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me) was in greate danger of being kill- Barnwell and Dumwick, their comed in his waye; for as he was proced- plices, came to them, and the haunted ing in the duske of the evenyng down house baving been thoroughly searchthe streete that led to the tauerne ed, and a garde set on it, they were where Scudamore and Babingtone fayne to lurk in the bywayes of the were, a mad bulle ran at him, yea, and wood, besmearing their faces with the in such sort, that he gave himself up | bushes of green walnutes. Thence they for lost, but sodainlie turning, he ran sent to the French Embassador for off, and he never sawe him more. monie, and to Tichbourne for horses, Which action must be regarded as a but the Embassador ordered the messpecial judgment of heaven, to punish menger to be turned from his house, Babington and his wycked compa- and Tichbourne excused himselfe. nyons; for if the messenger had not Being distressed for foode, they, at the arrived that night, Babington would last, retyred themselves to Harrow have departed elsewhere on the suc- Hill, where dwelt the Bellamis, a ceedyng mornyng.* The place where famile zealous for the Catholic religion, Scudamore was, was the Rose Tavern, and adverse to the Queene, us indeed since pulled downe, where manie of wer almoste all the Papists. These our most excellent authores did after- Bellamis hidde them in barnes and wardes resort; and among others, out-houses, and gave them rusticke Mr. Decker, in whose companie I have apparel and foode, and also kept a spent many a pleasaunte houre. In sharpe look-out if any of the Queene's this place, I cannot help expressyng officers came there. Here they remy regret, that the merites of Mr. mayned ten daies, and on the tenthe, Decker are so little prized by our an officer came to serche the place, modernes; but posteritie will dulie whereupon, John Bellamie giving appreciate his shining, wise, and wel- warnyng by a whistle, they fledde to stored minde, and in this hope I will the woodes, leave him, and returne to the messenger, who, as he was comanded, delivered the letter to Scudamore. He incautiouslie reading the same, it was observed by Babington, and peeping over his shoulder, he read it from begynning to end, and thynking all was foste, rose and wente out, as if to paie his shot, but realie absconded to Westminster, to Charnocke and other of his wycked complices.† Here did he relate all to them, whereat, being much affrighted, they took counsel to gether, and agreed to fly. Then they changed clothes, Babington putting on Gage's, Gage Charnock's, and Charnock Babington's, that they might be the more effectually disguised. Afterward fleeing to St. John's wood, near the citie, they there fearfullie concealed themselves in a deserted house that was said to be haunted, that belonged to the Framsham family, wherein no one had dared to inhabit for the space of XVII years, because of divers strange noises that had been heard thereabouts. In a fewe days,

The purport of this sentence is not apparent, for, as he afterwards states, Babington absconded that very night.-A. H.

I find in other histories, that Babington escaped the night after that on which he had read Scudamore's letter, but Everett's statement is certainly the most probable.-A. H.

"And now (kind reader) have I come to a passage in this historie, wherein I was concerned, and which you may therefore looke to have trewly, and not like the other partes of this narration, at the reporte of others. Wherein you may esteem yourselfe fortunate, since rumor too much correspondeth with the elegante description of Virgile, to be intirely confided in. For, in the litel narration that I am aboute to make, you will finde manie thynges extreamly contrarie to what other historians have related. Which showes we aughte not to give unconditional credite to everie thynge that we finde in historic. But as this subjecte has been so cleverlie treated lately, by an author so greatlie my superior in merite, I will pursew it no farther, but proceed with my narration.

"It will not paine me to confesse, that in my youthe I was much given to idle sportes, as playing at ball, at cardes, catching birdes, and the like. Now, the woode wherein Babington had sodainlie betooke himselfe, abounded with birdes, and having set a trappe for them overnight, I nowe wente to see what successe I had met with in the morning. But as I was proceding through the woode, by the

I do not know who is here alluded to.


threates, and your affectionit wordes
were the onlye thynges in the worlde
that could drie my teares. He sayde,
that all my effortes were in vaine, and
that the difference of birthe and for-
tune entirely hindered a matche be-
tweene us. Just at that verie time,
the odyous Marchistone came inne,
and seeing mee in teares, made some
rude jeste at my afflictyon. I acted as
you tolde mee; I reproued his brutali-
tie, and sayde he should never come
into companie, if he knewe not howe
to demeane hymself properlie.
this, unkle flewe into a rage, sayd I
was the most insolente wenche that
breathed, and threatened, if I dared to
repeate my behavyour, he would lock
me uppe, for that Marchistone was too
goode a hosbande for mee. I replyed,
I would never retracte what I had
sayde, for, that it was gospelle truth,
and I would do so again on occasion.
He answered, that nothyng coulde cure
me but confinemente, and rudely seiz-
ing me by the arme, dragged me up
stayres, and pushed me into the roome
where the recordes of the familye are
kept, that being the strongest apart-
mente. Dorothie then broughte up
the beefe-stakes, and the rest of my
breakfaste, and gave me the letterre,
which my unkle did not perceave, as
he was standyng at the doore with the
keye in his hande, to locke it when she
came oute. When they had retired, I

beaten path, I oft-times saw menne, at my approache, starte from me, and dive amongst the bushes, whereat I was muche amazed. At lengthe, one of them staide till I com up, calling loudlie to the others not to be afearde, for that it was but a boy; whereupon they issued from the woode againe. As I went on, I often turned rounde to looke behynd me, for I was affrighted at the appearance of these menne, and I saw that they continually watched me, to see which waye I went. I was so much afearde at this, that directlie I was oute of sighte, I did not proceede to the trappe, but returned home another waye, by whiche I passed by the house of the Bellamis again. Here a litel crowde was gathered around the officer, who was now comyng forth with his menne, swaggering to the Bellamis, and saying they were traytors, and he was sure they had hidde them somewhere aboute. Then turnyng rounde, he saide to the mobbe, "Look out well, my boyes, these cursed Papists have hidde Babington and his gang in the neighbourhoode, I'll be sworne, and if you once tell me, I'll take all trouble offe your handes, and give you a full | halfe of the rewarde." Then, recollecting the strange behavyour of the strangers, the thought cam in my heade, that they were the traytors, so that I called out to the officer, and told him what had happened. Where-read it over a thousand tymes, and upon, callyng to all the bystanders to aide and assiste, while the Bellamis wrung their handes like madde, he went to the woode and apprehended them. Although he had promised me a full halfe, fairlie and openlie, this villaynous officer did never actuallie give mee (by the hande of my father) one-fifthe of the summe, falselie saying he had not receyved it himselfe."

Scarcely any authentic records exist, relative to the life of Everett, from this period to 1588, except a letter from Lady Mary Foljambe to him, which, as a curious specimen of letter-writing at the time, we shall transcribe.

"Twelve o'the cloke this sadde night of May the 18the, 1587.


"Dorothie broughte me youre consolyng letterre this mornyng. It came in goode time, for my crewell, crewell unkle, had juste been repeatyng his

every tyme wetted it with a thousand teeres. Oh! hasten, and contryve some meenes of gettynge me oute of this wretched durance. I have heerde of a ladye which escaped her crewell relacyons in a boxe, and of another, which her lover, standing on horseback, got oute of the windowe of her roome. See if ye cannot contrive some conynge stratagem, like to those, and so rescue your unfortunate ladye; but still lovyng and trewly affectionate to her decre Richard.


How the lady escaped, and what stratagem they made use of, I can no where discover; but their marriage at Honiton church, I find entered in the books. I suppose that it was about this time he wrote his account of the war in the Netherlands, but this is uncertain.

And now, through a long tract of biography, we have at length arrived at that period when he wrote those

manuscripts which form the principal | he is extremely fond. substance of the present number of the Manuscriptomaniac. They are neatly bound, and lettered "Letters on the Spanish Armada," by order of Sir Robert, and now let us rush in medias res. *



July 20th, 1588. "I felt so strong a reluctance to the idea of your coming with me, on account of the danger and distress which I thought you must necessarily encounter, that I imagined my opinions on the subject would never change; but, in this short space of time, they are entirely altered. The seamen, impressed with a sense of duty, which ought to animate every Briton at sodangerous a conjuncture, seem determined to make their respect for their officers and captain equal their determined valour and undaunted bravery; but yet, as we are in momentary expectation of departing hence, it would be best for you to keep at home, whilst this state of affairs continues; and I shall regularly send you letters, at least once a week, to assure you of my health and safety.

"On the eighteenth I arrived here, and on the very same day entered on board my ship, one of those sent by London, to support us against the bragging enemy. It is called the Dolphin, and commanded by Captain Richard Seymour, a boisterous old man, but very much skilled in navigation and the art of war. I saw Sir Martin Forbisher, who looks much graver and more majestic, when proudly walking the decks of the ships under his command, than when I saluted him as my dear uncle, three years ago. We had a merry conversation, and I stayed to dinner with him, and some more captains, who all agreed that the spirit of the country was so high, that it was worse than useless for the proud Spaniards to attack it, and that the Duke of Medina would return disgraced and wretched to his native country, or spend the rest of his days in the gloomy walls of the Tower.

"The same day, Captain Seymour summoned all his crew on deck, and made this address, which, for your amusement, I have preserved in his own words, with the exception of a few oaths, and other expletives, of which

The orthography and diction are of course altered.-A. H.

'Come, my

brave lads, you have all eat the roast beef of Old England, and know how good it tastes-you must'nt yield now to these rascally Mounseers, that come over to kill your Queen, and boil you down for soop meagre, or whatever other name these senseless scoundrels stupidly call it. What I have called you together for, is, just to tell you, that Captain Fleming has just informed our Lord High Admiral, that these outlandish fools have just passed the Lizard, and so we must stand out to open sea. So, my lads, as we shall soon meet 'em, remember to give 'em a good, hearty drubbing, that their backs may be sore for a month after, and they may recollect how to come with their nonsense to Old England again. And now, as I have no more to say, I'll end this here speech with 'Long live the Queen, and may every sailor put fifty moidores in his pouch, prize-money.' Then, with three cheers, each man betook himself to his station, as the Captain ordered.

"This morning as I was contemplating the shore, a cry of Look, look,' aroused my attention, and turning round, I shortly perceived one of the most splendid sights that human imagination can conceive. At the distance of seven miles, appeared a crescent, apparently sailing on the boundless sea, and a few ships in advance. I cried out, that it was the Armada, disposed in that shape. Gradually increasing, it at length grew so large, that we could distinguish each man that strode the decks. Built like lofty towers and castles, two hundred ships came slowly sailing on, their flags streaming to the wind, and their decks covered with bands of armed men, who sternly eyed their enemies prepared to encounter them in mortal fight. Their masts decorated in a fanciful and gorgeous manner, looked like triumphal columns, while on their prows was sculptured some ancient saint of blessed memory, or some daring warrior who had distinguished himself at the expulsion of the Moors. The soldiers, in splendid and uniform apparel, delighted, while they astonished the gazer's eye, and the musicians they had brought, as they advanced, struck up a loud note of defiance. In a moment our drums and trumpets gave an answer, while every voice cried out, 66 Now is the time," and

every sailor stood prepared to meet | the foe in mortal grapple. My soldiers expecting I should lead them on, were fixed and ready, and all was eagerness and anxiety; when an order arrived from the Admiral's ship, to stand off, and let the Armada pass by in peace. Unwillingly we bowed to the command, and saw our foes insult us to our faces.

"And now farewell, my dear Mary, keep up your spirits, and remember, that you yourself raised some of the volunteers from the neighbourhood, who are now under my command; you have read of the Spartan matron, who regarded not the death of her son in the triumph of her country,—if I fall, recollect it, and grieve not, I beseech you, too much for the loss of

"Your affectionate Husband,



"MY DEAR MARY, "July 23rd, 1588. "There has been a battle. The day before yesterday the Admiral sent out a pinnace to provoke the foe to fight us. It succeeded, and soon all our ears were deafened with the incessant roar of the innumerable cannon. The Admiral attacked a Spanish ship, which he thought to be the Duke's, but it was Don Alphonso Leva's. Meanwhile, the Dolphin, with various other ships, commanded by Drake, attacked the rear of the Armada, which was under the direction of Ricaldus, and separated it from the other part of the Spanish fleet. Many fruitless attempts were made to board it, for, every time, by Ricaldus's direction, other ships sailed swiftly from the other parts, and flew into the space between us.

"It is impossible to describe our situation. Surrounded by smouldering smoke,only lightened by the awful blaze of the cannon, which, for a moment, dispelled the mist, and shewed us the forms of our foes; we heard in the intervals of this earthly thunder, the loud voice of Seymour or of Drake, issuing orders, and directing the attack; or the quick speech of Ricaldus in a foreign tongue, as he called to the Spanish gunners. At length, the ship which Ricaldus had summoned to his assistance, half-shattered into pieces, bore off, and the Spaniard sent orders for another to take its place. But Forbisher and Hawkins had so

provided against this, that until they were defeated it was impossible for his captain to obey the command, and we accordingly advanced, when a litthe galley, that was pursued by another ship, crossed our path, and Seymour, with an oath, cried Sink her, sink her.' In a moment we ran against it, and galley, rowers, sailors, soldiers, and all, crashed down to the unfathomable deeps of the ocean, with a de spairing groan that will always make me shudder when I recollect it.

"Regardless of their awful fate, on we bore to board Ricaldus's ship, and at the head of my men, the instant that we grappled it, I sprung upon deck. Two or three Spaniards soon fell before me; and as my men were just preparing to follow with all the crew of the Dolphin, the foreigners were driven to desperation, on which Ricaldus called out to them,in Spanish, in a loud tone, 'What will not men do, who see themselves in imminent danger of destruction!' Animated by the dread of death, and the hope of life, our foes burst, I know not how, the grappling-irons, and flew through the English line to the ships of the Duke of Medina, followed by the rest. Having thus failed to secure Ricaldus, our ships retired, whilst I remained a prisoner.

"As soon as the Duke understood that an English officer was taken, he ordered him to be conducted before him. I was accordingly led into his cabin, where I found him seated, round a table, with his principal commanders, whilst some servants diligently fanned them, on account of the excessive heat. At this mark of effeminacy I rejoiced, for I considered how few of our own captains would not think it a disgrace to be so womanish. Only Ricaldus and Leva, the bravest captains in their fleet, remained aloof, eyeing, with curled mustachios and looks of fixed disdain, the ignoble behaviour of their unworthy associates.

"The interpreter, a flippant and impertinent young fellow, who seemed to pay more attention to the cultivation of his whiskers than that of the languages, stepped briskly forward, and, after an animated stare at myself, directed a smiling look of inquiry towards the Duke of Medina, who gave an answer in Spanish. The interpreter instantly squeaked out,

'Caballero, vat nombero Duca, vishou dira, to zay, to zay.' Of course, I could make nothing out of this strange gibberish, and I only replied by a look of perplexity, that put the Duke in a rage with the self-styled interpreter. The youngster was soon told to retire, crest-fallen, and he left the room with his usual flippant glance, sunk into a dolorous look, well calculated to excite the beholder's laughter.

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'Unwillingly dragged forward, another interpreter slowly advanced to the table, who received with sulky deference the commands of Medina, and then, turning round, said to me, Senhor, the Duke wish that you inform him how great your army of ships." Surprised at hearing such good English, I replied, 'As an officer of British marines, I consider such a question an insult, and would sooner be broken on the wheel than give an atom of fecessary information to the enemies of my country.'

"When the Duke heard my speech, he seemed to be much enraged, and indignantly called out to his attendants; who bore me off, and conveyed me to a great galleon, commanded by Don Pedro Valdez. This man, ferocious in appearance, is, in heart, a very coward, as this letter will soon shew.

"I was informed, by one of the interpreters, that the succeeding morning would, unless by important disclosures I redeemed my 'insolent rashness,' witness my limbs stretched upon the torturing rack. Don Pedro ordered me to be conveyed to a wretched cabin, where I was loaded with chains and blows, whilst the infamous captain gave orders to prepare the hellish instrument he named, to torment me, as soon as dawn should appear. I could not rest that night, for though I dread not death, as my encounter with Merchiston well shewed, I could not bear the idea of these cruel Spaniards witnessing, with cool inhumanity, my agonizing sufferings, and beholding, without the pity every generous breast must feel, a victim to torture, streaming with blood, and shrieking with pain. Whilst these wretched reflections crossed my brain, the awful thunder of the cannon sounded above, the little light my window afforded was obscured by smothering smoke, and all announced that a battle was taking place. I heard the shouts of 82.-VOL, VII.

the English sailors above, 'Down with Spain,-Down with Philip!' and my heart beat audibly, whilst hope shot across my quivering heart, just reviving from the blackest despair, like the lightning that bursts from a dark cloud above, and illuminates the spot on which it falls. At length my prison door was opened, and Valdez rushed in, pursued by an English officer with a drawn sword in his grasp. The coward sunk shaking at my feet, imploring me to save him; then seeing I regarded not him, but was wholly occupied with the blest thought of recovered liberty, fell into a swoon; I cannot at present proceed.

"These, my dear Mary, are the hazards I have already passed through, and in these, Providence has always interposed its shield between me and the savage cruelty of these furious invaders. May it still continue to grant its protection to

"Your affectionate Husband,


"MY DEAR MARY, July 25th, 1588. "My last letter was written on the 23rd of July, at two o'clock in the morning, (that being the only time I have to myself,) on board the Dolphin, whither I am now returned. Captain Seymour was overjoyed to see me, and my men, who thought I had been slain by the Spaniards, received me with universal congratulations and inquiries after my adventures. But to resume.

"At break of day, on the 22nd, we found the Duke of Medina setting all his ships in order, and making great preparations for a general fight. A sharp skirmish took place, in which the ship of Oquenda, in Biscay, was taken, and sent off to Weymouth. The success, with which fortune hitherto favoured us, so raised the spirits of the seamen, that they began to say, that one Englishman was a match for twelve Spaniards. The chaplain of the ship, who actually, at the period I arrived, had left off drinking a bowl of punch per diem, now resumed that most moral and religious custom, and might be seen, on the evening of the 22nd, stretched dead drunk on the deck! Alas! when the sailors have such instructors, what right have we to complain of their lax morality?

"On the morning of the 23rd, the 3 M

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