페이지 이미지

July 1.

Duty determines destiny.

July 2.

The free and unmolested right of relig ious liberty and worship and free and fair elections must be sacredly preserved and wisely strengthened.

July 3.

The story of the Christian missions is one of thrilling interest and marvelous results.

July 4.

Country first, country last, and country with stainless honor all the time.

July 5.

Many men there are from whom frankness would not withhold but command like expression of obligation to woman, wife, mother, sister, friend.

July 6.

The love of law and the sense of obedience and submission to the lawfully constituted judicial tribunals are imbedded in the hearts of our people, and any violation of these sentiments and disregard of their obligations justly arouse public condemnation.

July 7.

It is universally conceded that combinations which engross or control the market of any particular kind of merchandise or commodity necessary to the general community, by suppressing natural and ordinary competition, whereby prices are

unduly enhanced to the general consumer, are obnoxious not only to the common law, but also to the public welfare.

July 8.

Let us keep always in mind that the foundation of our government is liberty; its superstructure peace.

July 9.

Our war with Spain imposed upon us obligations from which we cannot escape, and from which it would be dishonorable to seek to escape.

July 10.

I believe it is the duty of this government to encourage its own people and to pass such laws as will give to them the largest opportunity to improve their condition, the highest scale of wages and the

greatest encouragement to their skill and their labor.

July II.

The people will not countenance the clipping of the coins of the country, and will never consent to clipping the currency in any form which may be proposed.

July 12.

Between more loans and more revenue there ought to be but one opinion. We should have more revenue.

July 13.

If the nominal price of grain were to rise through an inflation of the currency, the price of everything else would rise also, and the farmer would be relatively no better off than he was before.

July 14.

Some people are disturbed whenever they discover that the employer of labor and labor itself are on good terms, and whenever that occurs they commence crying coercion. It is not coercion; it is co-operation, the one working with the other for the public good and for their advantages, severally.

July 15.

No nation can by the wrongful exercise of power contravene the eternal principles of truth and justice and not escape deserved and fearful retribution.

July 16.

Good credit and good currency are as indispensable to labor as to capital, and he who teaches any other doctrine is an enemy of our country's prosperity.

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