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Lord G. You order'd she should write?-Let me tell you, sir, it was wronging my confidence!

Gov. No, I did not order she should write ;-I mean, -I mean,-zounds! I don't know what I mean!

Wood. So it seems, indeed, since hardly half an hour ago my uncle himself persuaded me to marry my love. Gov. Here's a cursed affair now!

Lord G. Can this be possible? Let me tell you, Governor, if, presuming upon your wealth, you play a double part in my family

Gov. Zounds! nobody knows his own part in your family, that I see ! And this fellow, too, to tease me, whom I lov'd above all in it. Why, I spoke entirely from regard to him. If since then I have discovered a bumpkin was beforehand with him in the possession of his Miss

Wood. If any one, beside yourself, sir, durst tell such a falsehood, it would cost a life.

Gov. Yes; and, if any one beside myself durst tell me such a truth, it would cost a soul, perhaps. [Exit. Capt. Har. This is more unintelligible than all the


Lord G. To end these altercations;-upon yourself, Woodville, shall depend the fortune of this wretch, to whom you have been so gross a dupe as to justify the imputation of folly. Why, even without knowing me, she ridiculed your passion, and offered to leave you. Wood. Impossible!

Lord G. Dare you disbelieve me, sir?-Nay, she shall be produced, and obliged to confess her arts;— then blush and obey! Here, Vane! Governor! the keys! [Exit.

[WOODVILLE walks behind in great agitation. Capt. Har. Now could I find in my heart to make this story into a ballad, as a warning to all meddling puppies; and then hang myself, that it may conclude with a grace. Zound! she must be endued with super

[blocks in formation]

natural intelligence. Just when I was saying a thousand civil things to myself on my success, to have my mine sprung before my eyes by the enemy; and instead of serving my friend and myself, become a mere tool to old Gravity's revenge! Pshaw! however, we must make the best of a bad matter.Woodville, what do'st mean to do, man?

Wood. Let them produce my Cecilia!-I will then seize and protect her to the last moment of my life. Capt. Har. And I will assist you to the last moment of mine.

Wood. My generous cousin! this is indeed friendship. Capt. Har. Not so very generous, if you knew all.

Re-enter LORD GLENMORE and the GOVERNOR, with BRIDGET holding a handkerchief to her eyes, VANE following; WOODVILLE flies and clasps her in his arms; HARCOURT

takes her hand.

Wood. My love! my life!-Do I once again behold thee?-Fear nothing!-you here are safe from all the world! Will you not bless me with one look ?

Brid. [Looking at him and HARCOURT with ridiculous distress.] Oh, dear me!

Lord G. I have put it out of your power to marry, sir, otherwise you may take her.

Wood. Take her!-What poor farce is this?

Capt. Har. Hey-day! more incomprehensibilities. Vane. [Aside.] Now for the éclaircissement—since, if the Governor doesn't acknowledge her in his first rage and confusion, I may never be able to make him! -I humbly hope Mr. Woodville will pardon me, if, with her own consent and my lord's, I this morning married this young lady.

Gov. Zounds, you dog, what's that?-you married her? Why, how did you dare?-And you too, my lord!-what the devil, did you consent to this?

Vane. Believe me, sir, I didn't then know she was your daughter.

Lord G. Daughter!

Gov. So, it's out, after all:-It's a lie, you dog! you did know she was my daughter;—you all knew it ; -you all conspired to torment me!

All. Ha, ha, ha!

Gov. Ha, ha, ha! confound your mirth!-as if I had not plagues enough already.—And you have great reason to grin too, my lord, when you have thrown my gawky on your impudent valet.

Lord G. Who could ever have dreamt of-Ha, ha, ha!-of finding this your little wonder of the country, brother?

Capt. Har. Nay, my lord, she's the little wonder of the town, too.

All. Ha, ha, ha!

Gov. Mighty well,-mighty well,-mighty well ;pray take your whole laugh out, good folks; since this is, positively, the last time of my entertaining you in this manner.-A cottage shall henceforth be her portion, and a rope mine.

Brid. If you are my papa, I think you might give some better proof of your kindness;—but I shan't stir; -Why, I married on purpose that I might not care

for you.

Gov. Why, thou eternal torment! my original sin! -whose first fault was the greatest frailty of woman; and whose second, her greatest folly! do'st thou, or the designing knave who has entrapped thee merely for that purpose, imagine my wealth shall ever reward incontinence and ingratitude?—No; go knit stockings to some regiment, where he is preferred to be drummer!warm yourself when the sun shines!—soak ev'ry hardearned crust in your own tears, and repent at leisure. [Exit, in a rage.

All. Ha, ha, ha!

Lord G. He to ridicule my mode of education!But what is the meaning of all this?

Wood. Truly, my lord, I believe it would be very hard to find any for either my uncle's words or actions. -I am equally at a loss to guess as to Bridget, here. Vane. Hey, what? Bridget, did you say, sir?-Why, you little ugly witch, are you really Bridget?

Brid. Why I told you so all along; but you wou'dn't

believe me.

All. Ha, ha, ha!

Brid. Oh, dear heart!-I am now as much afeard of my new husband as father.

Lord G. For thee, wench

Brid. [Pops upon her knees.] Oh, no more locking up, for goodness sake, my lord!—I be sick enough of passing for a lady. But, if old Scratch ever puts such a trick again in my head, I hope-your lordship will catch me!-that's all.

Vane. I shall run distracted! Have I married an and all for nothing, too?


Lord G. A punishment peculiarly just, as it results from abusing my confidence.-Hence, wretch! nor ever, while you live, appear again in my presence.

[Exit VANE, looking furiously after BRIDGET. Lord G. 'Tis time to return to ourselves. We shall soon come to an éclaircissement, Woodville!-Since you won't marry, I will.

Wood. My lord!

Lord G. And you shall judge of my choice. [Exit. Capt. Har. Now for it ;-whatever devil diverts himself among us to-day, I see he owes my sagacious lord here a grudge, as well as the rest; and I foresee that his wife and ne Governor's daughter will prove equally entertaining.

Enter LORD GLENMORE leading CECILIA, followed by Miss MORTIMER.

Lord G. This lady, sir, I have selected; a worthy choice.

Wood. I dream, surely!-that lady your choice?— your's?

Lord G. Ungrateful son! had such been your'sWood. Why, this very angel is mine-my Cecilia, my first, my only love!

Lord G. How!

Cec. Yes, my lord!—you now know the unhappy object at once of your resentment, contempt, and admiration!-My own misfortunes I had learnt to bear, but those of Woodville overpower me !-I deliver myself up to your justice; content to be ev'ry way his victim, so I am not his ruin.

Lord G. But to find you in this house

Cec. Your generous nephew, and the amiable Miss Mortimer, distinguish'd me with the only asylum could shelter me from your son!

Lord G. They distinguished themselves!-Oh, Woodville! did I think, an hour ago, I could be more angry with you? - How durst you warp a mind so noble ?

Wood. It is a crime my life cannot expiate,-yet, if the sincerest anguish

Lord G. I have one act of justice still in my power; -my prejudice in favour of birth, and even a stronger prejudice, is corrected by this lovely girl:--of her goodness of heart, and greatness of mind, I have had incontestible proofs, and, if I thought you, Frank

Cec. Yet stay, my lord! nor kill me with too much kindness. Once your generosity might have made me happy, now only miserable.-My reason, my pride, nay, even my love, induces me to refuse, as the only way to prove I deserve him!—he has taught me to know the world too late, nor will I retort on him the contempt I have incurred.-Mr. Woodville will tell you whether I have not solemnly vow'd

Wood. Not to accept me without the consent of both fathers; and if mine consents, what doubt

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