페이지 이미지

open, sincere, precise, punc-

Tonooangi. Plain, evident to
him, her, or them. See Angi.
Tonooatoo. Plain, evident to
thee, or you. See Atoo.
Tonooia. Guiltless; in the right.
Tonoomy'. Plain, apparent, evi-
dent to me, or us. See My.
Too. To stand, to tread: also
to rise; stand up! get up!
Too gi mooa.
To front.
Too-mow. Stagnant (as water.)
Too-tonoo. Upright.
Too-oota. To land.
Too. To cut, to separate.
Tooa. The lower class of peo-
ple: the name of the lowest
rank in society.

A superior sort of yam.
The back, the loins, be-

hind, external.
Tooa nima. The back of the

Tooa-váë. The instep.
Tooa-gia. The nape of the neck.
Tooa-bico. Hump-backed.

The outside of the

roof of a house; the back of a house. Tooa-booge. The flat, or upper surface of the booge (part of a canoe). See Booge. Tooachina. A cousin, an uncle. Toóafafíne, A sister. Tooanga. A post, or standing place.

Tooange. Standing against. Toobo tali naffa. A child who being the offspring of a chief by a woman not a chief, is liable to be strangled. The words mean "Toobo waiting the drum;" perhaps formerly they used drums on the occasion of sacrificing children.

Tooboo. To spring up, to grow,
to yield; a sprout, a bud.
Tooboo-lahi. To increase.
Tooboo-vy Aquatic.
Tooboo-vaoo. Growing wild.
Tooboo. The groin.
Toobooanga. Origin, source
(tooboo,to spring; anga,place)
ancestry. Oolooagi tooboo-
anga. First fruits (of the
To become

To-ochi. See fucca to-ochi.
Toochia. To crop, to cut off.
Tooenga. Residual: it is some-
times pronounced toénga, also

Tooenga mea. Leavings.
Toofa. To assort, to deal out.
Toofoonga. A workman, or ar-
Toofoonga ta macca. A mason.
fy cava. A barber.
ta-ta. Any artificer

that uses the axe, &c. &c. Toogi. To strike, to hammer; also a hammer or mallet, a blow with the fist, the name of a religious ceremony; to throb, to pulsate like an inflamed part; to lie under the charm of tatao.

Toogia. To stumble, to fall down.

Toogoo. To abolish, to quit, to leave off, to bequeath, to lower (as a sail).

Termination of labour. To contain, to retain, to remain; to accept, to lay up or put by.

To allow: toogoo-be,

to allow of.

To desist, to delay: fucca loogoo, to appease.

Toogoo. Hold! avast!

To dye; toogoo coola,

to stain red. Toogooanga. The end, or ter


Toonga. A sign of the plural number of animated beings. Toonga mea. A number of people.

To broil.

mination (of happiness or mi-Toonga váë. The ankle-joint.
sery). A place where any Toonoo.
thing is kept, or suffered to Too-oo. To get up, get up.
Too-ooloo. To decapitate.
Toopa. A window, or small
opening in a house; a hole
in the fencing of a fortified
place to discharge arrows

Toogooanga-gele. A quagmire.
Toogooloá. For a long time.
Toogoo-oota. Inland.
Toogoo-y-be. Be it so.
Toohoo. The forefinger, to
point with the finger.
Tooi. A chief, or tributary go-
vernor of an island, or district.
A kind of club.

The knee.

Tooi nima. The elbow (the
knee of the arm).
Tooi. To string, to plait wreaths.
To sew.

Tooianga. A seam (in sewing.)
Toola. Bald, bald-headed.
Tooli. To pursue. Tooli moke,
to nod with sleep.


Tooloo, To drop, like water.
Tooloo he matta. A tear.

Instillation. Eaves of a house. Toolooi. To drop into; any fluid dropt into the eyes, &c. to abate inflammation. Toonga. A pile, or heap.

The core of fruits, a
knot in wood, a kernel, the
seed of plants.
Toonga awta-awta. A heap of

Toonga-igoo. A joint of pork.
Toonga gele. A mound of earth.
Toonga. A ladder,

A row of plantain or

banana trees.

Tootanga. A block, a large piece or slice of any thing. Tootanga-aców. A log of wood. Tootanga-oofii. A large piece of yam.

Tootoó. To cut, to cut off, to


Tootoo-ooloo. To behead.
Tootoó. A chisel.

Toótoo. Heat, ignition; to
burn, kindle, boil.
Toótoo. The bark of the Chinese
paper mulberry tree.
Tootoóë. Thin, emaciated.
Tootooloo. Dropping off, or out
of (as a fluid): to be perme-
able to water, as the roof of
a house when the rain drops

Too-ý. Dilatory, slow.
Totoca. Slow, softly, quietly.
Totoca-ange. Slowly, softly.
Totolo. To crawl, to grovel.
Totonoo. Manifest, clear,
straight, in a row, upright.
Totónooági. Minutely.



A sailor, a fisherman. To fish.

War, an army, a battle by land, the enemy, to wage war, to invade, in a state of


Tów-tów. To hang.


Tow, The end of any thing.
Tow-mooli. The stern of a ves-Tow-tow-hifo.


Tow-mooa. The stem of a ves


Tow. The year, a season, the
prodnce of a season.
Fit, to suit.

To barter, to trade.

To excern, or squeese out.

To reach, or extend to. To meet one's expecta tion of profit in the act of bartering, or trading (the same as toia).

The pronoun plural, we
(only used when the person
spoken to is included).
Tow-alla. To luff, to bring a ves-
sel's head nearer to the wind.
Towalo. To row, or to paddle.
Tówbé. Annual.
Towbotoo. Nearly adjoining,

border, boundary,
Towbotoo gihena. On that side.
Towbotoo giheni. On this side.
Towbotoo-my. Hithermost.
Towhotoo-ange. Thithermost.
Towfa. A squall of wind, a gale.
Tow-falle. A besom, a broom.
Towgete. The first born, either

male or female.
Tow-hifo. To hang over.
Towla. An anchor, a cable.
Towlanga. An anchorage.
Tówmátów. To fish.
Towmooa. The prow of a ship,

or canoe.

Tow-mooli. The stern of a ves-
sel, astern.

Tow-ooa. The dual number of
the pronoun tow.
Towtéä. To chide, reproof.
Tow-toloo. The plural number
(in contradistinction to the
dual) of the pronoun tow.

hanging down.

A religious ceremony

so called, (an offering to the god of weather.) Tow-tow. To wring as a sponge. Tówtówoonga. A circular flat piece of wood, surrounding the middle of the string, by which the oil baskets hang, so as to prevent rats getting to the basket. Twawfa. A heath, a common. Twenga. Remainder (from toe anga). Twinga. Awreath (as of flowers), a string (of beads).



A piece (applied to wood, or trees).

Va aców. A piece of wood.
Vaca. A ship, vessel, or canoe.
Vaca foccatoo. A small canoe.
Vaca-fawha. A boil.
Vaca vaca.

The side of a man,

or any animal. Vacca-vacký. Careful, cautious. Vacký. To heed, to inspect, to search, to be provident. Interjection, look! behold! lo! Aloo vacky. To proceed carefully, to go circumspectly. Vacy-ange. With circumspec


Vacoo. To claw, to scratch.
Váë. The foot, leg, paw, mark.
Vahe. To parcel, to divide.

To separate, or be ṣepa-
rated, as two combatants.
Parted from.
Vaheanga. Division, separation.
Vaky'. Gathers, to plait, or ga-
ther; also a double garment
of plaited gnatoo.

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Vala. Apparel, dress.

Vow-vow. To scrape.

juice, a pond, any thing serous or watery.

Vale. Mad, insane, foolish, Vy. Water, liquid, fluidity,
crazy, delirious; also igno-
rant. Matta vale. Dull, with-
out thought.

Valea. Insane. See Vale. Valoo. The numeral eight. Valoo-ongofooloo. Eighty. Vange. A curse, malediction; a string of abusive and imperative language. See vol. I. p. 237, and vol. II. p. Vaoo. A bush, wood, thicket. Váooa, or Alloo Vaoo.


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Vasia. Flattery, false praise. Vata. The semen of animals. Vave or Vavea. Speed, velocity, quick, swift-footed, brisk. Vave-ange. Quickly, speedily. Ve. Corruption of vae, the leg or foot; as, vevave, light-footed; vebico, bandylegged. Vehaca. A sea-fight. Vela. Calid, hot, to scald. Veli. Prurient, itching, to itch. Velo. Jaculation, projection (as of a spear, also to launch, or slide along. Vete. To despoil, to divest, to plunder, to dispossess of, to pillage, to unrol, booty, plunder.

To loosen, to untie. Vesa. A bracelet of any kind. Vicoo. Wet, damp, rainy, Vicoo fucca chi-chi. Moist,damp. Vili. A gimlet. Vilo. To twirl, to spin round. Vivicoo. See Vicoo.

Vy oota, vy tafe. A river, a brook.

Vy-hoo. Broth made of fish. Vy-oofi, vy-hopa, vy-chi, vy-vi. Are names of particular preparations of food. For description of which see the article Cooking in this vol. 191. Vy-mooa. The third lunar month, (mood, the first, it being the first vy, watery or rainy month).


The fourth lunar month, or second rainy month, (mooi, following). Vy-vy. Weak, debilitated, faint. Vy-vy motooa. Weak with age.

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HAVING already given an account of the state of religion and morals in the Tonga Islands, we shall now proceed to develope their Surgical Skill, the next most important feature of useful knowledge to which they have arrived. The remedies to which generally they have recourse in order to effect cures, may very safely be ranked under these three heads, viz, invocation, sacrifice, and external operations. As to internal remedies, they sometimes use infusions of a few plants, which, however, produce no sensible effect, either upon the system or upon the disease, and we may readily conceive in how little esteem such remedies are held, when the king's daughter, whose life so great pains were taken to preserve, took none of them, nor did any one propose them. The idea of giving infusions was first taken from the natives of the Fiji Islands, who have the repute of being skilful in the management of internal remedies: and though almost all the surgical operations known and practised at the Tonga Islands have avowedly been borrowed from the same source, and followed up with a considerable degree of skill and success, the Tonga people have generally failed in the former; and for the cure of constitutional ailments depend upon the mercy of the gods, without any interference on their own parts, except in the way of invocation and sacrifice. In such a state of things, it would be natural to suppose that they frequently make use of charms, amulets, &c. to assist in the cure; but this, however, is never done, for they have not the most distant idea of this sort of superstition, which prevails so much over almost all the world, even in the most civilized countries. The natives of the Sandwich Islands, however, appear to have a knowledge of some medicines, but whether from original discoveries of their own, or from the information of Europeans, Mr Mariner could not obtain any information from those natives who were with him at Vavaoo. One of these Sandwich Islanders (a petty chief) professed some knowledge of the healing art, and it so happened that Mr Mariner was once the subject of

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