페이지 이미지

arbitration, which is the noblest form for the settlement of international disputes.

October 31.

I have politics enough during the week. What I need, when I go to church, is Christ, and Him crucified.

November I.

The future is the sacred trust of us all, South as well as North.

November 2.

The poorest dollars always eventually land in the pockets of the poorest people, for when the break or crash comes the poor man loses it.

November 3.

I would rejoice to see demonstrated to the world that the North and the South and the East and the West are not sepa

rated or in danger of becoming separated because of sectional or party differences.

November 4.

Doubtless there have been pension. abuses and fraud in the numerous claims allowed by the government, but the policy governing the administration of the pension bureau must always be fair and liberal.

November 5.

Every attempt to array class against class is opposed to the national instinct and interest and should be resisted by every citizen.

November 6.

It was the concurrent law of nations that made the double standard; it will

require the concurrent law of nations to reinstate and sustain it.

November 7.

The sickle and the flail would still be in use but for the pressing demand of the great grain fields of America.

November 8.

Another growing sentiment among the people is that much as they are attached to old party associations, and hard as it is to leave their old relations, they would rather break with their party than to break up their business.

November 9.

When confidence is present with us the sheriff has less to do and advertises fewer forced sales. The court docket registers

fewer judgments, public charity is less invoked and the free soup-house is unknown and unnecessary.

November 10.

A surplus in the treasury, created by loans, is not a permanent or safe reliance.

November II.

The members of Congress are the agents of the people, and their presence at the seat of government in the execution of the sovereign will should not operate as an injury, but a benefit.

November 12.

The farmer can no more increase the value of his wheat by diminishing the value of the American dollar than he can increase the quantity of his hay by di

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