, &c? Obs. 1st? Example? Obs. 2d? Example?

Lesson 8.

What of rule 19th? Example, &c? Obs. 1st? Example? Obs. 2d? Example? Obs. 3d? Example? Lesson 12. What of rule 20th? What of the Example, &c? What of the Obs? Example, &c?

Lesson 16. What of rule 21? Examples, &c? Obs. 1st? Examples? Obs. 2d? Example?

Lesson 20. What of rule 22d? &c? What of Obs? Example? What of rule 23th?

Lesson 24.

What of the Example,

Examples? Obs? Ex

[blocks in formation]

Words of three syllables, accent on the third, vowels short.

ca-ra-van karin văn mar-mo-set com-plai-sance kom-plē-zănse'non-pa-ricl com-plai-sant kom-ple-zănt o-ver-whelm con-fi-dant kon-fe-dǎnt pic-tur-esque


cour-te-san kur-tē-zăn'













re-com-mend rěk-kom-mĕnd'

can-zo-net kǎn-zō-něť rep-re-hend rep-pre-hĕnd

cir-cum-vent sĕr-kum-vent' rep-re-sent

co-a-lesce kō-ǎ-lĕs'

[blocks in formation]


Dialogue between Prince Edward and his Keeper.
Ed. What brings thee now? it surely cannot be
The time of food';-my prison hours are wont
To fly more heavily`.

Keep. It is not food': I bring wherewith', my lord',
To stop a rent in these old walls', that oft

Hath grieved me when I've thought of you o' rights;
Through it the cold wind visits you`.

Ed And let it enter! it shall not be stopp'd'.
Who visits me besides the wind of heaven?
Who mourns with me but the sad-sighing wind`?
Who bringeth to mine ear the mimick'd tones
Of voices once beloved`, and sounds long pass'd',
But the light wing'd and many voic'd wind`?
Who fans the prisoner's lean and fever'd cheek
As kindly as the monarch's wreathed brow',
But the free pitious wind`?

I will not have it stopp'd`.

Keep. My lord', the winter now creeps on apace'; Hoar frost', this morning', on our shelter'd fields', Lay thick, and glanc'd to the up-risen sun',

Which scarce had power to melt it`.

Ed. Glanc'd to the up-risen sun'! Ay, such fair morns every bush doth put its glory on',


Like a gemm'd bride! Your rusticks now

And early hinds', will set their clouted feet

Through silver webs', so bright and finely wrought

As royal dames ne'er fashioned', yet plod on

Their careless way, unheeding.

Alas! how many glorious things there are

To look upon! Wear not the forests now
Their latest coat of richly varied dies'?

Keep. Yes; good my lord'; the cold chill year advances; Therefore', I pray thee', let me close that wall`.

Ed. I tell thee no`, man`; if the north wind bites',
Bring me my cloak. Where is thy dog to-day?
Keep. Indeed, I wonder that he came not with me
As he is wont'!

Ed. Bring him', I pray thee', when thou com'st again, He wags his tail and looks up to my face

With the assur'd kindness of one

Who has not injur'd me'.



F NOTE. Fellowship means copartnership. It exhibits a method of ap portioning the profit or loss arising from mercantile transactions among the parties concerned, upon principles of strict equity. It is divided into two kinds, Single and Double Fellowship. Single Fellowship has reference to the several stocks employed without regard to time.


As the whole sum or stock,

Is to each partner's share in the stock;
So is the whole gain or loss,

To his share of the gain or loss. Thus:

(1) A, B, and C, gain in trade $800;-A's share of stock was $1200, B's, $4800, and C's, $2000; what was each man's share of the gain?

1200+4800+2000-8000 amt. of stock. Then, as $8000:1200::800: $120, A's share.

as $8000:4800::800: $480, B's share.

as $8000:2000::800: $200, C's share.

PROOF. The sum of all the shares, of gain or loss, will equal the whole gain or loss.

120+480+200=800 Proof.

(2) D, E, and F, trade in company; D put in $140, E $300 and F $160. They gain $120; what is each partner's share? Ans. D's $28; E's $60; and F's $32. ‹ (3) B died worth $1800; but he owed A $1200;, B $500, and C $700,-what will each share of his estate?

Ans. A $900; B 375; C 525.


Remarks on the application of the rules of grammar, to the purposes of speaking and writing.

1 The object of studying grammar, is to become acquainted with the idiom and principles of the language, and to apply them correctly to the practical purposes of writing and conversation. To accomplish this important object, requires some careful study and patient practice.

2 It is no idle thing to become a scholar;-nor is it any very difficult thing. Every child, of common capacity and ordinary health, may become so much of one, as to be able to write and speak his native language correctly, and to conduct the usual business of life with accuracy and respectability.

But knowledge must be sought; were it to grow to the

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