페이지 이미지




of the

U. S. Army Medical Department

This is a combined subject and author index for the
period from January to June 1945. Following an
author's name the symbols in italics indicate the fol-
lowing sections in The Bulletin: AC-Apparatus and
Clinical Notes; C-Correspondence; N-News and
Comment; 0-Original Articles; S-Special Article.

The numbers of The Bulletin indexed herein are as follows:


No. 84, January 1945
No. 85, February 1945

No. 86, March 1945

No. 87, April 1945

No. 88, May 1945

No. 89, June 1945




ABRAMSON, Arthur S., O 89:101
Accident prevention program, 89:45.
Achin, Joffre V., N 85:32.
Adams, Daniel M., O 84:106.

Adams, Trogler F., 0 87:77. Agglutination reactions, centrifuge technique in, 89:48.

Air blast injury, 87:110.

Airborne medical service commended, 89:63.

Albritton, A. S., N 89:47.

Ambulance gliders, 89:44; New im

proved ambulance, 89:50.

Amebiasis in the Army overseas, 86:10.

American Board of Internal Medicine, 88:28.

Amputation. Tourniquet problems in war injuries, 87:77. Anderson, Walter L., N 89:11. Anesthesia. Convulsions during inhalation, 84:81; Important alterations in anesthesia machines, 89:3; Pentothal, 85:7; Simple nitrousoxide-pentothal anesthesia, 87:122. Aneurysm, arteriovenous, 84:104. Angulation, prevention of, in lower third humeral fractures, 84:100. Anoxia, acute high altitude, 89:57. Aphasia, management of, 88:52. Apparatus. Arm splint from ammumunition container, 84:7; Bandage clip, 86:42; Canoscope projector, 86:118; Device for cooling oxygen administered by face mask, 88:29; Device for making plaster of paris reinforcements, 89:118; Device for rotatory movements of the forearm, 87:25; Device to aid venereal prophylaxis, 86:33; Drop foot brace, 86:28; Field distilling apparatus, 86:11; For transporting wet X-ray films, 86:45; Improvised clogs, 86:31; Improvised slit lamp, 84:28; Intravenous drip tube, 85: 33; Lyster bag coverings, 84:20; Mechanical retractor for hemilaminectomy, 89:7; New larvicide and residual DDT sprayer, 88:33; Portable disinfector, 88:36; Port

able exercise cart, 86:35; Portable
field shower unit, 88:37; Shoulder
ladder, 86:29; Simple method of
administering fluids orally, 85:21;
Stool for leg whirlpool baths, 87:
121; Suction, 84:32; Table and
board for use with wheel chair,
88:17; X-ray record cart with
viewing box, 88:48.

Applebaum, Irving L., N 88:19.
Armor, body, 86:27.

Arnold, Milton, 0 87:85.

Arsenic poisoning, acute, 88:13. Arteries. Inadvertent injection of sodium pentothal into an artery, 86:32. See also Aneurysm. Arthritis, meningococcal, 86:34. "Artifact spirochetes" in infectious hepatitis, 89:112.

Artificial limbs. Limb fitters wanted, 86:11; Standardization of, 88:32. Assignment on return from overseas, 86:39.

Asthenia, test for diagnosis of neurocirculatory, 89:36.

Asthma, bronchial, due to sulfathiazole, 84:117; Perennial bronchial asthma, 87:100.

Atabrine, toxic psychoses following, 86:63; Concentration of atabrine in plasma in treatment of vivax malaria, 87:34.

Athlete's foot. Improvised clogs, 86: 31. See also Skin diseases in the tropics, 87:70.

Austrian, Robert, 0 86:84. Aviation. Notes from a flight surgeon, 88:26; Pneumatic pants for fighter pilots, 84:17; Acute high altitude anoxia, 89:57. Avitaminosis, spinal cord changes in,


BAL eye ointment, 86:30; Reactions
caused by BAL in oil, 88:14.
Ball, Albert L., S 85:71.
Bandage clip, non-slip roller, 86:42.
Badge, medical, 88:20.
Baranowski, Adolph, O 87:85.
Barkeley, Camp, closed, 88:9.

Barner, John L., N 86:46.
Barrack bags fracture, 89:101.
Bartels, B. Brandt, N 86:33.

Bass, H. E., O 84:102.

Battalion surgeon, 89:2.

Baumrucker, George O., N 86:42.

Beckman, W. W., N 86:34.

Beech, Keyes, C 88:67.

Bell, E. J., N 88:11.

Benzyl benzoate for treatment of

scabies, 89:19.

Berkowitz, Alfred E., N 84:10.

Berner, Lewis, N 86:26.

Bismuth salts, scarcity of, 89:7.
Blast injury, air, 87:110.
Blausten, Samuel, AC 84:119.
Blind, committee to aid program for
the, 89:48.

Blood, appeal for donations of whole, 85:5 Fluid intake after hemolytic transfusion reaction, 85:29; Multiple typing technique, 85:22; Shipment of whole blood to Pacific theaters of operations, 87:45; Supply of preserved blood to European theater of operations, 84:66; Transfusion in the reparative management of battle wounds, 85:4; Whole blood-new refrigeration system, 89:3.

Book bindings, mold, 88:28.
Boroff, Daniel A., O 88:113.

Brain, penetrating war injuries of,


Brubaker, Robert E., O 87:110.

Bryant, T. L., S 89:66.

Buehler, Milton H., N 87:13.

Bunnell, Sterling, N 86:4; 0 88:78.
Burford, Thomas H., S 89:70.
Burners, generator screen for lantern
and gasoline stove, 84:34.

CALLENDER, George R., O 85:108.
Campbell, James L., Jr., O 89:88.
Campbell, Thomas A., O 89:101.
Canoscope (projector), 86:118.
Carbon tetrachloride poisoning, 86:
40; 87:31.

Cardiovascular defects, re-examination of men rejected for, 86:47.


Cellulitis and osteomyelitis, 89:17.
Cholera vaccine, 89:9.

Carlisle Barracks. Dedication of Wakeman Field, 84:30; Largest class at, 84:31.

Casualties. Condition of returned casualties, 87:9; From overseas, 87:40; Increase in returning, 86:5; Necessity of making decisions, 87:28.

Cateno, Carlo F., N 87:34.

Centrifuge technique in agglutination reactions, 89:48.

Cerebrospinal fluid, eosinophilia in,


Cheek retractors, 87:37. Chemotherapy in posttraumatic peritonitis, 87:11.

Chest lesions, demonstration of hidden apical, 84:102.

China, water purification in, 85:37. Chlorination of water to destroy Schistosoma japonicum cercariae,


Christensen, Fern E., N 88:29.
Churchill, Edward D., S 84:58.
Civil affairs, Medical Department
officers in, 85:42.

Clark, James W., O 88:83.
Clark, Thomas W., O 87:70.
Cleft palate prosthesis, 84:90.
Clogs, improvised, 86:31.
Coccidiosis, a case of, 89:47.
Collecting company in combat on
Pacific atolls, 84:106.
Coller, F. A., N 84:89.
Colostomies, 86:115.

Commendation. British Surgeon General praises U. S. airborne medical service, 89:63; Tributes to Army nurses and the medical department, 87:52.

Compton, Arthur H., N 89:100. Concerts in general hospitals, 87:21. Conferences. At 300th General Hos

pital, 88:35; Of consultation service personnel consultants, 89:38; On preventive medicine, 88:34; Service command surgeons, 85:54. Conroy, W. Allen, AC 87:122.

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