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those seats have been transferred to the banks of other rivers, and into the keeping of other races. If we compare only the best specimens of men in the ancient with the best of modern days, we shall find little reason to boast of the superiority of to-day over two thousand years ago. The progress of the race is not, however, thus to be measured. It is traced in the elevation of the many to a nearer equality and closer communion with the few, in more nearly supplying to all men opportunity and means of satisfying their physical and intellectual wants, and, above all, in providing for every human being a guarantee of human rights. Here we come again to the topic with which we began, the profession of the law and its duties. Upon the theory of the Governor, this profession would be worth nothing as a defense against unlawful, if it were only popular, aggression. Whoever deliberately attempts to make this theory prevail, does his best to turn back the stream of civilization.

No, dear Governor, do not lend the sanction of your name to the inexcusable folly of attempting to frighten lawyers from the performance of their duty, knowing that, when the strain comes, they will be needed more than other men for the maintenance of the rights of all. Teach them, rather, that when they see a man set upon by the whole community, then is the time for lawyers to stand up against the surging crowd, and say that he shall have a fair trial according to the law. Show them that their great office is to vindicate and help execute the laws, fearing no man or number of men, so long as they see their duties written in the laws themselves, and follow them.

Most justly, is it said in this lecture, that the nature of man has suffered no change. Those who were sycophants and cowards before kings in past days, would have been sycophants and cowards before the people in ours; they who feared to defend one whom the crown hated, would be afraid now to defend one whom the multitude pursued; it is only the object of the flattery or the fear that has changed. Then it was the power above them, now it is the power around them, but power in both cases all the same. The men who to-day would howl after lawyers for defending unpopular persons, would have hooted

at Bunyan and clamored for the blood of Raleigh; they would have applauded Jeffreys, clapped their hands at the sight of Scroggs, and cheered the hangman of Riego. Out upon such cowardly baseness! The ignoble crew live in all ages; their hearts are the same: it is only in their opportunities that they differ from age to age.

June 1, 1876.




LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: You know that we are here to deliver into your hands the parcel of ground on which we are standing, and that other which lies in view before us, to be kept as pleasure-grounds for the people of Haddam in all time to come. We give them in memory of our father and mother, who were married seventy-five years ago to-day, and came immediately afterward to make their abode on this river-side, where he was soon to become the pastor of the church and congregation. Here they lived active and useful lives, in the fear of God and love of man, doing faithfully their several duties, he in public ministrations from pulpit and altar, at bridal, baptism, and burial, and she in the quiet tasks of her well-ordered

* The following circular explains the occasion of the address:

HADDAM, CONNECTICUT, October 24, 1878.

DEAR SIR: Messrs. David Dudley Field, Stephen J. Field, Cyrus W. Field, and Henry M. Field, surviving sons of Rev. David D. Field, D. D., having purchased and laid out two plots of ground in the center village of Haddam, will on the 31st inst., at two o'clock, make a formal presentation of the same in trust to the town as a public park, and as a MEMORIAL of their parents, who spent a considerable portion of their lives here. The undersigned, representing the town in this regard, beg most cordially to invite you to be present at the center village of Haddam, when such presentation is made, and there to meet the Messrs. Field. It is believed that this is the first instance in which a gift with such an object has been made, and it is thought that some public notice should be taken of it; the gift to the town is generous, and it is reasonable to hope that others may be led to imitate an example so worthy, and so timely, in view of the growing interest in rural adornment throughout our State. Respectfully yours,

[blocks in formation]

household. Though now, after more than fifty years of wedded life, they sleep side by side in the pleasant valley beyond the Connecticut hills, where their last days passed serenely away, they were faithful until death to the love of their early home. Natural indeed it was, for here they passed their first years together; here they raised their first domestic altar, and here most of their children were born. For this cause, and in grateful remembrance of their love and sacrifices for us, we, their surviving children, four of us only out of ten, present these memorials, not of cold stone, though the hills about us teem with everlasting granite, but of pleasant walks, green lawns, and spreading trees, where this people may find pleasure and refreshment, generation after generation, so long as these fertile meadows, these rugged hills, and this winding river shall endure. And remembering that "beauty is truth, truth beauty," we hope that they will cultivate here that love of nature which is a joy in youth and a solace in age; which nourishes the affections, and refines while it exalts; which rejoices in the seasons and the months as they pass, with their varying beauties; catches the gladness of June and the radiance of the October woods; and in every waking moment, sees, hears, or feels, something of the world around to take pleasure in and be grateful for. We trust that they will come, not in this year only or this century, but in future years and centuries, the fair young girl, the matron in the glory of womanhood, the boy and the man, grandson and grandsire, in whatever condition or circumstance, poverty or riches, joy or sorrow, to find here a new joy or a respite from sorrow; to drink in the light of sun and moon, listen to the music of birds and winds, feel the fresh breath of life-sustaining air, thank God and take courage.

Reverently then we dedicate these memorials of our parents, to the enjoyment forever hereafter of those, and the descendants of those, whom they loved, and among whom they dwelt.





WHEN one reflects that international law is the body of rules to govern the intercourse of nations, he perceives that it is as important and extensive as the intercourse itself. The ship of war that sails from this harbor to carry its country's flag to the ends of the earth; the great steamer that goes out laden with travelers; the whaler that is to seek its game in Arctic and Antarctic seas; the little fishing-craft that rocks and works on foggy banks and in fields of ice—all these are equally covered by its protecting wing.

It is the growth, not of one century, but of many centuries. Slowly have the nations yielded to its influence. Two opposite policies prevailed-the policy of isolation and the policy of intercourse. China and Japan present the latest instances of the former; our country, at least until lately, was the most significant example of the latter.

We, first of the nations, opened the gates of Japan. We demanded intercourse of the rest of the world as a right, we desired it as a benefit. It was a right, because man is a social being, and his happiness is promoted by fellowship with his race, and because the products of the earth are the inheritance of all the children of men.

The aims of international law are peace and justice, and these are promoted by intercourse with our fellows. It is with nations as with individuals. We view with indifference or distrust those we do not know; when we know them, we find that every human heart is human; we see good where we had

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