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microscope, will be found to consist of innumerable little oblong cells, placed back to back, like those of a honeycomb. In these cells, as in the minute cavities which roughen the surface of the beautifully branched coral brought from foreign parts, once dwelt tiny worms, which secreted the lime whereof these houses were composed, and lived and died, each generation building and inhabiting fresh cells, of which they themselves were the architects.

Thus it was, by the aid of millions of workers, that the great coral reefs grew and grew, from century to century, and are still growing, and in many places materially altering the surface of the globe, making dry land where once was nothing but water, and crowning with fresh and verdant beauty the wide ocean solitudes; and all this the work of a little creature, that you can hardly see with the naked


See what perseverance and combination can effect. Work well and work together, and you will do wonders; but you must strive after that which is right, and pray for God's blessing on your labours.


What are crustaceous animals ?
What does the term come from?
What is the covering of the crus-
taceans like ?

What is the great distinction between insects and the marine crustaceans ?

What does the water-spider do?

What is remarkable in the eco

nomy of the crustaceans? How do the crab and the lobster change their covering?

What is calculated to be the annual increase in size of these animals ?

What happens when a limb is lost? What is the scientific name of the common Crab?

What is the meaning of edible? What is the name of the smaller species ?

From what Latin root does it come?

What do the French call the small crab, and why?

What do they call the larger ? What is the generic name of the Hermit Crabs?

What are their habits?

What is the body covering of the crab called?

To what genus do the Velvet Crabs belong?

Why is one of them called the Fiddler?

What is the Latin name of this species ?

Describe the Strawberry Crab?
Give its Latin name.

What other crab is mentioned ?
What is its scientific name ?
What are its habits?

To what genera do the Spider
Crabs belong?

Describe them.

Which is the smallest of the crab family?

What is its Latin name ? What is remarkable of the land crabs ?

What is a young crab like?

On what part of our coast is the lobster most plentiful? Where is the great lobster fishery? How many are sold at Billingsgate in a single day?

Describe a lobster-pot, or creel. How does Sturm describe the lobster ?

What is its scientific name ?
How does it progress in the


What fresh-water animal does the same ?

In what genus are they both placed ?

How many eggs have been counted in the tail of a small lobster ? Where does the lobster remain during the winter?

What is its colour before boiling? What after ?

What is the name of the common Shrimp?

What of the Prawn?

What is the generic name given to
them by some naturalists?
What are their habits?
Describe a shrimp.

In what does the prawn differ from this?

How are they commonly taken ? Why is the sop prawn SO named?

Describe it.

What are testaceous animals?
What does the term come from?
What are Univalves?
What Bivalves?

What Multivalves?

What are the Latin roots of these terms ?

What do you understand by mollusca?

Give the root of the word.
Describe a mollusc.

Which are the Gasteropods?
What is the origin of the name ?
What is the Turbo littoreus?
To what family does it belong?
Why so called?

From what Latin roots does the term come?

What is the scientific name of the Top Shells?

In what respects do they differ from each other?

What is said of the Pearly Trochus?

Describe the tongue of the Periwinkle.

What else is here said of the top. shells ?

What is the Latin name of the Great Whelk?

What is it sometimes called, and why?

What is the ancient name of the dye which it is said to produce ?

Whereabout in Scripture is this
dye referred to ?
What other whelk have we?
What is its Latin name ?
What does reticulation mean?
What else is said of the whelks ?
To what class of animals does the
Oyster belong?

What is it?

What does this mean?

What are the habits of these testaceans ?

What is a byssus?

Of what do the shells consist ?
On what do they feed?

What is the young of the oyster called ?

What kind of a life does the oyster lead ?

What is its scientific name ?

With what is the shell lined ? What other animals have pearly shells ?

How are pearls formed ? Where is the principal pearl fishery?

How much has heen given for the right of fishing there for one year ?

What is the Latin name of the
Pearl Oyster?

From what root does it come?
How are pearls obtained ?
How many boats are employed in
the fishery?

How many fish has a single boat been known to bring on shore in one day?

On what does the value of pearls depend?

How many pearls has one oyster been known to contain ? What are seed pearls ?

What use is made of the refuse ? Where are the Scripture references to pearls ?

By what ancient people were pearls much esteemed? What is said of British pearls ? How many bushels of oysters are yearly sent to London from Essex ?

At what price are the different kinds sold per bushel ? When does the oyster season begin and end?

What is the popular saying about it ?

How are oysters taken ?
In what situations ?

May any persons take them? What are the oyster's greatest enemies?

How does the star-fish destroy it? What is the Latin name of the Mussel?

What of the Cockle?

What does cardium mean?
What is the Pinna?

Where is this mollusc found?

What are the habits of the cockle ? What is the Latin name of the Large Scallop?

What does this mean? What name is applied to the family?

What is it to be pectinated? To what use was the scallop-shell applied of old ?

What is the common scallop sometimes called ?

What did Cuvier call the scallops ?
What is the Latin name of the

What is meant by patella?
What are the habits of limpets ?
What people feed much upon


What are the Key-hole Limpets called in Latin ?

From what is the term derived? Why are they so called?

What is the smallest of our limpets termed ?

Why called pellucid ?

What is the shape of the limpetshell?

What is the scientific name of the

From what is it derived?
To what people mentioned in
Scripture are they likened ?
What is said of their shells?
What do the fishermen call them ?
For what do they use them?
What other molluscs make their
way into stones ?
What are the Solana?
What are their habits?
What is the Latin name of the

What mischief does it do?

To what class does it belong?
What are the Pholades properly?
Why are the Chitonide so called ?
What is remarked of the Chitons?
Which is the commonest species
with us ?

What is its Latin name?
What does it come from?

What is the origin of the word cirrhi?

What of tentacles?

To what class of animals do Bar

nacles belong?

What is the meaning of the term Cirrhopoda?

What did the ancients believe of the barnacle?

What is it called Anatafera? Describe the first stage of the animal?

What do you understand by pedunculated?

What are the two kinds of barnacles called?

What do you understand by sessile ?

What are the habits of the barnacles ?

To what class of animals do the Cuttle-fish belong?

What is the origin of the term? What is the scientific name of the common cuttle-fish?

From what is it derived?

What are common names for the
same animal?
Can you describe it?
What is related of the Octopida?
What is sepia?

What is the Latin name of the common Sepiola?

What of the officinal cuttle-fish? What is pounce?

What is said of the structure of the Sepeida?

What are the eggs of the cuttlefish like ?

What animals are spoken of as
nearly related to this?
What are the Star-fishes scienti-
fically called?

What is the derivation of the term?
What do fishermen call the com-
monest British species ?
Why do they so call it ?
What is its scientific name?
What that of the Sun-star?
Can you describe this ?
Describe the Brittle-stars.
Why are they called brittle?
What scientific name do they bear?
To what group do the Sea-urchins

What do naturalists call them ?
Which is our commonest species ?
What is its Latin name?
What does this mean?
What are Jelly-fishes like?
What is said of the Acalepha?
Why called phosphorescent?
Describe the appearance of the
sea when so lighted.

What is luminous?

What are the jelly-fishes sometimes called?

What is microscopic?

What are the larger jelly-fishes sometimes called?

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SECTION VI. Sea Weeds, Sea Birds, etc. We have spoken about many things pertaining to the sea of the mighty deep itself; of the boats and ships that float upon its surface; of the sailors who navigate them; and of the fishermen who spread the net and cast the line, and haul the dredge, to ensnare the finny and other creatures, so numerous and wondrously fashioned, which haunt the sandy tide-pools and rocky hollows near the shore, or deep seacaves, forests, and gardens-for let it not be supposed that the ocean has not these as well as the land.

Yes; plants, as variously formed and as beautifully tinted, grow and flourish in these sub

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