
ligible and perspicuous. The latter appearing to be the sole and exclusive design of the queries proposed by the Rev. Mr. Milne, nothing contained in them can be considered as precluded by the prohibition of note and comment.

While the committee give this opinion, and express their high approbation of the conduct of Mr. Milne, they recommend to his attention, and that of translators in general, the English Version, with marginal renderings and references; as affording a correct examble of that sort and degree of explanation which it may be permitted to introduce into those copies of the Bible which answer to the Society's definition and requirement, of their being without note or comment.

Extracted from the Minutes.

From the Rev. William Milne. Malacca, Dec. 31, 1816.-The situation of Malacca affords frequent opportunities of communicating with all other settlements in the Archipelago, where the Chinese reside. To each of these I have sent copies of the sacred scriptures. In the course of every year, there are opportunities of communicating with three provinces of China; viz. Canton, FoKien, and Quang-see; and also with the various ports of Cochin China and Siam, where multitudes of Chinese are settled.

Thus, though we are not at present allowed to settle in China itself, a variety of channels are opened to us, in the good providence of God, through which the sacred scriptures may be introduced. Several China-men and merchants have very readily sent parcels to their friends and correspondents in other places, and have brought their acquaintances, when passing from port to port, to converse, and get books.

In June 1815, the registered number of Chinese in the Island of Penang, (Prince of Wales' Island), was seven

thousand two hundred and forty-one. From the numbers that have gone thither since, I suppose there are now at least eight thousand. In point of education and morals, I think them considerably behind their brethren in Java and Malacca. The settlement of Penang is comparatively new. In Java and Malacca Chinese have been settled for hundreds of years, and there are many families of long standing.

A very large proportion of the Chinese in Penang are merchants, mechanics, and day labourers, who have gone thither with no other view than that of making a little money in a few years, after which they intend to return to China, and then set up in life. There is a much smaller proportion of schools for youth among the Chinese in Penang, than among their countrymen settled in other parts of the Archipelago. In distributing the New Testaments among them, when I visited that island, I observed the same rules to which I adhered in Java in 1814. All the largest Chinese families in George's Town have a New Testament, and in the course of distribution I did not meet with a single Chinese who did not thankfully receive it; and in conversing with them, I found them all disposed to listen. The words of eternal life are now in their hands.

I feel grateful to God, and to the Bible Society, for the opportunities afforded me of putting the Sacred Scriptures into the hands of a people who never before had heard of them

I have opened two schools in Malacca for Chinese children, in which the average number of boys who have attended is about fifty-five; some of whom have learned to repeat portions of the word of God. At seven o'clock every morning, they all, together with the schoolmasters and other Chinese, attend prayer and reading the Holy Scriptures.



In a late number of our Journal, we expressed our doubts as to the stability of the treaty that had been concluded with the Peishwa, and events have proved that we were not mistaken in his character. That lawless despot has again provoked the vengeance of our arms, and his total discomfiture has been the just consequence. Despatches announcing the renewal of hostilities between him and our government were brought overland from Bombay by Capt. Moore, and are dated 24th November. It appears, that Asiatic Journ.-No. 28.

the hostile demonstrations of the Peishwa rendered it necessary for us to march a force of 4,000 men from the Bombay army to oppose his meditated attack. Against this body of troops, however, the Mahratta chief brought ten times the number, attacking us with 40,000 men; yet notwithstanding the numerical, disparity of the forces he was totally routed, after having fought two battles, one on the 5th and the other on the 7th of November. The loss sustained by the Peishwa in the first engagement was consider able, but not such as to deter him from VOL. V. 3 G

hazarding a second battle, when his arms experienced a complete overthrow. Flying from Poonah with the greatest precipitancy, he took refuge in one of his strong forts, while our troops entered his capital in triumph.

Marquis Hastings had concluded a treaty with Scindiah, by which it was provided that the British troops might pass through his territories, to punish the Pindaris. It is not, however, supposed that a subsidiary force will be fixed upon Scindiah, who seems anxious to maintain an amicable understanding with the Company, and willing to assist in suppressing the robbers. Holkar submits in every thing to Marquis Hastings. The troops of the Peishwa hung, some accounts say shot, two British officers whom they had made captive.

In addition to the above accounts we

have been favoured with the following particulars by a correspondent.

"The present Peishwa Bagee Row is a son of Ragabah or Raganauth, of infamous memory. He succeeded MadhuRow, the infant Peishwa, who died suddenly on the 27th of October 1795. His abilities are moderate, his temper ferocious and tyrannical, easily duped by his favourites, and subject to the most violent gusts of passion; these irregularities have brought him into many difficulties since his accession to the empire, and he had been repeatedly driven from his throne and capital by the contending Mahratta factions, from the commencement of his reign till 1802, when the treaty of Bassein, which engaged him in close alliance with the British, firmly established his power and government. The restless spirit of his ministers, at the head of whom was the exile and murderer Trimbucjee, has again plunged their master into open war with the British. After practising in vain a thousand arts and subterfuges to avoid the fulfilment of the late treaty, he threw off the mask, and on the 5th November, opposed to ten times their number, the British troops were triumphant. On the 17th another action took place, when the Peishwa and his army of 40,000 men were routed, and Poonah abandoned to the conquerors. Trimbucjee, who is supposed to be the abettor of these desperate measures, is still at large. I am concerned to add, that two of our gallant countrymen, British officers, have been hung by the Peishwa's orders in cold blood; the day of retribution, however, cannot be far distant."

No officer was killed in either of the actions of the 5th and 17th of November. Capt. Preston wounded in the foot by a cannon ball.

Lt. Falconar wounded in the shoulder.

Two Cornets reported to be taken prisoners.

Capt. Vaughan and his brother shot by order of the Peishwa.

We regret that the details of the actions are not yet made public, further than we have been enabled to give them as above. Capt. Moore, the bearer of the overland Packet to the Secret Committee at the India House, brought no other letters or papers of any description.

The latest papers which have arrived from India, are not of a date recent enough to embrace the preceding important details, and relate chiefly to the preparations and movements which were making by our troops against the Pindaris.

Nov. 1.-Our letters from the Dukhin mention, that Sir John Malcolm was near to Husseinabad, and had intimated that he should arrive there on the morning of usually full, there being on the 15th, the 19th. The Nerbudda continued un-, eighteen feet of water, where it was most shallow. Should this continue, it would occasion some difficulty in crossing the troops. There was not a sufficient number of boats to make bridges, but rafts they would all be over by the 5th instant. were constructing, and it was expected They would then proceed by the Chowkee, pass towards Bopal, and leaving it ou the left advance to Blilseah and Burseah, the Jaghire of Khurreem Khan; from that to Seronge, which belongs to Wasseel Mahomed. By the time these movements were executed, it was expected MajorGen. Marshall would have advanced through Bundlecund, on Sagur and Bass saudalı, which last is a Jaghire of Sheik Delloo. The Jaghire of Setoo is to the the 3d Madras brigade, under Sir John west of Bopal, and would be occupied by Malcolm. According to the Guallor Ukbars, three durrahs of Pindarees, of ten thousand horse each, are now lying bethe Dussarah, it was expected part of tween Patgur and Grosseah, and, after them would start for Surat. A bridge of boats was in preparation for the passage of the grand army over the Jumna: when it might move for Secundra, seemed uncertain. The general opinion is, that part of Scindia. no resistance will be attempted on the

Major-Gen. Donkin arrived at Agra on vision of the army would march for Dhatthe 14th. It was expected that that dipoor, on the Chumbul, immediately after the 20th.

Dukhin has been brigaded as follows :—
The Western Division of the Army of the

Light Artillery Brigade, to consist of corporated with it, and the Rocket troop. the troop of Horse Artillery, Gallopers in

Cavalry Brigade, to consist of 4th Light Cavalry Detachment of his Majesty's 22d Light Dragoons, and 8th Light Cavalry.

Light Brigade, to consist of the Rifle Corps, 1st bat. 16th or Trichinopoly Light Inf. 2d bat. 17th, or Chicacole, and 1st bat. 3d, or Palamcottah.

First Brigade, to consist of Flank Companies of his Majesty's Royal Scots, 1st bat. 7th Nat. Regt. and Madras European regiment.

Second Brigade, to consist of 1st bat. 14th N. I. 2d, 6th N. I.

The infantry guns are to be formed in battery, to which the Company of Foot Artillery and Gun Lascars will be attached.

Major Lushington, of the 4th Light Cavalry, to command the Cavalry Brigade ; Lieut. Lyon, of the 8th Light Cavalry, to be Major of Brigade to the Cavalry Brigade; Lieut.-Col. Deacon to command the Light Brigade; Lieut. W. Low to be Brigade Major to the Light Brigade; Lieut.-Col. Thompson to command the 1st Brigade of Infantry; Capt. Hunter to be Brigade Major to the 1st Brigade of Infantry; Lieut.-Colonel R. Scott to command the 2d Brigade of Infantry; Capt. Napier, of the Rifle Corps, to be Brigade Major to the 2d Infantry Brigade; Major Noble, C. B. to command the Artillery of the 1st division, in conformity to his appointment, G. O. 22d ultimo; Lieut. Bonner of the Horse Artillery, to be Major of Brigade to the Artillery; Lieut. Poggonpohl, to act as Adjutant of the Horse Artillery; Captain Rudyerd, senior officer in charge of the Artillery and Rocket troop, will command the Light Artillery Brigade, Lieut. Davies, Field Engineer, with the 1st, 2d, and 3d divisions.

Extract of a letter from Bundlecund camp, at Punnalı, October 16, 1817 :"On the 30th ult. the 4th company, 2d battalion of the 28th, and 1st battalion 26th native infantry, marched from Keitah towards Bandah, under command of General D'Auvergne. On the 6th curt. this detachment reached Bandah, after having lost many camels, from the roads having been rendered almost impassable in consequence of the torrents of rain which fell during the march. The Keitah detachment was joined at Bandah by the 1st battalion 14th native infantry, and a battalion of the 7th native infantry, from Delhi. Brigadier-Gen. D'Auvergne at the same time departed from the centre division of the army, and Gen. Marshall took command of the left division on the 7th curt. On the 8th curt. the above camp left Bandah, and arrived at Kallinger on the 10th, where they were joined by Capt. Cunningham, witth six Russalabs of Rohilla horse; and on the 4th, the army concentrated at the bottom of the Bisram Gungee Ghaut, by the junction

of the train of foot and horse artillery, together with the 1st battalion 1st native infantry. The cavalry brigade, including the horse artillery, ascended the Ghaut, and reached Punnah yesterday; and one of the brigades of infantry came up to the same ground this morning. The remaining brigade under the Brigadier-Gen. is to-day employed in bringing the heavy artillery up the Ghaut. The whole can scarcely arrive at Punnah before the 19th."

The following is an extract of a letter from an officer in the Company's service, dated Merut, Sept. 14th, at which time it would appear that formidable preparations were making against Scindiah with whom however, according to more recent accounts, a treaty has been concluded.

The army is to be assembled in five divisions, commanded and disposed of as follows; the grand division under the Marquis of Hastings in person, with General Browne of the cavalry under him as second in command with the undermentioned troops. Three troops of horse ar tillery, H. M. 8th and 24th light dragoons. Dromedary corps, Pioneer corps, H. M. 87th regiment, the European Flank brigade, and three brigades of native infantry; one of which we take up with us at Coel (2nd brigade 11th regt).

The 2nd division under General Marshall assembles in Bundlecund with the battering train with him, several brigades of infantry, &c.

The 3d division under General Donkin assembles between Etawah and Agra, he will have the 3d and 7th regiments of cavalry, some irregular horse, H. M. 14th regt. and some brigades of Native Infantry.

The 4th division under Sir David Ochterlony, G. C. B. on the army covering Delhi will have the 1st and 2d regt. of cavalry; 1500 of Skinner's irregular horse; H. M. 67th regt. several brigades of native infantry, &c. &c.

The 5th division or the army in advance will be situated between Muttra and Delhi commanded by brigadier Arnold, subject' to the general control of Sir David Ochterlony; it will consist of some of Skinner's irregular horse, and a brigade of native horse artillery with the light troops of infantry, &c. &c.

The whole of the above force is to be in position by eight o'clock in the morning of the 10th of October, so that a simul taneous movement will be made against Scindiah; we have nineteen marches and three halting days to bring us to our point, and whatever may happen, in spite of weather we are off.

The Madras and Bombay armies, the Poonah aud Nagpore subsidiary forces

move at the same time, so that the co-ope ration may be sudden and complete; ere long you may therefore expect to hear of a crash on our frontiers. The Governor General was at Allahabad on the 3d inst where he was detained on account of the death of the younger Fitzclarence, Aidde-Camp to General Hislop. The rocket troop will join us at Secundra also. The Pioneers have marched direct to Etawah from Delhi and one or two other brigades have likewise moved off; we have farther to proceed than any other detachment before we get into position. Four companies of the 2nd brigade of Nat. Inf. accompany us as far as Ally Ghur and relieve the corps now there. All artillery officers on command at the outposts are called in and directed to join head quarters of artillery in the field. Four companies of European artillery and six com-' panies of Gohundanze are ready at Cawnpore for field service, the greater part of whom will move with the train and General Marshall. By looking at the map of Hindostan you will see how Scindiah will be hemmed in by the different forces, and of course the Bhautpore Rajah will be greatly alarmed likewise; however the latter is safe at present, I believe, and there is no intention of attacking him. Treasure is collecting for the payment of our troops on service, thirty lacks of rupees have left Calcutta for the upper provinces, and money is collecting in other points.

A telegraph communication is in progress between Fort William and Nagpore, but when it will be in sufficient forward ness to open I cannot say; I rather think it will not answer as the country is too much enclosed by wood and other obstacles. The 21st dragoons from the Cape under Colonel Pigott are expected in Bengal this month, for the purpose of relieving the 24th regt. of dragoons, however the latter cannot be sent away immediately or until the campaign is over, which is not likely to be very soon. We expect to be out long and a good deal harassed, particularly the cavalry and our corps.

Aug. 4.-Holkar's camp on the 11th of July was at Bhagee. A letter had been received from the Vakeel, stationed at the camp of Ranah Zalim Sing of Kotab, stating, that the Ranah had prevailed on Guffoor Khan to return to his allegiance and rejoin Holkar's camp. 50,000 rupees is to be paid on account of arrears due to Guffoor's solders.

Raolpundy Ukhbars of the 11th of June state, that Nabob Khawn had assembled 4,000 men with an intention of attacking Mahomed Khawn.

The Amretsir Ukhbars to the 30th of June state, that Runjeet was then at Lahore.

The Moltan Ukhbars of 15th June apnounce that the Seik army had at length left the boundaries of Mooltan and encamped at Kote Calja.

The Peshour Ukhbars to the 3d June mention that Vizier Futteh Khawn had left Peshour for Cabul, but not until he had received repeated orders for that purpose from the king Mahmood Shah. The Vakeel of Runjeet had accompanied the Vizier to Cabul. It is said that the King intends to move the royal camp towards Herraut, with a design of attacking Cachar.

The accounts from Jaypore state, that Motaub Khawn is encamped between Secandera and Bherman, and that Rajah Madhogurrah. The Rajah of Jaypore was Loll Sing was distant about 3 coss from unwell, Ameer Khawn was still before Madhoraj poorah.

Aug. 13-We have perused letters from the camp at the Gongparrah Pass, dated the 3d instant. The rebels occupied the Underrah Stockade, against which Capt. Kennett was to advance at daylight on the 4th instant, at the head of six companies. A detachment of 80 men under Lieut. M'Kenly, was to advance on the afternoon of the 3d, to endeavour to get into the rear of the Pikes, who were not expected to stand Capt. Kennett's attack. The rains have been most incessant, and the roads are very bad, and in some places scarcely passable. Several unsuccessful attempts have lately been made to surprise parties of Pikes, and some detachments of Sepoys on this duty have been exposed to the rain for nine hours continuance without any covering.

In the Belsah Ukbar of the 25th Au

gust, it is mentioned that Scindia had di-
rected all the Pindaree chiefs to assemble
after the Dassarah with their adherents at
a fort in his country not far from Narwar.
Buskh Khan one of the chiefs had sent a
rich present to the Maha Raj, a splendid
saddle set with gems, together with five
lacks of rupees and an elephant. Our letters
from the Dukhin mention that the Pindaree
chiefs are sending off their families for
the Seekh country, and making great pre-
parations to enable them to take the field
matchlock all over the country.
early; that they are buying up every
His Ex-
cellency Lieutenant General Sir T. Hislop
with the general staff of the Madras
army had arrived at Jaulnah. Letters
from officers in that quarter mention, it
was expected they would take the field by
the 1st September. In the Madras army
it was understood that a division of their
force would proceed to Nagpore to relieve
the temperature is said to be very mode-
the Bengal division. Throughout Berar
rate during the rainy season ;-the ther-
mometer ranging from 76 to 82.


Sept. 17.-Ukhbars from Holkar's camp, at Ramba, of date the 22d of July, mention the death of Meena Bhaee, the mother of Scindiah; and state, that a letter had been received by Bapojee, containing orders from his master not to interfere with Holkar's concerns. Holkar's principal army was encamped within ten cosses of Dukhiak; and Homah Bhaee was before Assir, the Kiladaur of which had sustained a complete defeat, and was compelled to take refuge in his fortress." By the orders of the Bhaee (Holkar's mother), Homah Bhaee was about to withdraw her army, in order to avoid any misunderstanding with Scindiah.

The Moultan Ukhbars notice a conspiracy on the part of Khorda Yar Khan and some Sirdars, to seize the person of Hafiz Ahmed Khan; but Hafiz having been apprized of their intentions, frustrated them, by securing the conspirators.

Mahmood Shah was at Cabul, and his Vizier, Futty Khan, at Manee Lollah. The army of Cachar was investing Her rant, and Prince Camran had proceeded to its relief, leaving his son to defend Candahar. In addition to this information, the Peshawur Ukhbars state, that the Cachar cavalry before Herraut amounted to 60,000, and had a complement of artillery of 70 guns. Several skirmishes had taken place, and Prince Ferozuldeen had put to death his counsellor, Aka Khan, for having attempted to negociate with the Cachar chiefs. It is added, that Nabob Asud Khan had set out for Turkistan, with two lacs of rupees, for the purpose of raising an army in that pro


Letters from Nagpore mention that the subsidiary force was comprehended in the command of his Excellency Sir T. Hislop. It was expected that a fortress within half a mile of Hussingabad would be placed in possession of the troops at that station. It would require not more, than half a battalion to defend it, and it would prove useful as a depôt on the troops marching in October. It seems to be the opinion in that quarter, that the Pindarees will now find no chieftain desperate enough to attempt affording them shelter or assistance, and that they will quickly be rode down by the cavalry of the two presidencies. Recruiting parties from the Madras army were in the camps of the Bengal division, and some inconvenience was occasioned to individuals by their Clashees and Sweepers enlisting. The pay of a Madras Seapoy in the field is nine rupees.

All Europeau articles in that quarter fetch very high prices-Port wine 71 rupees per dozen, beer 37, brandy 80, a square of pickles 35, two pine cheeses

85. Such were the outcry prices at a late sale at Hussingabad.

According to the Ukbars, several of the Rajahs tributary to Runjeet Sing had requested permission of that chief to wait upon and pay their respects to the Governor-General. Runjeet Sing had assented to their wishes, and had sent to Umritsir for khelauts, to present to them previous to their departure for head-quarters.

Private letters mention the reduction of Heraut, by the army of the king of Persia; but the Ukbars do not corroborate this intelligence.

An envoy from the court of Nepaul paid a visit of ceremony to the Marquis of Hastings, ncar the mouth of the Gogra. His name is Gooroo Guzrag Misser. He was attended from Khatmandoo by Mr. Wellesley. We are informed his astonishment at the splendour of the scene, on the occasion of his visit to the Governor General, amounted to real agitation.

The Honorable Archibald Seton embarked on the Sophia, Pilot Schooner, on the evening of the 18th instant, under the salute due to his rank, and would proceed in that vessel to Madras with the view of returning to Europe by the earliest opportunity. By this departure India is deprived of one, who for a long period has formed at once the delight and ornament of her society. The lately delicate state of Mr. Seton's health adds anxiety to those feelings of regret, which under any circumstances must have been experienced in losing an individual so richly endowed with all the charities,-with all the amenities of life,-with all that endears man to man. In the moment of departure it is on these that we dwell with fond regret, rather than on the brilliant career of Mr. Seton in public life, and the loss which the state sustains on the retirement of so invaluable à servant. To attempt more than to express our participation in the sentiments of regret common to all on this interesting occasion were in us-not less presumptuous than vain. Of him it may be truly said

With softest manners, gentlest arts adorned!

Bless'd in each science-bless'd in every strain! He who attempts even a sketch of such a character should possess some portion of that rare felicity of expression, which from the lips of him, whose departure we now lament, has so frequently charmed and delighted this society. But a few weeks ago Mr. Seton remarked in conversation Till lately I used to dwell on the pleasure which I anticipated in returning to my native land-Now, as the pe

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