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I remark, that either the French have lost their taste, or the lady her beauty. Be it as it may, to Brussels she is now retired.

There is very great difficulty in fixing on funds for raising an income sufficient to pay the interest of the two millions we have borrowed. The bricks are laid aside, and they contend to lay also aside the proposed duty on plate, so as to confine ourselves to the 20s. additional duty on ale licences alone. 'Tis calculated that there are now 100,000 ale retailers in the kingdoms, one tenth part of which are within the bills of mortality : should the bill pass, it is thought the number will be reduced to 70,000; which nevertheless, say they, will raise more than we want, therefore spare the plate. This is virtually saying, in my opinion, spare ourselves, and, as Peter says, damn the poor: for the rich use plate and the poor drink ale. In the debate last Wednesday on this subject, Mr. Coventry, of Bridport, stood up for the first time, and spoke well, but finished with great humour by the apostolical story of the opposition Paul met with from the silversmiths at Ephesus, so that it might have gone hard with him had he not been assisted by the town clerk (Murray). The allusion produced a horse laugh; and upon a division, the question was carried only by 129 to 120-next Monday decides the affair in short, 'tis said we shall have a chancellor of the exchequer; and people whisper, that the king has declared that he will never again have a foolish chancellor of the exchequer from Worcestershire, as it only tends to increase the peerage.

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Lane; and the reason given for it was, it being half a mile about only to which it was answered, that in our great northern or western roads half a mile about might perhaps be thought a trifle not worth contending for; but in a road which in the whole was not to extend above three quarters of a mile, half a mile about was a compliment too great for any private man to expect. The second question was for a restrictive clause to prevent building beyond his house, which he lost by fifteen. Mr. F- attended both days, and very warm debates have arisen on this occasion; and they say 'tis very unusual for the minister of the house of commons to attend private committees.

The lords lieutenants and custus rotulorums in London have been very active in summoning all those under the denomination of deputy lieutenants, and justices of the peace, now resident here, in order to consider and fix upon the best methods for enlisting soldiers for the new regiments, and picking up all straggling sailors; and orders have been accordingly sent to the country; which, with respect to the latter race of mortals, are really almost as arbitrary, though not so cruel or unnecessary, as the proscriptions of the Roman Triumvirate.

Lord Fitzwalter's oysters and port could not carry him beyond his eighty-eighth year. It had been much better for Lord H- - had he departed four years sooner, as the will then subsisting was one whereby he was left sole executor; but by one since, the deceased lord has left 500l. to Lord Ancram; to Lord Newbattle, 5001,; to


was lighted up for the chairs, and the coaches stood in Palace Yard, which prevented any great confusion, and made our ingress and egress pretty easy. I was aid-de-camp for the night to my Lady Chesterfield: and I must say, that the lady of the house did the honours of it with that kind of ease and negligent air as pleased every body, yet without the least appearance of taking any pains to obtain that applause she so deservedly met with.

Routs of the first magnitude are pressing upon one another; for I have always observed as great a struggle, for a day in March, to crowd a private house, as among the actors in the same month to crowd their benefit night; though the season be often too warm for any squeezing but what love inspires.

The duchess of Norfolk makes a ball for the duke of Cumberland on the thirty-first instant; eighteen couple above, and fifteen couple below stairs. I paid my court greatly to her grace by showing what your lordship said of her and her new house in the first letter you did me the honour to write to me since you got to Bath: give me the satisfaction to rivet myself in her favour, by commissioning me to tell her your lordship will come to town and attend this ball, and be present at the magnificent doings we are to have on the occasion.

As in time of peace every letter should convey some amorous story, some instance of amity and friendly sentiments, so in war there should alway be some instance of a belliferous nature; therefore I must not omit informing your lordship that

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