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INTEREST in Heine's poetry was not awakened in England till near the end of the poet's life. The first translations appeared in 1854, and it was in 1856 that George Eliot published in the Westminster Review her enthusiastic appreciation of Heine's genius: "But whatever else he may be, Heine is one of the most remarkable men of this age; no echo but a real voice, and therefore like all genuine things in this world, worth studying; a surpassing lyric poet, who has uttered our feelings for us in delicious song; a humorist, who touches leaden folly with the magic wand of his fancy, and transmutes it into the fine gold of art-who sheds his sunny smile on human tears, and makes them a beauteous rainbow on the background of life; a wit who holds in his mighty hand the scorching lightnings of satire; an artist in prose literature, who has shown even more completely than Goethe the possibilities of German prose; and in spite of all charges against him-true as well as false-a lover of freedom, who has spoken wise and brave words on behalf of his fellow-men." M. Arnold, in his Essays in Criticism (1865), was equally appreciative, but he was rather generous in regarding Heine, as the poet regarded himself, as a great soldier in the war for the liberation of humanity. Arnold's poem, "Heine's Grave," is a very fine tribute, and certainly the best thing this poet-critic has written on German literature. The first biography of the poet, by W. Stigand (1877), was largely based on Strodtmann, but it attracted attention and proved useful. It was superseded in popularity by W. Sharp's delightful Biography (1888, "Great Writers" series), which contained a complete bibliography up to that time. most noteworthy articles in magazines on Heine are to be found in Blackwood (1877), Contemporary (1880), British Quarterly (1881), Macmillan (1883), Westminster (1888), Quarterly (1889), Chautaquan (1894), Cosmopolis (1897). The last was written by E. Dowden, on the anniversary of Heine's birth, but Dowden was not an admirer of Heine. That G. Meredith was, we see from various references to the "incomparable Heinrich and from an article in the Fortnightly Review (1868): "He is the unique example of a man who made himself his constant theme, and he pursued it up to the time he was rescued from his 'mattress-grave.' By virtue of a cunning art he caused it to be interesting while he lived. I feel the monotony of it begin to grow on me often now when I take up the Buch der Lieder, the Neue Frühling, and the Romanzero." If the number of translations is any criterion of appreciation, there is certainly no lack of them in English. There are versions of the whole or a selection of the poems by J. Ackerlos (1854), J. Fane (1854), J. E. Wallis (1856), E. A. Bowring (1858), R. Garnett (1862), Stratheir (1862), C. G. Leland (1864, 3rd ed. 1868), Sir Theodore Martin (3rd ed. 1893), J. Snodgrass (2nd ed. 1888), J. Thomson (1880), E. Lazarus (1881), E. Redford (1882), F. Johns



ton (1884), K. Knortz (1885), B. Craigmyle (1886). In 1887 K. Freiligrath Kroeker collected in a volume the happiest of these renderings with others of her own, and this book is still the best version of Heine in English. The flood still continued: J. Geikie (1887), F. Storr (1887), H. G. Briggs (1888), C. A. Mitchell (1891), F. Hellmann (1892), J. W. Oddie (1896), T. Brooksbank (1904), M. P. Turnbull (1905), J. Todhunter (1907), J. Payne (1911), G. L. Webb (1912, 1920), H. M. Jones (1917). In his book, A Look round Literature (1880), R. Buchanan is very severe on the early translations: "There is a half-hearted, limping, wooden-legged manner about their lyrical movement which is not rectified by an occasional hop, step and jump into metrical liveliness." The same might be said of some of the later ones, but, on the other hand, Martin, Thomson, Geikie and Briggs have sometimes succeeded remarkably in what is admitted to be an almost impossible task. Selections of Heine's poems have been published in school editions by C. A. Buchheim, Heine's Poetical Works, with Introduction and Notes, London, 1897, and C. E. Eggert, Heine's Poems selected and edited with Introduction and Notes, New York, 1906. There are also smaller editions by H. S. White, Boston, 1897, and by D. Thiems, London (Blackie, n.d.).


Critical opinion in Germany regarding the merits of Heine's poetry and his place in literature has always been extremely divided. His antiPrussian tendencies, his satire on things German, his attacks upon Catholicism, his moral faults, his scurrilous criticism of literary opponents, his acceptance of a pension from the French government, and, not least, his Jewish birth, have raised a host of enemies who deplore his popularity and regret his influence. Among his detractors, however, are names worthy of all respect: Julian Schmidt, Bilder aus dem geistigen Leben unserer Zeit (1871); E. Grisebach, Die deutsche Literatur, 1770-1870 (1876); K. Goedeke, Grundrisz der deutschen Dichtung, viii. (1905 ed.); H. von Treitschke, Deutsche Geschichte im neunzehnten Jahrhundert 1 (1879-1894); P. Witkop, Neuere deutsche Lyrik (1913). Others, again, have pursued critical and biographical methods which would have proved fatal to most literary reputations. These are: Sandvoß, Was dünkt euch um Heine? (1888); M. Nietzki, H. Heine als Dichter und Mensch (1895); E. Mauerhof, Dichterische Idole, Heine und Horaz (1897); A. Bartels, H. Heine, auch ein Denkmal (1906). Over against these are to be placed the names of many German poets and critics of weight: A. Strodtmann, H. Heines Leben und Werke (3rd ed. 1884); R. Gottschall, Porträts und Studien (1870); R. Proelß, H. Heine, sein Lebensgang und seine Schriften (1880); W. Bölsche, H. Heine, Versuch einer ästhetisch - kritischen Analyse seiner Werke und seiner Weltanschauung (1888); R. M. Meyer, Deutsche Literatur im 19. Jahrhundert (4th ed. 1910); A. Biese, Deutsche Literaturgeschichte (4th ed. 1912). The proposal to erect a statue to Heine in Düsseldorf in 1893 led to determined and successful opposition. The different points of view are represented in J. Staarstecher, H. Heine der Antisemit und Nihilist (1893) and the Heine-Almanach (1893), which contained appreciations by many well-known writers.

Of the critical editions of Heine's poetry the most valuable are E. Elster, Heines Sämtliche Werke (Leipzig, 2nd ed. 1893) and O. Walzel, Heines Sämtliche Werke (Leipzig, 1911-15). The edition of Karpeles,

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Heines gesammelte Werke (Berlin, 2nd ed. 1893), is useful chiefly for the Letters and the Index to the poet's works. The Letters are now published more fully by F. Hirth (Munich, 1914 f.). The complete bibliography of issues of Heine's works up to 1905 is to be found in F. Meyer, Verzeichnis einer Heine - Bibliothek (Leipzig, 1905), which supplements Goedeke's Grundrisz (viii., 1905) in a few particulars.

Much has been written in Germany on the sources of Heine's' poetry, on the secrets of his metrical form, and on his peculiar development. Not a little of it is now out of date and valueless. The student will find the following useful:

H. Gaedcke, Aus Heinrich Heines Dichterwerkstatt. Hamburg. 1875.
H. Hüffer, Aus dem Leben Heinrich Heines. Berlin.


P. Remer, Die freien Rhythmen in Heines Nordseebildern. Rostock. 1889.

M. Seelig, Die dichterische Sprache in Heines "Buch der Lieder." Halle. 1891.

M. Keiter, H. Heine, sein Leben und seine Werke. Cologne. 1891.
R. Goetze, H. Heine und das deutsche Volkslied. Halle. 1895.

- M. Poritzky, Wie sollen wir H. Heine verstehen? 1896.

G. Brandes, Hauptströmungen der Literatur des 19. Jahrhunderts, vi. Leipzig. 1897.

Ô. zur Linde, H. Heine und die romantische Schule. Freiburg. 1901. F. Melchior, H. Heines Verhältnis zu Lord Byron. Berlin. 1903. W. Ochsenbein, Die Aufnahme Lord Byrons in Deutschland und sein Einflusz auf den jungen Heine. Bern. 1905.

A. W. Fischer, Über die volkstümlichen Elemente in den Gedichten Heines. Berlin. 1905.

G. Muecke, H. Heines Beziehungen zum deutschen Mittelalter. Berlin. 1908.


E. Eckerts, Heine und sein Witz. Berlin.
M. Bienenstock, Das jüdische Element in Heines Werken. Leipzig. 1910.
E. Thorn, H. Heines Beziehungen zu Clemens Brentano. Berlin. 1913.


Many French writers famous in criticism have paid their tribute to Heine T. Gautier, St. René Taillandier, J. Barbey d'Aurevilly, J. Janin, E. Hennequin, E. Montégut, M. Prévost. Louis P. Betz has made this literature easily accessible in his book, Heine in Frankreich (Zürich, 1894), supplemented by Die französische Literatur im Urteile Heines (Berlin, 1897). Here the whole subject of Heine in France is treated exhaustively. Since the publication of these books by Betz, two works on Heine have appeared in France which deserve particular notice: J. Legras, Henri Heine poète (Paris, 1897), and H. Lichtenberger, Henri Heine penseur (Paris, 1905).

Among the list of French translators the British Museum has the following: C. M. Nancey (1868), P. Ristelhuber (1857), E. Perrot de Chezelles (1865), J. Daniaux (1890), J. de Tallenay (1894).


For Italy Carlo Bonardi has done the same service as Betz for France in his book Enrico Heine nella letteratura italiana (1907).

He discusses

Heine's influence on Guerrazzi, Revere, Nievo, Zanella, and has a short chapter on the early translators. The British Museum has the following translations: B. Zendrini (4th ed. 1884), Conte G. C. Secco-Suardo (1886), S. Menaschi (2nd ed. 1886), G. Chiarini (1883), C. Varese (1886), D. Mengini (1893), F. Giannattasio (1895), G. Cassone (Nordsee, 1877). In addition to these, translations are cited in Spanish, Dutch, Swedish Modern Greek, Hungarian and Welsh.

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