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1766 expreffing the free gift thereof, on them and their heir for ever and ever, do hereby promife and engage, to ha les 5 Cir- a body of their troops, ready to fettle the affairs of h Highness's Government, in every thing that is right a proper, whenever required, provided that they be at libert to withdraw the whole, or fuch part thereof, as they fha judge proper, whenever either the fafety of their ow fettlements and poffeffions, or the peace and tranquillit of the Carnatic be the least endangered. in cafe of th falling out of which circumftances (which God forbid they do promife and engage, to give the most timel notice thereof to his Highness. in their power.


Sommes The Honourable East India Company do further en à payer and promife, that in whatever year the affiftance o par elle gage pour les their troops fhall not be required, they will pay to hi 5 Circars. Highness, as a confideration for the free gift of the abov

Circar de


mentioned five Circars, for ever and ever, the following fums by kifts, as fpecified in the eighth article of thi treaty, viz. for the three Circars of Rajahmundry, Ellour and Muftephanagur, five lacks of Rupees, and for thofe of Siccacole and Murtezanagur, as foon as they are in their hands, and the fettling the fame is well effected, two lacks each, in all nine lacks of Rupees per Annum.


The reduction of the Siccacole Circar, by the bleffing Murteza- of God, the Company will effe&t as foon as poffible, but that of Murtezanagur, in confideration of his Highness having by former agreements given it to his brother Bazalet Jung, as a Jaghire, the Honourable English Eaft India Company do promife and engage, not to take poffeffion of, until it be His Highness's pleafure, or until the demise of his faid brother; but to prevent all future difputes, and difficulties that may hereafter arife concerning the fime, the aforefaid Company do further explain their intentions in the following Articles.


Quand la As the Circar of Murtezanagur borders on that of Comp. Nizamparam and the country of the Carnatic, which by pourra virtue of the former and prefent treaties and alliances,

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of the afore faid Company, are bound to maintain and 1766 protect in all its extent, therefore in cafe the said Bazalet Jung, his Agents or Dependents, fhould caufe any disturbances, to the prejudice thereof, it is hereby agreed on by both parties, that the aforefaid Company fhall then have it in their power to take immediate poffeffion of that Circar.




As by the tenour of the second Article of this treaty, Secours the aforefaid Company have engaged to furnish a body des Anof troops, to be ready to march to the affiftance of his payés Highnels, it is agreed on, by both parties, that the par le expences thereof all be paid in the following manner, to wit: if the expence of the number of troops, his Highnels may require, fhould fall fhort of the fam of the five lacks of Rupees, mentioned to be paid for the three Circars of Rajahmundry Ellour, and Muftephanagur, the Company will account to his Highnefs, for what balance may remain due, and in cafe of exceeding the above mentiond fum, the aforefaid Company do hereby engage themselves, to be anfwerable for the payment of the remainder. The fame agreement in like manner to hold good, for the fums ftipulated to be paid, for the two Sircars of Siccacole and Murtezanagur, when fettled.


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In confideration of the fidelity, attachement, and I renonfervices of the afore faid Company, and the dependence his Highnefs has upon them, his faid Highness, out of tentions his great favour, does hereby entirely acquit the above- aux Cirmentioned Circars, of all arrears and demands, down to the des. prefent date of these writings.


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In cafe the affiftance of the Honourable Company's Fermes troops is not required, the annual ftipulated fum, expref- payefed in the third Article of this treaty, the aforefaid Com- mens anpany do engage to pay in three kilts after the following manner, and to give foucar fecurity for the fame, viz. the firft pavement, the Thirtyfirft of March; the fecond, the Thirtieth of June; and the third, the Thirtyfirst of October. ART. IX.

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La requifion

du fecours



Whenever his Highnefs goes into winterquarters, and the troops of the other Sardars have leave for that purpofe, thofe of the afore faid Company shall have leave alfo to depart to their own country.


His Highness engages to give as early notice poffible, not less than three Months, of the fervice in which he will require the affiftance of the troops of the aforefid fera faite Company, that they may have timely notice to make the à tems. neceffary preparations, and that the number of troops fent, may be fufficient for the fervice required of them, of which the afore said Company are to be left the entire and fole Judges; and as the fuccefs of all expeditions depends much upon fecrecy in Council, both parties do hereby engage themselves, not to reveal any fuch de figns, as they may communicate to each other, until every thing on both fides is ready for execution.


Mines de The Honourable English Eaft India Company, in diaments confideration of diamond mines with the Villages appertaining thereto, having been always dependent upon his Highness's government, do hereby agree, that the fame fhall remain in his poffeffion now alfo.

Fort de


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His Highness, in order to convince the whole world Conda of the great confidence and truft, he repofes in the English nation, agrees and confents, that the Fort on Condapillee fhall be entirely garrifoned by the troops of the afore faid Company, in confideration of which, the afore faid Company do hereby agree, and confent likewife that there be a Killedar therein, on the part of his Highness, and that the ufual Jaghire, annexed to the Killedary, fhall be ceded to him.

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Secours In virtue of this treaty of mutual favours, alliances, and friendship, between the two contracting parNawab. ties, his Highnefs promifes and engages, to affift the


afore faid Company with his troops, when required, 1766 referving to himfelf the fame liberty of withdrawing the whole, or any part thereof, in the fame manner as is expreffed, for the afore faid Company, in the fecond Article of this treaty, whenever the same shall become neceflary.




In virtue of the above treaty of favour, alliance Accomand friendship, both parties do mutually and folemnly engage to the punctual and strict obfervance of all, ad fidèle. every one of the above mentioned Articles, that from this time, all doubts and fufpicions fhall ceafe between them, and in their rooms a perpetual, juft and fincere confidence be established, fo that the great affairs of the Decan government, and the bufinefs of the Company, may encrease every day, in honour, riches and happiness, from generation to generation. In confirmation of which, his Highnefs on the one part, and John Caillaud Efq. Brigadier-general with full powers from the English Company, on the other, have hereunto affixed their hands and feals, dated in Hydrabad, the 9th, of the moon Gemade duffuny, in the year of Hegira, 1180, equal to the 12th of November, 1766.


2. Nov.

1766 Réglement renouvellé de S. Majesté Suédoife concernant les douanes &c. qui doit être observé au fujet des biens que les miniftres étrangers arrivant ou refidant en Suéde ammênent avec eux ou font venir dans la fuite; en date du 2. Novemb. 1766.

(Traduction privée.)

Sa Majefté apprenant de tems en tems dans quel fanx

fens on interpréte le réglement donné en 1671 par feu Sa Majefté le Roi Charles XI de glorieufe mémoire, `au fajet des douanes pour les biens des miniftres étrangers, Elle a jugée à propos, afin de prevenir tout defordre qui refulte de là, de renouveller & de déterminer le dit regle ment par le present ainsi qu'il fuit.

1) Sont exemt de douanes les chofes que les miniftres étrangers, de quelque miffion qu'ils puiffent être, foit ordinaires ou extraordinaires, Ambaffadeurs, Miniftres, plenipotentiaires ou envoyés extraordinaires, refidens ou de caractères inférieurs ammênent avec eux lors de leur première arivée confiftant en tapifferies déja ouvrées, en meubles & uftenfiles en hardes foit pour leur fuite, fervices voitures & caroffes avec les cheveaux & autres chofes déja prêtes appartenant à leur équipage, lequel doit être exactement vifité, & que tous les miniftres ont la liberté de faire entrer foit for le champ, foit dans fix mois après leur arrivée, dans les quels ne feront pas comptés les mois d'hiver, favoir de Decembre de Janvier de Fevrier & de Mars où la navigation eft ordinai rement interrompue dans ces pays ci. Mais toutes autres chofes neuves & non aprêtées, qui ne font pas comprifes fous les articles fusdits pour la premiére entrée devront payer les douanes & péages ufités dans ce royaume.

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2) Quand les miniftres étrangers arrivent ils ne feront point arrêtés à la douane, mais les coffres & paquets


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