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mean; so that after studying a more elevated way of expressing himself, he asked the Frenchman, "Whether he had yet taken his chocolate?" "My chocolate," answered the ecclesiastic, "I live upon alms; and I now wait, until the soup is distributed at the Franciscan convent." "You have not then been there yet?" said the Castillian. "No," replied the Frenchman; " but now the clock strikes, I'll go there directly.” "Pray, conduct me thither," said the vain-glorious Spaniard," you shall see Don Antonio Perez de Valcabia de Redia, de Mortalva de Bega, give there to posterity, an illustrious specimen of his humility." "Who are those people?" said the Frenchman. "Tis I," replied the Castillian. "If it be so," replied the Frenehman," say rather, an example of a good stomach."


The following Bon Mot is related of Doctor S. Johnson: When he had writ

ten four acts of his Irene, he read them to a gentleman, belonging to the ecclesiastical court of Litchfield, which is generally reckoned, as arbitrary a spiritual judicature, as any in the kingdom. The gentleman appeared greatly affected by the pathos of the piece; and was so particularly struck with the distress of the fourth act, that he asked the author, "How he could possibly heighten the catastrophe?" "Oh, that's easily done,” replied the Doctor, "I shall put my hero into your ecclesiastical court, and then, I am sure, he must fill the utmost measure of human calamity."


The point of honour has been deem'd of use,
To teach good manners, and to curb abuse;
Admit it true, the consequence is clear,
Our polish'd manners, are a masque we wear,
And at the bottom barbarous and rude,
We are restrain'd, indeed, but not subdu'd ;
The very remedy, however, sure,

Springs from the mischief it intends to cure,
And savage in its principle appears,

Tried, as it should be, by the fruit it bears.

'Tis hard, indeed, if nothing will defend,
Mankind from quarrels, but their fatal end,
That now and then a hero must decease,
That the surviving world may live in peace.
Perhaps, at last, close scrutiny may show,
The practice dastardly, and mean, and low,
That men engage in it, compell'd by force
And fear, not courage, to its proper source,
The fear of tyrant custom, and the fear,

Lest fops should censure it, and fools should sneer;
At least, to trample on our Maker's laws, -
And hazard life, for any, or no cause,

To rush into a fix'd, eternal state,

Out of the very flames, of rage and hate;
Or, send another shiv'ring to the bar,
With all the guilt of such unnat❜ral war;
Whatever use may urge, or honour plead,
On Reason's verdict, is a madman's deed.
"Am I to set my Life upon a throw,
Because a bear is rude and surly?—No:
A moral, sensible, and well-bred man,
Will not affront me-and no other can.


Her price is far above rubies:

In her eye is the lustre of Heav'n,

The law of kindness dwelleth on hertongue; Her whole exterior, is stampt with the vir tues of her life:

Her manners delineate her heart,

And her heart embraces ev'ry ingredient of

true worth.

Virtue and truth;
Simplicity and piety;
Charity and benevolence;
Love and modesty;

Dignity, elegance, and delicacy;

Prudence and œconomy;

Affability and politeness;

Frankness and generosity;

Humanity and justice;

Constancy, chastity, and honour;

Humility, and good nature;

Sincerity and friendship;

Compassion and meekness;

Gentleness and fidelity;
Industry and contentment;
Tenderness and gratitude;
Purity and patience;
Magnanimity and mercy.

Happy woman! blest with these,

Her's, future hope and present ease;

Happier he, whose wife she is,

The richest thing on earth is his.

Lines by Doctor Johnson, not printed in

his Works.


Arachne once, ill-fated maid,

Her form was chang'd, her beauty fled;
She fell a victim to her rage.

Oh! then beware, Arachne's fate,

Be prudent, fair one, and submit,

For you'll more justly feel her fate,
Who rival both her art—and wit.

Anecdote from the Life of Prince

In a skirmish, which brought on a general battle, between the Turks and the Imperialists, the cornet of the regiment of Commerci, had his standard wrested from him the prince of that name, instantly flies to the Duke of Lorrain, begging his permission, to go and bring off another

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