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The Twin Gods.

AND all the people trembled,
and pale grew every cheek;
and Sergius the high pontiff
alone found voice to speak:

'the gods, who live for ever,
have fought for Rome to-day :
these be the great Twin Brethren
to whom the Dorians pray.

back comes the chief in triumph,
who in the hour of fight

hath seen the great Twin Brethren in harness on his right.

safe comes the ship to haven

through billows and through gales,

if once the great Twin Brethren

sit shining on the sails.'


The Eve of Death.

WHY such a golden eve? the breeze is sent careful and soft, that not a leaf may fall before the serene father of them all bows down his summer head below the west. but, at the setting, I must bid adieu to her for the last, last time. Night will strew on the damp grass myriads of lingering leaves; and with them shall I die: nor much it grieves to die, when Summer dies on the cold sward.


Δίπτυχοι Διόσκοροι.

GRANDE portentum stupuere uici, pallidum tota pauet urbe uolgus : pontifex solus tremulo profatur Sergius ore.

'omne uiuentes superi per aeuom hoc die Romae pepulere cladem ; bina, quae Dores uenerantur, haec sunt numina Fratrum.

dux redit claro celebris triumpho, quisquis ad dextram, medius duelli, aureis uidit nitidos in armis

stare Gemellos:

perque flabrorum pelagique motus sospes in portum redit illa nauis, cui super malum gemino coruscant sidere Fratres.'

Endymion moriturus.

CVR uesper radios extulit aureos? suspiratne tener molle Fauonius, ramis una prius ne coma defluat quam qui progenuit comas aestiuum placidus condiderit caput? at sole occiduo poscor ut ultima dicam uoce meis deliciis uale.

nox udum modo caespitem

consternet foliis mille morantibus : quis una moriar; nec, gelido super aestas cum moritur gramine, tam mihi deflendum fuerit mori.

A Geological Specimen.

WHERE shall we our great Professor inter,
that in peace may rest his bones?
if we hew him a rocky sepulchre,

he will rise and break the stones,
and examine such stratum that lies around,
for he's quite in his element underground.

if with mattock and spade his body we lay in the common alluvial soil,

he'll start up, and snatch those tools away of his own geological toil.

in a stratum so young the Professor disdains that embedded should lie his organic remains.

then, exposed to the drip of some case-hardening spring,

his carcase let stalactite cover;

and to Oxford the petrified sage let us bring, when he is encrusted all over:

there 'mid mammoths and crocodiles, high on a shelf, let him stand as a monument raised to himself.


An Epitaph.

He died, and left the world behind;

his once wild heart is cold;

his once keen eye is quelled and blind:
what more?-his tale is told.

he came; and baring his heaven-bright thought,
he earned the base world's ban;
and having vainly lived and taught,

gave place to a meaner man.


Monimentum aere perennius.

NOSTER erit quali tumulandus funere Doctor, incluta quo possint ossa quiete frui?

si ualidum struimus proscisso monte sepulchrum, surget, et impacta saxa bipenne ruet, quaelibet explorans telluris strata propinquae; siquis enim, Terrae filius ille iacet. audeat hunc aliquis uolgari tradere glebae, flumina quam longo deposuere luto, excitus eripiat cuneos durosque ligones,

quae proprius quondam gesserat arma labor. tamne recente uelit Doctor grauis ille cubili ipsius organicas sternere reliquias?

at potius, gelido qua stiria pendet ab antro,
deciduae sensim ui solidetur aquae:
mox incrustatum glaciali marmore corpus
excipias clari tu, Rhedycina, sophi,
mixtus ubi Ogygiis elephantibus et crocodilis,
sed tamen editior, stet, suus ipse lapis.

Mens diuinior.

MORTVVS est superaque excessit luce: refrixit cor illud olim feruidum:

extinctumst oculi quondam penetrabile fulgur : quid restat? acta fabula.

uenit clara docens caeli praecepta: docentem
spreuere ciues sordidi:

sic labor effluxit uanus. nunc illius implet
natura crassior locum.

Immortal Love.

A. Will sich Hektor ewig von mir wenden,
wo Achill mit den unnahbar'n Händen
dem Patroklus schrecklich Opfer bringt?
wer wird künftig deinen Kleinen lehren
Speere werfen und die Götter ehren,
wenn der finstre Orkus dich verschlingt?

H. theures Weib, gebiete deinen Thränen;
nach der Feldschlacht ist mein feurig Sehnen;
diese Arme schüßen Pergamus.

kämpfend für den heil'gen Herd der Götter
fall' ich, und des Vaterlandes Retter
steig' ich nieder zu dem styg'schen Fluß.

A. nimmer lausch' ich deiner Waffen Schalle,
müßig liegt dein Eisen in der Halle,
Priam's großer Heldenstamm verdirbt.

du wirst hingeh'n, wo kein Tag mehr scheinet,
der Cocytus durch die Wüsten weinet,
deine Liebe in dem Lethe stirbt.

H. all mein Sehnen will ich, all mein Denken,
in des Lethe stillen Strom versenken,

aber meine Liebe nicht.

horch! der Wilde tobt schon an den Mauern,
gürte mir das Schwert um, laß das Trauern!
Hektors Liebe stirbt im Lethe nicht.



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