페이지 이미지

Profit of their shining nights, 29.
no, where is no pleasure, 44.
Progeny of learning, 382.
Progressive virtue, 308.
Prohibited degrees of kin, 218.
Prologue, is this a, 113.

in her face excuse came, 190.
Prologues, happy, 89.
Promethean fire, 31.
Promise hope believe, 480.

keep the word of, 99.
of celestial worth, 268.
of your early day, 460.
to his loss, 580.

who broke no, 279.
Promised on a time, 12.

Promise-keeping, precise in, 22.

Promises of youth, 320.

where most it, 45.

Prosperity, in the day of, 558.
that hath been in, 4.
within thy palaces, 551.
Prosperum ac felix scelus, 142.
Prostitute, puff the, 227.
Prostrate the beauteous ruin lies,


Protests too much, the lady, 113.
Proteus rising from the sea, 410.
Protracted life is protracted woe,

Proud for a wit, too, 347-
man's contumely, 111.
me no prouds, 613.
philosophy, 442.

to importune, too, 336.
waves be stayed, 545-
world, good-bye, 527.
Proud-pied April, 135.

Promotion cometh neither from Prove all things, 576.

the east, 549.

sweat for, 40.

Prompt the eternal sigh, 274.
Proof, give me ocular, 129.

sweetness yieldeth, 416.
Proofs of holy writ, 128.
Prop that doth sustain, 38.
Propagate and rot, 272.
Propensity of nature, 206.

Proper man as one shall see, 32.

study of mankind, 272.
time to marry, 368.

Prophet not without honour, 568.
Prophet's word, 528.
Prophetic of her end, 261.

ray, tints with, 479.
soul, O my, 106.

strain, something like, 203.
Prophets of the future, 491.
perverts the, 467.

Saul also among the, 542.
Proportion, curtail'd of fair, 68.

in small, 144.

Propose, why don't the men, 502.
Proposes, man, but God disposes, 5.
Propriety, frights the isle from
her, 126.

Prose or rhyme, 170.

run mad, 286.

verse will seem, 235.
what others say in, 289.

Prospect of belief, within the, 88.
of his soul, 28.

pleases, though every, 461.
so full of goodly, 207.
Prospects brightening, 344-
Prosper, surer to, 174.
Prosperity, a jest's, 31.

all sorts of, 247.

could have assured us, 174-

their doctrine orthodox, 213.
Proverb and a by-word, 542.
Proverb'd with a grandsire phrase,

Proverbs, patch grief with, 28.
Providence alone secures, 369.
eternal, assert, 170.
foreknowledge, 176.
frowning, behind a, 369.
in the fall of a sparrow, 119.
their guide, 191.
Provoke a saint, 277.

the silent dust, 333-
Prow, youth on the, 331.
Prudent man looketh, 553.
Prudes for proctors, 520.
Prunello, leather or, 274-
Pruning-hooks, spears into, 561.
Psalms, purloin the, 467.

turn'd to holy, 140.

Public credit, dead corpse of, 463.
flame nor private, 292.
haunt, exempt from, 39.
honour is security, 599.
on the stage, 393.

show,midnight dances and, 296.
stock of harmless pleasure, 321.
Publishing our neighbour's shame,

Pudding against empty praise, 291.
Puff the prostitute away, 227.
Pulpit drum ecclesiastick, 212.
Pulse of life stood still, 261.
Pun, man who made a, 239.
Punch, some sipping, 409.
Punishment, back to thy, 177.

greater than I can bear, 540.
that women bear, 25.
Pun-provoking thyme, 327.
Pupil of the human eye, 459-

Puppy-dogs, as maids of thirteen | Quarelets of Pearl, 158.

talk of, 49.

Pure, all things are, 576.
and eloquent blood, 143.

[merged small][ocr errors]

by being shone upon, 452.
in thought as angels are, 400.
religion breathing household
laws, 413.

Purge and leave sack, 59.

off the baser fire, 174.
Purged with euphrasy, 190.

Puritans hated bear-baiting, 511.

Purity and truth, 236.

of grace, 479.

Purloins the psalms, 467.

Purple all the ground, 200.

light of love, 329.

testament, 53.

Quarrel, entrance to a, 104.
hath his, just, 66.

in a straw, 116.
is a very pretty, 382.
justice of my, 66.

sudden and quick in, 41.
Quarrels interpose, 302.
Quarry, sagacious of his, 190.
Quarry-slave at night, 513.
Quart of mighty ale, 3.
Quean, extravagant, 383.
Queen, looks a, 298.
Mab, I see, 76.

o' the May, 518.

shall be as drunk as we, 314.

Question, that is the, 110.
Questionable shape, 105.
Questionings of sense, 421.

Purpose flighty, never is o'ertook, Questions, ask me no, 350.


infirm of, 93.

one increasing, 519.

shake my fell, 89.

thy, firm, 262.

time to every, 558.

Purposes, airy, 172.
Purpureal gleams, 408.
Purse, put money in thy, 125.
who steals my, 127.
Pursue the triumph, 276.
Pursues imaginary joys, 337.
Pursuit of knowledge, 504.
Push on keep moving, 394.

us from our stools, 95.
Put money in thy purse, 125.
not your trust in princes, 551.
out the light, 130.
too fine a point, 9.
you down, a plain tale, 56.
your trust in God, 591.
Puts on his pretty looks, 50.
Putteth down one, 549.
Puzzles the will, 111.
Pygmies are pygmies still, 265.
Pygmy-body, fretted the, 221.
Pyramid, star-y-pointing, 204.
Pyramids doting with age, 209.
in vales, 265.

outbuilds the, 265,

set off his memories, 149.
Pyrrhic dance, 488.

phalanx, where is the, 488.
Pythagoras, opinion of, 48.

Quaff immortality and joy, 185.
Quality of mercy, 37.

taste of your, 109.
true-fix'd and resting, 84.
Quantum o' the sin, 387.

Quick bosoms, quiet to, 471.
Quickly, well it were done, 90.
Quickness, with too much, 277.
Quiddity and entity, 213.
Quiet and peace, 202.

as a Nun, 409.

be, and go angling, 154.
rural, and retirement, 308.
study to be, 576.

to quick bosoms, 471.
Quietus make, 111.

Quill from an angel's wing, 416.
Quillets of the Law, 65.

Quills upon the fretful porcupine,


[blocks in formation]

Rack dislimns, 132,
of a too easy chair, 292.
of this tough world, 122.
the value, 27.

Radiance of eternity, 494.
Radiant light, 196.

pearl, no, 371.

Radish, forked, 61.

Rage, die here in a, 247.
for fame, 373.

heaven has no, 256.
of the vulture, 478.
strong without, 164.
swell the soul to, 221.
Raggedness, windowed, 120.
Rags, clothe a man in, 555.

man forget not though in, 337-
virtue though in, 227.
Rail on the Lord's anointed, 70.
Railed on Lady Fortune, 40.
Rain, gentle, from Heaven, 37.

in the aire, 11.

influence, bright eyes, 202.
is over and gone, 561.
may enter, 323.
sweetest, make not fresh again,

thirsty earth soaks up the, 166.
upon the mown grass, 549.
Rainbow, hue unto the, 50.
colours of the, 196.

to the storms of life, 479.
Rainy morrow, 135.
Raise what is low, 170.
Rake among scholars, 367.

woman is at heart a, 277.
Raleigh, brave, spoke, 290.
Ralph to Cynthia howls, 292.
Ran on embattled armies, 193.
Rancour of your tongue, 304.
Random, shaft at, 450.

word at, spoken, 450.
Range with humble livers, 71.
Rank, how shall we, 453-

is but the guinea's stamp, 389.
the offence is, 114.
Ranks and squadrons, 84.
Raut and swear, 227.

as well as thou, 119.
Raphaels, talked of their, 348.
Rapt soul sitting, 202.

Rapture on the lonely shore, 475.
to the dreary void, 477.
Raptures do infuse, 169.
Rapture-smitten frame, 439.
Rare are solitary woes, 263.
as a day in June, 539.
Beaumont, 211.

[blocks in formation]

Rascal counters, 87.

hath given me medicines, 55
Rascals, lash the, 130.
Rash, splenetive and, 119.
Rashly importunate, 506.
Rat, I smell a, 214, 6to.
in a hole, 247-
Rated me in the Rialto, 36.
Rathe primrose, bring the, 200,
Rather than be less, 174-
Rational hind Costard, 29.
Rattle, pleased with a, 273-

Rattling crags, 472.

Ravage all the clime, 359.
Ravell'd sleave of care, 93.
Raven-down of darkness, 195.
Ravens feed, he that doth the, 39.
Ravishment, enchanting, 195-
Raw in fields, 224.
Ray serene, gem of purest, 333-
whose unclouded, 278.
with prophetic, 479.,
Rays, hide your diminished, 279.

ten thousand dewy, 408.
Raze out the written troubles, 98.
Razors cried up and down, 373-
Razure of oblivion, 25.
Reach of art, beyond the, 280.
of ordinary men, 405.
Reaches of our souls, 105.
Read and write comes by nature,


aught that ever I could, 32.
Homer once, 235-

in story old, 446.

learn to, slow, 305.

mark and inwardly digest, 579-
to doubt or read to scorn, 451.
Reader had you in mind, 417.


last, reads no more, 535-
wait a century for a, 160.
Reading as was never read, 292.
curst hard, 384-

maketh a full man, 136.
what they never wrote, 362.
Ready with every nod, 69.

writer, pen of a, 548.
Realm, youth of the, 67.
Reap as you sow. 217.

the whirlwind, 565.
Reap'd, his chin new, 54
Reaper whose name is Death, 530.
Reaping, ever, something new,519.
Rear my dusky race, 519.

the tender thought, 308.
Rearward of a conquered woe, 135-
Reason, a woman's, 19.

can render a, 556.
confidence of, 419.
discourse of, 102.

Reason, faith of, in the, 436.
feast of, and flow of soul, 288.
firm the temperate will, 404.
for my rhyme, 12.
godlike, 116.
how noble in, 109.
is left free, 376.
is staggered, 355,

is the life of the law, 233.
kills, itself, 207.

men have lost their, 85.
most sovereign, 112.
my pleaded, 188.

nor rhyme, 12, 42, 609.
of his fancies, 206.

of strength, if by, 549.
of the case, 233
on compulsion, 56.
perfection of, 233.
prisoner, takes the, 88.

ruling passion conquers, 278.
sanctity of, 187.

smiles from, flow, 189.
stands aghast, 336.

the card, 272.

why I cannot tell, 240.
with pleasure, mix'd, 347.
worse appear the better, 174.
would despair, 324
Reason's whole pleasure, 274.
Reasons as two grains of wheat, 35.
manifold, 436.

plenty as blackberries, 56.
why men drink, 235-
why we smile, 503.
Rebellion to tyrants, 593.
Rebels from principle, 354.
Reck the rede, 387.
Reckless libertine, 103.
Reckoning made, no, 107.
so comes a, 301.

Recks not his own rede, 105.
Recoil, impetuous, 178.
Recoils on itself, 189.

affrighted Nature, 355.
Record, weep to, 440.
Recorded time, 98.
Recorders, soft, 172.
Recording angel, 326.
Records, trivial fond, 107.
Recover'd of the bite, 349.
Red and white, 46.

black to, 216.
her lips were, 157.
red rose, 390.
right hand, 175.
spirits and gray, 96.

Rede, recks not his own, 103.

ye tent it, 386.

Reed, bruised, 563.

[blocks in formation]

Regions, force whole, 215.

of thick-ribbed ice, 24-
Regular as infant's breath, 435-
Reherse as neighe as he can, 3.
Reign, here we may, 171.

in hell, better to, 171.

of chaos and old night, 172.
worth ambition, to, 171.
Rejoice O young man, 560.
Rejoicing in the east, 308.
Related, to whom, 296.
Relic of departed worth, 469.
Relics and crucifixes, 218.
Relief, thanks for this, 100.
Relies, still on hope, 349.
Religion, as rum and true, 487.
blushing veils, 292.

breathing household laws,

[blocks in formation]

tant, 320.

pledged to, 461.

writers against, 351.
Religious light, dim, 203.
Relish of salvation, 115.

of the saltness of time, 60.
Reluctant amorous delay, 182.
Remainder biscuit, 40.
Remained to pray, 345.
Remains, be kind to my, 226.
Remedies in ourselves do lie, 45.
Remedy, found out the, 23.
things without all, 94.

worse than the disease, 610.
Remember an apothecary, I do,80.
I cannot but, 97.

I remember, 507, 509.
Lot's wife, 571.
Milo's end, 232.
thy Creator, 560.
thy swashing blow, 76.

Remembered in flowing cups, 64.
kisses after death, 521.
knolling, 60.

Remembering happier things, 519.

without ceasing, 575.

Remembers me his gracious parts,

Remembrance dear, 45.

of the just, 160, 580.

of things past, 134-

Remnant of uneasy light, 412.

Remorse farewell, 181.

Remote from common use, 486.

from man, 259.
unfriended, 342.
Remove, drags at each, 342.
Removes, three, 316.
Render to all their dues, 573-

unto Cæsar, 569.
Rends thy constant heart, 348.

pang that, the heart, 349.
Renounce the devil, 579.
Renowned Spenser, 211.
Rent is sorrow, her, 154.

see what a, 86.
Repast and calm repose, 335-
Repeateth a matter, 554-
Repeating oft, believe 'em, 241.
Repent at leisure, 256.
Repentance, fierce, rears, 308.
to her lover, 349.
Repenting, after no, 205.
Reply, I pause for a, 85.
Report, evil and good, 575.
me and my cause, 119.
they bore to heaven, 262.
thy words, 194.
Repressing ill, 380.

Reproved each dull delay, 345.
Reputation, bubble, 41.

dies at every word, 284.
lost my, 126.
written out of, 240.

Request of friends, 286.

Researches deep, 384.

Resemblance hold, 164.
Resentment glows, 298.
Reserve thy judgment, 104
Resign, few die and none, 377.
Resignation gently slopes, 344.
Resist the devil, 577.
Resistless eloquence, 192.
Resolution, armed with, 248.
native hue of, 111.

Resolve itself into a dew, 101.
Resolved, once to be, 128.

to ruin or to rule, 222.
Respect of persons, no, 572.

upon the world, 34.
Rest can never dwell, 170.

dove found no, 540.
gets him to, 64.

her soul she is dead, 117.
keep her from her, 98.
perturbed spirit, 108.
so may he, 73-

take all the, 168.

Restive sloth, 133.

Restless ecstacy, 94.

Restraint, luxurious by, 189.
Restreine thy tonge, 4.

[blocks in formation]

Revenges, brings in his, 48.

Revenons à nos moutons, 6.
Revenue, streams of, 463.
Revered abroad, 390.

Reverence, so poor to do him, 86.
Reveries so airy, 362.

Review the scene, 531.
Revolts from true birth, 78.
Reward, sure, 256.

virtue its own, 611.

Rewards, buffets and, 113.
Re-word, matter will, 116.
Rhetoric, gay, 198.

ope his mouth for, 212.
Rhetorician's rules, 212.
Rheum, foolish, 50.
Rhine, winding, 471.
Rhinoceros, armed, 95.
Rhone, arrowy, 472.
Rhyme, beautiful old, 135.
build the lofty, 199.
dock the tail of, 536.
hitches in a, 288.
nor reason, 12, 42, 609.
one for, 215.

reason for my, 12.
the rudder is, 214-
write in, 215.

Rialto, in the, 36.

under the, 484.

Riband bound, what this, 168.
in the cap of youth, 117.
Ribbed sea-sand, 425.
Ribs, knock at my, 89.

of death, under the, 197.
Rich and rare, 454.

and strange, 17.
from very want, 335-
gifts wax poor, 111.
haste to be, 557.

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