ORIGINAL, AND SELECTED, FOR PUBLIC WORSHIP, AND Private Devotion. DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF THE CONGREGATION " ASSEMBLING IN RANELAGH CHAPEL, Chelsea. BY R. H. SHEPHERD, PSALM xlvii. 7. Sing ye praises with understanding." Lord." EPHES. v. 19. CHELSEA: PRINTED BY TILLING AND HUGHES, Sold at the Vestry of the Chapel. [Entered at Stationers' Hall.] TO THE Church_and_Congregation ASSEMBLING AT RANELAGH CHAPEL. AS very many of you have frequently expressed your wish that I would prepare a Hymn Book for your use, which should include the majority of Psalms and Hymns of Dr. Watts, and also those which are in general use, from other Authors of eminence, I have at length complied ; and although I am conscious of imperfection in the present publication, yet I can assure you that it has cost me very considerable labour and anxiety; but I never have, and I hope never shall, regret the employment of my best energies at the request, and for the welfare of those, to whom I am so cordially attached, and from whom I have received so many proofs of affection and esteem : and it affords me great pleasure to avail myself of this opportunity of leaving on record my fervent prayers for your present happiness, and eternal salvation. iv I have inserted many original Hymns, for which I am alone responsible. I intended to have distinguished these by a prefixed or added mark, to have screened them among my Friends, by the exercise of their affection for me, from the rigour of criticism. I hope, however, in such company as WATTS, DODDRIDGE, COWPER, NEWTON, TOPLADY, STEELE, and other names of equal veneration and value, they may escape, by serving as a foil to exhibit, with still greater lustre, the beauties of Poetry and the charms of Piety, to which, though they aspire, they have not as yet attained. That the present publication may, by the divine blessing, be made the means of instruction and consolation to many, is the fervent prayer of Your affectionate Friend, Palace Street, Pimlico, For Christ's sake, R. H. SHEPHERD. |