페이지 이미지


The different Poetic measures.

1. A Trochee has the 1st syllable accented, and the 2d unaccented.

Thus:-Hate'ful, pē ́vish, climate.

2. An Iambus has the 2d syllable accented, and the 1st unaccented.

Thus.-in-flate', be-tray', con-fine'.

3. The Spondee has both syllables accented.

Thus:-Pale' mōōn', tall' trēē, spon' dēē.' .. 4. The Pyrrhic has both words or syllables unaccented. Thus-on the snow clad hills.

5. The Dactyle has the 1st syllable accented, and the other two unaccented.

Thus:-Broth'ĕr-ly, la'bour-er, wrongful-ly. 6. The Amphibrack has the 2d syllable accented, and the others unaccented;

Thus:-Com-mänd'er, de-light'ful, o-blig'ing.

7. The Anapest has the 3d syllable accented, and the others unaccented.

Thus:-Con-tră-vēne', ǎc-qui-ēsce', ǎb-ĕr-dēēn'.

8. A Tribrach has all the syllables unaccented.

Thus:-Nu-mĕr-ă-ble, con-quer-ă-ble, hăb-it-ǎ-ble.


The Iambus, Trochee, Dactyle, and Anapest, are called principal feet, because entire pieces of poetry may be formed exclusively of The other four are called secondary feet, because they are employed to diversify the numbers and improve the verse.



oc-ci-den-tal ŏk-se-děn'tăl prej-u-di-cial prěj-ū-dish'ăl oc-cu-pa-tion õk-kū-pā'shun pre-par-a-tion prep ĕr-a'shun om-ni-pres-ence ŏm nē-prěz ́ĕnse proc-u-ra-tor prok-kū-rā tūr op-er-a-tion Ŏp-ĕ-rā ́shun prof-a-na-tion prof-a-nā ́shun ōr-e-ĕn'tăl pro-hi-bi-tion prō-he-bish'un Ŏs-sil-la'shun prol-on-ga-tion prol-ong-ga'shun prom-ul-ga-tion prom-ul-ga'shun


os-cil-la-tion O-ver-se-er pan-a-ce-a


pǎn-a-se à

pror-o-ga-tion pror-o-ga'shun

pan-e-gyr-ic pan-e-jĕr'rik

pros-e-cu-tion pros-e-ku'shun

pan-e-gyr-ist păn-e-jěrist

prot-es-ta-tion prot-ĕs-tā ́shun



prov-i-den-tial prov-e-dĕn'shǎl


pǎr-e-gör ik


păr-re-si dal

pa-tri-ar-chal pa-tre-àr'kal pat-ro-nym-ic păt-ro-nim'ik

prov-o-ca-tion prov-ō-kā ́shun punct-u-a-tion punkt-yu-a'shun pu-tre-fac-tion pū-tre-fǎk'shun rar-e-fac-tion rǎr-e-fǎk'shun

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pen-i-ten-tial pen-e-ten'shal rec-i-ta-tion rés-ē-ta'shun per-ad-ven-ture per-ad-vent yure rec-og-ni-tion rek-og-nish ́u¡ per-fo-ra-tion per-fō-ra'shun rec-ol-lec-tion 1ěk-ŏl-lěk ́shun per-i-ost-eum per-e-ost'yum rec-re-a-tion per-pe-tra-tion per-pe-tra'shun ref-or-ma-tion ref-òr-mā ́shun per-se-cu-tion per-se-ku'shun rel-ax-a-tion per-se-ver-encepĕr-se-ver'ănserem-i-nis-cencerem-e-nis'sĕnse per-spi-ra-tion pĕr-spē-ra ́shun ren-o va-tion ren-ō-vā ́shun per-ti-na-cious per-te-na'shus rep-a-ra-tion rep-a-ra'shun pes-ti-len-tial pes-te-len'shal re-per-cus-sion re-per-kush'shun pet-ri-fac-tion pet-re-fak'shun rep-e-ti-tion rep-e-tish'un phil-o-me-la fil-o-me la rep-re-hen-sion rep-re-hen'shun pol-i-ti-cian pol-e-tish'an rep-ro-ba-tion rep-rō-ba'shun po-ly-an-thus pō-le-an't hus req-ui-si-tion rek-we-zish'un pred-e-ces-sor pred-e-ses'sur res-er-va-tion res-ĕr-va'shun pre-di-lec-tion pre-de-lek'shun res-ig-na-tion rez-ig-nã ́shun CONVERSATIONS, &c.- -LESSON 10. Coroners and Judges.

Next to the office of sheriff, said Horace, you mentioned that of coroner; how is he appointed?

The coroner is appointed by the people at the same time and for the same term in which the sheriff is appointed. His business is to attend at the place where persons are killed, wounded, or found dead, and particularly in prisons; also, where houses are broken open, and where treasure is said to have been found. In these cases, he immediately summons twenty-four competent men of his county before him, at the place designated, twelve or more of whom pass upon the subject, and, in case of death, declare upon oath, after viewing the deceased and hearing testimony, &c. how death was inflicted and by whom, with such collateral circumstances as may arise touching the premises.

These, sir, said Horace, appear to be his duties; what are his powers?

He has power to commit to prison the supposed culprit, and to bind over or commit the witnesses, as well as the house breaker and the finder of treasure, to appear at the next court of oyer and terminer, to which he makes his return in writing of his whole proceedings in each case.

The coroner is the only officer in the county who has power to serve a precept upon the sheriff, or transact such legal business in cases where the sheriff' is a party, or any ways


How does the coroner get his pay for his services, asked Philo; for I suppose there must be money in the business? Certainly, my son, there is necessarily money in the transaction. The coroner's compensation, as well as the jury's and witnesses', is fixed by law, it is made out in the form of fees and paid by the party interested, or drawn from the county treasury.

County Judges. Next to the coroner, comes the county judges, said Horace; we wish to know how they are appointed and what they do.

The county judges, of whom there is one chief judge and two or three assistant judges, are appointed by the governor, with the advice and consent of the senate, said Mr. Brown. They hold their office for five years, and a court of common pleas within their county, four times in each year. In these courts they try and determine, according to law, all actions real, personal, or mixed, arising within their own county.

Their duties are various, (especially those which appertain to the first judge,)—and their powers proportionably extensive. The first judge can hold no other office except that of senator, ór delegate to Congress, and he has some duties and powers distinct from those assigned to the assistant judges. He licenses all attornies appointed by the court; makes orders out of term, touching suits pending in court;--admits to bail on application of the people's attorney, and issues the writ of Habeas Corpus.

Do the judges of the court of Common Pleas, receive any compensation for their services? asked Philo.

Certainly, replied the father; their duties are as important, and their services as laborious and as necessary as any other officer's in community. They get the first motion fee, as it is called, which is shared among them, and a variety of other fees for acknowledgements, &c.

What are we to understand by the writ of Habeas Corpus, which you just now mentioned? How does it differ from other writs? inquired Horace.

The literal import of the phrase, Habeas Corpus, is, to have the body. Its primitive and great object was to secure the citizen against false imprisonment; though the practice of the courts have appropriated it to several other purposes. Ordinary writs are issued against the persons of defendants, but they merely site him to appear in court at a given day, which, in civil ensos ha may do hy his attorney.

I don't understand, said Horace, how it is, that, by having the body, the citizen is secured from false imprisonment; it seems to me that having or taking the body into custody, constitutes the imprisonment.

True, my son; but suppose the body is in custody unjustly under the authority of some other precept; the writ of Habeas Corpus, which is paramount to every other authority intrusted to government, takes that body from custody and brings it before the judge, who, on finding no cause of imprisonment, sets it at liberty. The privilege of this writ can be suspended only by an act of the legislature, and that, too, in cases of imminent danger, arising from invasion or insurrection.


NOTE. A spheroid is a solid body, resembling an egg, except that both ends are alike. The solid contents of this figure may be found by the following

RULE. Multiply the square of the revolving diameter, by the length of the axis around which the revolution is made, and that product by .5236, the last product will be the answer. Thus:

What is the solidity of a spheroid whose revolving diameter is 20ft. and whose axis is 30ft.?

20×20=400×30=12000, X.5236=6283.2, Ans. OBS. 1. The solidity of any irregular body, whose dimensions cannot be easily taken, may be found by the following RULE. 1. Take any vessel of a regular form, and put the irregular body to be measured into it.

2. Pour into the vessel as much water as will just submerge the irregular body.

3. Remove the submerged body, and take the distance which the water falls on the side of the vessel; from which compute the solidity of the irregular body.

Or, fill the vessel to the brim, then immerse the irregular body, and receive the water that runs out into a vessel of a regular form, aud compute its solidity.

OBS. 2. The capacity of a vessel is what it will hold in any given denomination. Those given in bushels or gallons may be determined by the following table and subjoined rules.


1728 cubic inches

27 cubic feet

4492 cubic feet

32768000 cubic rods



1 cubic foot;

1 cubic yard;
1 cubic rod;
1 cubic mile;

282 cubic inches =

231 cubic inches =

2150.42 cubic inches

1 ale gallon;

1 wine gallon;

= 1 bushel;

1 cubic foot of pure water = 62.5lbs. avoirdupoise. 1 cubic foot of earth, of the mean density of the whole mass, is found, by experiment, to be 4.5 the weight of pure water. REMARKS, &c.-LESSON 12.

1st. Illustrations of the Trochaic measure.

NOTE 1. The trochaic measure may be divided into six kinds.

1. That which consists of one trochee, and a long syllable. Tū-mult cease,


Sink to peace.

NOTE 2. This is the shortest trochaic measure in the English language.

2. That which consists of two trochees, to which may be added a long syllable.

[blocks in formation]

NOTE 3. Both the above examples of trochaic verse, are deficient in point of dignity, and, therefore, should not be employed on serious subjects.

3. That which consists of three trochees, but may admit an additional long syllable.


Or thus:

When our hearts åre mõurn-ing,
Fões our grief ǎre scorn-ing.
Rēst-less mōr-tals tōil för naught,
Bliss in vain from earth is sought.
OBS. The third species of the Trochaic
mon, and perhaps the most agreeable.

Let the bird with bō-som blue
Sip with me the mōrn-ing dew.
Dai-ly near my table steal
While I pick my scan-ty mẽal.

verse, is very com

[blocks in formation]
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