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to that of our ordinary education because of the religious culture which it gives;" but we now have a cult who have degraded the lessons of science until it has become the act of murder. The leaders are now admonishing their followers to study the methods of wholesale destruction and apply the information thus obtained to the art of making bomb and infernal machines which shall do their work quickly and effectually. Following the assassination of Carnot, Most preached the doctrine of scientific murder in the following language:

"Whosover wants to undertake an assassination should at first learn to use the weapon with which he desires to accomplish his purpose before he brings that weapon definitely into play. Attempts by means of the revolver are utterly played out, because of twenty-five attempts only one is successful, as experience has thoroughly shown. Only expert dead shots may thoroughly rely on their ability to kill. No more child's play! Serious labor! Long live the torch and bomb!"

Their admonitions also come from other sources and they are being carefully followed out. They show how greatly the destroying spirit has developed since the French revolution, when twenty-eight chemists were taken to the guillotine together. Lavoisier pleaded in vain for a few minutes which might enable him to finish an important experiment, and produce results which he hoped might be of immense value to the scientific world. But even this was denied him and he was hurried. away to execution with the cry: "We have no need of science; we have no need of savants." Now, however, they have "need of science" in order to the more perfectly execute their carefully laid plans.

Surely these are purposes and results which call for stringent measures and the public is now waking up to the fearful responsibility resting upon it. Governments, too, are becoming more watchful concerning the movements of the common enemy. The doctrine of the bomb and the dagger has found its way into the capitals of all countries, while even the villages and country places are not exempt, but when a man or a woman stands out boldly to advocate the cause of murder, the name of the criminal is placed in the lists of the secret service headquarters of a dozen countries. The photographs are filed as in the rogue's gallery of the police departments and all friends and associates of the party are marked as dangerous characters. His habits of life are tabulated and his goings and comings are under the eye of some officer of the service. The United States government at Washington has a list of the names and also the photographs of all the known anarchists of the world, and the members of the cult are under surveillance in all civilized countries.

France has been especially active in this scrutiny; the government has a detective system which is nearly perfect and it is almost impossible

for a meeting to be held upon French soil without official spies being among the audience.

In Russia both the police and military arms keep watch upon suspects, detectives move everywhere among those where discontent is supposed to be fomenting.

London has for many years been a hot bed of anarchist scheming, but even there the system of espionage is carefully maintained and when the doctrine of massacre is propagated the speakers are noted by the officers. It is true that too much inflammatory speech-making is allowed, but the movements of dangerous characters are closely followed.

The people and the loyal press, the pulpit, the lawmakers and the government itself are a unit with the whole civilized world concerning the duty which lies at our doors. Surveillance is not sufficient, for the sporadic teaching of destruction is liable to develop anywhere and at any time a new assassin who is unknown to the police and who now perhaps for the first time becomes a criminal. Moreover, when a great crime has been committed their loose organizations are easily scattered and it is nearly impossible to trace their relationship with the deed, in lines sufficiently definite to secure punishment.

In the columns of his journal, which is the avowed advocate of the bomb, Most says: "As a rule never more than one anarchist should take charge of the attempt, so that in case of discovery the anarchist party may suffer as little as possible."

The civilized world should act at once and together for the suppression of the whole dangerous doctrine.

The consensus of opinion seems to be that one of the tropical islands should be devoted to the use of anarchists. The innocent natives should be bought out and provided with other homes and then the island should be given over to those who object to all forms of government. This suggestion comes simultaneously from all parts of the country and from the ranks of the most intelligent economists. There could be no cruelty in giving them an opportunity to practice their own methods and live independently of law. They could see the workings of their own theory, and this would be its radical cure. They would soon tire of each other and the result would be the survival of the strongest, but civilization would at least be safe from their depredations, and the young people of America would be delivered from the poison of their teachings.

Those who preach anarchy and the destruction of law have come to the United States without invitation and often because they could no longer keep out of prison in their native land. Under these circumstances the least they can do is to live thankfully under the flag which,

whether wisely or not, has given them a refuge. If, then, they cannot live under the Stars and Stripes without a constant vilification of the principles which these glorious colors represent, if they are so utterly destitute of moral development that they cannot appreciate American liberty and culture, they should at once leave a soil which has been found so uncongenial. Not only this, but the government should see to it that they go at once and provide them with free transportation to some spot where they may easily make a living by working for it, and where they will be entirely unhampered by the laws which they despise.

The sturdy young republic has been too generous with her invitations to the down-trodden of the Old World. She has received multitudes of their poor and maimed, their destitute and comparatively helpless. She has given them homes and lands, she has furnished them with means to earn their daily bread and has freely educated their children. She has made herself cosmopolitan for their sakes, and many of them, perhaps the most, have repaid her hospitality by making good citizens under her care and protection.

But too many of them have come to us with no honest intent-too many of them are like the newcomer who, when he was asked how he was going to vote, answered: "Oh, I don't know. But I'm agin the government." This was his only political creed and was the full extent of his political knowledge.

America has been too generous in placing the ballot in the hands of foreigners who were ignorant of all science of government and entirely incapable of appreciating our institutions. Surely it is high time that our suffrage laws were revised, and an interval of ten years or more be given for the emigrant to become acquainted with the science of government before the ballot, the token of American sovereignty, be given him. The stranger in a strange land should not be permitted to lay his untutored hand upon the sacred helm that guides the great ship of state.

Surely our emigration laws should be revised and measures taken to prevent the incoming of the vicious and depraved from both Europe and Asia. Those who have provoked the hostility of the police in the cities of Europe are very apt to seek refuge upon our shores and then avail themselves of the great freedom here found for the propagation of their poisonous doctrines. The European officials as a rule are so glad to get rid of them that when they come no information is sent concerning their characters, lest they be returned to them, hence the United States must learn to protect herself. Palliative measures and educational influences having been found ineffectual, it is apparent that the only practical method is the complete elimination of the cancer from the body

politic, and the proposition to effect complete, although humane, banishment is meeting with wide and enthusiastic approval.

It is a source of gratitude on the part of the American people that although the serpent of anarchy has found food and shelter among us, it is not a product of our soil. It is much for which to be thankful that in all its hideous forms it wears a foreign garb and bears a foreign name. It was not an American who struck the coward blow which brought tears to the whole civilized world.

Not only is it necessary to cleanse the country as far as possible of anarchist teachers, to revise the emigration laws in such a way as to prevent free access of the vicious to our shores, and to revise our suffrage laws so that the government itself may never be given into the hands of the untutored foreigner, but it is absolutely necessary that measures be taken for the protection of the President of the United States. He should have greater care, if possible, than a European ruler, for his death might at any time involve far greater changes. The death of a king or queen seldom affects the policy of the state, but a change of administration in America might result in a sudden reversal of public policy and complete defeat of the will of the people who have voted for certain principles.

The President of the United States, while he holds his high and sacred office, is the greatest ruler upon earth and he should be the most carefully guarded.

That the people are now fully awake to this common foe will be shown by the following opinions which have been publicly expressed, and which are in full accord with the sentiment of the whole civilized world.

The following persons have expressed their views on anarchy in unmistakable language:


Senator John P. Dolliver, of Iowa.

"The fatal word in the creed of anarchy is 'atheism.' Until that word is spoken, until all sense of the moral government of the universe and the spiritual significance of human life is lost, it is impossible to conceive, much less to execute, this malignant propaganda against the rights of mankind. No man who brings nothing with him except a blind faith in natural laws, which nobody made and nobody administers, will ever find a permanent discipleship in a world like this. It is their misfortune that their works have had the most influence among those who have been least able to understand them.

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