페이지 이미지

What were the galleys of the ancients ?

What did they have at the prow? How can we account for many of the fables in the Mythology? What ship does Shakspeare describe ?

What is observed about the boats
of uncivilized tribes ?
What are paddles?

What is the simplest form of
a floating vessel ?
Who used the raft?
Describe a raft.

What occasionally happened with the Peruvian rafts ?

Where do the large timber rafts come from?

Describe one of them.

Say how the South-sea islanders

leave and return to their shores. What is the name of the raft used

on the Indian coasts ? What else do you recollect about the raft ?

By whom is the canoe used?
Describe a canoe.

Of what shape are the paddles? What did the Macedonians say of the people whom they saw using them?

What kind of vessel did Herodotus describe ?

Where did Major Rennell see such a vessel in use? What was it called ?

What was the boat of the ancient

Britons called?

What kind of a boat does the
American Indian use ?
What the Greenlander ?
What the Society islander?
What the Ladrone islander?
How are the Scandinavian boats
described by Tacitus?
What are these boats called in the
present day?

What is said of the Greeks and
Moors ?

What is likely to have suggested the idea of sails?

Of what material were they first made?

What did Julius Cæsar observo of them ?

What is likely to have originated the story of Hercules and the lion ?

What kind of sails did some early navigators use?

What do the native West Indians now employ?

What are the materials now used by civilized people for rope and sails ?

What is the botanical name of the hemp plant?

Can you describe it?

What is the botanical name of flax?

What is it said to be derived from ?

Mention another common English word from the same root. What difference is there between the hemp and flax fibres ? Describe the flax plant.

What oil do we get from the seeds of the flax?

From what country have we obtained our largest supplies of hemp and flax ?

What quantity has been imported in a year?

What other countries furnish a portion ?

Where has flax cultivation been lately introduced?

What are the fibres of the two plants called?

How are they separated from the woody parts?

What had the Britons to oppose

the Roman galleys and ships of the Danes and Saxons? At what period does the history of the British navy commence ? When did Britain take a perma

nent place as a maritime power? Were the vessels built and equipped by King Alfred of large size?

Describe a war ship of the time of Richard II.

Who led out the first fleet that ever left these shores ?

What was its destination?
Who won the first naval battle

between England and France! How many ships had he?

Were all these built for warlike purposes?

On what expedition did Henry III. go!

In what year ?

How many ships had he? For what purpose did Edward III. employ a large number of ships? How was the fleet made up? When was the first English admiral appointed? What was his name?

When was the bowsprit first used? What was there at the bows of ancient ships of war?

What were the cheeks and the goose of an ancient ship? What do we now call the part which divides the waves?

Where was the first large ship of the British navy built? When, how, and where was it destroyed?

What was the name of the next large ship?

When was it built, and where? How many guns did it carry? When was the name changed, and to what?

What was the name given to the next large ship?

When and where was she built? How many guns did she carry, and what was her estimated burden?

Who has been termed the founder

of the Royal Navy of Britain? What did he do to earn this title? What is the mercantile marine ? What the Trinity House? What occurred in the reign of Elizabeth?

Under what date do we first read

of a classification of war ships? What were the four classes called? How were they classed in the reign of Charles I. ?

How many ships of war had the nation at the death of George I. ? What are the first, second, and third rates called?

What the fourth and fifth?
What the rest?

Which was the first ship that had portholes?

When were bombs and fireships first used?

Who invented shells?
When were they first used?
What are fireships?

When was the Royal Albert launched, and where?

What has effected great changes in ship-building and navigation? What is steam?

How does it act on propelling ships?

What form of propelling is now used in ships of war?

Into what part of the ship is it fitted?

What is the length, breadth, and depth of the Royal Albert? What weight of timber and iron is there in her hull ?

What is her whole estimated weight?

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How many guns does she carry and what weight of metal is there in a single broadside ? What is her complement of men, and what her tonnage?

What do you understand by the last term?

What is about the cost of such a ship?

How many ships of war have we afloat at present?

How many guns do they mount? How many men do they carry? What is that body called which regulates the affairs of the navy? What is the body of a called?

What is it built on ?
What is it supported by ?
What are the shores?


What is the first part laid down! What are the joints of the ribs called?

What is the inner keel termed ? With what metal is the bottom covered?

Why is it necessary so to protect it?
What are knees and stanchions?
Name the different decks.
What are the wales?

How many masts are there, and what are they called?

What do you understand by fore and aft?

Where is the binnacle situated? What is that called by which the ship is steered ?

How are the masts divided ? What is higher than the top-gallant mast?

What is a sudden gust of wind called!

Where are such prevalent ?
What is often the effect?

How many anchors does a large ship carry?

What are they called ?

What are the different parts of an anchor P

How are the flukes formed?
How do they act ?

What are cables made of?
Why are chain cables preferable?
What is the length and weight of
a large rope cable?
What is it worth?

What do the largest anchors weigh P

What is the cost of one?
What are hawse-holes?
What is a capstan?

How is it worked ?

How many boats has a first-rate ship?

What are their names?
What are davits?

What are pilots?

How do navigators know the right course ?

Describe the mariner's compass.
What is the needle called ?

In what direction does it point?
Was the use of this instrument
known long since ?
How long, and by whom?

When did it come into use in

Who do the Italians say invented it ?

By what old French author was it described ?

What ship larger than the Prince Albert has been recently launched ?

How long is the Himalaya?
How many horse power?

What is a liner?

What is a frigate ?

What is a sloop of war?
What is a gun-brig?
What is a corvette?
What is a brigantine?

What are schooners and cutters? In what respect do they differ from other vessels ?

What do you understand by rakish?

How are such vessels much employed, and for what reason? How is the polacca rigged? What are her sails called? What other vessels have such sails?

What is the preventive service, and what kind of vessel is generally employed on it? What is a lugger?

For what work is it commonly employed?

Is there much smuggling in this country now?

Why not?

Name three classes of men who commonly make use of the lugger.

What other boats does one often see on the beach?

What is the name of the vessel

used for purposes of pleasure? What is the large three-masted merchantman called?

From whence does the coal-brig generally come?

From whence the timber-ship? What does the sailing or steampacket carry ?

What is often the cargo of the Dutch boats?

What of the French trader?

From whence does the French schooner come?

What is the derivation of the word commerce?

What is commerce?

To what is our national greatness and prosperity owing?

Why are our islands so valuable to us?

Why cannot we grow cotton and sugar, and other tropical produce in this country?

Is it no disadvantage that we cannot?

Does the sea really separate this and other countries? What if there were no seas? What moral lesson do you derive from all this?


SECTION III. Sailors and Fishermen.

SAILORS are sometimes called mariners; the term is derived from the Latin mare, the sea. Hence, too, we have the name marines, given to a body of men who are trained to fight on board ship, as well as on land; their motto is per mare et terrum-by land and by sea. Every war-ship has a number of these men on board, whose duty it is, during an action, to fire from the tops and other parts of the ship on the enemy, and defend the deck, if necessary, against an attack by boarding; they are also sent on shore to assault towns or forts, or to act in conjunction with land forces. The marines are clothed and armed in the same manner as foot soldiers, and their red coats and

regular movements offer a strong contrast to the blue jackets and rolling gait of the sailors, although these, when drawn up on the deck of a man-of-war, with their clean white duck trousers, round straw hats, and lay-down collars, present a very trim and neat appearance, but they never can be brought to hold their heads up stiffly like the marines, whom they call "lobsters," on account of the colour of their coats. 66 Who was the first sailor, tell me who can?" asks Mary Howitt; "was it old Father Neptune?" Neptune, you know, was the god of the sea, according to the ancient fable. "Was it old Father Noah?" We doubt if Noah could be called much of a sailor; directed by God, he built a huge vessel, called the ark, into which he and his family entered, but we do not learn that he guided or navigated it. The Almighty caused it to float safely amid the rushing and whirling waters of the flood, and to find a secure resting-place upon Mount Ararat, when the deluge subsided. "Was it old Father Jason?" and who was Jason? According to the Mythology, he was the leader of a band of Greeks called Argonauts, who went forth upon the sea in a ship named Argo, in search of a wonderful golden fleece, and these,

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