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Wellasse and to try his fortunes by joining the rebels in Weyaloowa. If this be the case, which although we will not venture positively to affirm, various informations concur to render highly probable, there is some reason to look forward to the most favourable and decisive consequences. The rebels of Wallapana seem emboldened by the lenity hitherto shewn them, and they perhaps attribute to our weakness of force a forbearance that arose entirely from motives of humanity. They have retired from the west side of the province and collected in considerable numbers towards the Eastern limits of the Desavony in that district which is called Weyaloowa. Here it is reported the Pretender has joined them, and here they have boasted they will make a stand.

Lieut. Col. Hook with a considerable force has marched upon Weyaloowa from the West, a strong detachment is advancing to co-operate with him from Badulla, and Lieut. Col. Kelly has most judiciously anticipated orders sent from head quarters to attack the rebels in that quarter from different points on the East.

Dec. 6. We have not received any intelligence of importance lately from the troops in the field or from Badulla. By the last letters it appears that the detachment under the command of Capt. Pike is still in pursuit of the Pretender, of whose movements he has received very exact information. The detachment had provisions for several days, and great hopes are entertained of success. Capt. Pike's knowledge of Cingalese must be of much use in procuring intelligence from the natives. The Pretender was reported to be about thirty miles from Dayogamme (in the forests of Bintenne) which he had quitted on the approach of our troops. A Vedah whose family are kept as hostages has offered himself as a guide to the place of his present retreat, and voluntarily suggested a plan for his surprise.

In Ouvah, detachments are also in pursuit of the treacherous Desave, who has not been able to excite the people to rebellion, except in the thinly inhabited districts on the east, south and west of that province.

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In Walapana no hostilities have lately been committed, but the people have not shewn any inclination to return to their duty and submit to the newly appointed Desave.

Lieut. Col. Hook went on the 28th ult. to take the command of the forces in that province, which it is hoped he will soon reduce to obedience.

The weather has now for several days been remarkably fine every where, and we are happy to add that the troops enjoy a most excellent state of health in the field, as well as in Kandy and Badulla.

Capt. Reed was sent on the 19th ultimo from Badulla, with a small detachment to make a movement through the country in the neighbourhood of Taldenia. On the morning of the 20th as the troops marched through a thick Jungle, Assist. Surg. M'Nulty was about twelve or fifteen yards in advance of the party, when in the act of putting his arm into the sleeve of his great coat, he was struck by an arrow just below his right breast, which penetrated into the back bone, and he fell almost instantly dead in the arms of his servant. The cowardly ruffians set up a shout of triumph on seeing him fall, but ran away the moment the soldiers appeared.

Mr. McNulty is greatly regretted. He was skilful and attentive in his profession, and there was a kindness and frank simplicity in his manners, that greatly endeared him to all who knew his character.

A Cingalese boy has lately come to Kandy who was kept a prisoner by the rebels in Wellasee for more than a month He does not appear to be above thirteen or fourteen years of age, but he is very intelligent and his accurate recollection of all that happened from the time that he fell into the hands of those merciless wretches, makes his account curious and interesting. He belonged to one of the persons who attended Mr. Wilson on that unfortunate expedition in which he lost his life. When Mr. Wilson was killed, this boy was not present, but he continued with Lieut. Newman's detachment upon their retreat, till after halting for the night at Illashapalassa they came to Pulwatta, where they buried the Lascoreen who there died of his wounds, Here they were attacked by the Vedals, who were easily repulsed by a few shot, but the boy, Mr. Wilson's Mohandiram, Goontenue Vidahn, some Lascoreens and others, in all eight, were frightened and ran into the Jungle. The Mohandiram and the Lascoreens threw away thei cloths, except a single cloth, and the better to disguise themselves smeared themselves with mud and water. They all got safe to Comarika in Ouva, when the Mohandiram was recognized by two of the inhabitants, who under pretence of kindness and hospitality inveigled them all into a house when they shut them up and basely betrayed them to a party of armed Vedahs. The Mohandiram defended himself with great spirit and knocked down the two first who at tempted to seize him; but he was soon overpowered by numbers. They were all carried the next day with their arms bound behind their backs to their residence of the Pretender at Oosanwelle. Huts were all round the house for the Vehah guards, and the boy with his com

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panions was brought up before a window which had a curtain that was drawn aside, and the Pretender's head appeared.

Kiwulegeddra Mohottale stood by the side of the window, and put to the prisouers the questions dictated in a loud voice by the Pretender. The Mohandiram was first examined, and upon his avowing in a manly way his having been with the English troops, the Pretender ordered him to be taken away. He was removed to a little distance, but full in the sight of the window, and thrown upon the ground. Kiwulegeddra then cut off his hair, and the poor fellow said in a jocular manner, "do you want to give 66 my hair to your wife?" The savage Kiw ulegeddra replied, "I want none of your "familiar jokes, you are one of those "who sent me to Kandy, where I was "kept a long time," and after killing him with the blows of a hammer on his breast he cut off his head. The next examined was Guntonnie Vidahn, who was asked in the same manner, why he had warned the people in Wellassy not to send the Pretender any gifts, telling them he would bring the troops upon them from Badulla if they did; upon his admitting that he had so cautioned them, he was asked if he thought it would be any sin to put him to death, he replied, "he did not know whether there was any sin in murdering people, but he was in their power and they could do with him as they pleased." The inhuman monster who aspires to the Kandyan crown then prescribed, in a very loud voice, all the tortures which should be inflicted upon this poor wretch, and Kiwulegedera presided over the performance immediately, in his presence. It would shock our readers too much to detail the abominable cruelties practised upon this unhappy man, before death put an end to his sufferings. They were all that barbarous ingenuity and savage insult could devise, and expressly directed by the upstart king to his infernal agent, whom he always called Walepana, Dessave.

One of the prisoners was pardoned on account of his skill in medicine, because one of the Pretender's people was sick, and he undertook to cure him. A priest also, who knew him, vouched for his knowledge of medicine, and interceded for him. The boy saw from ten to twenty priests with the Pretender.

The rest of the prisoners were ordered away, and as it was reported put to death at different places, all except the boy, who was excused on account of his youth. He describes the Pretender, whom he once saw come out of the house in great state, to be a young man rather above the middle size, of a thin visage and brown complexion, with a beard that had been not long ago shaven, and was about half Asiatic Journ.-No. 30.

an iuch long. He wore a handsome white and gold turban, a gold bordered muslin shawl thrown over one shoulder, and a great bulk of very fine white cloths roundhis waist. The boy' was taken to Hamanawa, where he was kept a month in the stocks, and made his escape, when the people all ran away on the approach of Capt. Jones's detachment.

The particulars relating to the unfortunate fate of the late Mr. Wilson, are detailed in the following acocunt.

Nov. 4.-On the 10th of Sept. last, Mr. Wilson, assistant resident at Badula, received information that a stranger with two old and six young priests had recently taken up their abode in the jungle in Wellassee.

The singularity of the circumstance induced him to dispatch confidential persons to make further inquiries, as the place was described to be distant from a village, and bordering on that part of the country lying between Badula and Batticaloa, which is inhabited by the wild Veddahs.

In the mean time similar information reached Kandy through a different quarter, and two persons were dispatched by the resident to co-operate with a party from Badula, whom Mr. Wilson was desired to send to apprehend the stranger..

Hadje Mohandiram, a Moorman of Matura, who had been appointed chief over the Moors of Wellassee, and who had shewn great zeal and activity in the service of government, was selected for the occasion; he took his brother with him, together with a party of Wellassee Moors, and being joined by the two persons from Kandy, proceeded to execute his mission. On arriving at one of the passes into Wellassee he was met by a party of men belonging to the Rattle Rale of Bootale, who attempted to prevent his penetrating further; a scuffle ensued and Hadje Mohandiram succeeded in seizing four, aud sent them prisoners to Badula. He then proceeded, but was again opposed by a more considerable party armed with bows and arrows, who, after wounding his brother in the hand, succeeded in apprehending Hadje. The rest of the party effected their retreat to Badula, where, as might be expected, the cir cumstance occasioned a considerable sensation; it was not, however, suspected that any attempts at insurrection was in contemplation, and it was at first only intended to send a small military party to require the Rattle Rale to give up Hadja Mohandiram and to come to Badula to answer for his conduct.

Mr. Wilson, however, finally determined to proceed himself and endeavour to ascertain what were the real circumstances of the case the affair with Hadje Mohandirani took place in the direct road from Badula to Batticaloa, VOL. V. Ꮞ Ꮶ .

by which the supplies of the garrison had for some time been brought up, from the facility of transport afforded by the cattle of the Moor inhabitants of Wellassee, who are a peaceable industrious body of men of the same description with the Moors of the maritime provinces, and who having always been treated by the late king's government as foreigners, attached themselves to the British immediately on our entering the country.

The news of Hadje Mohandiram's capture reached Badula on the 12th instant, and on the 14th Mr. Wilson set out with a party, consisting of one officer, two serjeants, two corporals, and twenty Malay and Caffree soldiers, attended by an interpreter and a few native Lascoreens. The party reached Aliput that afternoon, and learnt that there had been no communication with the Wellassee country for three days. The following morning, at five, the party proceeded towards Wainawelle, and on the road, at nine o'clock, learnt from a Kandyau headman whom they met, that some people whom he had sent towards Wellassee had been stopped at the Kanokanaar river by an armed party.


Mr. Wilson proceeded on with the detachment, but met with no obstruction at the place mentioned, and reached Wainawelle at 3 P. M.; there he found all the inhabitants had fled, except two Moors, who recited the particulars of Hadje's capture, and that he had been tied and flogged and then sent prisoner to the stranger. The party proceeded on their route, and at 5 P. M. reached Bootale, the residence of the refractory Rattle Rale, Near to his house, at the distance of a quarter of a mile, a body of thirty men, armed with bows and arrows, posted.


Mr. Wilson requested Lieut. Newman to halt the party while he went forward to have a communication with them; it was preconcerted that if danger appeared Mr. Wilson was to wave his handkerchief. The signal having been given, Lieut. Newman advanced with a serjeant and corporal, but missing the path in the jungle which Mr. Wilson had taken was some little time in reaching the spot to which the latter had gone, and when he arrived at it found no one; on proceeding, however, by a path into the jungle he reached an open space of ground behind the Rattle Rale's house, where he saw a body of men armed with bows and arrows, who, on perceiving his approach, shot their arrows at him and retreated into the jungle; on following them Lieut. Newman met Mr. Wilson, who informed him that those who had fired at him were the Rattle Rale's people, with whom he was in conference the result of the conversation he stated to be unsatisfactory. On joining the detachment again they

found a young man had been seized, who stated that the Rattle Bale had got information that a party was coming from Badula to look for Hadje three days before, and had assembled the country by beat of tom tom, and that those who had conducted Hadje to the stranger bad that morning returned. He spoke of the stranger as a "Déyo" (a God); au appellation given to the king's relations,

Mr. Wilson and the detachment remain ed that night at Bootale, and on the morning of the 16th proceeded on to Kottera. welle, and on the other side of a plain observed a large body of Kandyans assembled armed with bows and arrows; after an hour Mr. Wilson succeeded in holding a conference with them, advancing for the purpose in front of the military party (who kept out of sight) with his interpreter and some Lascoreens. The result of it was, that it was deemed adviseable by Mr. Wilson and Lieut. Newman to return to Badula, as nothing could be effect ed with the small party they had; and as it was considered probable the country through which they had advanced might have been raised against them, they decid ed to return by a different route. At three P. M. they reached Etannewatte Déwale, for the statements are not very clear, that Mr. Wilson went to the river with his Lascoreens to wash himself, and while at the river an armed party appeared on the other side, and demanded á conference, Mr. Wilson, with his former intrepidity, advanced to them, but when within a few yards, a volley of arrows was treacherously discharged at him, and Mr. Wilson and one of his Lascoreens fell, the other two ran back and informed Lieut. Newman, who advanced with twelve men, and was beckoned by the Kandyans to approach; they however kept a menacing attitude, and he judged it expedient to fire upon them, when they fled into the jungle, and as he advanced he met the Lascoreen who had fallen coming towards him with two bad arrow wounds: he pointed out the fatal spot where Mr Wilson fell, but after an ineffectual search for his body till it was dark, it was concluded the Kandyans had carried it off. The detachment returned to Badula, ha ́rassed for some distance by the Kandyans. The interpreter, the Appohamy, and two remaining Lascoreens who had accompanied Mr. Wilson, frightened, as is conjec, tured, quitted the military detachment and fell into the hands of the rebels. Subsequent accounts state that several of the petty chiefs between the place of rencontre and Badula have joined the rebels or fled into the jungle. No chief of rank appears to be connected with them, and the insurrection, as far as can be judged, is confined to a few of the petty Kandyan chiefs of Wellassee, and the district of Ouvah bor

dering on it, together with a Molottale, ayho had been confined at Kandy on a charge of murder, and had escaped from prison.

Military parties have proceeded from Kandy to co-operate with others from Badula, to quell the insurrection.

The Dessave of Wellassee and Bintenne, - who is firmly attached to the British government, has proceeded also into his Desavony, and letters from Binténne announce his arrival there, and that he had been joined by the inhabitants who had not connected themselves with the insurgents.

The 1st Adigar, though extremely ill, has desired to shew his zeal in the service of government, and is also proceeding into the revolted districts, and it is trusted that the disturbance will be speedily crushed, and the deluded followers of the Malabar stranger meet their due punishment.

Nov. 8.-It will be remembered that Hadjee Mohandiram, who had been sent into Wellassee for the apprehension of the Malabar Stranger, was himself taken prisoner by a number of Vedhas armed with bows and arrows, and it was afterwards known, barbarously murdered.

This intelligence was no sooner received at Kandy, than it appeared highly proper to the Hon. J. D'Oyly, resident, and Colonel Kelly, commandant, that a small force should be posted in Bintenne, and on the 18th October a party of about thirty 'men was sent there under Lieut. Tayloe of the 19th regiment; this position was most judiciously choseu, on several accounts.

Binteune, in the province of the same name, situated on the right bank of the Mabaville Gauge, about thirty miles in a straight line almost due east from Kan. dy; many of the people in its immediate neighbourhood are moormen, and all are well affected to the British Government, but it is a very little distance from the confines of Wellassee and Walepane, and from the very part of the former province, which was the centre of the disaffected: it was therefore necessary to give security to the inhabitants of Bintenne, and prevent their being compelled to join a party through fear which they would have rejected from choice. The result corresponded with this expectation; the people of Biutenne and the neighbouring villages remained faithful, and they confessed themselves that they must have united with the rebels to save their lives and property if they had not been protected by a military force. Between Kandy and Bintenne the Mahaville Gange makes a little bend to the south ward, so that, although they are both on the south bank, the shortest line between would be almost entirely on the other or northern side of the river; in fact the common road is on that side, and lies

through Dombere, crossing the river Turie. This circumstance was highly favorable to Bintenne, as a depot for provisions; for the people of Bombere are extremely well disposed towards our government, and the road perfectly safe.-When the melancholy news of Mr. Wilson's murder, on the 16th, reached Kandy late on the 20th, Colonel Kelly, whose active and provident zeal had been at work to prepare for every possible emergency from the moment of the first disturbance, gave orders for a reinforcement to Lieut. Tayloe, which marched early the next morning. On the 22d, Capt. Fraser, of the 1st Ceylon, with 60 rank and file, a few artillery men, aud a cohorn, proceeded to Gonagamer, about fourteen miles from Kandy, with orders to march towards Kirivelgedera in Walapana, (the village of a head-man who had been imprisoned in Kandy for murder, but had made his escape, and became an active leader of the insurgents), and Major Macdonald, commandant of Badula, was also directed to move a detachment into that quarter to co-operate with Capt. Fraser. Major Macdonald accordingly marched on the 25th from Badula with two divisions; the one commanded by himself took the road by Kapatagame and Balagodda, and the other, under Capt. Ritchie, that by Taldnia, both to meet at Gowanally in Wellassee. While their several detachments were proceeding to penetrate by different routes into the disaffected provinces, Col. Kelly had communicated with the conf. mandant of Colombo, and reinforcements were on their way to replace the troops which had been thus drawn from the garrison of Kandy; Mr. Sawers also, the agent of revenue, went from Kandy on the 24th, by Hangeranketty, with a small escort, to take charge of the civil govern→ ment at Badula.

Such nearly was the state of affairs when his excellency the Governor was drawing near to the end of his journey from Trincomalee to Kandy. He had lett Trincomalee on the 20th, and it was on the 21st, at Palliancadavette, he had the first accounts of the disturbances in Wellassee, which afterwards spread into Bintenne, Walepane, and part of Ouwah. On the 23d, at Minery, he heard of the disastrous fate of Mr. Wilson, and it may be well imagined that his mind was in a most anxious state of solicitude during the remainder of the journey, every post bringing fresh accounts of the progress of the insurrection and the movements of

the troops. The province of Matele, through which his Excellency passed, exhibited all the common symptoms of perfect tranquillity; the inhabitants were every where quietly employed in their domestic or agricultural occupations, the men were in the paddee fields, and the

women and children came out of their villages only to see the cavalcade as it passed. The governor, his lady, family, and suite were attended only by four dragoons, and his road was in some places not more than forty or fifty miles , from the middle of the insurrection. It is true that the mountains of Matele and Dombere and the river Mahavillagonga, lay between, but in fact the rebellion had no footing whatever but in one spot, the confines of Wellassee, Bintenne, Walapana, and Ouwba. On the 26th his Excellency arrived at Kandy; the weather had been for some days extremely bad in the Kandyan provinces, and the floods between Colombo and Hanwelle higher almost than ever were known. These were very inconvenient circumstances, for the great inundation near Hanwelle completely stopped the reinforcements from Colombo, while the broken up roads and swoln torrents -extremely retarded the progress of the detachments through Walapana, Bintenne,

and Wellassec.

Soon after the Governor's arrival in Kandy the weather cleared up; for on the 29th, there was very little rain, and none has fallen since.

While his Excellency was on the road, directions were sent to Trincomalee for a a reinforcement to be dispatched to Batticaloa in the Hebe, which sailed on the 26th, and carried orders to Capt. Jones .of the 19th regiment commanding there to advance with a detachment into Wellassce; Capt. Jones left Batticaloa on the 28th in the evening, and might be expected at Kataboa, about thirty miles from Badula, on or about the 3d instant.

While news of importance was daily expected from the various detachments which had penetrated into the disaffected districts, much inconvenience was experienced in Kandy from the insurrection's spreading throughout the province of Walapane, through which all the roads pass to Ouvah. The insurgents blocked up these roads in such numbers, that all or dinary communication was completely stopped. The Tappal could no longer pass; some of the Tappal Peons were seized, and it is feared barbarously murdered; some small convoys of provisions were intercepted, and a very few of the escorts killed and wounded. When the nature of these most difficult roads is

known, it is not surprising that they should be completely commanded by a few armed men, and as, whatever may have been the number of rebels of Walapane, it appears that but few of them were armed, a very small party of soldiers would easily force their way through them all; but the difficulty lay in protecting along a narrow steep roa, through close jungle, the line of coolies who carried

provisions and ammunition; it would therefore have been the first object to clear the Walapane roads of this vexatious obstruction, but the most serious part of the insurrection being in Wellassee, where it was encouraged by the presence of the pretender and fomented by the priests in attendance upon him, the position of the various detachments in Binteune and Wellassee, and above all the expected arrival from Batticaloa of Capt. Jones, who could not be left on that side without co-operation, prevented an immediate attention to this important object, and necessarily drew all the military operations to one point, the centre of the rebellion in Wellassee.

His excellency the Governor being now himself in Kandy, and Major Macdonald having arrived at the head of the troops in Wellassee, it was thought that an officer of Col. Kelly's judgment and experience would be more advantageously posted at Badulla, which was nearer the scene of action, and at this instant without any field officer; Col. Kelly accordingly marched with an escort for Badulla on the 30th instant.

On the 20th Major Macdonald reached Hewulgedera, after sustaining a smart attack from the Veddahs in a narrow road and close jungle near that place. He had before met with no opposition, but here a shower of arrows poured in upon him from the jungle, without a twig being seen to move or a bush heard to rustle-one private of the 73d was killed, the Major himself and two soldiers slightly wounded, and Assistant Surgeon Stevensou severely; the rebels were soon repulsed, and no damage was done to the village, except burning the house of the headman, who it may be remembered was stated to have escaped from gaol in Kandy and become a leader among the insurgents. In the afternoon Major Macdonald joined Captain Ritchie, as had been concerted, and on the 27th he fell in with Captain Fraser, on the banks of the Badulla Oya. The first Adikar and the Wellassee Disave were now with Lieut. Tayloe at Bintenne, and Major Macdonald judging their presence to be necessary, and desirous also of communicating with Lieut. Tayloe, directed Capt. Fraser to proceed to Paugrave on the way to Bintenne, and to return to him on the 29th at Ahaapola Kadewetty, on the borders of Wellassee. The Major himself marched by the way of Polwatte, and on the 30th, at 8 in the morning, arrived at Ahaapola, where he found Capt. Fraser with his detachment.

On the 31st they advanced to Oosanwella where they encamped upon an extensive plain surrounded with numerous villages; and to this place Lieut. Tayloe had been instructed to proceed, bringing

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