페이지 이미지

disce mori, doctum luctu marcescere corpus, quod tibi tam felix tam cito tempus abit;

rumpere, cor stolidum, iam debile, rumpere, cui sors diuitias aufert deliciasque tuas.

Νήνεμος Αία.

Νήνεμον ζητοῦμεν αἶαν τίς πρόεισιν ἡγεμών;
ἑσπέρα μελαντέροισι νέφεσι συσκιάζεται,
πανταχῆ δ ̓ ἔρρωγεν ἀκτὴ ναυτικοῖς ἐρειπίοις
νήνεμον τίς ἡμὶν εἰς γῆν πρευμενῶς ἡγήσεται;
νηνέμους ποθοῦμεν ἕδρας, παντελεῖς, ἀτέρμονας,
ἀφθίτων καλῶν θ ̓ ἑῷα πνευμάτων ὀνείρατα
ὃς γὰρ ἐν βίου μάχαισιν ἔμπεδον στήσῃ πόδα,
νήνεμον φέρει πρὸς αἶαν ἐλπίδος φίλον γάνος.
χαῖρε γαῖα χαῖρ ̓ ὁ γάρ τοι πᾶσι τοῖς δυσαθλίοις
ἠπιώτατος βροτοῖσιν ἐκ θεῶν πεπρωμένος
προσκαλεῖ κήρυξ, σταθείς τε δᾷδ ̓ ἄνω κάτω τρέπων
χειρὶ μαλθακῇ προφαίνει πρευμενώς ἡγούμενος
τῶν πάλαι κλεινῶν ἐς ἀκτὴν νηνέμου τ' αἴας πέδον.

Love and Duty.

COULD Love part thus? was it not well to speak,
to have spoken once? it could not but be well.
the slow sweet hours that bring us all things good,
the slow sad hours that bring us all things ill,
and all good things from evil, brought the night
in which we sat together and alone,

and to the want, that hollowed all the heart,
gave utterance by the yearning of an eye,
that burned upon its object through such tears
as flow but once a life.

the trance gave way

to those caresses, when a hundred times
in that last kiss, which never was the last,
Farewell, like endless Welcome, lived and died.
then followed counsel, comfort, and the words
that make a man feel strong in speaking truth;
till now the dark was worn, and overhead
the lights of sunset and of sunrise mixed

in that brief night; the summer night, that paused
among her stars to hear us; stars that hung
love-charmed to listen: all the wheels of Time
spun round in station, but the end had come.
o then like those, who clench their nerves to rush
upon their dissolution, we two rose,

there-closing like an individual life—

in one blind cry of passion and of pain. like bitter accusation ev'nto death.

caught up the whole of love, and uttered it, and bade adieu for ever.


Quod Crimen praeter amasse ?

SIC fuerit diuolsus amor? quae culpa loquentum ? crimen erat quantum non tacuisse semel? crimen erat nullum. sed tempora tarda mouentur dum portant homini quae bona cumque iuuant: quae mala cumque angunt portantia tarda mouentur, dumque bonas referunt post mala longa uices. et noctem nobis, qua soli sedimus una,

haec eadem, quamuis tarda, tulere tamen, cum desiderium, quod pectore surgit ab imo, prodidit obtutu uoltus uterque suo,

prodidit et lacrimis. nulli bis contigit ardor ille, neque hoc fletu bis maduere genae. oscula succedunt; quaeque ultima, prima uidentur, et dictura Vale lingua susurrat Have. consilium sequitur, solamina, qualia uere dicta uiri firmant pectus ad omne bonum. at primo iam mane breues agitante tenebras sol oriens tinctus sole cadente redit. nox aestiua moras inter sua sidera nectit, addiderant aures sidera capta suas: in medio motu uel stat uel stare uidetur circuitus mundi: sed prope finis erat. ut miseri quondam, firmati robore neruos, dant se praecipites in sua fata uiri, sic nos erigimur simul et consurgimus ambo, una quod haec rerum meta duobus adest. protinus ingentem promit uox rupta dolorem, ceu fremit in sontes cum grauis ira reos: alter enim simili perculsus et altera sensu dixit 'amo, tempus,' dixit, 'in omne uale.'

A Rainy Day.

THE day is cold and dark and dreary,
it rains, and the wind is never weary;
the vine still clings to the mouldering wall,
but at every gust the dead leaves fall;
and the day is dark and dreary.

my life is cold and dark and dreary,
it rains, and the wind is never weary;

my thoughts still cling to the mouldering past, but the hopes of youth fall thick in the blast, and my days are dark and dreary.

be still, sad heart, and cease repining; behind the clouds is the sun still shining; thy fate is the common fate of all;

into each life some rain must fall,

some days must be dark and dreary.


The Lesson.

SEEK'ST thou the Highest and Greatest? the plants may teach thee to find it.

what they without a will do, do thou thyself with a will. From SCHILLER.

Here lies.

HERE lies the great-false marble, tell me where, nothing but poor and sordid dust lies here.


Alten Freund für neuen wandeln
heißt, für Früchte Blumen handeln.



Tempestas Caelum contraxit.

HORRIDA pallentem contristant frigora lucem, flabraque cum pluuiis inrequieta suis. uitis amans haeret muro, sed cuilibet aurae dat folia: et maestus flet sine sole dies. et mihi pallentem contristant frigora uitam, flabraque cum pluuiis inrequieta suis. praeterito meus haeret amor, sed quaeque iuuentae spes perit: et tristes flent sine sole dies. disce tacere tamen, cor flebile, mitte querellas : inuida sol ultra nubila lucet adhuc.

sors tua communis mundi: sua cuique procella; cuique sui quondam flent sine sole dies.

Exiit ad caelum.

MAXIMA quo tangas nisu, flos monstrat et arbos: quod non sponte facit planta, fac ipse libens.

Tumulus mendax.

HIC iacet inlustris-mendax mihi, cippe, roganti dic ubinam? iacet hic nil nisi putre solum.


SI mutes ueterem nouo sodali,
fructus uendideris emasque flores.

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