5 Not choicest meats, or noblest wines, As when my faith goes thro' the signs, 6 I love the Lord, who stoops so low, 71. 1 But the rich grace his hands bestow, Infant Baptism. (S. M.) REAT God, now condescend Soon may their willing spirits bend, 20 what a vast delight Their happiness to see! 3 Now bless, thou God of love, 72. 1 Send thy good Spirit from above, CO The same. (L. M.) YOME, Holy Ghost, descend from high; The sacramental seal apply, And witness with the water now. *Or, this infant. 2 Exert thy energy divine, 73. 1 ETE The same. (L. M.) TERNAL God, in whom we live, 2 To thee our infant babe we bring, Accept him, Lord, as henceforth thine, 74. 1 The same. (P. M.) HOLY Child, our children take With thyself on us bestow'd, Partners of thy nature make, 2 Give them in thy grace to grow, Favourites of thy saints below, 75. 1 W The same. (P. M.) WHO is this tender-hearted Friend, And in his gentle bosom bare? 2 Thy hands upon our children lay, 76. 1 JE The same. (P. M.) ESUS, kind, inviting Lord, 77. The same. (C. M.) 1 BEHOLD EHOLD what condescending love To babes and sucklings he extends The riches of his grace. 2 He still the ancient promise keeps, Young children in his arms he takes, 3" Permit them to approach," he cries, 4 We bring them, Lord, with thankful hands, 5 Kindly receive this tender branch, 6 Thus to the parents and their seed, And num'rous households meet at last THE LORD'S SUPPER. 78. The Passion and Exaltation of Christ. (C. M.) 1 NOW let our lips with holy fear, And mournful pleasure sing, The suff'rings of our great High-Priest, 2 He sinks in floods of deep distress; 3" Hear me, O Lord! and save thy Son, "Nor hide thy shining face; Why should thy fav'rite look like one With rage they persecute the man, "That groans beneath thy wound; "While for a sacrifice I pour "My life upon the ground. 5"They tread my honour to the dust, 6" All my reproach is known to thee, "The scandal, and the shame; "Reproach has broke my bleeding heart, "And lies defiled my name. "I look'd for pity, but in vain ; I ask my friends for comfort round, 8" With vinegar they mock my thirst; "They give me gall for food: And, sporting with my dying groans, |