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Lord Archbishop of CANTERBURY,


And to The Right Reverend


Of the fame Province,

His GRACE's Suffragans;

And to the Reverend


Of the Lower House



Hiftorical Preface,


Four enfuing VOLUMES
therein refer'd to,

Are with all due Submiffion offer'd

To Their, and the Publick serious CONSIDERATION, By

The Author.

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Y Hiftorical Preface, especially, as now including both the University's and Convocation's Proceedings, is fo full and particular, that it prevents the Neceffity of any other long Preliminary Difcourfe in this place. I fhall therefore be as brief as poffible; and rather call this an Advertisement, than a Preface to the Reader; Who is here to obferve, that I have been oblig'd to make fome Alterations in this Defign fince it was firft propos'd; tho' not at all to his disadvantage, either as Purchafer or Reader. Thus I have not publifh'd the Arabick Didafcaly as I formerly intended,fince it proves to be not the Genuine Doctrine of the Apostles, as I once hoped, but a partial and fpurious Edition of the box Adamania, or former Six Books of the Conftitutions,and to be generally taken from them verbatim; fo that there was no neceffity of repeating it. Yet is its Preface, which feemsplainly to belong to the Original Doctrine of the Apoftles, exactly here fet down; and the Contents of its feveral Chapters alfo. And for a compenfation I have added the Accounts of the Univerfity's and Convocation's Proceedings relating to me; as alfo the Apologetick of Eunomius, together with the common Edition of the Se

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cond Book of Apocryphal Efdras in a diftinct Column, beyond what I promis'd all which is much more than I at first estimated that Arabick Iatch Didafcaly, and about as much as it really proves to be, by Dr. Grabe's Account of it. "Tis alfo to be obferved, that I have directed the placing of that larger Additional Piece, of Apocryphal Efdras, at the end of the Smaller Fourth, and not of the Larger Firft Volume, før greater Conveniency both of the Binder and Reader. Tis farther to be noted, as to Ignatius's Larger Epiftles, that I have almost always printed by A. B. Usher's moft accurate Edition; and that in the Various Readings at the bottom of each Page, A. fignifies the Auguftan or Augsburgh Copy B. the Leicestershire Copy, now in the Bodleian Library N. that of Gafper Nidpruck and T. that of Thuanus, which are all the Greek MSS. which we have of thofe Larger Epiftles. The Greek of the fmaller is according to the laft Oxford Edition, which was made from Profeffor Salvinus's exact Tranfcript out of the Medicean, or only Greek Copy of them; and so can have fo no various Readings at all. Finclude Ruinart's Copy of the Epiftle to the Romans under this Head; tho' it be wanting in the Medicean MS. The English Translation of the Larger Epiftles is my own but as carefully revis'd by fome Learned Friends, especially by one excellently Dr. blarke. skill'd in fuch matters: The English of the See Ws in Smaller is that of the Right Reverend and LearAnemoins, f. 16. ned, the Lord Bishop of Lincoln, in his Second

and more accurate Edition of the Apoftolical Fathers. The Greek of the Conftitutions themfelves is according to the Original Venice Edition 4.1.1962, whence all the other are deriv'd, and which was chiefly made from a very good Copy From Crete, and alfo in part from two interpo


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