GB/T 5223-2014 Translated English of Chinese Standard. (GBT 5223-2014, GB/T5223-2014, GBT5223-2014): Steel Wire for Prestressing of Concrete [Buy--download True-PDF in 3-second: > Sign in > This BOOK > "3-dots" > Export > Save as "*.pdf"], 2018. 3. 13. - 26ÆäÀÌÁö This Standard specifies the terms and definitions, classification, codes and designation, order contents, dimension, sape, weight ang allowable deviation, technical requirements, test methods, inspection rules, packaging. marking and quality certificate of steel wire for prestressing of concrete. |
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000 h relaxation actual maximum force Allowable Deviation Bending radius buyer requires carried out according Characteristic value inspection coil of wire cold drawn wire contract batch cross sectional area dimension and allowable dn/mm Elasticity modulus embrittlement sensitivity stress fatigue test force is 70 fracture helical rib wire hydrogen embrittlement sensitivity initial force Inspection item Sampling item Sampling quantity less than 75h low-relaxation Marking and Quality Mechanical Property meet the requirements nominal diameter nominal tensile strength number of bends plain wire pressure pipe Prestressed Concrete Prestressed steel wire quality certificate Reduction of area relaxation test requirements of GB/T Sampling quantity Sampling seller's sensitivity stress corrosion specified in Table strength grade stress corrosion test stress relaxation property stress-relieved wire surface tensile test Test Methods theoretical weight Total elongation Weight deviation weight of wire weight per meter wire and theoretical wire for pressure wire per meter Buy True-PDF yield force Fp0.2