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(3.) Particulars of Horned Heads (Hoornsche Hoofden) Light.On the north shore of Haring Vliet, and is exhibited from a watchhouse on the south point of the dyke. It is fixed, and shows white between the bearings S.E. E. and N.N.E. E.; and red between N.N.E. E. and N.W. W. Position, lat 51° 48′ 20′′ N., Variation, 161° W.

long. 4° 11′ 5′′ E.

40.-BALTIC ENTRANCE.-The Kattegat.-Læso Island.-Intended Light on North Rönner.—In the spring of 1880, from a lighthouse erected on North Rönner, 3 miles northward of Holmen point, north-west side of Læso island. It will be a fixed white light, varied every minute by a red flash, elevated 52 feet above the sea, and visible from a distance of 12 miles. The lighthouse, 46 feet high, is constructed of granite. Position as given, lat. 57° 21′ 30′ N., long. 10° 55' 30" E. The fog-signal will be established at the lighthouse. It will be a Syren, worked by a caloric engine, which during thick and foggy weather will give three powerful blasts in quick succession every two minutes.

41.-BALTIC ENTRANCE.-The Kattegat.-Intended Alteration in Trindelen Light. In the spring of 1880, the fixed light exhibited from Trindelen light-vessel, north-eastward of Læso island, will be discontinued, and instead thereof, a white light will be exhibited, showing a flash every thirty seconds.

42.-BALTIC ENTRANCE.-The Kattegat.—Intended Alteration in Kobber Ground Light.-In the spring of 1880, the three fixed lights exhibited from Kobber ground light-vessel, south-eastward of Læso island, will be discontinued, and instead thereof, one fixed white light will be exhibited.

43.-BALTIC ENTRANCE.-The Kattegat.-Intended Alteration in Anholt Knobben Light.-In the spring of 1880, the fixed light shown from Anholt Knobben light-vessel, eastward of Anholt island, will be discontinued, and instead thereof, a white light will be exhibited, showing two flashes in quick succession every minute, The fog-signal will be a syren, worked by a caloric engine, which during thick and foggy weather will give three powerful blasts in quick succession every two minutes.

44.-BALTIC.-Stor Ström.-Sialland.-Leading Lights at Ore. -There are two lights, shown from poles.

The Low light is fixed white, elevated 9 feet above the sea, and visible from a distance of 4 miles. This light is only shown in a south-westerly direction. Position, lat. 55° 0' 20" N., long.

11° 52′ 30′′ E.

The High light is fixed white, elevated 31 feet above the sea, and visible from a distance of 4 miles; it bears N. 48° E. from the low light distant 34 yards.

Note. These lights kept in line bearing N. 48° E. lead westward of Kalva spit, and over Masnedö flat in 12 feet water. Variation, 12° W.

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Light at Orehoved.—

45.-BALTIC.-Stor Ström Falster. Shown from a pole on the pier head at Orehoved, north coast of Falster. It is a fixed red light, elevated 31 feet above the sea, and visible from a distance] of 4 miles. Position, lat. 54° 57′ 35′′ N., long. 11° 51′ 25′′ E.

46.-BALTIC.-PRUSSIA.-Intended Fog-Signal at Dars Point.— Near Dars point (Darsserort) lighthouse. During thick and foggy weather, a gun will be fired twice at intervals of from four to five seconds every ten minutes.


Establishment of Time Ball.— Situated 120 yards eastward of the tower of the new Navigation house. The ball will be dropped twice daily at the following times, viz. :-At Noon-Mean time at Swinemünde. At Noon Greenwich mean time- Equivalent to Oh. 57m. 6s. p.m. mean time at Swinemiinde. The time ball, diameter 5 feet, and of a black colour, will be hoisted half-mast 10 minutes before each time-signal, and close up (115 feet above the ground) 3 minutes before each time-signal. If the ball does not fall exactly at the time appointed, a red ball will be hoisted, within 3 minutes after the delayed signal, close up on one of the wire ropes supporting the framework, and kept hoisted for 5 minutes-The time of the ball dropping is then made known by posting it up at the framework, or other appropriate plan. If the time ball has not dropped at all, the red ball will be hoisted half-way up the framework within 3 minutes after the appointed time, and kept so, until the timeball has been lowered down. If from any disturbing cause, the succeeding time-signal may probably be delayed, the red ball will

be hoisted half-way up the framework, and kept so, until dropping the ball at the exact time may be considered as certain. Position of time ball, lat. 53° 54′ 30′′ N., long. 14° 16′ 30′′ E.

Note. The position of Swinemünde principal lighthouse (on which the position given for the time-ball is based), is by recent determinations, in lat. 53° 55′ 3′′ N., long. 14° 17′ 19′′ E.

48.-BALTIC.-Bornholm.-Intended Light on Due Odde.-In the spring of 1880, from a lighthouse erected on Due Odde, 1,717 yards from the south point of Bornholm. It will be a fixed white light, showing a white flash every one and a-half minute, elevated 155 feet above the sea, and visible from a distance of 20 miles. The lighthouse, 100 feet high, is constructed of granite. Position, lat. 55° 0' 15" N., long. 15° 4' 40" E. Variation, 10° W. 49.-BALTIC.-Bornholm.—Intended Light on Due Odde Point. -In the spring of 1880, from a lighthouse erected on Due Odde point, near the south extreme of Bornholm. It will be a fixed white light, elevated 52 feet above the sea, and visible from a distance of 12 miles. The lighthouse, 41 feet high, and constructed of granite, is situated S. 18° W. from the lighthouse on Due Odde, distant 1,147 yards. The fog-signal will be established near Due Odde point lighthouse. It will be a syren, worked by a caloric engine, which, during thick or foggy weather, will give one powerful blast every two minutes.

50.-BALTIC.-Bornholm.- Intended Fog-Signal at Hammar Point. In the spring of 1880, at Hammeren (Steilebierg) lighthouse, near Hammar point, north extreme of Bornholm. It will be a syren, worked by a caloric engine, which, during thick and foggy weather, will give two powerful blasts in quick succession every two minutes. Further notice of the date on which these several lights and syrens will be established, and alterations made, will be published in due course.

51.-BALTIC.-Russia.-Particulars of Backofen Light.-The light (flashing) is visible seaward from the bearing N. 74° E., to the land northward of the light. The lighthouse, circular in shape and built of stone, is, with keeper's dwelling adjoining, painted red. Position, lat. 57° 11′ 45′′ N., long. 21° 25′ 5′′ E. Variation, 61 W.

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Lights on the Moles.-The Northern light is now fixed white, exhibited at the distance of 29 yards from the Mole head. The Southern light is fixed red, exhibited at the distance of 129 yards from the Mole head. These lights bear from each other N. 394° E. and S. 39° W.; both are elevated 19 feet above the ground41 feet above the sea; visible from a distance of about 10 miles. Variation, 6° W.

53.-GULF OF FINLAND.-Paker Ort Light-Alteration in Limit of Visibility.-In order to mark the outlying dangers in the vicinity of Cape Sourop, the arc of visibility of the light exhibited at Paker Ort, south side of entrance to Gulf of Finland, has been decreased, so that the light (fixed) is now only visible seaward between the bearings S. 621° W. and N. 15° E. Variation, 4° W.

54.-BOTHNIA GULF.-Finland.—Rafsö Fiard.-Light on Kallo Islet.-Shown during the season of dark nights from the pilots' hut on Kallo islet, approach to Biörneborg. It is a fixed white light; shown every autumn until the navigation is closed. Position, lat. 61° 35′ 40′′ N., long. 21° 28′ 15′′ E.

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55.-FRANCE.-West Coast. - Brest Roadstead. La Vendrée Buoy.-Alteration in Character.-This buoy, moored half a cable N.N.W. of the shoalest part of La Vendrée shoal, is now a Courtenay's automatic buoy (self-acting whistle).

56.-FRANCE.-West Coast.-Gironde River.-Calonge Canal.— Light near Entrance.-On right bank of Gironde river. It is a fixed red light, elevated 20 feet above the ground-22 feet above high water-and visible from a distance of 4 miles. Position, lat. 45° 17′ 15′′ N., long. 0° 42' 5" W.

57.-FRANCE.-West Coast.-Quiberon Bay. - Light on les Grands Cardinaux, and Discontinuance of Haedik Light.-From a lighthouse recently erected on Grongue-Gues rock, south-eastward of Haedik islands. It is a fixed white light, elevated 89 feet above high water, and visible from a distance of 12 miles. The lighthouse, 80 feet high, and cylindrical in shape, is constructed of masonry. Position, lat. 47° 19′ 20′′ N., long. 2° 50' 15" W. On the exhibition of this light, Haedik island light will be discontinued.

58.-PORTUGAL.-West Coast.-Tagus River Bar.-Particulars of Leading Lights.—With reference to previous Notice respecting the exhibition of two leading lights for Tagus river bar, at Alto de Caxias and Porto Côvo, at Caxias, 2 miles west of Belem castle; the lights are fixed red; the low light (elevated 60 feet above high water) bears from the high light S. 65° W., distant 470 yards; the high light is now permanently elevated 310 feet above high water, and should be visible in clear weather from a distance of 18 miles. The lighthouse, 54 feet high, is a massive stone tower, two storied, octagonal in shape, with cupola of lantern painted red. Position, lat. 38° 42′ 0′′ N., long. 9° 13′ 50′′ W.

Note. At night, vessels should cross Tagus river bar with the leading lights in line bearing N.E. by E. E., and when Bugio light (revolving) bears south, alter course to E. by S., which leads in mid-channel to a position 4 cables south of Belem castle. Variation, 191 W.

59.-MEDITERRANEAN.-France.-Toulon Outer Road.-Grosse Tour Pier.-Position of Light-vessel.-With reference to previous notice, respecting the placing of light-vessels near the extremities of three piers in course of construction in Toulon outer road, a light-vessel is now moored permanently at the southern extremity of Grosse Tour pier. It shows a fixed green light. This lightvessel (le Frelon), painted red, must be left on the starboard hand entering Toulon road.

60.-MEDITERRANEAN.—Adriatic.-Trieste Bay. Withdrawal of Grado Light-Vessel.-It will not again be replaced; and some other method will be adopted for temporarily marking Mula di Muggia bank, of which due notice will be given. The light-vessel being withdrawn, the fog-signal is necessarily discontinued.

61.-MEDITERRANEAN.-Saloniki Bay.-Light-Vessel on Vardar Spit. It will be moored at the extremity of Vardar (Vardar) spit, west side of entrance to Saloniki bay; two lights will be exhibited, and the vessel painted red. They will be fixed red lights, placed vertically, and visible from a distance of 8 miles.


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South Coast.-Light at

Dédéagatch. It will be a revolving light, interval of revolution thirty seconds, and visible from a distance of 18 miles.

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