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riod of my departure approaches, I think of the friends from whom I am so soon to be separated,”—a sentiment quite cha. racteristic of that warmth and goodness of heart which endeared Mr. Seton to all who had the honor and happiness of his acquaintance. In recalling the delight enjoyed in the society of one who combined such various powers of pleasing, it is impossible to avoid feeling on his departure.

Quanto minus cum reliquis versari,
Quam Illius meminisse !

The illness of Sir Thomas Hislop we are concerned to find was very severe, and serious apprehensions were entertained at one time for the event, but we are now happy to state that our last advices from his head quarters report him to be in a fair way of recovery.

We regret to state that a violent epidemic has been committing great ravages amongst the native inhabitants of Jessore and the adjacent villages. The disorder began to prevail about the 20th of Aug. Twenty persons died in the course of one day, and a considerable part of the inhabitants, becoming seriously alarmed for their safety, immediately left the town. Several persons in the full enjoyment of health had been suddenly attacked while walking in the streets or roads. Some are described to have the worst symptoms of cholera morbus, and others a burning fever and excessive thirst; the pulse not much quickened, but full and oppressed, and the eyes suffused with yellow. A free use of calomel and opium appears to have relieved the symptoms.

We are happy to learn that towards the end of August, the casualties had considerably decreased. Among the prisoners in the jail, only two cases had proved fatal. In consequence of the alarm that was spread from the virulence and activity of the disease among the officers and vakeels of the Zillah court, the judge and magistrate had been under the necessity of suspending the transaction of public business for seven days.

A new private theatre has been set up in Bondfield's Lane, where the farces of 'Bon Ton' and The Review,' are said to have been got up on the 28th ultimo, by a party of young gentlemen, with great spirit, before a numerous and respectable audience, and the performance to have afforded much amusement. In the former piece Colonel Tivy, Sir J. Trotley, and Miss Tittup, were well supported, and attracted universal applause. In the latter Deputy Bull, Jolin Lump, and Loony

Mactwolter, are said to have produced a fund of entertainment.

This little theatre is said to be fitted up with an uncommon degree of elegance, and to reflect no little credit on the taste of the Amateurs, whose intention it is, we understand, to carry it on by subscription.

August 21, 1817.-"Last week we met the ambassadors of the King of Johannah at the house of a common friend, who has been acquainted with them in their own country. They are both civil and easy in their manners, their politeness having no tincture of servility, and their freedom never bordering on indecent familiarity. Both talk broken English and French, but do not mix the one with the other, and make themselves perfectly intelligible in the two languages; which, considering the few and short opportunities they have had to converse with occasional visitors of the two nations, gives no bad idea of their intellectual powers. Admiral Siboo is about forty years of age, of a middle stature, and of a very dark complection, with a great deal of fire and animation in his eyes. Duke Abdoolah looks ten years younger, is taller and less dark, possesses more gravity, and, from a circumstance which occurred, appears to be the learned man of the two. They had been very inquisitive in the course of a long conversation, and having politely asked for pen, ink, and paper, Duke Abdoollah took notes of the information they had acquired in a language, which a young Orientalist in our company ascertained to be a corrupt Arabic. Their attachment to the little island' which gave them birth, agrees with the patriotic feelings of all natives of poor countries, from King Ulysses of old times to a modern Swiss peasant, They had seen and admired this great city; but on being questioned whether they would be glad to remain in it they both answered immediately in the negative, and expressed a lively desire to return to their own country; and for this a great anxiety for the quick dispatch of the business they have been sent upon, which is to solicit the protection and assistance of the British government against their cruel enemies, the barbarians of Madagascar. Besides the attractions of habits and family connections pleaded by both, one of them, Admiral Siboo most emphatically professed a longing to rejoin his beloved king, and perceiving that the peculiar fervour of his sentiments excited some surprise, added with an archness, implying that he well knew the practice of the kings of Europe: "what can we do otherwise than cherish a king who requires no taxes from his subjects, and maintains himself by the proper management of his,

own estate 21

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On Wednesday, the 30th July, an inquest was held at Coolootolah over the body of a Christian woman, by the name of Louisa Peris, who after a period of many years derangement, finally hung herself-Verdict returned, "Lunacy."

On Monday last the 11th August, an inquest was held at the old Hurringbaurree, situate in the Loll Bazar, over the body of one John D'Cruz, who it appeared upon evidence, had swallowed poison in a fit of despair, owing to the death of a favorite Dulcinea,-a verdict was returned in consequence of “ Suicide.'

OnThursday, the 14th, another inquest was held at Soortee baugun, situate in Coolootolah, over the body of Gungaram, an Ooreah bearer. In this case, an attempt was made to implicate the wife of the deceased with his death, but after a long and tedious investigation, there was not the most distant cause for such a conjecture, and a verdict was returned of-Natural Death.

On Monday last, the 18th inst, an Inquest was held at Seebtulla, situate in the Loll bazar, over the body of one Roza Gomnes, a Christian woman, who in a dispute with an American sailor twenty-one days before received a blow on the left side of the head from a piece of brick thrown at her. The contusion in itself was of a trifling nature, and had proper care been taken of the wound, a speedy cure would have followed: but owing to neglect, suppuration had formed both above and under the dura-mater, which appeared on taking off the crauium. Verdict-Accidental Death.

On the 20th inst., an Inquest was held at Munwar Khan's Buggeecha, situate in the Tannah division, No. 11, off the Circular Road, over the body of Chooneah, a Moor woman. In the course of evidence it appeared, that the deceased had been on terms of intimacy with one Meer Peer Alli, a Burkundoss, belonging to the Tannah division aforesaid. The Burkundoss arriving at a late hour upon guard was reprimanded by the Jemidar, and he then accounted for his tardiness to a dispute that he had that morning at home; he now was ordered to his post, from which he was relieved at ten o'clock, and about

this time he was perceived by two of the witnesses to be in the act of untying a cord, with which the deceased had been suspended round her neck to a beam of the hut. No other person was with him, and all was done in silence within. The two witnesses immediately proceeded to report the circumstance at the Taunah; while the Burkundoss took the opportu nity and fled, nor has he since been heard of, although every precaution was adopted on the instant, to have him stopt at the different Chokies. The Jemidar and others, on receiving the information went to the spot; the former stepping into the hut, placed his hand upon the body of the deceased and found her quite dead and cold this was about half an hour only subsequent to the relief to the Burkundoss. Strong suspicion being attached to the Burkundoss, and more particularly from his flight, and his not standing an investigation, the Jury after being sent into an inner room returned into court at about midnight with a verdict of“ Wilful Murder against Meer Peer Alli Bur



Aug. 30.-Mr. H. J. Chippendale, 2d Deputy Collector of Government Customs and Town Duties at Calcutta.

Mr. J. H. D'Oyly, Head Assistant to the Collector of Government Customs and Town Duties at Calcutta.

Nathaniel Wallich, Esq. M. D. to be superintendent of the Botanical Garden.


July 4.-The most noble the GovernorGeneral in council, adverting to the equip ment and clothing of the Cuttack Legion, which differ in description and cost from those of other troops in service, is pleased to suspend that part of the general orders of the 16th ult. which relates to the offreckonings of this corps, until experience of the actual expense of the clothing shall enable his lordship in council more satisfactorily to ascertain the proper amount that should be established for this purpose.

The rules which prevail in the regular N. I., regarding the amount of annual balf mounting stoppages, and the periods of deducting the same, shall be 'extended to the Cuttack Legion, commencing from June 1818 for new levies, but from June 1817 for drafts from other corps. These stoppages are to be specified on the face of the abstracts, and the amount withheld by the paymaster and a corresponding credit given to the Clothing Board. The regular deduction of six rupees, at the rate of three rupees per month from each new levy, is to be made, agreeably to the rules in force, from the 2d month of the recruit's drawing full pay; but this sum,

instead of being stopped by his commanding officer for half mounting to be supplied by him, is to be deducted in abstract as above directed, and the amount regularly credited to the Clothing Board.

His Excellency the Commander-in-Chief is requested to give directions to the Clothing Board, as to the nature and description of half mounting proper for the Cuttack Legion in his Excellency's opinion, and that board will without delay cause the agent for the 2d division of army clothing to prepare a complete set of half mounting for the whole corps, which will be transmitted to Cuttack as soon as possible. The Clothing Board will make an accurate report to government of the precise cost and charges of this muster set of half mounting, and an advance on account will be issued to the Clothing Board for this service, on their requisition, to be ad justed after the completion of the half mounting, and the receipt of the regular stoppages for August, of the drafts, and of the six rupees per man, for all recruits enlisted between June 1817 and June 1818, when the regulated stoppages for the whole commence.

The officer commanding the Cuttack Legion, the 2d in command, and the adjutant, are all to draw the respective pay and allowances of their regimental ranks, as if they were officers of regular cavalry.

The following additional allowances are to be drawn by the commanding officer, in lieu of those specified in the general orders of the 16th ultimo, and not including a sum for compensation in lieu of off-reckonings, which will be fixed by the Clothing Board, as soon as the amount of offreckonings shall be ascertained and declared in general orders.


Allowances for commanding the Son. R. 120 Established allowances for the repair of arms and accoutrements, writers, stationery, &c. &c. for five troops and companies, at fifty ru pees each



Total Sonaut rupees...... 370

From the above allowance of two hundred and fifty rupees, it is to be understood that the commanding officer is to provide iron, steel, charcoal, and artificers, not only for his accoutrements and arms, but likewise for all trifling repairs, as well as tar, grease, &c. for the two guns and tumbrils attached to the corps; all repairs of importance, and all necessary supplies of ammunition and stores, will be furnished from the nearest magazine, on requisition, in the usual form.

As the gun horses attached to the Cuttack Legion will be provided from the public stores with suitable sadlery and harness, the established allowance of two

rupees a horse is authorised to be drawn for the repair of those articles of equipment, which are to be considered subject to the provisions of the general orders of 19th January last, on the subject of the duration of cavalry sadlery and harness.

The saddles and horse equipment of the rest of the corps being intended to be of an inferior description, the Governor General in Council restricts the allowance to be granted for the repair of those articles to eight annas for each horse, which is to include the supply and repair of all articles required for the drill.

An allowance of two rupees for each gun horse, and of one rupee for each troop horse, is authorized to be drawn on account of shoeing, head and heel ropes, curry combs, mussalah, &c. &c.

The following provisional establishment of syses and grasscutters is authorised for the Cuttack Legion, viz:

For each gun horse, one syse and one grasscutter, on the usual rates of pay.

For each troop horse, one grasscutter only, one syse's monthly pay of four rupees in cantonments, and five rupees when marching; the additional pay authorised for the grasscutters of troop horses, is intended as a remuneration for the additional duty that will be required from them in assisting the troopers in taking care of the horses, as it is not considered necessary to attach any syses to troop horses of the description allotted to the Cuttack Legion.

GENERAL ORDERS, July 7th 1817.The most noble the Governor General in Council, is pleased to direct, that the rocket troop shall hereafter consist of the following establishment, viz.

Europeans, 4 commissioned officers, 1 assistant surgeon, 1 deputy commissary, 1 conductor.-Total 7.

10 non-commissioned officers, 2 trumpeters, 1 effective farrier, 60 troopers, 16 ditto for cars, 9 spare ditto.-Total 98.

Natives attached to camels, 1 jemadar, 2 first duffadars, 2 second ditto, 71 shuter sowars, including 5 for the 10 reserve camels.-Total 76.

Gun Lascars' detail, 1 serang, I first tindal, 1 second tindal, 24 gun Lascars. Total 27.

Non-commissioned staff, I non effective pay serjeant, 1 ditto, European saddler, I native doctor, 1 native farrier.-Total 4.

Artificers, 1 mistry smith, 3 smiths, 1 mistry carpenter, 3 carpenters.-Total 8.

Horses, 10 for non-commission, 2 for trumpeters, 1 for European farriers, 16 for spare cars.-Total 37.

37 syces, 37 grass-cutters.-Total 74.

Camels, 60 for troopers, 10 for reserve ammunition, 1 for native doctors, 1 for native farrier, 9 spare.-Total 81.

The quarter master's establishment to be the same as authorized for a troop of

horse artillery, with one store cart; the bullocks of which are to be furnished by the commissariat.

The following allowances are authorized to be drawn by the officer commanding the rocket troop, for the purposes set forth, viz.

1. Monthly allowance for repairs of arms and accoutrements, and for stationery, as in a troop of horse artillery. St. Rs. 60

2. For shoeing horses, head and. heel ropes, horse clothing, currycombs, brushes, Mausalah and medicine, for each horse'.

3. For repairs of saddles, bridles and their appurtenances, per horse or



4. For repair of harness and its appurtenances, per set, for one horse.. 5. For gram pots, and bags for horses and camels..

6. For tar, grease, iron, charcoal, and all contingencies of the carts, bouches, a few tripods, &c........

7. Annually for target



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The periods for the duration of accoutrements, saddlery, and harness, with the rocket troop, to be the same as those fixed on for the similat description of articles with the horse artillery, and native cavalry.

An allowance for the repair of the double camel saddles, jhools, and gear, will hereafter be notified in general orders, antil, which period the officer commanding the rocket troop will maintain those articles in repair, and charge the actual expense in monthly contingent bills.

The governor general in council authorizes an allowance of paulins being supplied to the rocket troop, for the protection of the horse saddlery and harness, in the proportion fixed for the horse artillery; also two additional paulins, with the requisite carriage, for the camel appurtenances..

The European officers and men, and the detail of gun Lascars, attached to the rocket troop, are authorized to draw the same pay and allowances as are granted to the corresponding rauks and classes in the horse artillery.

The services of the deputy commissary and conductor, attached to the rocket troop, being constantly required for the purposes of drill and exercise in cantonments, the governor general in council authorizes those persons to draw the established allowance for one horse in all situations, instead of that indulgence being restricted to their employment in the field.

The feeding of the horse and camels attached to the rocket troop is directed to be supplied by the commissariat.

The governor general incouncil is pleased to direct, that the clothing and equipments, for the non-commissioned officers and privates of the rocket troop, shall in Asiatic Journ,--No. 28.

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The following rates of off reckonings are established for the non-commissioned officers and privates of the rocket troop, subject to the approbation of the honorable the court of directors.

Serjeant.. St. Rs. 5 15 per mensem. Corporal 4 10 6 ditto. Gunner Matross ..3 10 1 ditto.. Trumpeter 3 13 3 ditto. Farrier.. 3 10 6 ditto.

As the non-commissioned officers and men of the rocket troop have been effective during the whole of the year 1816, and consequently are entitled to a pair of woollen pantaloons from the off-reckoning fund for that year, and as the coats now in wear with the men are considered capable of lasting till the 1st of January 1818, when the troops in regular course will be furnished with new clothing; the governor general in council does not consider it necessary that bounty coats and pantaloons should be authorized to the non commissioned officers and privates of the rocket troop..

The undermentioned articles of bounty equipment, being considered immediately, and indispensibly necessary for the noncommissioned and privates of the troop, are accordingly authorized to be furnished viz. helmets, leather pantaloons, gloves, boots, spurs, and cloaks.

Bounty clothing is also authorized to be granted to the native details of the troop, which in regard to the gun Lascars, and quarter-master's establishment, is to be the same as supplied to corresponding descriptions of persons in the horse artillery; and the rates of off-reckonings for whom, and also fixed on the same scale,

The off-reckoning stoppages fixed on for the jemadar, duffadar, shutersowars of tire dromedary corps, are to be considered applicable to the similar classes in the rocket troop, and the clothing to pe of the same description, with the exception of white, instead of yellow lace. The jackets and pantaloons to be issued biennially in intermediate years.

The governor general in council directs, that a pair of woollen pantaloons, instead of a coat, be issued as bounty clothing to the jemadár, duffadars, and shutersowars of the rocket troop.

July 22.-To enable the Military Board to give due effect to the orders of Government of the 6th of April 1790, the Hon. the Vice-President in Council is pleased to direct, that the monthly reports of the progress of public works, required to be transmitted to the Military Board by the VOL. V. 3 H

general orders of government of 2d January 1810, and of the Commander in Chief of 15th February 1817, shall, for the future, be transmitted as follows, viz.'

All reports of work performed in the engineer department through the chief engineer, and all reports of the progress of public works in the barrack, and ciVil departments, through the superintendents of civil and military buildings in the Upper and Lower Provinces respectively.

It will be the duty of these officers to lay the reports above referred to monthly before the Military Board, accompa nied with their remarks upon each; not ouly with regard to the extent of work performed, but of the workmen employed and materials provided, so as to enable the Board to form an accurate judgment of the exertions and industry of executive officers from the progress madė.

In all cases where officers employed in the execution of public works are permitted to draw a monthly salary, on certificates furnished by the chief engineer, or either of the superintendents, it is to be clearly understood that those certificates are only to vouch for the time actually, and in the judgment of those officers necessarily occupied in performing the work, without taking into consideration any interruptions, the circumstances attending which are to be separately stated for the consideration of the Military Board.

The Hon. the Vice-President in Couneil is pleased to direct the following augmentations to be immediately made to the army.

1. The undermentioned corps to be augmented to ninety men per company, viz. 1st batt. 9th N. I. 2d ditto, 22d ditto; 1st ditto, 30th ditto; 2d ditto, 4th ditto; 1st ditto, 21st ditto; 1st ditto, 16th ditto; 1st ditto, 11th ditto; 2d ditto, 14th ditto.

the Commander in Chief, to appoint Lieut. Col. T. Shuldham, of the 20th N. I. to command the troops in the district of Dacca, with the usual allowances attached to the situation of a brigadier nomi nated to a frontier command.

July 22d, 1817.-The hon. the VicePresident in Council is pleased to direct, that the new road, which has lately been constructed trom Gyah to Patna, as well as that from Gyah to Sherghattie, shall be placed under charge of the superintendent of the military road from Fort William to Benares, who, for keeping them in a state of constant repair, is au thorized to draw an additional allow. ance of Sicca rupees 5,000 per annum.

The roads now placed under charge of Capt. Playfair, are to be considered in all respects subject to the same regulations as are prescribed for the repair of the roads hitherto under that officer's charge.

July 29.-As circumstances connected with operations in the field frequently render it necessary that provisions should be issued to troops on service from the public stores, the hon. the Vice President in Council considers it expedient, that a fixed rate at which arti cles of supply shall be charged to native troops and followers, when issued from the public stores, should be determined ou, aud is accordingly pleased to direct, that the scale of rations and provisions with the rates to be charged for such supplies, as exhibited in the following table, shall be adhered to in every situation, where the troops are furnished from the public


Table of daily rations of provisions, authorised to be served out to native troops and followers when on service, or in situations requiring to be supplied from the public stores, with the rate at which each article is to be paid for: To Native Troops and Public Departments.

Daily Rate at which to Rations. be paid for.

2. One company of the present strength to be added to each of the provincial Wheat, Flour,or Rice, 1 Seer,.. at 20 seers

battalions at Dacca and Chittagong.

9. The Sylhet corps to be augmented and formed into six companies, each company to consist of the following detail; 1 subadar, 1 jemadar, 5 havildars, 5 naicks, 90 privates, with 8 drummers for the whole

An adjutant and a quarter master serjeant to be appointed, as a temporary ineasure, to the Sylhet corps.

4. The Chumparun light infantry and Rungpore local battalions to be augmented by ten men in a company.

His Excellency the most noble the Commander in Chief is requested to issue the becessary subsidiary orders, for carrying the above arrangements into effect.

The Vice President in council is pleased, at the recommendation of his Excellency

Dholl. Ghee, Tobacco, Turmeric, Salt,

To private Servants and Camp Followers.

per rupee.

2 Chts... 16 do.

[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Wheat, Flour,or Rice, ₫ Seer,.. at 20 seers per rupee. .2 Chts... 16 do.


The Seer in the above table to be the Company's factory weight of 80 sicca rupees, or two pounds for rough calculation; and to render the receipt and stoppage equal in all situations, the rate is to be charged in.sonaut rupees.

It is to be clearly understood, that rations are never to be issued from the public stores except in situations where the

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