
valued upon a reasonable basis, taking into consideration the usability and the condition of the goods, but in no case shall such value be less than the scrap value. Bona fide selling price means actual offering of goods during a period ending not later than 30 days after inventory date. The burden of proof will rest upon the taxpayer to show that such exceptional goods as are valued upon such selling basis come within the classifications indicated above, and he shall maintain such records of the disposition of the goods as will enable a verification of the inventory to be made.

In respect of normal goods, whichever basis is adopted must be applied with reasonable consistency to the entire inventory except as to those goods inventoried under the elective method authorized by section 22 (d). Taxpayers were given an option to adopt the basis of

either (a) cost or (b) cost or market, whichever is lower, for their 1920 inventories. The basis properly adopted for that year or any subsequent year is controlling, and a change can now be made only after permission is secured from the Commissioner. Application for permission to change the basis of valuing inventories shall be made in writing and filed with the Commissioner as provided in § 9.41-2. Goods taken in the inventory which have been so intermingled that they cannot be identified with specific invoices will be deemed to be the goods most recently purchased or produced, and the cost thereof will be the actual cost of the goods purchased or produced during the period in which the quantity of goods in the inventory has been acquired. But see section 22 (d) as to inventories under elective method. Where the taxpayer maintains book inventories in accordance with a sound accounting system in which the respective inventory accounts are charged with the actual cost of the goods purchased or produced and credited with the value of goods used, transferred, or sold, calculated upon the basis of the actual cost of the goods acquired during the taxable year (including the inventory at the beginning of the year), the net value as shown by such inventory accounts will be deemed to be the cost of the goods on hand. The balances shown by such book inventories

should be verified by physical inventories at reasonable intervals and adjusted to conform therewith.

Inventories should be recorded in a legible manner, properly computed and summarized, and should be preserved as a part of the accounting records of the taxpayer. The inventories of taxpayers on whatever basis taken will be subject to investigation by the Commissioner, and the taxpayer must satisfy the Commissioner of the correctness of the prices adopted.

The following methods, among others, are sometimes used in taking or valuing inventories, but are not in accord with the regulations in this part, viz:

(1) Deducting from the inventory a reserve for price changes, or an estimated depreciation in the value thereof.

(2) Taking work in process, or other parts of the inventory, at a nominal price or at less than its proper value. (3) Omitting portions of the stock on hand.

(4) Using a constant price or nominal value for so-called normal quantity of materials or goods in stock.

(5) Including stock in transit, either shipped to or from the taxpayer, the title to which is not vested in the taxpayer.*† [As amended by T.D. 4959, Dec. 28, 1939; 4 F.R. 50011

NOTE: The fourth paragraph of this section was amended by adding the words "except as to those goods inventoried under the elective method authorized by section 22 (d)" to the first sentence, and by substituting the words "under elective method" for the words "in certain industries" in the sixth sentence, by T.D. 4959, Dec. 28, 1939; 4 F.R. 5001, which amendments are applicable only to taxable years governed by the Internal Revenue Code. § 9.22 (c)-3 Inventories at cost. Cost means:

(1) In the case of merchandise on hand

at the beginning of the taxable year, the inventory price of such goods.

(2) In the case of merchandise purchased since the beginning of the taxable year, the invoice price less trade or other discounts, except strictly cash discounts approximating a fair interest rate, which may be deducted or not at the option of the taxpayer, provided a consistent course is followed. To this net

invoice price should be added transpor- Where no open market exists or where tation or other necessary charges incurred in acquiring possession of the goods.

(3) In the case of merchandise produced by the taxpayer since the beginning of the taxable year, (i) the cost of raw materials and supplies entering into or consumed in connection with the product, (ii) expenditures for direct labor, (iii) indirect expenses incident to and necessary for the production of the particular article, including in such indirect expenses a reasonable proportion of management expenses, but not including any cost of selling or return on capital, whether by way of interest or profit.

quotations are nominal, due to stagnant market conditions, the taxpayer must use such evidence of a fair market price at the date or dates nearest the inventory as may be available, such as specific purchases or sales by the taxpayer or others in reasonable volume and made in good faith, or compensation paid for cancellation of contracts for purchase commitments. Where the taxpayer in the regular course of business has offered for sale such merchandise at prices lower than the current price as above defined, the inventory may be valued at such prices less direct cost of disposition, and the correctness of such prices will be determined by reference to the actual sales of the taxpayer for a reasonable period before and after the date of the in

from the actual prices so ascertained will not be accepted as reflecting the


(4) In any industry in which the usual rules for computation of cost of production are inapplicable, costs may be approximated upon such basis as may be reasonable and in conformity with estab-ventory. Prices which vary materially lished trade practice in the particular industry. Among such cases are (i) farmers and raisers of live stock (see § 9.22 (c)-6), (ii) miners and manufacturers who by a single process or uniform series of processes derive a product of two or more kinds, sizes, or grades, the unit cost of which is substantially alike (see § 9.22 (c)-7), and (iii) retail merchants who use what is known as the "retail method" in ascertaining approximate cost (see § 9.22 (c)-8).*†

§ 9.22 (c)-4 Inventories at cost or market, whichever is lower. Under ordinary circumstances and for normal goods in an inventory, "market" means the current bid price prevailing at the date of the inventory for the particular merchandise in the volume in which usually purchased by the taxpayer, and is applicable in the cases

Where the inventory is valued upon the basis of cost or market, whichever is lower, the market value of each article on hand at the inventory date shall be compared with the cost of the article, and the lower of such values shall be taken as the inventory value of the article. *†

§ 9.22 (c)-5 Inventories by dealers in securities. A dealer in securities who in his books of account regularly inventories unsold securities on hand either(a) At cost;

(b) At cost or market, whichever is lower; or

(c) At market value,

may make his return upon the basis upon which his accounts are kept; pro

(a) of goods purchased and on hand, vided that a description of the method


(b) of basic elements of cost (materials, labor, and burden) in goods in process of manufacture and in finished goods on hand; exclusive, however, of goods on hand or in process of manufacture for delivery upon firm sales contracts (i. e., those not legally subject to cancellation by either party) at fixed prices entered into before the date of the inventory, under which the taxpayer is protected against actual loss, which goods must be inventoried at cost.

employed shall be included in or attached to the return, that all the securities must be inventoried by the same method, and that such method must be adhered to in subsequent years, unless another method be authorized by the Commissioner pursuant to a written application therefor filed with the Commissioner as provided in § 9.41-2. A dealer in securities in whose books of account separate computations of the gain or loss from the sale of the various lots of securities sold are made on the basis of the cost of each lot

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(2) No adjustment sheets will be required, but the net income for the taxable year in which the change is made must be computed without deducting from the sum of the closing inventory and the sales and other receipts, the inventory of live stock, crops, and products at the beginning of the year; Provided, however—

shall be regarded, for the purposes of this, reflect income, adjustments for earlier section, as regularly inventorying his se- years may be accepted or required. If curities at cost. For the purpose of this it is impossible to render complete invenrule a dealer in securities is a merchant tories for the preceding year or years, the of securities, whether an individual, part- Commissioner will accept estimates nership, or corporation, with an estab- which, in his opinion, substantially relished place of business, regularly en- flect the income on the inventory basis gaged in the purchase of securities and for such preceding year or years; but their resale to customers; that is, one inventories must not include real estate, who as a merchant buys securities and buildings, permanent improvements, or sells them to customers with a view to any other assets subject to depreciation. the gains and profits that may be derived therefrom. If such business is simply a branch of the activities carried on by such person, the securities inventoried as here provided may include only those held for purposes of resale and not for investment. Taxpayers who buy and sell or hold securities for investment or speculation, irrespective of whether such buying or selling constitutes the carrying on of a trade or business, and officers of corporations and members of partnerships who in their individual capacities buy and sell securities, are not dealers in securities within the meaning of this rule.*i § 9.22 (c)-6 Inventories of live stock raisers and other farmers. Farmers may change the basis of their returns from that of receipts and disbursements to that of an inventory basis provided adjustments are made in accordance with one of the two methods outlined in (1) and (2) below. It is optional with the taxpayer which method is used, but, having elected one method, the option so exercised will be binding upon the taxpayer, and he will be precluded from filing amended returns upon the basis of the other method.

(i) That if any live stock, grain, or other property on hand at the beginning of the taxable year has been purchased and the cost thereof not charged to expense, only the difference between the cost and the selling price should be reported as income for the year in which sold;

(ii) But if the cost of such property has been charged to expense for a previous year, the entire amount received must be reported as income for the year in which sold.

Because of the difficulty of ascertaining actual cost of live stock and other farm products, farmers who render their returns upon an inventory basis may value their inventories according to the "farm-price method," which provides for the valuation of inventories at market price less direct cost of disposition. If the use of the "farm-price method" of valuing inventories for any taxable year involves a change in method of valuing inventories from that employed in prior years, permission for such change shall first be secured from the Commissioner as provided in § 9.41-2. In such case the opening inventory for the tax

(1) Opening and closing inventories shall be used for the year in which the change is made. There should be included in the opening inventory all farm products (including live stock) purchased or raised which were on hand at the date of the inventory, and there must be submitted with the return for the current taxable year an adjustment sheet for the preceding taxable year based on the in-able year in which the change is made ventory method, upon the amount of which adjustment the tax shall be assessed and paid (if any be due) at the rate of tax in effect for that year. Ordinarily an adjustment sheet for the pre-in which the change is made results in ceding year will be sufficient, but if, in an abnormally large income for that year, the opinion of the Commissioner, such there may be submitted with the return adjustment is not sufficient clearly to for such taxable year an adjustment

should be brought in at the same value as the closing inventory for the preceding taxable year. If such valuation of the opening inventory for the taxable year

statement for the preceding year. This § 9.22 (c)-8 Inventories of retail merstatement shall be based on the "farm- chants. Retail merchants who employ price method" of valuing inventories, what is known as the "retail method" upon the amount of which adjustments of pricing inventories may make their the tax, if any be due, shall be assessed returns upon that basis, provided (1) and paid at the rate of tax in effect for that the use of such method is desigsuch preceding year. If an adjustment nated upon the return, (2) that accurate for the preceding year is not, in the accounts are kept, and (3) that such opinion of the Commissioner, sufficient method is consistently adhered to unless clearly to reflect income, adjustment a change is authorized by the Commissheets for prior years may be accepted sioner as provided in § 9.41-2. Under or required. this method the total of the retail selling prices of the goods on hand at the end of the year in each department or of each class of goods is reduced to approximate cost by deducting therefrom

If returns have been made in which the taxable net income has been computed upon incomplete inventories, the abnormality should be corrected by submitting with the return for the current taxable year a statement for the preceding year. In this statement such adjustments shall be made as are necessary to bring the closing inventory for the preceding year into argeement with the opening complete inventory for the current taxable year. If necessary clearly to reflect income, similar adjustments may be made as at the beginning of the preceding year or years, and the tax, if any be due, shall be assessed and paid at the rate of tax in effect for such year or years.*†

an amount which bears the same ratio to such total as

(a) the total of the retail selling prices of goods included in the opening inventory plus the retail selling prices of the goods purchased during the year, with proper adjustment to such selling prices for all mark-ups and mark-downs, less

(b) the cost of the goods included in the opening inventory plus the cost of the goods purchased during the year, bears to (a).

A taxpayer maintaining more than one department in his store or dealing in classes of goods carrying different percentages of gross profit should not use a percentage of profit based upon an average of his entire business, but should compute and use in valuing his inventory the proper percentages for the respective departments or classes of goods.*†

This amount should represent as accurately as may be the amounts added § 9.22 (c)-7 Inventories of miners and to the cost price of the goods to cover manufacturers. A taxpayer engaged in selling and other expenses of doing busimining or manufacturing who by a singleness and for the margin of profit. process or uniform series of processes derives a product of two or more kinds, sizes, or grades, the unit cost of which is substantially alike, and who in conformity to a recognized trade practice allocates an amount of cost to each kind, size, or grade of product, which in the aggregate will absorb the total cost of production, may, with the consent of the Commissioner, use such allocated cost as a basis for pricing inventories, provided such allocation bears a reasonable relation to the respective selling values of the different kinds of product. See section 22 (d) as to inventories under elective method.*† [As amended by T.D. 4959, Dec. 28, 1939; 4 F.R. 5001]

NOTE: The last sentence of this section was amended by substituting the words "under elective method" for the words "of producers and processors of certain non-ferrous metals and of tanners," by T.D. 4959, Dec. 28, 1939; 4 F. R. 5001, which amendment is applicable only to taxable years governed by the Internal Revenue Code.

[SEC. 22. Gross income.]—

(d) Inventories in certain industries.(1) Producers and processors of certain nonferrous metals.-A taxpayer shall be entitled to elect the method of taking inventories provided in paragraph (2) if his principal business is—

(A) Smelting non-ferrous ores or concentrates, or refining non-ferrous metals, or both; or

(B) Producing brass, copper products, or brass products, or any one or more of them, not further advanced than rods, sheets, tubes, bars, plates, or strips.

(2) Inventories of raw materials.-A taxpayer entitled to elect, and who has SO elected, shall, in taking his inventory as of

the close of any taxable year beginning after | extent thereof, and second, those acquired in December 31, 1938, of raw materials which the taxable year; and


"(C) Treat those included in the opening

(A) used in a business described in par- inventory of the taxable year in which such method is first used as having been acquired agraph (1); and at the same time and determine their cost by the average cost method.

(B) not yet included in goods in process or finished goods; and

(C) so intermingled that they cannot be identified with specific invoices; treat such raw materials remaining on hand as being: First, those included in the inventory as of the beginning of the taxable year (in the order of acquisition) to the extent thereof, and second, those acquired in the taxable year, in the order of acquisition.

(3) Tanners.-A taxpayer whose principal business is tanning hides or skins, or both, shall be entitled to elect (with respect to any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1938) the method provided in paragraph (2) as to the raw materials (including those included in goods in process and in finished goods) in the business of tanning hides, or skins, or both, if so intermingled that they cannot be identified with specific invoices. (4) Inventories at cost-In the case of the application of the provisions of paragraph (2) or (3) all inventories of such materials shall be taken at cost, including the inventory as of the close of the preceding taxable year.

(5) Election of method.-The method provided in paragraph (2) or (3) shall not be applied unless the taxpayer, at or before the filing of his return for the preceding taxable year, has filed with the Commissioner his election to have it apply.

"(2) The method described in paragraph (1) may be used

"(A) Only in inventorying goods (required under subsection (c) to be inventoried) specified in an application to use such method filed at such time and in such manner as the Commissioner may prescribe; and

"(B) Only if the taxpayer establishes to the satisfaction of the Commissioner that the taxpayer has used no procedure other than that specified in subparagraphs (B) and (C) of paragraph (1) in inventorying (to ascertain income, profit, or loss, for credit purposes, or for the purpose of reports to shareholders, partners, or other proprietors, or to beneficiaries) such goods for any period beginning with or during the first taxable year for which the method described in paragraph (1) is to be used.

"(3) The change to, and the use of, such method shall be in accordance with such regulations as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe as necessary in order that the use of such method may clearly reflect income.

"(4) In determining income for the taxable year preceding the taxable year for which such method is first used, the closing inventory of such preceding year of the goods specified in such application shall be at cost. (5) If a taxpayer, having complied with paragraph (2), uses the method described in paragraph (1) for any taxable year, then such method shall be used in all subsequent tax

(6) Regulations as to change.-The change to such method shall be made in accordance with such regulations as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe as necessary to prevent the avoidable years unlessance of tax.

(7) Change to different method.-An election made under this subsection shall be irrevocable and the method so elected shall be applied in all subsequent taxable years notwithstanding any change in the principal business of the taxpayer, unless with the approval of the Commissioner change to a different method is authorized, and then upon such terms and conditions and in accordance with such regulations as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe.



(a) Amendment to Code. Section 22 (d) of the Internal Revenue Code (relating to inventories in certain industries) is amended to read as follows:

"(d) (1) A taxpayer may use the following method (whether or not such method has been prescribed under subsection (c)) in inventorying goods specified in the application required under paragraph (2):

"(A) Inventory them at cost;

"(B) Treat those remaining on hand at the close of the taxable year as being: First, those included in the opening inventory of the taxable year (in the order of acquisition) to the

"(A) With the approval of the Commissioner a change to a different method is authorized; or

"(B) The Commissioner determines that the taxpayer has used for any period beginning with or during any subsequent taxable year some procedure other than that specified inventorying (for ascertaining income, profit, in subparagraph (B) of paragraph (1) in or loss, for credit purposes, or for the purpose

of reports to shareholders, partners, or other proprietors, or to beneficiaries) the goods specified in the application, and requires a change to a method different from that prescribed in paragraph (1) beginning with such subsequent taxable year or any taxable year thereafter.

"In either of the above cases, the change to, and the use of, the different method shall be in accordance with such regulations as the Commissioner, with the approval of the Secretary, may prescribe as necessary in order that the use of such method may clearly reflect income."

(b) Taxable years to which applicable. The amendment made by subsection (a) shall be applicable to taxable years beginning after December 31, 1938.

(c) Amendment to 1938 Act. Section 22 (d) of the Revenue Act of 1938 (relating to

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