페이지 이미지

icas, and the poor little Dominican Republic, which was incapable of self-government, still exists and seems to be bettering its condition by its own efforts, while the great European city in the Bay of Samana, to which the United States was to become tributary, has not even the substance of a mirage in the waters upon which the vast marines of the world were to ride in approaching its docks and landings. Such has been the fulfilment of the prophecy upon which was based the supposed necessity of expansion beyond the seas!

[blocks in formation]


ABBOTT, JOSIAH G., on electoral
commission, 286

Adams, Charles Francis, joins liber-
al republicans, 264; candidate for
presidential nomination, 265; re-
turns from England, 303; at Ge-
neva arbitration, 311, 316
Adams, John Q., nominated for vice-
presidency, 267

Alabama, in Lincoln's proclamation,
11; electoral vote of 1864 re-
jected, 22; reconstruction in, 37;
convention and election in, 38;
vote on thirteenth amendment, 55;
in the reconstruction bill, 112; reg-
istration in, 146; election in, 149;
disfranchisements in, 150; voting
on constitution, 151, 153, 197;
act on admission of members from,
198; reconstruction declared com-
plete, 202; ratifies fourteenth
amendment, 203, 204; republicans
get control in, 268, 269; change in
character of government, 273
Alabama, the, case of, 316, 317
Alabama claims, 307, 308, 316, 317
Alaska, purchase of, 297-302
Alexandria, Va., Pierpont govern-
ment at, 13, 224

Alta Vela, matter of claim to, 177,

Ames, Adelbert, resigns as governor
of Mississippi, 275
Anderson, T. C., in Louisiana poli-
tics, 269

Arkansas, in Lincoln's proclamation,
11; Lincoln's acts toward, 12;
presidential reconstruction in, 15;
congressmen refused seats, 15; in
Lincoln's message, 19; electoral
vote of 1864 rejected, 22; attitude
of Johnson to, 38; vote on thir-
teenth amendment, 55; in the
reconstruction bill, 112; registra-
tion in, 147; election in, 149; dis-
franchisements in, 150; ratifies

[ocr errors]

constitution, 155, 197; ratifies
fourteenth amendment, 197; act
of June, 1868, as to, 198, 199, 201;
reconstruction declared complete,
202; ratifies fourteenth amend-
ment, 203, 204; change in char-
acter of government, 273
Ashburn, George W., in convention
of 1866, 100

Ashley, James M., action on thir-
teenth amendment, 29
Austin, Tex., convention at, 229

BABCOCK, ORVILLE E., mission to
Santo Domingo, 323

Baez, Buenaventura, in Dominican
politics, 323

Baird, Absalom, New Orleans riot,

Baltimore, Md., republican conven-
tion at, 20; democratic conven-
tion at, 266

Banks, Nathaniel P., appoints elec-
tion in Louisiana, 14; views on
purchase of Alaska, 300

Bayard, Thomas F., on electoral
commission, 286

Bell, John, desertion of the Union
cause, 221

Benton, Thomas H., in convention
of 1866, 100

Bernard, Mountague, on Joint High
Commission, 30%

Beust, Count, names Delfosse for
Halifax commission, 321
Bingham, John A., on joint commit-
tee on reconstruction, 57; on im-
peachment committee, 174; im-
peachment manager, 175; approves
letter on Alta Vela claims, 177;
offers amendment as to Georgia,


Black, Jeremiah S., counsel for
Johnson, 176; his withdrawal, 177,
178; counsel before electoral com-
mission, 291

Blaine, James G., proposes amend-
ment to reconstruction bill, 115,
116; approves letter on Alta Vela
claims, 177; in convention of 1876,
281; views on purchase of Alaska,
Blair, Francis P., nominated for
vice-presidency, 211; conduct in
the campaign, 211, 212

Blair, Montgomery, in convention of
1866, 99; counsel before electoral
commission, 291

Blow, Henry T., on joint committee
on reconstruction, 57

Borie, Adolph E., becomes secretary

of the navy, 231; resigns, 232
Botts, John Minor, in convention of
1866, 100

Boutwell, George S., on joint com-
mittee on reconstruction, 57; or
impeachment committee, 174; im-
peachment manager, 175; becomes
secretary of the treasury, 232
Bradley, Joseph P., on electoral
commission, 289

Brodhead, James O., letter from F.
P. Blair, 211

Brown, B. Gratz, joins liberal repub-
licans, 264; nominated for vice-
presidency, 265, 296

Browning, Orville H., enters cabinet,
90; in convention of 1866, 99
Brownlow, William G., elected gov-
ernor of Tennessee, 25; in conven-
tion of 1866, 100

Bullock, Rufus B., share in recon-
struction of Georgia, 237-239, 241,

Burlingame, Anson, treaty with
China, 322

Butler, Benjamin F., impeachment
manager, 175; signs letter on Alta
Vela claim, 177; attack on John-
son, 181; proposes bill as to Geor-
gia, 240; withdraws his amend-
ment, 242

CABRAL, in Dominican politics, 323
Cameron, Simon, in convention of
1866, 100

Campbell, James, in convention of
1866, 99

Campbell, John A., counsel before
electoral commission, 291
Canada, the fisheries question, 320–

Canby, Edward R. S., supersedes
Sickles, 143

Carpenter, Matthew H., counsel be-
fore electoral commission, 291
Carpenter, testimony as to Ku-Klux,


Cartter, David K., action in case
against Thomas, 171, 172, 174
Cartwright, J. C., Oregon elector of
1876, 291

Chamberlain, Daniel H., as govern-
or of South Carolina, 274; retires
from the office, 296

Chandler, Zachariah, in convention
of 1866, 100; manages campaign
for Hayes, 283

Chase, Salmon P., presides at im-
peachment of Johnson, 176; rul-
ings, 181; puts final question, 191;
candidate for presidential nomina-
tion, 210

Cherokee Nation vs. Georgia (5 Pe-
ters 1), 144

Chicago, Ill., democratic conven-
tion at, 207; republican conven-
tion of 1868, 207

China, the Burlingame treaty, 322
Cincinnati, O., liberal republican

convention at, 265; republican
convention of 1876, 280

Civil Rights, state legislation on, 45-
52, 62; bill on, in Congress, 68-70;
the bill criticised, 71; bill passed
over veto, 73

Clarendon, Earl of, treaty negotiated
with Johnson, 303
Clements, White vs., 237
Cleveland, O., radical republican
convention at, 20; soldier conven-
tion at, 101

Clifford, Nathan, on electoral com-
mission, 286

Cochrane, John, nominated for vice-
presidency, 20; withdraws, 21
Cockburn, Alexander, at Geneva ar-
bitration, 311, 315, 317

Coke, Richard, elected governor of
Texas, 249, 273

Colfax, Schuyler, elected Speaker,
42; appoints committee on im-
peachment, 174; nominated for
vice-presidency, 207; character of
acceptance, 208

Columbia, S. C., made head-quar-
ters of second military district,

Committee of the House on Elec-

tions, Georgia case referred to, 223
Committee of the House on Impeach-
ment, appointed, 174; proceed-
ings, 175 et seq.

Committee of the House on Recon-

struction, reports bill, 112; bill
passed, 117; Covode resolution re-
ferred to, 171; reports impeach-
ment resolution, 173; reports bill
as to Georgia, 240

Committee of the House on the Ju-
diciary, action as to thirteenth
amendment, 28; Blaine moves
reference to, 116
Committee of the House on the Re-
bellious States, 15

Committee of the Senate on Elec-
tions, Georgia case referred to, 223
Committee of the Senate on Finance,

bill reported from, 277

Committee of the Senate on Foreign
Relations, Sumner loses chair-
manship of, 264; opposes Domini-
can treaty, 324, 325

Committee of the Senate on the Ju-
diciary, action as to thirteenth
amendment, 26-28; proposes
Freedmen's Bureau bill, 647 re-
ports a civil rights bill, 68; action
on bill repealing Tenure-of-Office
Act, 233

Committee of the Senate on the Re-
bellious States, 15

Congress of the United States, power
vested in, 3; action on State per-
durance, 5; power over territories,
6; relation of its acts to Recon-
struction, 12; legislation on Re-
construction, 15; action as to elec-
toral vote of 1864, 21, 22; twenty-
second joint rule, 24, 25; attitude
to Tennessee, 26; meeting of De-
cember, 1865, 40; Johnson's views
of powers of, 41; demand of south-
erners for seats, 56; joint com-
mittee on reconstruction, 57, 58;
passes Freedmen's Bureau bill,
66; passes civil rights bill, 70, 73;
the fourteenth amendment, 74-79;
proposal of committee on recon-
struction, 80; reports to, on recon-
struction, 84-86; passage of Freed-
men's Bureau bill, 87-90; relation
to campaign of 1866, 98; attacked
by Johnson, 102; effect of election


of 1866, 104; effect of Johnson's
message on, 105; passes bill for
negro suffrage in District of Colum-
bia, 107, 108; bill vetoed, 107, 108;
bill passed over veto, 109; vetoes
sent to, 126; encroachment
President's power, 128; passes
supplemental reconstruction bill,
129; opening of fortieth Con-
gress, 132; passes bill interpreting
Reconstruction Acts, 140; passes
bill over veto, 142; as to powers of,
147; attitude of southern whites to
acts of, 149; additional bill as to
reconstructed States, 152, 153;
comment on the act, 154; message
to, of December, 1867, 158-160; ad-
mission of Southern members, 198,
202; action on proclamation of
fourteenth amendment, 204; fric-
tion with Johnson, 214; annual
message to, 214; action on fif-
teenth amendment, 217; question
as to southern members, 223, 225;
admits members from Virginia,
228; passes modification of Ten-
ure-of-Office Act, 234; readmission
of Georgia, 235-244; attitude to
the South, 248; bill to enforce the
amendments, 253-255; control of
elections to, 256; statute on the
Ku-Klux, 257, 258; legislation on
finance, 276-279; electoral count
of 1877, 283, 284; bill for electoral
commission, 284, 285; action as to
Santo Domingo, 326. See House
Senate ;
Statutes of the United States
Conkling, Roscoe, on joint com-
mittee on reconstruction, 57; in
convention of 1876, 281



ratifies fourteenth
amendment, 203, 204
Constitution of the United States,
government provided by the, 2-4;
relation of State government to, 5,
6; powers of Congress over elec-
tions, 22; eligibility to vice-presi-
dency, 23, 24; adoption of the
thirteenth amendment, 26-30, 55;
the fourteenth amendment, 73-80,
82, 83; fourteenth amendment in
the campaign of 1866, 98; four-
teenth amendment rejected in
South, 106, 109; fourteenth
amendment with reference to re-

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