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When Lord Townshend was Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, the then Provost of Dublin lost no opportunity of repeating his solicitations for places...." My dear, Hely," said his Lordship, "you have a great many things, and I have nothing to give but a majority of dragoons." "I accept it then," replied the Provost. "What you take a majority," answered his Lordship, "zounds it's impossible, I only meant it as a joke." "And I accept it, replied the Provost," merely to shew you how well I can take a joke."


Fontaine teaches in his Fables, that we ought not to refute seriously a gross ab surdity; but the better to expose it to ridicule, we should use the most extravagant hyperboles.

A Gascon, who flattered himself that he possessed a most discerning sight, walk

ing one day with a companion in the streets of Notre Dame, said " Observe the fineness of my sight, I see a fly walking upon the clock of Notre Dame church." His companion replied, "I have not a sight so fine as you, but in recompence, my hearing is much better; for although I do not see the fly you mention, yet I hear it walk."


Some friends of Philip of Macedon, having advised him to banish a man, who had spoken ill of him at Court; he replied,

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By no means, for that is the way to make him rail at me, where I am less known."

Being, at another time, importuned to punish the ingratitude of the Peloponessians, for having hissed him at the Olympic "How will they serve me," regames :plied he, should I punish them, when they cannot forbear affronting me, after so many obligations?”


In Feb. 1776, an oak was cut down on the estate of Dennis Rolle, Esq. near Great Torrington, Devonshire; the body of which measured thirteen feet six inches in diameter, on the surface of which two couple danced a country dance, and the fidler played standing on the corner.

Copy of Two Letters from King JAMES the First, to the Lords, read at the Board, Nov. 24, 1617, respecting the Abatement of His Majesty's Household.. "My Lords,

"No worldly thing is so precious as time; ye know what task I gave you to work upon during my absence, and what time was limited unto you for the performance of it. This same Chancellor of Scotland was wont to tell me, twenty-four years ago, that my house could not be kept upon epigrams; long discourses and air tales will never repair my estate.

"Omnis virtus in actione consistit."-Re


member I told you, that the shoe must be made for the foot, and let that be the square of all your proceedings in the busiAbate superfluities in all things, and multitudes of unnecessary officers wherever they be placed; but for the household; wardrobe, and pensions, cut and carve as many as may agree with my means; exceed not your rule of fifty thousand pounds for the household, if you can make it less, I will account it for good service, and that you may see I will not spare my own person, I have sent with this bearer a note of the superfluous charges concerning my mouth, having had the happy opportunity of this messenger in an errand so nearly concerning his place. In this, I expect no answer in word or writing, but only the real performance from the beginning, to relieve me out of my miseries for now the ball is at your feet, and the world shall bear me witness, that I have put you fair to it.

And so praying God to bless your labours,

I bid you heartily farewell.

"Your own JAMES, R."


My Lords,

"I received from you yesternight the bluntest Letter that I think ever King received from his Council. Ye write that. the Green Cloth will do nothing, and ye offer me no advice: Why are ye Counsellors, if ye offer no council? An ordinary messenger might have brought me such an answer it is my pleasure that my charges be equally with my revenue, and it is necessary so to be; for this is a project must be made, and one of the main branches thereof is my house. This project is but to be offered unto you, and how it may be better laid to agree with my honour and contentment, ye are to advise upon, and then have my consent. If this cannot be performed without diminishing the number of tables, diminished they must be; and if that cannot serve, two or three

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