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Antivenin, Calmettes, in cobra poisoning, 99.

Anus, imperforate, Kelsey, 398.

American Medical Association, 409; Aorta, ligation, 335; aneurysm, Ewald, 244; aneurysm, Hunner, 53.



Ammonium persulphate, decolorizing Aphasia and naming center, Hammond,
solution, Pittfield, 360.
Amputation, arm, Maclulich, Goodall,
122; osteoplastic, Samfirescu, 81.
Anastomosis, uretero-intestinal, Zeit,

Abdomen, dropsy, surgical treatment, | Ambidexterity, Smith, 85.
Jelk, 234; early diagnosis and treat- Amebic dysentery, colostomy, Sullivan,
ment diseases, Rose, 362; gauze plug
left in, Chaput, 71; infections, early
recognition, Hamilton, 434; removal
pelvic masses, Kelly, 29; section,
closure incision, Bovee, 250; surgery,
anesthesia, Morse, 433; surgery,
drainage, Long, 36.
Abdominal vs. vaginal hysterectomy,
Boldt, 28; Walker, 28.
Abscesses, brain in empyema, Claytor,
212; chronic treated by aspiration,
Bennett, 18; hemorrhage from cir-
cumtonsillar, 175; retroperitoneal,
Cottam, 363; treatment, Jaeger, 63;
treatment, spinal, Tubby, 51.
Absorption silk sutures, traumatic
keloid, median nerve, Kiliani, 108.
Acne, treatment, Ullmann, 445.
Acoumeter, normal, Amberg, 66.

Dislocation, treat

ment, Henrahan, 35.
Actinomycosis, series of cases, Godlee,

Adenoids, pharyngeal, 140; symptoms
after removal, Huber, 209.
Addison's disease, Shoemaker, 267;
Wilson, 105.

Administrative control of tuberculosis,
Johnson, 104.

Adolescent period, medical treatment
during, Rosenthal, 306.

Appendicitis, Dorsett, 275; Hawkes, 70; Wiggins, 37; and intestinal occlusion, Cestan, 212; and phlebitis, Villard, 197; children, Manley, 445; dullness in, Miller, 124; gangrenous, Meisenbach, 442; in female, 143; internal hemorrhage after, Ladinski, 14; lymphatic and portal infection following, Munro, 249; medical and surgical points of view, Abbe, 161; peritonitis following perforating, Brown, 239; when operate, Bunts, 14; perforative, Thienhaus, 461; perihepatic and pleural complications, 462. Appendicular black vomit, Dieulafoy,

Anatomy, study, 221; cecum and ap-
pendix, Peronidi, 36.
Anesthesia, death from nitrous oxid,
Evans, 16; deaths, Galloway, 410;
difficulties, dangers, Eisendrath, 409;
local in radical operation, inguinal
hernia, Meyer, 17; local vs. general,
in abdominal surgery, Morse, 433;
paralysis, peripheral, Brickner, 324;
prevention of nausea and vomiting
during, Hirschman, 12; Rachidian,
Bier, 361; resume, literature, spinal,
Clopton, 55; Roulet, 381; intraspinal | Appendix, anatomic studies, Peronidi,
cocainization, Goldan, 13; spinal co-
cainization, 141; Tuffier, 212; Rod-
man, 260; Corning, 361; Tuffier, Hal-
lion, 124.

Aneurysm, simulating mediastinal tu-
mor, Ewald, 244; aorta, treated by
permanent wire and galvanism,
Hunner, 53, aortic, in dog, Hektoen,
192; external carotid, 132; excision
femoral, Fowler, 249.

Adrenalin, clinical experiences, Mayer, Angeioma cysticum of the nose, Wag


Afterpains, Audebert, 333.

Aged, nasal conditions, Douglass, 430.
Air, possibilities, liquid, White, 150.
Albuminuria, produced by antipyrin,
Robin, 416.

Alcohol, disease, children, Bieser, 283.
Alexander's operation, Brown, 321.
Alimentary stasis, right lateral decu-
bitus, Martinet, 106.
Alkaline persulphates, Bethuel, 179.
Alopecia, pathology, Buschke, 430.

ner, 210; ear, Egger, 377.
Angina Pectoris, treatment, Guihal,

106; Vincent, Letulle, 175; membran-
ous, Keschner, 446.

Antipyrin, incompatibles, 278; produc-
es albuminuria, Robin, 416.
Antistreptococcic serum, puerperal sep-
ticemia treated, Read, 29.
Antitoxin, Amyx, 368; and intubation,
Shurley, 8; diphtheria, in scarlet fe-
ver, Dalton, 240; treatment diphthe-
ria, Koester, 85.


36; and retroperitoneal abscess, Cot-
tam, 363; and cecum, Rickets, 456.
Arizona, climatology, Duffield, 156.
Argentum colloidale, Viett, 179.
Arm, atrophy brain following ampu-
tation, Maclulich, Goodall, 122.
Arsenical poison due to beer drinking,
Reynolds, 172.

Arteries, suture, Veau, 344.
Arthrepsia infantum, Fischer, 86.
Arthritis, pneumococcic, Cave, 123.

Asepsis, surgeon's hands, Ricard, 17.
Asthma, dyspeptic, Murdoch, 48.
Ataxia, relation of acute spinal ataxia
to other, Dana, 305.
Atropin, morphin poisoning treated,
Atonia gastrica, Rose, 379.
Ground, 30.

Anditory canal, removal foreign bodies,
Savage, 103.

Axilla, hyperidrosis, Kolipinsky, 46.
Axis-traction forceps, Grandin, 338.

Book reviews, 54, 71, 143, 144, 213, 251,
269, 287, 325, 326, 344, 414, 415.

Botryomocome, Palmar surface

finger, Delore, Gautier, 16.

Bottini operation, Bangs, 193.

Bougie, eustachian, Lockard, 27.

Bowels, lesions typhoid fever, Macla-

gan, 121; parenchymatous hemor
rhage, Huismans, 192.

Brace, lateral curvature, Spellissy, 178.
arm, Maclulich, Goodall, 122; multi-
ple abscess, Claytor, 212.

Brace, lateral curvature, Spellissy, 178;

Breast, infection during lactation, Ba-

con, 67,

Breast Milk, conservation, Southwork,

Bright's Disease, clinical varieties,

Bradford, 106.

Bromides, dosage, 351; in hysteria,
Murphy, 251.

Buboes, treatment, 136.

Burns, eye, treatment, Posey, 9.

Calcium chloride in profuse menstrua-

tion, 357.

Calcium iodate, Macki, 126.

Calculi, biliary, X-rays in, Beck, 214;

urinary, Roentgen ray in diagnosing,

Moulin, 194.

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Catgut, ligature and value of dry steri-
lized, Carstens, 15.

Cecum, anatomic studies, Peronidi, 36;
cancer in young adult, Witherspoon,
19; cancer in young adult, pathologic
features, Bartlett, 22.

Celiotomy, vaginal, Watkins, 320.

Cephalo-rachidian isotonicity, 295.

Cereals in infant feeding, Rotch, 86.
Cerebral complications otitis media
suppurativa, Richardson, 174.

Cerebral symptoms, McBride, 122.

Cervical sympathetic ganglia, excision,

Horsley, 362.

Cervix, cancer, Baldy, 377; repair and
divulsion, Deaver, 207.

Cesarean section, Cragin, 359; Will-
iams, 245; cancer rectum, Baldy, 120;
girl, Webster, 176; placenta previa,


Chloretone as hypnotic, Stevens, 162.
Calmette's antivenin, treatment of co- Chlorid of calcium in hemorrhagic var-
bra poisoning, 99.

iola, Roger, 105.
Chloroform, vomiting,
Lewin, 108.
Chondosarcoma, resection ilium, Hearn,


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Cyst, cytodiagnosis ovarian,

Milian 431; dermoid of neck, Carson,

372; nose, dermoid, Birkett, 66; intra-

ligamentous ovarian, Palmer, 460.

Cystinuria, case, Reid, 319.

Cystotomy, suprapubic, Gibson, 46.

Cytodiagnosis, of Widal 353, ovarian

cyst and tuberculous peritonitis, Tuf-

fier, Milian 432.

Cytotherapy, Vaquez, 327.

Decubitus, right lateral and alimen-
tary stasis, Martinet, 106.
by, Dental neuralgia inferior, Morestin, 12.
Dermatology, advances, Bulkley, 281.
Development, symmetrical, Stuver, 6.
Diabetes mellitus, Stark, 265; Tyson,
339; V. Noorden, 32.
Diabetic coma, produced by trauma,
Spitzer, 190.
Diaphragm, gunshot perforation, Lau-
rent, 125.

Christian science, Polk, 276.
Chromic acid, ulcero-membranous stom-
titis, treated by, Massary, 180.
Circumcision for phimosis and venereal
warts, Blue, 209; preventive of syph-
ilis, 136.

Diazo reaction, bilirubin in urine, Procher, 190; reaction, Loeper, 449. Digital, clinical analysis, Solomon, 126. Digitalis, cumulative action, Zugsmith, 335.

Digitoxin, Solomon, 126.

Dietetic problems, 25..

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borne, Parkes, Rideal, 244. Enteric rash in childhood excessive, Maude, 26.

Enteroptosis, Einhorn, 285.


Gastro-intestinal fermentation, relation indicanuria and oxaluria to, Wesener, 304.

Epididymitis in typhoid, Kinnicutt, 430. Gastro-enterostomy, by elastic ligature,

Epilepsy, treatment, Clark, 49.

Dilatation of stomach, treatment acute, Epileptiform attack, plea for early op-
Coates, 31.

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eration in ovaritis, followed by, Ford, 145.

Epiploitis, following hernia operation, Morestin, 70.

Epistaxis, suprarenal gland in, Som

ers, 210.

Estivro-autumnal fever, Peabody, 31.
Ethyl-chlorid narcosis, Ware, 268.
new method of, Eucain anesthesia, laryngectomy un-
der, Davis, 104.

Disinfection with carbolic, Von Bruns, 398.

Dislocation, acromioclavicular, treatment, Henrahan, 35; first phalanx, little finger, Barnard, 124; hip, reposition congenital, Ely, 61; shoulder, congenital, Marston, 268; thumb, Erdman, 197.

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Extracts, organic, Osborne, 287. Eye strain, Dabney, 232.

Drainage in abdominal surgery, Long, Eye, treatment burns and scalds,


Dropsy, abdominal, 234.

sey, 9.

Face, pityriasis versicolor, 319.


McGraw, 107; subpyloric, Villard, 35. Gauze plug left in abdomen, extracted from intestine, Chaput, 71. Gaylord's cancer-parasite, Fisch, 366. German clinics to-day, Hemmeter, 360. Gestation, early diagnosis ectopic, Currier, 322.

Gland fever, Labbe, 337. Glycosuria in corpulent persons, Wolf, 190; tobacco as factor, Stern, 323. Goitre, excision cervical, sympathetic ganglia in exophthalmic, Horsley, 362. Gonococci, infection in infant, Johnson, 257; in gonorrheal secretions, Ravogli, 253.

Gonorrhea, Ravogli, 253; Woodruff, 208; chronic, and marriage, Weiss, 230; management, Lapowski, 282; modern theory, 169; treatment Scherck, 264.

Gould, Dr. and Philadelphia Medical Journal, 45.

Gout, causation, prevention, treatment, Haig, 89.

Drug takers, responsibility, Crothers, Fecal extravasation, perforation ty- Grafting, ovarian, 66.


Drugs, toxic effects, some common, Harvey, 80. Dupuytren's Tubby, 124. Dysentery, Cruikshank, 202; colostomy; in amebic, Sullivan, 12; in Hawaii, Goodhue, 1; treatment, Mate, 416; tropical, Long, 266. Dyspeptic asthma, Murdock, 49. Ear, angeioma auditory canal, Egger, 377; chronic suppuration, Smith, 265; cause systemic disturbance, Minor,

contractures, treatment

27; disease and cranial cavity, Stein. Barck, 163; disease middle, Barck, 181; disease middle, Stein, 181; mercurol in diseases, Lake, 26; suppurative diseases of, 139; suprarenal extract in diseases, middle, Somers, 9. Ectokelostomy, Vitrac, 197.

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Ectopic pregnancy, double, Noble, 321; Fistulae in external auditory meatus,
early diagnosis, Currier, 322.
Eczema, Morris, 395.
Edema of eyelids, 277.

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Flies and scavenging, Poore, 443. Flora of human body, 457. Food legislation, pure, Motter, 294. Food, protoid, Williamson, 159. Forceps, axis-traction, Grandin, 338, Foreign bodies, in auditory canal, Savage, 103; migratory, Kyle, 65. Formaldehyde, Young, 288. Fracture, cervical vertebrae, Sayre, 63; compound, Moriarta, 333; epicondylar, elbow, 134; humerus, treatment, supracondyloid, Shands, 16; neck of femur, 135; value operative interference, Wharton, 178. Frontal sinus, hyperostosis, Rollet, 447. Funnel chest, Judson, 299.

Gall stones, Riedel, 426; X-ray in, Beck, 214.

Grip, 81.

Guaiacol, Hawes, 8.

Gunshot wound with perforation stomach, colon and diaphragm, Laurent, 125.


subarachnoid cocainization, Hawley, Taussig, 67. Gyromele, Turck, 340. Hands, asepsis, surgeon's, Ricard, 17. Hawaii, dysentery, Goodhue, 1. Headache, due to eye strain, supraorbital, Dabney, 232.

Head extension, brace, Spellissy, 178. Head injuries, Page, 162. Heart, compensation in diseases of, 141; complications rheumatism, fatal, Talbott, 217; diseases, relation vascular diseases to, Thomson, 412; in acute rheumatism, Rochester, 11; Potain's percussion, Converse, 378; reflex, clinical value, Abrams, 30; spontaneous rupture, Carter, 393; suprarenal capsule in diseases, Floersheim, 41; suture wounds, Ferrier, Reymond, 34; tonics, upshur, 288; valvular and muscular lesions, Solis-Cohen, 69; wounds and suture, Hill, 15. Hemoglobinuria complicating typhoid Musser, Kelly, 88; paroxysmal, Lamson, 105.

Hemoptysis, suprarenal capsule in,Kenworthy, 211; treatment, Lemoine, 326. Hemorrhage,cause and significance obstetric, Edgar, 246; from circumtonsillar abscess, Chappell, 175; from rupture of adhesions after appendicitis, Ladinski, 14; parenchymatous, from bowel, Huismans, 192; post partum, Bishop, 359; post partum, Blacker, 80.

Hemostatic suprarenal
Bates, 116.

capsule as,

Hepatic colic, preventive treatment,
Chauffard, 351.
Hernia, ectokelostomy for, Vitrac, 197;
improved technique for cure ventral,
Johnson, 15; inguinal, Marcy, 18; in-
guinal, descent of testes, Langton,
106; inguinal, radical cure of, 142;
inguinal, radical cure for, Le Dentu,
108; in infants, Moschowitz, 343; lo-
cal anesthesia in operation inguinal,
Meyer, 17; obturator, Fredet, 251; op-
eration, epiploitis following, Morestin,
70; strangulated, Lathrop, 432; treat-
ment umbilical, Blake, 433; vaginal,
complicated by pregnancy and sepsis,
Glasgow, 312; scrotal, and appendi-
citis, Thienhaus, 461.

Herniotomy, closure incision, Bovee,
250; Meisenbach, 392.

Hip, congenital dislocation, Elliott, 300;
disease, acute, Gibney, 297; reposition
congenitally dislocated, Ely, 61.
Hospital, proposed Missouri general,
117, 131.

Humerus, treatment, supra-condyloid

fracture, Shands, 16.

Hundred years ago, Davis, 438.

Hydatids affecting lungs, Cesar, 107.

Hydriatic treatment tuberculosis, Kel-

logg, 34.

Hydrocele, Tait, 286.

Hydrophobia, Fisch, 289.

Hyperacidity and skin diseases, Dal-
ton, 281.

Hyperemia, cerebral, Brown, 387.

Hyperidrosis of axilla, Kolipinsky, 46.

Hyperostosis from distension of fron-

tal sinus.

Hyperphoria, Reber, 103.

Hypnotic, chloretone, Stevens, 162.

Hypospadias, 137.

Hysterectomy, abdominal vs. vaginal,

Walker, 28; Boldt, 28; after results

vaginal, Lewers, 125.

Hysteria, bromides, Murphy, 251;

Fraenkel, 50; treatment, Mitchell, 210.

Icterus, grave, renal form of, Delteil,


Intermaxillary bone, Meisenbach, 393.
Intestine, catarrh, Moore, 2; indigestion,
Stoner, 30; gauze plug left in, Cha-
put, 71; movement, Bernheim, 162;
obstruction, prevention and relief of
post-operative, Cleveland, 35; occlu-
sion and appendicitis, Cestan, 212;
perforation typhoid fever, Cushing,
362; perforation, operation in typhoid
fever with, Berg, 234.

Inguinal glands, enlargement in syph-
ilis, Cooper, 358.

Intubation, antitoxin and, Shurley, 8.

Intussusception, Meckels diverticulum,

McFarland, 360.

Iodids, Martinet, 287.

Jews, comparative pathology, Fish-

berg, 277.

Joints, diseases, treatment, Ely, 62;

rheumatic diseases, Gibney, 211; tu-

berculous disease of some, Hirsch-

man, 40.

Karlsbad, physician's holiday, 97.

Keloid, traumatic of median nerve, Kil-

iani, 108.

Keratitis, Rollet, 210.

Ileus, McArthur, 342; from neoplasms, Kernig's sign, Chauffard, 340.
Ochsner, 336.

Illinois State Association, 394.

Ilium, resection, for chondrosarcoma,
Hearn, 250.

Immunity, inheritance acquired, Ogil-
vie, 408.

Indicanuria, relation to gastro-intesti-
nal fermentation, Wesener, 304.

Indigestion, intestinal, Stoner, 30.

Inebriate and law, Collins, 357.

Infants, colic, 139; congenital stridor,

Thomson, Turner, 87; gonococcus in-

fection of, Johnson, 257; examination,

Herrman, 64; hernia, Moschowitz,

343; influenza in, Zahorsky, 129; mix-

ed feeding, Zahorsky, 231; plantar re-
flex of, Morse, 64; typhoid, Morse, 9.
Infant feeding, Chapin, 208; Northrup,
208; Zahorsky, 235; and scurvy, Grif-

Kidney, diagnosis of stone by x-ray,
Bevan, 209; fixation loose, Morris,
157; floating, Lydston, 271; movable,
Harris, 448; nephrolithiasis, Aue, 451;
succession, 171; prolapsed, Goelet,


Knee joint, tuberculosis, Townsend, 70.
Koplik's spots, Cotter, 8.

Larynx tuberculosis, treatment, Freu-
denthal, 232.

Lavage, use and abuse, Musser, 6.

Law and inebriate, Collins, 357.

Leontiasis ossea, case simulating, Col-

lier, 120.

Lens, discission of, new method, Dunn,


Leprosy, 386; treatment with rattle-
snake venom, 99; hospital, Jerusalem,
Schadle, 349.

Leukemia and pseudoleukemia, Brown,

Leucocytosis, changes in bone marrow,
Rubenstein, 460.

Ligation, aorta, 335; carotid, Schlatter,

Ligature, elastic, gastro-enterostomy
by, McGraw, 107; value of dry steri-
lized catgut, Carstens, 15.
Linea alba, stretching, Webster, 13.
Liver, cirrhosis, Bowles, 286; cirrhosis,
Jelk, 234; movable, Soupalt, 318.
Lungs, hydatids affecting, Cesar, 107;
tuberculosis, treated by nitrogen com-
pression, Lemke, 90.

Lupus, treatment, Derville, 294.
Lymphatics, infection following appea-
dicitis, Monroe, 249.

Malaria and mosquitos, Lawson. 397.
Malignant disease, 5.000 deaths from,
Nason, 434.

Mammary gland, action electricity.
Fournier, 321; tumors, early diagno.
sis, Shrady, 107.

Marasmus, Fischer, 87.

Marriage, gonorrhea and, Weiss, 230.

Massage, pelvic, Montgomery, 10.
Mastoid process, result surgical treat-
ment inflammation, Dench, 245; op-
erations, Calhoun, 174.
Maxilla, superior, ligation
Schlatter, 341.


Measles, Koplik's spots, Cotter, 8.

Meat inspection, Salmon, 278.

Meatus,bony defects and fistulae in ex-

ternal, Gradle, 232.

Meckel's diverticulum, volvulus and in-
tussusception, McFarland, 360.
Median nerve, traumatic keloid, absorp-
tion silk sutures, Kiliani, 108.

Mediastinal tumor, aneurysm simulat-

ing, 244.

Medical practice act for Missouri, 45.
Medical progress, Century, 59.
Medullary narcosis, Rodman, 260.
Melancholia, toxic origin, Starr, 413.
Membrana tympani, rupture, McKen-
na, 209.

Kyphosis, plaster of paris jacket and Meningitis, Kernig's sign, Chauffard,

Menstruation and ovulation, 140; chlo-
ride calcium in profuse, See, 357.
Mental symptoms cerebral syphilis,

Meralgia paresthetica, 335.

Mercurial ingestion, treatment syphilis,

Brocq, 358.

Mercurol as antiseptic in diseases of
nose and ear, Lake, 26.

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