







Christ reigning. (S. M.)

AKER and Sovereign Lord
Of heaven, and earth, and seas,

Thy providence confirms thy word,
And answers thy decrees.

The things so long foretold
By David are fulfill'd,

When Jews and Gentiles join'd to slay

Jesus, thine holy child.

Why did the Gentiles rage,
And Jews, with one accord,

Bend all their counsels to destroy

Th' anointed of the Lord?

Rulers and kings agree,

To form a vain design;

Against the Lord their powers unite,



Against his Christ they join.

The Lord derides their rage,

And will support his throne:

He that hath rais'd him from the dead,
Hath own'd him for his Son.


Now he's ascended high,
And asks to rule the earth;

The merit of his blood he pleads,
And pleads his heavenly birth.


He asks, and God bestows

A large inheritance;

Far as the world's remotest ends
His kingdom shall advance.

8 The nations that rebel,
Must feel his iron rod;


He'll vindicate those honours well,
Which he receiv'd from God.

Be wise, ye rulers, now,

And worship at his throne;

With trembling joy, ye people, bow,'

To God's exalted Son.

10 If once his wrath arise,

Ye perish on the place:

Then blessed is the soul that flies
For refuge to his grace.

166. The Success of the Gospel. (S. M.)

1 MY Saviour and my King,



Thy beauties are divine;

Thy lips with blessings overflow,
And every grace is thine.

Now make thy glory known,
Gird on thy dreadful sword;
And ride in majesty, to spread
The conquests of thy word.

Strike through thy stubborn foes,

Or melt their hearts t' obey,

While justice, meekness, grace, and truth,

Attend thy glorious way.

4 Thy laws, O God, are right;
Thy throne shall ever stand;
And thy victorious gospel proves,
A sceptre in thy hand.




Thy Father and thy God,
Hath without measure shed,
His Spirit, like a joyful oil,
T' anoint thy sacred head.

Behold, at thy right hand,
The Gentile church is seen,
Like a fair bride in rich attire,
And princes guard the queen.

Fair bride, receive his love,
Forget thy Father's house;
Forsake thy gods, thy idol-gods,
And pay thy Lord thy vows.


O let thy God and King

Thy sweetest thoughts employ;
Thy children shall his honours sing
In palaces of joy.

167. The Glory of Christ, and Power of his Gospel.


(L. M.)

NOW be my heart inspir'd to sing

The glories of my Saviour King,

Jesus the Lord; how heav'nly fair
His form! how bright his beauties are!

2 O'er all the sons of human race,
He shines with a superior grace;
Love from his lips divinely flows,
And blessings all his state compose.

3 Dress thee in arms, most mighty Lord!
Gird on the terror of thy sword!
In majesty and glory ride,

With truth and meekness at thy side.
4 Thine anger, like a pointed dart,
Shall pierce the foes of stubborn heart;
Or words of mercy, kind and sweet,
Shall melt the rebels at thy feet.

5 Thy throne, O God, for ever stands;
Grace is the sceptre in thy hands;
Thy laws and works are just and right;
Justice and grace are thy delight.

6 God, thine own God, has richly shed,
His oil of gladness on thy head,
And, with his sacred Spirit, blest
His first-born Son above the rest.

168. The Churches Increase. (C. M.).

1 SHINE, mighty God, on Britain shine, With beams of heavenly grace;

Reveal thy power through all our coasts,
And show thy smiling face.

2 Amidst our isle, exalted high,
Do thou our glory stand,

And, like a wall of guardian fire,
Surround the fav'rite land.

3 When shall thy name, from shore to shore,
Sound all the earth abroad,
And distant nations know, and love,
Their Saviour and their God?

4 Sing to the Lord, ye distant lands,
Sing loud with solemn voice;
While British tongues exalt his praise,
And British hearts rejoice.

5 He the great Lord, the sov'reign Judge,
That sits enthron'd above,
Wisely commands the worlds he made,
In justice and in love.

6 Earth shall obey her Maker's will,
And yield a full increase;

Our God will crown his chosen isle,
With fruitfulness and peace.

7 God the Redeemer scatters round,
His choicest favours here,
While the creation's utmost bound,
Shall see, adore, and fear.

169. The Kingdom of Christ. (L. M.)



REAT God, whose universal sway,
The known and unknown worlds obey,
Now give the kingdom to thy Son,
Extend his power, exalt his throne.

2 Thy sceptre well becomes his hands,
All heaven submits to his commands;
His justice shall avenge the poor,
And pride and rage prevail no more.

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