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munication received from Brig. Gen. Sir John Malcolm, dated the 26th November, your hon. committee will be informed, that a party of Mysore horse, under the command of Capt. Grant, belonging to Sir John's division, had surprised Talym, a post of the Pindarris, in which Walub Khan, the adopted son of one of the principal chiefs, was taken prisoner.

(Enclosed in the preceding.)

You will be glad to hear I have completely succeeded in my little enterprise against this place. Capt. Grant, with twelve hundred Mysore horse, after a march of thirty-four miles, surprised it yesterday a little after day-break. On my arrival at Shujahalpore, I sent a reinforcement to prevent the escape of any of the garrison, and particularly of Walub Khan, one of Setoo's favourites and adopted son. On my coming here this morning I found the party, which, including the Kohur, were ten or twelve horsemen, and between fifty and sixty infantry, had opened the gates of the Gurry, and surrendered at discretion. I have, after disarming them, released them all except the Kohur and two Jemmadars. Chectoo is now beyond Najghur, but I have a report that he has left his families in the vicinity of that place; if this is confirmed, I shall move in that direction.

Extract from a Dispatch from the Governor in Council at Bombay, to the Secret. Committee, dated 2d Jan. 1818. We have great satisfaction in transmitting to your hon. committee, a letter enclosing a transcript of a dispatch from H. E. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Thomas Hislop, to the most noble the Governor-General, containing information of a signal victory obtained over the army of Mulhar Row Holkar, on the 21st of December, by the first and third divisions of the army of the Deccan, under the personal command of the Lieut.-Gen. This intelligence was communicated by Major Agnew to MajorGen. Sir Wm. G. Keir, and by him transmitted to the resident at Baroda. On this important event we take the liberty of offering to your hon. committee our most sincere congratulations.

Camp, on the Sipoora, opposite Mahei

poor*, Dec. 21, 1817, five p. m. My Lord I write this from the field of battle, on which I have the satisfaction to report, for your lordship's information, that the army of Mulhar Row Holkar has this day been completely defeated and dispersed, by the first and

*Maheipoor is situated on the river Siffra, or Sipoora, and is about twenty-five miles north of Ougein, Sindia's capital.

third divisions of the army I have the honour to command.

This result has grown out of the failure, of our negociations with the government of Hulkar, and of the repeated acts of aggression and insult which we have experienced since our advance from Ougein on the 14th instant.

Brig. Gen. Sir John Malcolm is now in full pursuit of the fugitives, with the greater part of the cavalry. The camp of Holkar, and a number of his guns, remain in our possession.

Our loss, I fear, has been considerable, though, I trust, not greater than might have been expected on such an occasion. No officer of rank has been killed.

I shall to-morrow have the honour of transmitting to your lordship the details of the action, with returns of killed and wounded, so far as it may be practicable to collect them.

In congratulating your lordship on the important issue of this day, I can only add, at this moment, that the conduct of the gallant troops who have gained the victory has been such as to realise my most sanguine expectations.-I have the honour to be, &c.

T. HISLOP, Lieut-Gen.

To his Excellency the most noble the
Marquis of Hastings

Copy of a Report from Lieut.-Col. Scott, commanding a British Detachment at Nagpore, to the Adj. Gen. of the Army, dated Camp at Nagpore, Nov. 30, 1817, with an Enclosure, also transmitted with the Dispatch from the Governor in Council at Bombay, of Jan. 1, 1818.

Sir-I had the honour to report, for the information of his excellency the Commander in Chief, on the 26th instant, that the troops under my command had left their cantonments the day before at the requisition of the resident.-They took post on the hill of Seetabaldy, which overlooks the residency and the city of Nagpore, at the same time taking possession, with the 1st batt. 24th regt. N. I. of a hill, about three hundred yards on the left of this position, and to retain which was of the utmost consequence to our retaining possession of Seetabaldy. Having made all the arrangements that I thought necessary during the 26th, at six p.m. of that day I was posting sentries, accompanied by Capt. Bayley, on the face of the hill, and in front of the Arab village at the foot of the hill, into which we had, during the day, observed large bodies of Arabs with five guns to be sent to reinforce a party for the Rajah's infantry, who had been previously posted there, when the Arabs in the village opened a fire on our small party, although pre

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The action immediately commenced on both sides, and continued incessantly until twelve o'clock the following day, when it ceased. In consequence of their great loss and fatigues, I found it necessary to withdraw the 1st batt. 24th reg. together with a party of the 1st batt. 20th reg. by whom they had been reinforced during the night, at five a. m. of the 27th instant, and to confine the defence of the hill on our left (which had been strengthened during the night by a breast-work of bags of grain), to the immediate possession of the top. For this purpose I had detached Capt. Lloyd with one hundred men of the resident's escort, and fifty men of the 1st batt. 20th reg. N. I. under an European officer. A body of Arabs gained possession of this post, at eight a. m. by the charge of an overwhelming force up the face of the hill; after Capt. Lloyd had displayed the utmost gallantry in endeavouring to keep his men to their duty, and to maintain the post. At this moment Capt. Fitzgerald, reinforced by a native officer, and twenty-five troopers of the Madras body guard, charged an immense body of the enemy's best horse, and having captured their guns, which were immediately turned upon them, he remained in possession of the plain, covered in every direction with the flying enemy. Whilst we were waiting for spikes to send to Capt. Fitzgerald to spike the enemy's guns, it being my intention to recal him to support an attack of the infantry on the hill in the possession of the Arabs, an explosion was observed to take place in the midst of them, and the troops with one accord rushed forward to the attack. It was with the utmost difficulty that they had been prevailed on to wait for the cavalry, and I found my utmost exertions necessary to prevent the hill we were on from being deserted. On the near approach of our troops the Arabs fled, leaving two guns. Capt. Lloyd took possession of the hill, supported by Capt. Macon and J. Macdonald, Lieut. Watson, W. Macdonald, and Campbell. Lieut. and Adj. Grant, 1st batt. 24th reg. N. I. who had been twice wounded during the night, in the defence of the hill, was here killed; and I beg leave to express my regret for the loss of a most gallant officer. Shortly after the

Arabs beginning to collect in considerable numbers in front of the hill, and the cavalry having by this time returned with their captured guns to the residency, a charge of a troop of cavalry, led by Cornet Smith round the base of the hill, in which he cut up numbers of them, seemed so totally to dispirit them, that from this time their attacks in every quarter began to slacken, and at twelve entirely ceased.

I can never sufficiently express my admiration of the conduct of the troops on this occasion. To Major M'Kenzie, second in command, and to every officer and individual engaged, I have to offer my thanks, which are feebly expressed in my orders issued on the occasion, and of which I enclose a copy. Mr. Jenkins, Resident, was present during the whole of the action, and his animated conduct tended in a very considerable degree to excite the troops to their duty. I have to deplore the death of Mr. Sotheby, his first assist ant, a gallant gentleman, who had also been present from the first, and exposing himself in every situation was severely wounded towards the close of the action, and died in the course of the day.

I shall, by to-morrow's tappal,* forward regular returns of the killed and wounded, which I am sorry to say is considerable, amounting to 14 officers, and 333 killed and wounded of all other ranks.1 have, &c. &c. H. C. SCOTT, Lieut.-Col. commanding at Nagpore. Camp, Nagpore, 29th Nov. 1817.

P. S. From the best information I can obtain, and my observations, the enemy opened upwards of 35 guns upon us. The number of their cavalry is said to amount 3.500 of which are Arabs, from whom we to 12,000, and their infantry 8,000, met our principal loss.

Orders by Lieut.-Col. Scott.

Parole, Seetabaldy.

The commanding officer congratulates the troops on the happy results of their gallant conduct on the 26th and 27th instant. The detachment of three troops of the 6th regt. Bengal cavalry have covered themselves with glory, in charging cavalry; and, in the capture of two of so greatly a superior body of the enemy's their heavy gums, have secured a trophy of their gallant conduct on the occasion; and the commanding officer will consider it a most pleasing part of his duty in rendering to Capt. Fitzgerald, for his promptitude and decision in seizing the critical moment for making his attack, and to the officers and every individual of his detachment, that degree of praise which he considers their conduct entitles them 10, in his report to his superiors.


The numerous list of 149 killed, aud wounded in the 1st battalion 24th N, L., sufficiently marks the arduous task that corps had to perform in the maintenance of their post ou the night of the 26th inst. The commanding officer has to deplore the loss of Capt. Sadler, the officer who commanded the corps in the earlier part of the night, and Capt. Charlesworth being wounded who succeeded him; but he can never sufficiently admire his cool, determined, and officer-like conduct, when he had an opportunity of observing him, in the command of the corps, as well as that of Capt. J. M'Donald, on whom this important charge devolved afterwards, and has fixed those officers in his high estimation as worthy to hold so important a trust.

The gallant enthusiasm of those officers and men of the different corps (particularly those of the 1st battalion 24th regt, N. I.) who were first to rush forward in the charge to recover the hill in the temporary possession of the Arabs, will ever remain impressed on his mind as worthy of his lasting admiration, and the subject of his praise in his report to the commander-in-chief, in which he will not fail to record the name of Capt. Lloyd, and those officers who accompanied the attack.

With respect to the artillery, he needs merely to say, that Lieut. Maxwell and the men conducted themselves, as the coast artillery are every known to do, as gallant and steady soldiers in the execution of their duty; and he has to regret the numerous casualties in that corps. To Major Jenkins he offers his thanks for his exertions while in the command of the artillery.

To Lieut. Dunn, the pioneers, and men employed in strengthening the hill on the left of the position, the commanding officer considers great praise is due for their exertions.

To Capt. Stone, Lieut. Richie, and Dr. Gordon, he offers his best thanks for their gallantry in the attack, capture, and spiking of two of the enemy's twelve-pound ers, defended by a body of Arabs.

To the officers who acted on his immediate staff, Captains Taylor, Stone, and Hindley, he offers his sincere thanks for their indefatigable exertions under the fatigue they had to endure, and to Capt. Bayley, who continued those exertions even after he was severely wounded.

It is the intention of the commanding officer that every corps, officer, and individual present at the defence of Seetabaldy, shall be considered as participating in the praises and thanks conveyed in the above orders, which is to be fully explained by Major M'Kenzie to the 1st batt. 20th N. I., as the commanding officer could not so extend his orders as to menAsiatic Jour.-No. 30.

tion every individual to whom he acknow. ledges commendations are due.

Present state of corps and detachments, as they stood on the 26th inst., previous to the commencement of the attack, as also the returns of the killed and wounded, specifying the names of officers, to be sent to the Major of Brigade as soon as possible.

Capt. J. Charlesworth to assume the immediate charge of the 1st. batt. 20th N. I., from the 27th inst., vice Capt. Sadler.

The three troops 6th regt. Bengal Cavalry, to join the head-quarters of their corps with Lieut.-Col. Graham's detach


Copy of a Report from Lieut.-Col. Scott to Mr. Jenkins, the Resident at the Court of the Rajah of Berar, dated Camp Nagpore, 1st Dec. 1817, with four Enclosures.

I have, &c. &c.

Sir,-Enclosed I have the honour to transmit a return of the killed, wounded and missing, and of the ordnance and ammunition taken from the enemy. H. S. SCOTT, Lieut.-Col. commanding at Nagpore. Return of the Killed, Wounded, and Missing in the Action on the 26th and 27th inst., at Nagpore.

Detachment 3 troops Bengal cavalry1 quar.-master-serj., 21 rank and file, 1 horse-keeper, 20 horses, killed; 2 lieuts., 1 adj., 1 subedar, 3 bavildars, 18 rank and file, 14 horses, wounded; 11 horses missing.

Detachment Foot Artillery.-1 jemedar, 2 rank and file, 2 gun lascars, 1 serj. killed ; 1 lieut., 5 rank and file, 8 gun lascars, I serj. wounded.

1st batt. 20th. regt. N. I.-1 lieut., 15 rank and file, killed; 1 maj., 1 capt., 1 lieut., 1 subedar, I havildar, 44 rank and file, wounded.

1st. batt. 24th reg. N. I.-1 capt., 1 lieut., adj., 1 subedar, 4 havildars, 1 drummer, 49 rank and file, 1 recruit boy, killed; 1 capt., 1 lieut., 1 serj.-maj., 1 quar. master-serj. 2 jemedars, 7 havildars, 89 rank and file, wounded.

Resident's Escort.-1 subedar, 1 havildar, 8 rank and file, killed; 1 capt., 1 havildar, 1 drummer, 31 rank and file, wounded; 3 rank and tile, missing.

Major Jenkins's batt.-1 subedar, 1 havildar, 1 corporal, 5 rank and file, killed; 2 capt., 1 adj., 13 rank and file, wounded.

Unattached.-1 assist.-surg., killed.

Grand total:-1 major, 6 capt., 7 lieut., 3 adj., 1 assist.-surg., 1 serj.-major, 2 quar.-master-serj., 5 subedars, 3 jemedars, 18 havildars, 1 corporal, 2 drummers, 303 rank and file, 10 gun lascars, 1 recruit boy, 1 horse-keeper, 2 serj., 45 horses. VOL. V.

4 M

Names of the officers killed and wounded.

Killed.-Ist. batt. 20th regt. N. I. Lieut. Clarke.

1st batt. 24th regt. N. I.-Capt. Sadler, lieut. and adj. Grant.

Unattached.-Mr. assist.-surg. Niven. Wounded.-Detachment 6th regt. B. C. Lieut. R. W. Smith, Lieut. and adj. Hearsey, severely.

Detachment of Foot Artillery.--Lieut. Maxwell, slightly.

1st batt. 20th regt. N. I.-Major Mackensie, slightly; Capt. Pew, severely; Lieut, Dunn, slightly.

1st batt. 24th regt. N.I.-Capt. Charlesworth, Lieut. Thuillier, severely.

Resident's Escort.-Capt., Lloyd, severely.

Major Jenkins's Batt.-Capt. Robison, slightly; Capt. and Adj. Bayley, severely. H. S. SCOTT, Lieut.--Col. commanding at Nagpore.

List of Guns and Ammunition captured from the Enemy, on the 26th and 27th Nov. at Nagpore.

Guns.-2 brass nine-pounders, 2 brass four-pounders, carriages unserviceable; 2 brass twelve-pounders, spiked.

Ammunition.-25 iron nine-pounder shot, 40 iron four-pounder shot, 55 iron two and half-pounder shot.

60lbs. of gunpowder (country). N.B. Four jingals taken, but are not of order for service.

J. MAXWELL, Lieut. commanding detachment Artillery.

Extract from a Dispatch from the Governor in Council, at Bombay, to the Secret Committee, dated Jan. 5, 1818. Since our last letter to your hon. committee, dated the 2d inst. was closed, we have received, through the Resident at Nagpore, the copy of a dispatch from Brig. Gen.Doveton, to the Adj.-Gen. of the army of the Deccan, dated the 19th of last month, a transcript of which we have the honour to enclose.

On a perusal of that dispatch, your hon. committee will learn, that after the arrival of the Rajah of Berar at the Residency, and a compliance on the part of his highness with all the conditions which had been demanded of him, the Brig.Gen., in proceeding to take possession of the artillery and to disperse the Rajah's troops, was attacked by a large body of the enemy, on the 16th Dec., which he completely defeated, and no less than seventy-five pieces of ordnance fell into his hands, with the loss of one hundred and thirty men killed and wounded; the return referred to was omitted to be forwarded; but we understand, by a letter received from Lieut.-Col. Burr, that no officer was among the number of either.

We offer to your hon. committee our hearty congratulations on this happy and complete termination of the contest at Berar, the effects of which can hardly be estimated at this interesting crisis.

Letters from Lieut.-Col. Burr, and Lieut. Robertson, of the 1st of this month, acquainted us that the Peishwa had reappeared with his troops in the vicinity of Poona, with the supposed intention of attacking the British detachment, under the command of the first-mentioned officer, and the city.

The second batt. of the 1st regt. of Bombay N. I., which Col. Burr had ordered to join him from Seroor, has been attacked and surrounded by large bodies of the enemy, and has suffered considerably. It had reached the town of Goregaum, within about fourteen miles of Poona, and we hope it may be enabled to protect itself against further loss until succours may be sent to it.

The only further account we have received from the head-quarters of the army of the Deccan with Sir T. Hislop, reports, we regret to say, that upwards of thirty European officers and seven hundred men were killed and wounded at the battle of the 21st Dec. About two thousand infantry of the enemy had been killed in the field and during the pursuit, and upwards of sixty cannon had fallen into our hands. The names of the officers adverted to are not mentioned.

The last accounts from Major-Gen. Sir W. G. Keir, are dated at Rutlaum, the 25th Dec. The Bombay division was moving in the direction of Rampoor, towards which place the enemy is reported to have fled after the action of the 21st.

Accounts have been received from Lieut.Col. Burr, dated the 3d, intimating thas Capt. Staunton, commanding the second battalion 1st regt. of Bombay N. I. had been fortunately able to commence his march back to Seroor, with 125 wounded, having buried about 50 at Goregaum, and left 12 or 15 there very badly wounded; that the Peishwa had proceeded southward, Gen. Smith being in pursuit, which has probably saved the battalion. Copy of a Report from Brig.-Gen. Dove

ton, commanding the 2d Division of the Army of the Deccan, to the Adj.Gen., dated Camp, Nagpore, 19th Dec. 1817, with an Enclosure.

SIR, I had the honour of reporting, for his Excellency the Commander-inChief's information (through the quartermaster-general of the army), my arrival at this place with a part of the force highly equipped, on the morning of the 12th, and my expectation of being joined by the remainder on the following day.

These troops did join me on the evening

of the 13th, and I determined to allow them sufficient time to recover their fatigues after so long a march, previous to the resident making known to the Rajah the terms which it was proposed to grant him, in order that I might have it in my power to attack his troops immediately in the event of his not agreeing to them. I accordingly, on the afternoon of the 13th, ordered the whole of the stores and baggage of the force to proceed and take post under the Sutabulder Hill, where they would be protected by the 1st batt. 20th and 1st batt. 24th regt, and a battallion of his highness the Nizam's infantry. I having placed the troops in the order I intended they should attack, the whole slept upon their arms to be in readiness to commence hostilities at halfpast four o'clock the following morning, previous to which time the Rajah's determination would be known. Early in the morning I received information from the resident that his highness had agreed to the terms proposed, and was hourly expected at the residency; the time fixed however elapsed, and the resident was told that the troops could not well be further delayed in their movements should the Rajah not soon make his appearance: with his approval therefore I shortly after moved down; I took up the position from which I intended the troops should commence the attack. Soon after my reaching it, I was informed of the Rajah's ar-rival at the residency, of his having given -orders to put in my possession the whole of his artillery by twelve o'clock, and that the agent from him would arrive in my camp for that purpose. I accordingly waited the arrival of the agent, and ac'companied by him, proceeded with the whole of my force in battalion columus -of divisions, followed by the different reserves in line.

On my approach to the first battery it was drawn out in line ready to oppose us, but having come rather unexpectedly upon it, the enemy quitted their guns and retired; having taken possession of these, and left the division under Lieut.-Col. Scott in charge of them, I continued my advance in the same order, when, shortly after, a heavy fire was opened on us by a large body of troops posted in the Sucker Durry gardens, which was followed by a general discharge from the whole of their batteries; the infantry consisted of the divisions under Lieut.-Col. M'Leod and Mackellor, supported by a battery and a reserve of infantry under Lieut.-Col. Cros'dile, and a reserve of infantry under Lieut.Col. Stewart, continued their advance until the ground could admit of a formation in line, when the enemy's batteries in the front were carried in a most gallant manner at the point of the bayonet.

The horse artillery under Lieut. Pog

genpohl, and cavalry in parallel regimental columns of divisions under Lieut.-Col. Gohan, supported by their reserve of gallopers and cavalry under Capt. Smith, were fired upon at the same time, and having made a detour round a tank immediately in front of the Sucker Durry gardens, charged and carried instantly the batteries opposed to them in a most dashing style, driving at the same time before them an immense mass of the enemy's cavalry, which they routed and pursued as long as there was a chance of doing them any mischief.

A few of the enemy's guns, which had been charged by the cavalry, but which had re-opened their fire upon the latter, advancing in pursuit of that of the enemy, were charged and carried again in a very spirited manner by five companies from the reserve, under Lieut.-Col. Stewart, by the artillery of reserve, and a party of reformed horse, under Capt. Pedlar, who distinguished themselves much on the occasion; and by half-past one o'clock the whole of the enemy's guns and camp equipage were in our possession, together with upwards of forty elephants.

H. Ex. the Commander-in-Chief will be gratified to find, by the accompanying list of killed and wounded, that our loss has not been so considerable as might have been expected; from the great superiority of the enemy's cannon; the wounds, however, I regret to say, are generally severe, being chiefly from cannon shot.

It gives me much satisfaction to assure H. Exe. the Commander-in-Chief that the whole of the troops who had the good fortune of being engaged on this occasion, behaved in the most gallant manner; and I am happy, after bearing this general testimony to the merits of the officers and men of the division under my command, to mention more particularly for H. Exy's information, those of Lt.-Cols. Golian, M'Leod, Scott, Mackellor, and Crosdile, commanding brigades of cavalry, infantry, and artillery, and of Major Munk and Capt. Western, commanding corps of cavalry, and of Lieut. Col. Stewart and Fraser, Majors Pereira, Pollock, M'Dowal, Wildon, Macbian, and Garner, commanding corps of infantry and artillery. I must also bring to H. Exy's favorable notice the merits of Lieut. Poggenpohl, in command of the horse artillery, and of Lieut. Hunter, of that corps, the latter of whom having been attached to the column where I myself was, afforded me an opportunity of witnessing personally his uncommon exertions; to Maj. M'Leod and the officers of the General Staff, and to Capt. Morgan and Edmonds, my personal staff, I am quite at a loss to express how much I feel myself indebted; nor must I omit to mention the uncommon zeal and activity of Lieut. Davis, senior engineer in the field, during the en

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