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from the cause of the general consternation. Daniel is represented here as a man in years; he stands in the centre of the astonished throng, his right hand pointing to the writing, which he seems to explain with ease. The eagerness of the people on the left of the prophet is admirably contrasted with the more patient hearing of those, who, turning towards him, have lost for a moment the dreadful sight of the appalling characters.

Ex.-If the artist were present to whom I am indebted for this scene, he certainly would have been highly gratified with your description of it. However, Sir, as that is not the case, I must acknowledge my obligations


to you for thus doing honour to the Camera. Do you remember the means whereby Babylon was taken?

Mr. P.-I recollect, Sir, that Scripture is extremely short upon the subject; only declaring, that the king of the Chaldeans was slain, and that Darius the Median took the kingdom.

Ex.-History gives a very full account of it, corroborating the truth of the prophecies concerning the fall of the Babylonian empire. It was foretold that the river should be dried up before the city should be taken, which was very unlikely ever to happen, the river being more than two furlongs broad, and deeper than two men standing one upon the other,

so that the city was thought to be stronger and better fortified by the river than the walls; but yet the prophets predicted that the rivers should be dried up. And accordingly Cyrus turned the course of the river Euphrates, which ran through the midst of Babylon; and by means of deep trenches and canals, so drained the waters that the river became easily fordable for his soldiers to enter the city; and by these means Babylon was taken. Darius the Mede, having on that very night paved his the establishment of his new empire, constituted Daniel the third ruler in it, and intended to make him deputy, governor next to himself. Will you




favour me, Sir, with your remarks on the present contents of the Camera? Mr P.-What have you here, Sir? Er.-What I hope you will explain, Mr. P.-Why here is no scene! Have you passed the golden image and lion's den?

Ex.-Yes, I have, Sir; choosing to try my visitors in various ways, especially those who appear well acquainted with the holy writings. I think you can tell me from whence the sentence was taken which is now submitted to your attention.

Mrs. P.-My dear James, prove you deserve Mr. Davenport's good opinion! What is the sentence given for the trial?

Mr. P.-"O death, I will be thy plague; O grave, I will be thy destruction; repentance shall be hid from mine eyes." The words were spoken by Hosea, and my father said, that the prophet, speaking in the name and under the influence of the Spirit of Christ, predicted the great Redeemer's triumph over death and the grave, declaring, notwithstanding all the sufferings which he knew he was to experience in accomplishing his gracious design, repentance should be hidden from his eyes. Moreover, Sir, he confirmed the truth of his opinion, by causing me to read the apostle's testimony concerning the fulfilment of this scripture by the

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