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It. Mons. Domaile in hope to be gen'all and govern' for the King in Pyemonte gave over certaine offyces in Fraunce; whiche thing M'shall Brysacke understandyng (whereas he required leave before to come into Fraunce) wrote againe unto the Kyng y' seyng the necessytie of his affairs, he wold force hym self to take paines there in hys service two or three years longer, whiche hathe bene a greate checkmate to Domayle to gyther with the deposyng ye Prince of Conde.

The howse of Guyse dothe governe alone, for the Duke dothe wryte him self Lyevetenaunte generall of the Frenche Kyng's domynions.

The Duke of Nevers hathe marryed hys youngest sonne to the Ducheis of Bawleus dawghter; being promysed thereby toptaine the marryage of the Ducheis of Tuttevile for his eldest sonne: you know by ye healpe of ye Valentinous 1. There are iij Cardynalls appointed to ordaine Inquisytors of the faithe through all ye provynces of Fraunce: by reason that ye Lutheryans do so stoughtlye increase y' they feare som tumulte will insue excepte they take greate heade; for y' yt is thought yt some noble man dothe holde with them, and practyseth the Electors of Germanye for his aide and savegarde.

You may gesse who y should be hys factor told me theis nues, by whom I understande also y' they have great necessitie of powder at this present and of mony also wch ys the cause whie they ceise so many men.

INTELLYGENCE FROM FRANKEFORD IN GERMANYE. First y' Ferdinando shalbe Emperour under [engagement not] to impeche relygion, nor do any thing preiudycyall unto the ...... bull.


But as towching ye Kyng of Romaines I cannot ... that there shalbe any chosen thys year.

Yt is thought y' they will seeke to recover certaine townes wch were imperyall. But that matter shalbe debated at a common assemble of all thestates of thempire wch shall now be declared; and thought to be shortlye: where we looke to heare of many good deliberations. But I cannot perceyve y' they intend any thing earnestly against France, because the Paulsgrave ye Lanzgrave (whose yongest sonne ys in Fraunce) and y Duke of Wryttingbourghe be content to be verray muche Frenche for those benefits they have receyved by ye Frenche Kyngs meanes, whose ayde they may neade by cause ye reste be contrary to their religyon, as the emperour himself and ye Bysshopps: also because y' Ferdinando ys wholly bent to recover Hungarye, and to turne the force of Germany y' way.

Ferdinando ye King of Romaines made his entry into Frankeford, accompanyed wth Charles his second sonne archduke of Austrige and viii c horse.

Otto Henry the Paulsgrave and Elector entered nexte into Frankford, accompanyed wth Woolfange Duke of Sweybrook, and Lodo

The Duchess de Valentinois, whose influence was at this time at its height.

wicke Duke of Syancryn, George and Rychard Dukes of Beyrlond, and ii Marquesses of Badon, wth v hundred armed men on horseback, and fyftene Erles and Barons.

Augustus Duke of Savoy, Elector and Highe Marshall of thempire, entered into Frankeforde, accompanyed with Joachym Marques of Brandenburge Elector also, and ij sonnes of ye Kyng of Denmarke to gyther why Duke of Luneburge and vj hundred horse.

Danyell, Archebishoppe of Ments, Elector, Anthonye, Archebishoppe of Cullyn, Elector, Thomas Archbishoppe of Fryars, Elector, accompanyed with v hundred horse, made there entery into Franckeford to gyther.

The Prynce of Orange was Charles themperours Ambassador, and entered into Frankeford honowrably accompanyed.

Chrystofer Duke of Wrytenberge entered into Frankeforde accompanyed with v hundred horse'.

The eldest sonne of the Kyng of Denmarke ys chosen after the deathe of hys father Kynge of Denmarke: and his second sonne Duke of Holste.

LONDON, JULY 28, 1570.

Letters of the xxiiijth of the last, out of Spayne, from a towne bordering upon the Mores, sayth that the King hathe driven them into the mountaynes agayne, after the accustomed sorte; for that thei having no horse men, thei be fayne to retire whan the kinges approchethe nere; and whan the forrage is wasted, than the horsemen retire, and than the Mores dothe occupye the vallyes, as more stronger than the King in foote men.

The brute goethe heare that the Admirall is come to Montarges a place of the Duches of Ferrares xxviij [leagues] beyond Paris, and so mindeth to come in to Picardie, to finish his general visitation; and by his resistance thei brute apears afreshe. For other assistance I do not heare of the kynges syde, by cause his confederates be so occupyed in their own particular affayres of such waightie moment; as the Emperor and his frendes in Germany standethe in feare at this present of their owne estates, the Italians be fully occupyed with both their particular and their common enemy. The great Turke, and King Philip is occupyed with the Mores, and in Barbery, and to defend against the Turke in Italy; in such sorte as the Frenche king is very lyke to be driven to a greate afterdeale.

At Rochell thei say the Protestantes have prevaled greatly against the king, and hathe taken the ile of Burwage and other places wheare

1 This was at the election of Ferdinand I. uncle to Philip II. king of Spain. "The emperour Charles purposed, as it was reported, to leade his life in a house of religion in Spaine; and surrendred the imperiail crowne unto the electors of Germany. Wherfore they and other princes in March assembled at Frankford: and ther elected Ferdinand King of Bohemie, and brother to the fornamed Charles the V. The ancient manner was, that he shold be crowned in the formone at masse: but because divers of the electors wold not in any wyse come to masse, the coronation was solemnised in the after noone, and the masse with other like ceremonies omitted. It was thought that King Philip should have ben chosen Kyng of Rome: but the matter came to disolution betwene him and certain other, and therfore was deferred.”—Languet's “ Epitome of Chronicles."

all the baile salt is made; and hath put to the sword all the Italians to the nombre of 111 м, and theire owne contrimen thei have suffered to departe and Mons. Delano hathe loste his arme, which was the Levetenaunt and the leader of that interprize of the Protestauntes part; for whom they do make great lamentation, being in great daunger.

The Emperor remaineth at Spires wheare he cannot go forwarde nor backward without daunger, being in hatered of the Princes Protestants, till some agreement be made.

The Duke of Alva goethe on with his preparations of his navie; and the Lord Admiral is at Gillingtun to see the Quenes navie in setting forwards. The Duke saythe that the preparation is made to no other end than to transport the Quene his mystress in to Spayne; and so after to serve against the Mores; and the Queen our soveragne sayth, that bycause the Queen of Spayne shall have no harme of the Englishe coste she shal be watched with . . . . . men; and for the same purpose the capitaynes and the men be in a redynes, and the shippes are in preparing with all diligence with as muche speede as the Duke maketh of his.

Thei say Mons. Ramboliet hathe donne the Frenche kinges message, fore the libertie of the Scotishe quene and that she might enjoye her owne realme and to govern it and to se the bringing up of her owne childe. The Quenes Matie. answered, that she marweled the king wolde troble him self in matters so farre from him, having so muche to do at home; as for the matters betwene her syster of Scotland and her, thei wolde agree well inoughe, he sholde not need to care for it ;-and so it is thoughte as yet he shall not come to the speche of the Queene of Scotland, and much lesse to goo in to Scotland.


Newes heare is never certayne; but as thei be moost credebely reported, be theis that followes:

That the Quene mother is sicke and in a frenzye for her son the King of Poland that hathe bene kepte prisoner in Germany till now of late that he is released by composition.

That Rochell standethe upon their garde and hathe receved Mons. Delano into the towne with many lustie gentlemen for their defence: and that the Protestantes of Langwidock Provence Dolfyne and Navarre doth withstand the King, and continuethe in armes.

That Conte Montgomery is gonne to sturre up the Protestantes in Brayne wheare his lande dothe laye.

That the Prince of Orange hathe gotten the Porte of Midellbrugh, that no vitalles cannot come in by no meanes, and is very strong upon Zelande; and that the new governor maketh as great a power as he can of the contry and with shippes and ayde out of France: the which is thoughte shall not be able to succurr Medebrugh.

That Scotland is quiete, and Irelande full of great disquietnes; for this day the Quene doth heare all their opinions that hathe bine in Ireland in service and to resolve what is best to be donne there in.

That the Busshopp of Roos is gonne in to Fraunce, who thei say is lyke to brede muche inconveniences.


IT WILL probably surprise many of our readers to learn, that, in the 6th Hen. IVth, 1405, Nicholas Russhton and Sir Thomas Swynford, governor of the Castle of Calais, who there can be little doubt was the son of Katherine Duchess of Lancaster by her first husband, Sir Otes Swynford, stated that they were as ignorant of the French language as of Hebrew. In a letter from them, dated on the 21st of October in that year, and preserved in the Cottonian MS. Galba, B. 1. they observe, in reply to the French ambassadors, "Vestras literas scriptas in Gallico nobis indoctis tanquam in ydiomate Hebraico!"

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TO THE following passage in Stow's Annals-" On the 30th of July [1553], the Lady Elizabeth, sister to the Queene, roode from her place at Strand (where she had been the night before), through the city of London, out at Aldgate toward the Queene, accompanied with 1000* horse, of knights, ladies, gentlemen, and their servaunts,' the Rev. John Lynge, Vicar of Yalding in Kent, who published a Sermon on the Coronation of Charles the Second, added this note in his copy of that work: "Camden 500, and so I have heard my mother from her grandmother, who was one of them, relate, and y' Q. Mary then kissed every gentlewoeman [that] came with her sister." At the end of the volume, Mr. Lynge inserted these lines : Anno 1643. Wise men labor, good men grieve,

Knaves devise, and fooles believe;

Help, Lord! and now stand to us,

Or knaves and fooles will quite undoe us."

HENRY THE FIFTH, in 1422, in a letter to the Archbishops of Canterbury and York, and the Bishops of Winchester and Durham, dated on the 10th of July, after commanding them to restore the dower of his mother-in-law, Joan of Navarre, widow of his father, King Henry the Fourth, adds, "Ferthermore we wol and charge yowe, that hir beddes, and al other thyng mevables, that we had of hir, ye delivere hir ayeine: and ordeineth her, that she have of suche cloth and of suche colour, as she wol devise herself, v or vj Gounes, such as she useth to were; and be cause we suppose she wol soon remoeve from the plas where she is nowe, that ye ordeine hir also horses for ij chares, and lat hir remove thens into what other place wythin owre Roiaume, that hir lust, and whanne her lust."-Rolls of Parliament, vol. iv. p. 248.

"REWARDS accustomed to bee given out of the Chamber of London at every solemne proclamation.

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Imprimis, to the Principall King of Armes, which
readeth the same proclamation

To every other King of Armes there present
To every Herald being present

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To every Pursuivant there present

To every Trumpet that there serveth
To the common Cryer

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iijs. iiijd. iijs. iiijd. vjs. viijd.

If there be any officer of armes, a stranger, present at the saide proclamacōn, he to have a reward after the discretion of the Bench, and after his 'haviour.-Ashmole's MSS. 837. folio 61", "transcribed these from a MS. in 4to. in the hands of the Earle of Anglesey, April, 1673."

AN EXTRAORDINARY GUIDE." And when al this storme was cesed, this worthi Erle of the Marche toke his shippe with all his meyne to the see and londed in Normandy atte Hogges; and so ridden forthe toward the King: and ever as he come the Frenshe men fled, and ther come to hem an Anthonye pigge, and followed the Ost all that day, til thei come to a grete wasshe and ther thei mighte no where gete oute, but atte laste thei followed the pigge, and God by his grace broghte hem oute al sauf, and then thei gate a gide that knewe al the contrey a boute and he broghte hem thurgh a quik sond, and so into an isle, and ther thei toke many prisoners, in her way towardes the King in her iorney unto Argenton."-From a MS. Chronicle of the fifteenth century, in the possession of ....... Hale, Esq.

LONDONIANA. From Aggas's View and Plan of London in the beginning of the reign of Queen Elizabeth it appears, that the most crowded part of the city extended from Newgate Street, Cheapside, and Cornhill, to the banks of the Thames. Beyond Lothbury, from Basinghall Lane to Bishopsgate, with the exception of Coleman Street, a great portion of the ground was uncovered, and apparently occupied by gardens. Similar void spaces, but separated by buildings, occurred between Bishopsgate Street and the Minories; at the extremity of which, next to Tower Hill, stood a Cross. Goodman's Fields was only an extensive enclosure, and East Smithfield and St. Katherine's extended but very little beyond St. Katherine's Church. The north side of Whitechapel, and behind Houndsditch, was occupied by gardens and fields, lying entirely open from the back of St. Mary Spital. Houndsditch was only a single row of houses, extending from St. Botolph's, Aldgate, to Bishopsgate without: from thence a regular street extended to Shoreditch Church, which terminated the avenue. Westward from Bishopsgate, besides gardens and enclosures, were a few buildings, the principal of which was a long range, called the Dog House, where the city hounds were kept; hence a part of the City Road has been distinguished as Dog-House Bar. On the site of what is now Finsbury Square stood several windmills; hence the avenue called Windmill Hill, and afterwards Windmill Street. In Old Street, from St. Luke's Church to Shoreditch, there were no houses, and only two or three stood in the fields beyond. Finsbury Court or Manor House stood on the south side of Chiswell Street, nearest Moorfields. The houses were not connected with Whitecross Street; Goswell Street was merely indicated by a road leading to St. Alban's; and Islington could hardly be seen. Clerkenwell was mostly occupied by the precincts of the monastery and

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